Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives


Y: The Last Man (The Long Haul Ep. 7)

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Angela "Bones" Bullock joins The Long Haul to take a look at a massively popular comic of the '00s, Y: The Last Man! This 60 issue series by Brian K. Vaughn and Pia Guerra follows the story of Yorick Brown, the last cis man on the planet after every mammal with a Y chromosome suddenly dies. This was a doozy ya'll.

(CW: This concept of this story is set off by worldwide gendercide. This story includes many uncomfortable topics. These include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, murder, suicide, and suicidal thoughts.)

Twitter: @ComicsQuestShow

Theme: @TheDanPurcell

Original art by Pia Guerra, José Marzán Jr., and Massimo Carnevale

Cover design by Case Aiken

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