Superman (1978) - San Diego Comic-Con Special
Released in Japan in April of 1978, with 123hp, and a 2.0 L 12-valve SOHC inline-6 engine, Toyota's Supraman had the power to transport you between any two ground-based locations in luxury and comfort, given a paved road and enough unleaded fuel for the journey. Starring Christopher Reeve as the titular half-man half-automobile, Margot Kidder as his gearhead passenger, Gene Hackman a bicyclist, and Marlon Brando playing Kiichiro Toyoda. Join us as we party at San Diego Comic-Con and meet with some of our friends and fans!
Starring Nick Keller, Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and guest starring Mitch Punpayuk, Marshall Vandruff, and Dalex Miller