Ep 7: The beginning of forever...
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On this episode Angela "Bones" Bullock and J.D. Martin are able dive into another favorite creator, that of Jack Kirby. In 2007 Marvel wanted to bring the Eternals back and fold them into the Marvel Universe proper. They naturally went to one of the biggest Kirby fans out there, Neil Gaiman, to write a 7 issue mini series to kickstart a new era for yet another Kirby property. Enjoy all the gushing on both Neil and Jack all jam packed into this episode!
Show Twitter: https://twitter.com/fandrpod
Show Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fandrpod/
Angela's twitter: https://twitter.com/bullock_bits
JD's twitter: https://twitter.com/jd_martin_
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/tCW87ASH
Sean Bullock (theme)
Portfolio: www.seanbullock.com
Nicki Berger (logo)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DoubleBerger
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doublebergercomics/