Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives


Doctor Strange by Donny Cates (The Long Haul Ep. 6)

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Alex LaVelle returns, and we're returning to the magical realm of the Sorcerer Supreme! This time, we're diving into the first major Marvel Comics work by Donny Cates, and Loki has taken over the mantle? Stephen is a vet? There's a talking dog? Mephisto takes control of Las Vegas? There's a talking dog? Blade and Elsa Bloodstone argue about monsters? THERE'S A TALKING DOG??? Comics are fun ya'll.

Twitter: @ComicsQuestShow

Theme: @TheDanPurcell

Original art by Mike Del Mundo, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Niko Henrichon

Cover design by Case Aiken

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