Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives
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Another Pass Podcast

Another Pass at The Matrix Revolutions

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Picture a world where you are interfacing with technology at all times, a world where your primary form of interaction with other human beings is virtual, one where you lead a rich artificial life while the world outside, the real world, is ravaged… OK… um… now imagine a better one! Imagine a world where the much derided Matrix sequels confirmed the promise of the fondly remembered first movie! Everything that has a beginning deserves a satisfying end, so let’s talk about Matrix Revolutions! To have that conversation, Case is joined by IanFLux to experience more than a little deja vu with The Wachowskis’ famous franchise!

CertainPoV is teaming up with Geek Elite Media and Lore Party to bring you a week long celebration of the genre of cyberpunk across all three networks!

This week we are also raising money for Trans Lifeline! To make a donation click here!

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