Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives

Saturday Morning Confidential

Previously The Dolewhip and Dreams Podcast. Host Matty Limerick takes a deep dive into nostalgia properties that inspire artists, actors, writers, and the creators of today. We release every other Friday starting Jan 1st, 2021.

REVIEW: The Spindle By Ashley Griffin (5 Stars)

Matty reviews the debut Novel by Author Ashley Griffin and her take on The Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale. Her thoughtful approach to world building, setting it within the Celtic 5th century, and delving into fey lore really sets this debut novel apart, and why we gave it 5 Stars.  The spindle is for everyone who like princess Rose never stopped seeing the magic in the world around them.  With a tale so rich in wonder and lore you’ll ask yourself, which fairy blessed me with a gift at my birth, and the answer you find will surprise you as much as the twists and turns in this novel!

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