Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives

Saturday Morning Confidential

Previously The Dolewhip and Dreams Podcast. Host Matty Limerick takes a deep dive into nostalgia properties that inspire artists, actors, writers, and the creators of today. We release every other Friday starting Jan 1st, 2021.

REVIEW: The Spindle By Ashley Griffin (5 Stars)

Matty reviews the debut Novel by Author Ashley Griffin and her take on The Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale. Her thoughtful approach to world building, setting it within the Celtic 5th century, and delving into fey lore really sets this debut novel apart, and why we gave it 5 Stars. The spindle is for everyone who like princess Rose never stopped seeing the magic in the world around them. With a tale so rich in wonder and lore you’ll ask yourself, which fairy blessed me with a gift at my birth, and the answer you find will surprise you as much as the twists and turns in this novel!

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Scream with Steve and Stephen from A Lifetime of Happiness podcast

It's that time of year when we talk about the best and the bloodiest in horror, so tell me, what's your favorite horror movie? Matty takes a deep dive with Steve Bennet-Martin and Stephen Martin-Bennet back from the Lifetime of Happiness Podcast to talk about the movie that revitalized the. slasher genre in the 90's an became a fan favorite that forever made it's bloody mark on Horror, SCREAM.

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Blade Trilogy pt 2 with J.D Martin

We're back on our blood suckin bullshit as Matty and J.D. Martin pick up with the rest of Blade 2 and take you through the rest of the crazy sexy stupid Blade Trilogy, these episode devolves into a fever dream, you have to hear it to believe it.

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The Blade Trilogy Pt. 1 with JD Martin

e continue our deep dive into some blood sucker content as Matty is joined by J.D. Martin to discuss the first marvel trilogy leading up to the start of Marvel Studios, Blade. Was it good, what worked and what didn't, well grab a blood bag and join us for part 1 of a 2 part series.

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The Twilight Saga: New Moon

It's time to head back to forks in the newest deep dive Matty is joined by Rachel Bodner and Stephanie Harris to break down and discuss the cringe and high points of the second part of the Twilight Franchise New Moon.

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Digimon with Danny Martinez

The digiport is open and Matty is taking a deep dive with The Mighty Morphin Power Bottom himself Danny Martinez to discuss the impact of digimon as a franchise and it's appeal to queer people world wide!

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Animorphs with Alex Lavelle

It's MORPHIN TIME.... oh wait... on the newest deep dive Matty is joined by Alex Lavelle from The Rob Thomas no not that one Robcast, Panelology, Minds at Yerk, and the new Once Upon a Monster of the Week podcast to discuss the genre changing and massively important Science Fiction YA Series The Animorphs.

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The Mummy with Gabe Martinez

It's time to open up then tombs for another deep dive! This Episode Matty is joined by one of the stars of Moulin Rouge The Musical on Tour Gabe Martinez to talk the 1999 block buster and universal bisexual awakening film The Mummy!

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Sailor Moon With Holly Scott

In the Name of the Moon it's time for another deep dive into the files, this week Matty is joined by Actress and Comedian Holly Scott to discuss the long lasting legacy of the meatball headed super power sailor solider, Sailor Moon!

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The Buffy the Vampire Slayer 25th Anniversary Special Part 1

It's time to celebrate the 25th episode of the television cultural phenomenon Buffy The Vampire Slayer. For this deep dive Matty is joined by fellow Certain POV podcast Hosts Matt aka Stormageddon from Screen Snarks, Reignite, and CPOV: Autographs and Sam Alicea from Another Pass Podcast. Did the show age well, what are the stand out moments 25 years later, and how to we praise the power of the slayer and separate the content from the creator

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Drop Dead Gorgeous With Alex Rose

some movies are good some are bad and some gain cult status, join Matty as they are joined by Alex Rose as they take a deep dive behind the 1999 cult classic drop dead gorgeous a mockumentary about a small town pageant with deathly high stakes.

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We dive deep into the files of the dark knight as part of the Dark Fortknight crossover event here at Certain POV. This week Matty is joined by film makers and Writer Johnny K to discuss his love for Burton's Batman 89, and how it inspired his new fan film The Oath: A Batman Fan Film. Find the other crossover episodes for the event at

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