Certain POV

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Episode 51 - Cyberpunk Week Special - Doom Patrol: Sliding In the Wreckage with Lawerence Kelly

When you’re trying to follow up a redefining run on “The World's Strangest Heroes” by one of the most infamous eccentric writers in comics, what are you supposed to do? You bring in Rachel Pollack, that’s what. Jmike and Case are joined by Lawrence from the Lore Party network to tackle “Sliding In The Wreckage”, the opening arc of Pollack’s run on the book, and maybe… just maybe… understand a portion of it.

CertainPoV is teaming up with Geek Elite Media and Lore Party to bring you a week long celebration of the genre of cyberpunk across all three networks!

This week we are also raising money for Trans Lifeline! To make a donation click here!

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