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Lets Rewatch

Are the movies we loved in our youth still any good? Find out with industry pros! Listen straight through, or pause the show and watch along with us if audience participation floats your boat. We won’t be able to hear you yelling about our wrong opinions, but we will read your reviews on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your tweets! @LetsRewatch

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai with Ned Donovan

When the citizens of New York are being haunted by the specter of a canine, it’s up to four unlikely hero scientists to save the day. That’s right, it’s GhostBusters 3: Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, with special guest Ned Donovan @neddonovan of…

When the citizens of New York are being haunted by the specter of a canine, it’s up to four unlikely hero scientists to save the day. That’s right, it’s GhostBusters 3: Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, with special guest Ned Donovan @neddonovan of The Hunted: Encore and Encounter Party @Encounter_Party.

Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson and Pat Edwards

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When the citizens of New York are being haunted by the specter of a canine, it's up to four unlikely hero scientists to save the day. That's right, it's GhostBusters 3: Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, with special guest Ned Donovan @neddonovan of The Hunted: Encore and Encounter Party @Encounter_Party.

Below is a rough automated transcript of the episode. We are working on making this better:

Sam: what happens to all that fat that your body dissolve
Bret: episode of let's watch the show we watch movies that we loved in our youth and find out if they're still any good heck yeah
Ash: seems a little low energy though Pat
Sam: put PCM capris
Pat: oh I'm suffering from
Ash: he seems like he's surfing the internet right now squishies
Sam: way to call about no listener would have known
Pat: oh I was I was looking for something but you got me busted I have a bed I have a terrible knot in my lap and it's hurting me so bad
Bret: muscles podcasting
Sam: I'll give you some stretches after
Ash: different punching Brett after what he did in the last episode
Pat: it was from biohacking so hard know I love that Brett last episode
Pat: going to watch my music career
Bret: it was a no
Ash: you're going to be like Vin Diesel
Bret: it was surprisingly into
Ash: it's pretty good
Pat: man that song is way too enjoyable it hurts my it like hurts my brain how much I like that song I'm angry at you ask I know I need to go listen to it again
Bret: am I the only one that doesn't want to hear Vin Diesel just like gruffly mon into a microphone that's not my jam
Pat: yeah yes
Ash: it's actually not bad though you should
Pat: Have you listened to it yet
Bret: are you hearing listen to it
Sam: yeah he has I haven't he's picky
Bret: Summer Jam I don't know I'm not into it
Ash: yeah no kidding
Bret: black eyebrows introduced to it through via the clip from the Kelly Clarkson show of the virtual audience dancing awkwardly
Ash: oh my God yeah that was bad
Pat: that's a weird sentence
Bret: self that might have colored my experience a little bit
Ash: yeah you shouldn't have listened to it that way that way was weird
Pat: who's this person staring at me from the corner
Ash: oh that's mad hey Dad I mean you guys are cool with me letting a man write a mask but this week we have Ned Donovan as our guest welcome
Ned: haysi waves that I realize this is a podcast
Bret: emote emote
Ash: yeah the audience could clearly see you waving definitely
Sam: they felt that they felt the center
Pat: Slater
Ash: if you wave with enough enthusiasm they will feel it
Ned: with that attitude you have to write
Bret: you probably wave are enough to get a little bit of that air flow into the microphone I'm doing it now so YouTube
Sam: remember that time it was Pat spot birthday and I bought the blowers that didn't make sound
Ash: oh that was pretty good
Bret: yeah we bought we bought party blowers and we were going to surprise him or like like a happy year anniversary and like
Ash: I love lettuce audio media van
Pat: it's a perfect analogy for me you know a lot of build-up in high up in the discipline
Bret: just a lot of hot air
Ned: if I know one thing about podcast is that sight gags are the best trick to get your audience in
Ash: absolutely and speaking of podcast you are a podcast Creator and actor a director or I'm sorry producer you also have a web series The Haunted tell us about all of your stuff cuz you have the haunted Encore I didn't finish the name sorry oh sorry
Ash: oh no
Ned: thank you for completing the name and I will I will correct you slightly only because there is a other web series very similar to ours called The Haunted we are the hunted Festival circuit with them pretty frequently and we would get screen together and everyone would get
Ash: oh no
Ned: so yes hi I'm dead I am I am a lot of different iPhones mostly because I got a degree in musical theater performance and had a bunch of people tell me I would have a very good career when I turned 40 and I was 23 and went well and started doing other things to fill my time I worked for a while as a stunt person and so I did a lot of work in in fight choreography and stunt coordination and that led me down the path of various things and then II back in 2015 was feeling very artistically stifled so one of my best friends and I made an album which is 10 show tunes from 1960 or earlier Rewritten for today's radio with a bunch of Broadway stars and
Ash: is it as good as the Vin Diesel song though be honest
Pat: I respect that energy oh no
Ned: honestly like Vin Diesel can get out my albums better and you know what though I will say I will say the the celebrity song from Marvel Cinematic Universe we all should be talking about is Jeremy renner's Heaven don't have a name because it does have a name it's heaven like it's in the title and so the the hunted Encore is an action-comedy Rock musical mockumentary web series about New York City vampire slayer's it is shot it is shot on a single-cam shoulder-mount where the cameraman is a character and it is filmed is a documentary chasing these vampires layers around New York City everyone plays themselves I'm Ned I'm an actor also vampires and it's a wildly weird show that two seasons of which exists online
Ash: is it really a mockumentary nest you really kill live by
Pat: the great cover
Ned: clear I do and we sing about it it's great and so yeah
Ash: you're doing a feature sure sure right now that's why you had to travel
Ned: that's true hi everyone I'm in I've normally live in Brooklyn New York I'm currently in Kentucky cuz I'm starting shooting on a feature film on Monday which is exciting and and hopefully hopefully it goes somewhere that I can I can enjoy to share it with people later but I have films many a movie where that didn't happen so we'll see and then as a podcaster my first podcast is called at the table a play reading series we produce new plays from emerging play rights as audio dramas with Broadway actors and then I started working in that field for a while and then my current show that takes up the majority of my time is called in counterparty and counterparty is 6 professional voice actors and artists battling through an epic Dungeons and Dragons campaign
Ash: nice very cool
Ned: that's me in a nutshell
Bret: that's a lot of projects
Ned: thanks I don't sleep
Ash: I know that feeling.
Pat: my fault probably
Bret: that's how I feel at editing just R1 show I'm like how did this take like 8 hours to do and I cannot imagine doing like 5
Ash: is it all the times that Pat explains my jokes and then
Ned: my girlfriend gets mad at me consistently cuz she'll gecko like you don't have anything tonight can we hang out
Ash: you knew what you were getting into baby
Ned: she does not like it when I say that
Ned: if you're listening don't break up with me please
Sam: I think of you didn't say it Ashton
Ned: that's true get it Ash great work
Ash: I can call her if you want
Sam: Uber excellent what could go wrong solid plan
Ash: it's like the
Ned: it's a great plan
Bret: well at the cameo
Pat: cameo
Ash: I'd like those celebrity things we can hire a celebrity to like say something and you
Ash: it is weird
Ned: Cameo I find Cameo so weird and disconcerting if someone ever paid to send me a cameo I would be very very very concerned
Bret: I mean Cameo from the creators of fire Festival cameo
Ash: yes yes it is
Bret: yeah okay well
Ned: but also I want to start I want to start sending people cameos from celebrities they don't know who it is like I want to I want to send like like my my musical theater friends a bunch of sports stars and I want to send like a bunch of like my podcast friends like a bunch of singers and just like see what happens
Bret: Cameo has a whole section of like YouTubers and she's like no one's going to appreciate this
Ash: ouch
Ned: except for the kit the kidlets do the kidlets do
Pat: I mean the YouTube that says breaking through there is a drink you can get at Dunkin Donuts right now that's named after a tick tock star
Bret: holy crap what
Ash: this is how Pat measure success if you have a drink named after you you are successful impossible
Ned: honestly the only goal for my career is going to Dunkin Donuts drink named after me thank you very much
Pat: like Halo bracer to Main Street and that like like a massive corporate like retail fast food chain is like aware of you enough to know that like okay we're going to name a drink after you
Bret: I mean that was a little bit joking I definitely watch more YouTube than I do actual TV so
Sam: I mean coyote Peterson
Bret: from coyote Peterson
Ned: I don't know who that is either
Ash: I don't know who that is
Sam: oh my God
Bret: he's like the new he's a new Animal Planet duties like I remember all those videos or the guys like I'm going to get stung by this thing and like he would do he just hurt himself on YouTube for for children
Ash: Oh you mean like Steve Irwin
Ned: 112
Pat: she's got animal is an animal show his name is coyote that's a little on-the-nose bro
Ned: it's like a little bit it's too it's too on the nose really
Sam: you guys you guys can sit on this all you want but until you watch it I don't want to hear a peep out of you it's so good
Ned: this is me pee pee
Ash: speaking of not wanting to hear it out of you guys before we actually get to the movie we are watching Ned none of these assholes f****** seen snakes on the plane so I couldn't get them to choose it and I'm so mad
Sam: I chose it
Pat: I would have been fine with doing it
Ned: cuz I was I was in the first I was in the first showing in America the first audience to see Snakes on a Plane in a theater
Ash: I thought in theaters dressed up with snakes on it was great
Bret: I mean I think we're going to have to
Ned: I used to wear I used to wear a t-shirt to high school that that just said so amfp and no one ever knew what it meant
Ash: oh man
Ned: great I would have teachers next self-neglect don't Google it
Sam: that's a that's a great room
Bret: we'll have to come back and do that one eventually because absolutely
Ned: can I come back and do it like if you do the eventually can you just call me great
Ash: yes it's so much fun oh my God and it's like I'm not going to say it's good
Sam: wow what
Ash: and you're like no
Ned: what a film I want to talk about one moment of that film just real quick because there's a moment where the bad guy who has spoilers play Snakes on a Plane he gets approached by one of his like guards his boss are you sure we could do that we should do this and what other choice do I have I've exhausted every other option I want to be like really every other options this is the last choice
Ash: so great it's like watching a Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie that was made in modern-day times it's so good
Ned: God what a film I'll be back to that one later
Bret: yeah yeah I really wonder how that one will hold up cuz like
Ash: but the thing is is like
Ned: I haven't watched it since I School
Bret: we went on a little bit of elica classic things we enjoyed video watch the other day and it's just like some of his stuff is only like 3 or 4 years old and f*** it's not funny anymore like
Ash: yeah
Ned: shut up the old school hard to watch
Pat: yeah I'm sure it is
Ned: I'm so sorry
Sam: really that's been on our list forever don't break my heart
Ash: oh Sam you're going to have so many problems with that movie
Pat: I watch that I wore that out in college I wore it out in college and I'm sure doesn't hold up
Ash: yeah
Ned: there's only a few that do role models
Ned: it's so sweet it's such a sweet film
Sam: yeah but that movie was so underrated at the time and it broke my heart it's so funny yeah
Ned: I I I still think one of the funniest moments in film history is when that little kid they get out of the Jeep and Paul Rudd looks at Sean Williams gotten says hey can you pick us up in 3 hours and that kid looked him Square in the eyes and his f*** you Miss Daisy
Ned: I think about that moment all the time
Sam: we still look at each other and just go randomly miniature
Ned: Joe Lo truglio shut up
Sam: wait he's in it I
Ned: that's the guy who says Minotaur
Sam: oh my God I literally I watched it and then we're like we should do for the podcast and then here we are five years later and I haven't seen it since so
Ned: tell the truth lie I was the guy who says of minutes
Sam: yes okay I'm so excited
Ash: alright
Pat: I know we're not. I think my favorites how they how they interact with Jane Lynch like their reactions to her like she's like why did you put your do the air quotes are you implying or not really here
Ash: I got to re-watch that
Ned: also shot at the Jane Lynch is now hosting the remake of weakest link
Sam: what
Ash: I got invited to be on that
Ned: Jane Lynch saying you are the weakest link goodbye is really stupid
Bret: will you pass that up
Ash: yes I got a casting director reached out to me and they're like would you like to be a contestant on the show and I was like I mean I guess and then there were like we're shooting in August nose like sorry no no no no too soon yes
Ned: it is a pandemic
Ash: yeah I was like no also there like
Bret: you are the weakest link goodbye sounds too polite for jail
Ned: she does it with a snark it's at the end of it at the end of the promo she goes you are the weakest link goodbye
Bret: I just want I want like you f***** up get out like
Ned: jet off the show new show called get off the show
Ash: listen it's 20/20 and everything needs to be more intense now we have heard all f****** around anymore okay
Pat: yeah real life they already like
Ned: like a circus in tents
Ash: oh my God
Bret: all right and that's the end of the show
Ash: no but you're the only other person I've ever heard say that boyfriend says that all the time
Pat: oh I've always I said it is camping I said it was camping in tents
Ned: camping is a good one too
Ash: Boy versus the camping one yeah
Bret: there's no way we can continue from here it's it's over
Ned: I'm so sorry I shut down the show
Ash: so we're cutting we're cutting all of this
Pat: all right yeah that's fine I can be hyper Ned what movie were watching
Ned: we are watching a absolute favorite of Ned Donovan Circle middle school high school Ghost Dog The Way of the Samurai starring Forest Whitaker
Pat: yeah we are yeah we are
Ash: cat is so excited he's been talking about this movie for so long you've no idea she is very excited
Pat: it's something they have never heard of it and I was like what yes we have to do it I love it so much
Bret: and this is like this is really breaking like one of the Cardinal rules of the podcast in that were actually watching a movie that I said we were going to watch at the end of the episode this is this is the f****** twenty20 Bizarro world no rules exist the universe is broken here we are watching Ghost Dog what's it about
Pat: I'll read the the one
Ash: are you said this at the end of one of the podcast is the gag wow
Pat: I think I was on the show when he did that we talked about and I said no that was awesome we need to do it so I'm going to read the one
Ned: so good I got excited about this all week
Pat: I'm going to read a one-sentence synopsis Form IMDb and African American Mafia hit man who models himself after the samurai vold finds himself targeted for death by the mob
Sam: okay
Pat: would you like me to read it again
Ned: that's it there's a lot if there's a lot to unpack please roll that back
Ash: yes take it a little slower
Pat: an African American Mafia hit man who models himself after the samurai of old finds himself targeted
Sam: what's up way we were as up as opposed to the samurai of new
Ned: you don't know you just don't see them coming
Sam: okay okay continue
Pat: yeah
Bret: I watch American Ninja don't you watch American Ninja
Ash: you're confusing samurais and ninjas Ned you can't see us there rain coming
Bret: Heather not John Cena
Pat: he finds himself targeted for death by the mob
Ash: so he's employers
Bret: okay so it is it is it a different is it different than the mafia
Pat: the gherkin have to watch the movie to find out but I'm not wanting that for you
Ned: yet it might be two different things
Bret: they said the mafia and the mob is it the same or did they just interchange it or is it
Ash: whoever is writing the description was like we can't use the word twice so
Bret: games Mario Mario
Pat: so this came out in 1999
Ash: oh man
Sam: excellent
Pat: it was written and
Bret: a year of the worst CD
Ash: people are going to be wearing pleather
Pat: about that we don't worry about that with this movie is written and
Bret: is entirely CT
Pat: just cuz he's an actual it's a dog that talks with Forest Whitaker's boy
Bret: I thought it was going to be animated with Ghost Dog initially
Ned: oh my God this is amazing
Ash: this is I just
Pat: it was
Ash: I don't understand
Pat: I love isn't it it was written and directed by Jim jarmusch
Ned: I'd have no idea
Bret: can you do the Fandango
Pat: Amish Jim jarmusch it's a name I'm familiar with his stuff is obscure I'm going to read off 6 movies cuz they keep coming up as like selfies written and directed this is most well-known works I've seen one of these coffee and cigarettes broken flowers starring Bill Murray dead man which is the one I've seen it's a weird cowboy movie weird trippy cowboy movie starring Johnny Depp
Ash: Show with Johnny Depp right yeah I could not so far I have not liked any of this phone
Pat: Stranger Than Paradise Down By Law and Only Lovers Left Alive
Bret: there's that. Of time when Bill Murray was just like sad
Ash: yeah that was it that was that.
Ned: was it isn't coffee and cigarettes also Bill Murray and Tom Waits
Ash: BN
Bret: I never even heard of that one
Pat: Tom Waits is definitely in a couple of those things he's Buddies
Ned: I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure coffee and cigarettes is literally Bill Murray and Tom Waits
Ash: is it like a two-man show Once coffee when cigarettes I'll let you guess which is which
Pat: he does out of curious or looked up from his movies he does a lot of movies that are like vignette strung together or like different groups of people let me look here well coffee and cigarettes Stars Roberto benigni Steven right Joy Lee sin Kaylee Steve Buscemi Iggy Pop Tom Waits
Ash: Buscemi Steve Buscemi Boucher Chevy
Pat: I've heard it both ways yeah he he allow these people he really works with the same cast a lot Dumber is not in it
Bret: this is interesting so wait like a van is easier vignettes kind of movie like a it's more of a theme than a plot
Ash: like the movie trick or treat
Ned: shut up the trick or treat my favorite Halloween film
Ash: really
Ned: I love trick
Bret: I have not seen that one either
Ned: I guess I'm coming back twice now
Ash: when you say Halloween film are you defining it but because it's like takes place at Halloween or your favorite horror film
Ned: it's not a horror film it is my favorite movie to watch at Halloween
Pat: Stars Forest Whitaker as the titular ghost dog and then no names you probably heard of a few faces you might have seen in the thing or two but I don't
Ned: want to buy classic Wise Guy New York actors
Pat: insert generic late middle-aged mafia guy 10 * 12
Ash: like Scorsese
Ned: I think I think when I was when I was like Google and some stuff again to like to like think about this movie someone wrote a bunch of sub-scores tasty actors
Pat: first lady Rejects
Sam: he's definitely on Brett s*** list
Bret: yeah we're going to have to come back to this but I am postulating that or that Scorsese might actually not be good at making movies after all that we've been giving him more credit than he deserves
Pat: I mean he's an Amish it listen to them to you stuff so so you can park right off
Ash: and he can be on your s*** list but he does make good Phelps
Ned: it's a hell of a movie
Pat: Mexican
Bret: start where you at work or slowly working our way back through it as start starting with we watch the end we talked about this already right watch Gangs of New York and I was like what is this f****** movie it doesn't hold up
Ash: you should watch you go
Sam: definitely dated in a bad way he did Hugo
Ash: Hugo's fantastic yes that's what I keep trying to tell you guys you're like all he does is like mafia movies and I'm like no no he does other s*** to
Sam: other s*** or one other s***
Ned: but also he makes great mafia movies
Pat: I did not find someone budget but opening
Sam: that's always a good sign
Pat: yeah I mean gone guess like opening weekend USA gross USA cumulative worldwide
Bret: okay
Sam: in 1999 a year that I was alive and aware of media and I hadn't heard of this movie oh you're generous I think it's still generous
Ash: I was sorry I was thinking gross
Ned: General Assembly
Bret: okay so you didn't find a budget this had a 35 million dollar budget and made like 15
Sam: yeah that tracks that's my guess
Ash: that's pretty low I wouldn't say liked it made 30 million
Pat: going to work backwards cumulative worldwide gross was 9.3 million
Ash: oh no
Pat: USA Grocers 3.3 million
Pat: opening weekend with 166000
Sam: ouchie
Ash: so you know my 80000000 wasn't that far off
Bret: so they so they have like an opening in like one State Fair
Ned: I'm pretty sure this was like a very New York favorite film.
Ash: I never heard of it I don't think this open where I live
Pat: the Rizzo
Ned: I found out about this movie because I'm a huge Wu-Tang fan and it's scored by Riza and so I bought the soundtrack prior to seeing the film when I was
Ash: that was a thing soundtracks would drop before the movie
Bret: so
Pat: dato Paul the Frozen 2 soundtrack you can listen to them on Spotify before the movie came out do you want to know how I know
Ash: oh my God just stop just stop no just
Bret: so that the everything that we watch is problematic part of my brain wants to know you know this sounds like Abba soundtracks going to be good but ghost dog who is also a samurai anime mafia guy is so was the writer this film a white guy
Ash: Anna Anna Hitman
Pat: yeah oh yeah Jim is Jim is very white
Ned: yes Jim is very white
Sam: wait can I can I ask a question that you are definitely going to laugh
Ash: with you not at you
Ned: yes that is status correct
Sam: weight is the human's is the humans Mafia named Ghost Dog and there isn't actually a dog in this movie
Pat: yes yes yes yes
Bret: this is why I was asking cuz if it sounds like it's a white guy who's like well that's like a common thing right like Snoop Dogg like you can just put anywhere in front of dog in and then that's it
Pat: it's really funny you say that cuz I didn't remember a scene from the movie
Sam: I am so disappointed now and I'm really sad
Pat: it's really funny yes so
Ned: I will say though for you no spoilers there are animals
Sam: oh no
Pat: oh but oh way oh no Sam Sam is not going to lie
Sam: oh no
Ash: oh no
Pat: I actually like to see
Sam: so we're actually doing steaks on a plane and
Pat: I mean I figured they'd probably kill a lot of f****** animals on Snakes on a Plane
Ash: animals get hurt and Snakes on a Plane they absolutely get hurt on say something
Sam: but at least you know it's a f****** rubber snake
Ned: not only snakes get hurt and snakes on them
Ash: I don't remember what else happens oh no
Pat: Houston interview he wrote this role of Ghost Dog specifically for Forest Whitaker and if Whitaker hadn't taken the role the film probably would not have been made
Bret: this is a factor going to have to revisit after the phone cuz that might either be like yeah I can see how Forest Whitaker was the only one who could have made it that good or I will have many questions
Pat: I don't have most of the stuff is like after some of the fun as the main character Forest Whitaker doesn't have an on-screen non voice over line of dialogue until about 37 minutes into the film
Ash: oh so you know it's good
Bret: so so it was the infinite Cutting Room like this doesn't make sense we just got to have him ADR all of his lines to build a plot thing
Pat: no cuz he does not know it's for the character it's a piano I feel like I'm sending you guys up on Purpose soap on you
Pat: this is a good movie I think we're going to like it I mean I don't get ahead of myself it's part of the Criterion Collection
Bret: where's the words you're using haven't been building it up
Ned: it is
Ash: if it's part of the Criterion Collection why can't we find it streaming anywhere
Ned: there is there is no question this movie is weird this movie is fantastically made as a movie and none of your expectations are in line
Sam: okay
Pat: your whatever you're in is nothing we can say that won't spoil it you're not ready for that the pacing is different and it is definitely a unique piece of Cinema
Ned: I think at the end of the day you might I don't know you guys so you might not like it but I feel confident you wanted ever seen anything like
Pat: yeah it's one of those things where I feel like we haven't talked a lot about this movie you know we should talk a lot more about the movie before watch it I don't know I don't want a kind of just want to get into it relatively soon here because I really want to give us plenty of Runway to talk about it after
Bret: yeah because this is I mean with with meds pitch their I'm very intrigued because all of your facts of this movie have been the historical red flags
Ash: yeah I mean it's feeling like it could be dare I say it a Boondock Saints like from my perspective of not seeing it
Ned: we should get into the movie because otherwise I'm going to debate I'm not today I'm going to break down all of the similarities and differences very quickly
Ash: okay good well you should do that cuz that was like the most traumatic episode for us
Pat: yeah I know I is someone who is with you up on that high horse of is going to be great and I know that was terrible in that was bad and I don't think this is going to be the same I think it's going to be
Bret: I bet that doesn't know exactly what that statement men Boondock Saints was the first half of the episode is that's the episode where all of us were just like this is going to be dope and then we had only negative things to say
Ned: Boondock Saints does not hold up and I haven't seen Ghost Dog to know if it does but what I can say is my memory of ghost dog is as a person who loves film and Cinema and grew up wanting to be a filmmaker and an actor like I got a bunch of master classes from this movie
Ash: okay
Bret: all right all right
Ash: why don't you just say that in the beginning cheese
Ned: because it's way more fun to use Mafia and mob in a sentence
Ash: the copywriter did not know what to write for this film
Bret: Safari Forest Whitaker and anyone else
Pat: I don't want to talk nothing else
Ned: I don't believe there's one guy whose name I don't know but he is like a bad guy in like half of the movies I liked as a kid so he obviously was killing it at one point
Pat: play said to be a few faces you like okay I'm pretty sure I've seen that person in something before but I really don't think if I say any names that they're going to ring any bells
Sam: our predictions
Ash: yeah I mean Sam Brett and I haven't seen it right so we don't really have nor have we heard of it so we don't have any expectations I feel like okay go ahead
Sam: oh I have expectations and I now know they're all wrong I was expecting like a Cujo meets white things sort of deal and I'm not getting any of that
Pat: let me look and see if I got if I got anything else to hear
Ned: you're getting none of that
Pat: yeah
Sam: no I'm way off so now I'm sad and I'm hoping I can get over it I bought it I thought
Ned: I'm excited to find out honestly
Sam: yeah yeah I thought it would be like a bad dog movie no no
Bret: I mean
Ash: it was like an Isle of dogs scenario or something
Sam: I mean I knew it wasn't stop motion but
Ned: like the sequel to Balto
Bret: yeah I briefly thought it might be animated with the ghost dog
Sam: yeah exactly
Bret: but it is in the Way of the Samurai
Ash: dark sequel to Balto he died now he's
Ned: what is a samurai
Ash: yeah
Bret: it just seems like every every consecutive descriptive sentence about this movie is completely changing my expectations of it cuz cuz ghost ghost dog you like okay Way of the Samurai what and then
Ned: Forest Whitaker
Ash: yeah
Bret: Forest Whitaker is a mafia hit man who likes to dress like a sample this is a joke of a description of a movie so like and then and then you're both just like but it's brilliant like what am I supposed to think about this
Pat: please taglines don't help at all all Assassin's all Assassin's live beyond the law only one follows the code
Bret: oh no
Pat: and of course I mean punch this marketing person
Ned: your tagline should be allowed to be longer than you can say in a single breath that's that's my rule
Pat: also whatever marking person roses next when they didn't write it should get their check their paycheck taken away from that month they worked on it live by the code diabetic
Bret: this is like an intern at the marketing agency
Ned: I think that's what's on my DVD cover of the DVD ion of this movie
Ash: that's always better than the first one
Ned: it's much better cuz at least it's like Titan Snappy
Ash: yeah or whatever
Ned: anytime you have to start with all the assassins don't follow the law or whatever like you're already like you've lost me
Bret: but like
Pat: this guy the Rogue even for a sexes
Bret: I think best case scenario for this film it for me it's so far is it's leaning really hard into some kind of crazy absurdist like plot and
Pat: pull up I want to read the top five
Pat: keywords for this flat to to further to further throw some more logs on this fire for you guys cuz most of them
Ash: are you just trying to change dress like predictions
Ned: it's going to make it worse
Pat: no just got to get the funny I just think it's funny now the plot keywords the top 5 Crime Boss Samurai African American Hitman
Ned: let's let's just let your soul recall that I said that there are animals in this movie
Ash: okay
Sam: what
Bret: top five
Sam: now we're back now I'm back to thinking it's animated why
Bret: 5
Ash: wait so like it when you're Googling this film you type in pigeons
Ned: pigeons a significant keyword
Bret: okay because
Pat: guys
Sam: what the f*** are we watching this is why we don't watch the movie separate jokes about at the end
Ash: pigeon
Sam: oh my God
Bret: here's the thing is like I but now I kind of feel like there's room here I believe them I believe them this could be so insane it's amazing this is what I'm hoping for that's a maybe it's not my exact role expectations in real life but my dream is that it's going to be an absurd masks that I can enjoy because I love them service things
Sam: it's already an absurd mess and we haven't even watched it yet
Ned: I thought you was going to say we haven't even enjoyed it yet
Ash: oh man
Bret: ican kitchen
Sam: oh my God
Ash: well I didn't know that this movie exists and I'm going to be very sad if he does not use a samurai sword because what I'm going to call b******* on this whole Samurai thing
Sam: follows the code
Ash: yeah but like I don't know I'm not sure I am not sure what to think about this confused
Ned: I don't know anything about your guys's movie taste so this is amazing to know that you're going in blind because like I can't even predict things for you I can't even try to be helpful
Ash: I will say I have seen the poster because I Googled it to see the poster to like try to fight you know I Googled it we're trying to find it streaming and the poster doesn't make it look great say that we'll see I guess we'll see I'm not a huge fan of Whitaker either personally I feel like he's a bit of an over reactor a lot of the times he can be reeled in but if he's not real then like his character in Star Wars I was like dude bring it down you are like at a 13 you need to be at a 9 like bring it down man so I don't know what you guys were saying like all but he could make it good like hopefully as long
Ned: hold that thought we'll talk in a couple hours
Ash: all right I hope that I'm proved wrong
Bret: Whitaker reaction.
Ash: he'll just be that shocked guy's face for me
Ned: set what's up line from Community where he's teaching how to fight keep saying suck but it's not a question to statement sucks up and then you give him Forest Whitaker eye and stare deep into his soul
Ned: the great Donald Glover lines of the 20th century
Ash: okay well
Ned: that's my third podcast I'm starting a community appreciation party
Ash: so good so you brought this to us Med what are
Ned: I think I think I gave you guys I think I gave you guys like five movies but this might have been the first one on the list
Ash: it was it was so
Bret: cat jumped on it
Ash: that was super excited
Pat: I also I was definitely screaming from the rafters
Ned: my expectations okay I remember all sorts of things about this don't I watched it all the time which is weird because there are things I loved about it and things I really disliked about it even then what I can remember about this film truly is that because for me when I first heard the soundtrack and read the title I immediately got an image of what I thought this movie was going to be and I was so wrong that I started watching it over and over and over again to figure out likewise choices were made which is why I feel like I got a master class and moving baking is like there's so much about this movie and into me personally like what it does more than anything is subvert expectation like everytime you kind of have a bead on where you think it's going it's giving you something else for a very specific reason and like love it or hate the film I think it's a beautiful case of like
Bret: sounds
Ash: all right we know you're excited
Pat: I'm excited I'm excited because 2 hours from now you three are going to have a new favorite movie
Ned: I mean like I am excited because I do feel like when people like to post Doug it becomes like a bit of a of a conversation point of excitement whenever you meet other people who've even heard of the film
Ash: your other ghost dogs
Ned: also another movie I'd like to pitch for your podcast just cuz listeners go listen to or watch it dog soldiers horror movie from England watch it check it out
Sam: does that one have animated dogs
Ash: continuing with the dogs babe
Ned: it doesn't the elevator pitch of that one is a bunch of British soldiers think they're on a war games with special forces but they're actually being hunted by a pack of werewolves great film
Sam: I will take werewolves I'll take werewolves
Ned: it's a single location movie and I really want to adapt it for the stage that's where I'm at
Ned: Highway ghost.
Sam: let's go yeah
Pat: we should watch it
Bret: yeah meds meds prediction here hit his watching it many many many times in the past makes it sound like it might end up being like a substitute Calibre film
Ned: lost Ash
Pat: excitement was too much for her
Ned: she just hates us
Bret: which the substitute
Ned: shut the f*** you I'm out
Bret: why are you command key with us
Ned: what is Comanche
Ash: f*** you guys I accidentally hit command q and just quit everything I didn't I am excited
Pat: why would you do that
Sam: she was ready she was like I'm ready to come in Q and then she just hit it early
Ash: American westerns filmed by
Ned: okay but how many people use that command key on the regular
Sam: apparently
Ash: well I'm a video editor so a lot
Ned: so am I did I don't use this
Bret: well we'll see we'll see how things go we're going to pause the show and go watch Ghost Dog Way of the Samurai and God help us stop
Pat: how do you get to Bhutan
Ash: he's a ghost
Bret: cuz it's the never ending
Ned: I like it
Bret: thank you
Ash: yeah that's breaking the five I love it
Sam: oh yeah how did we get there from loose wavy but okay I like it I'll take it
Bret: is because it ended in a suicide
Ned: I want to talk to the three of you that I'd never seen the film before to be honest with you I just wanted I want to hear things
Ash: wow
Ash: oh wow
Pat: oh no I already had our conversation over like Discord direct messages and where the most liked then I'm sorry I said Nixon
Ned: I'm all-in I like this movie so much more than I used to
Ash: oh boy
Bret: I want to I want to talk about it because it was depending on which perspective of mine that I look at it it was both better and like worse than all of my expectations I simultaneously
Ash: yeah I feel like you guys like maybe talked it up too much and you should have maybe not cuz
Pat: no I don't regret I regret nothing
Sam: what what made you think that they talked it up
Ash: they said a lot of things about talking it up it made
Bret: I feel like the first thing is that the list of keywords needs to be revised and pigeon needs to be moved higher on the
Sam: yeah actually weirdly yes
Bret: Taylor Spears
Ash: absolutely embarrass need to be put on there I guess which by the way for context or the listeners I will
Bret: so don't give it to him they don't deserve it
Ash: no I was going to say we watch the film without the subtitles for the French guy and that was like really important actually like the otherwise the scene with the bear was like what the f*** is happening
Bret: he was very good
Ned: tattoos like one of my favorite actors on television and I'm so stoked I completely blanked on the fact that he was in this film he's he's Ballin on 24
Ash: I'd I do not know him
Pat: he is in seasoned black panther is a small part in Black Panther
Ned: get a small part in Casino Royale
Bret: so one thing that I ate like they weren't playing it as a joke and I missed symbolism if there was because I was too distracted by how funny it was the fall of the Mobsters were watching cartoons all the time
Ned: every every cartoon was the hit that he was about to commit
Bret: okay
Pat: yeah they're all referencing or
Ash: but like isn't that like just a Trope of Hitman movie like I've seen that before many times it just felt like at wrote To Me
Pat: in the movie made before 1999
Ned: it's it's it's just like it's I think it has to do with like the amount of violence in animation as compared to like the violence in the mafia on the streets
Ash: right yeah do I noticed something
Bret: I was I was just checking cuz that one guy was like you guys need to pay your rent the world's shittiest Mafia full of just like retirees
Pat: the point at you like the best assassin
Ned: but also yet know they're terrible they're awful
Pat: they are
Ash: they can't even I said the same thing I was like this is the most WeakSauce Mafia ever they can't pay their rent and they also can't kill one dude like it's so like one dude yeah but like but they don't even yeah they show up in there like is this the right guy I don't know just shoot him anyway like they're so bad
Sam: yeah
Pat: I have a theory they are a bad Mafia because I noticed my message Med and you like No One Ever Knows it cuz I know most of this time every home of a mafia person in this including the big country Mansion has a for sale sign on it the first hit he does a handsome face
Pat: they are in NF Mafia
Ned: they're all the whole point is like they're also a child dinosaurs right like they're all wrapped up in these hoes like these old Concepts that make no sense and that was what ghost I was saying at the end right like we're both part of old like old cultures just different ones
Bret: you never read a self-help book
Pat: and it really spoke to him
Ash: I mean I'm sorry but like he reads a book about Samurai and he's just suddenly a samurai like that's like one of my biggest problems about this film is it feels like super cultural appropriation like he just reads hey I've read a book about Samurai I've read the the other one not this one that he breathed but that doesn't make me a samurai
Pat: he's not dressing he does not I mean he he he's trying to I'm going to defend it cuz I feel like he's
Ned: I'm going to defend it as well
Ash: but there's like so much more
Pat: he's taking the lessons and adopting him to his life it's one thing if you started walking around in I don't want to what there is if he was walking around in like cultural attire of it like like the robes or something I'm taking this I'm going to live my life by this code
Sam: I agree
Ash: but that book isn't even necessarily about the code the book he read haggai kerra a curry Acura
Ned: I'm not going to try I'm not going to try and pronounce it cuz I'll just go terribly
Pat: now who's being disrespectful to other cultures
Ned: no absolutely not I I want allowed that yeah I'm with Ash on that MoMA
Ash: I tried to look it up beforehand but like it's it's not even like the book on this is how you are a samurai it's just a book that's a collection of essays by a guy who was a samurai that gives you a glimpse into their life it's not even like here's the the code of the Samurai here's the Way of the Samurai like the book of five rings is actually a much more like step-by-step here's the code so it's like it just I don't understand how that makes him a samurai
Ned: also say like I think it's I think given the conversations about literature it's it's
Ash: yeah
Ned: it's it's not fair to assume that what he's read is a book right like he's got the book like he's got the book that he gives her cuz it's a great Gateway but like it seems to me that the only thing he does is read and kill people which like I have questions about payment and lifestyle like I have questions about like Concepts but I do think like the point seems to be I mean Rodger Ebert in his head like I actually think this is a movie about a very sick person in the movie gets very interesting when you look at it that way but
Bret: this is also my how I felt about it
Ned: yeah but like I felt like it for me gorgeous
Ash: he's not a good person right no
Ned: No in fact he's a decent truly s*** person I love that it's beautifully quiet it's like a quiet film that I didn't I don't expect to be quiet
Bret: I want to say it's one of the most creative deaths I've ever seen in a film The the plumbing the plumbing murder
Ash: yeah but sync shot probably the only interesting so you'd in this movie
Ned: also the best character in the film
Pat: that was unnecessarily harsh status
Bret: I don't know about that there is a few interesting seeds there
Ned: the best the best character in the film is that mobster just to be clear the guy who raps Flavor Flav at the high art table
Bret: you know about the about the book and the philosophy stuff real world thought about that so it's like people
Pat: okay
Bret: I didn't really have that one all the way planned out so like I watch a lot of GDC videos online the game game developers conference and I talked to people all the time about these videos because their face value of them is there about game development and how to build a game or like what went wrong when you built your game or like really like technical stuff but the wisdom of these people talking about the time they spent doing this very specific task is so widely aaptiv applicable to every part of like my life and other people's problems that they talk to me so when we even if he wasn't reading like the rules of the Samurai like I feel like that's how many Rubik's have you ever read that actually gave you any meaning it's usually the the slice the life stuff where you can be like oh I live that to you notes I feel like whatever he might have been reading was probably more relevant than the samurai rule book you know
Ash: great like I'm I don't have a problem with you like like you said like reading something like that and you know taking inspiration from it or finding life lessons but he literally calls himself a samurai multiple times in the movie he says
Bret: Gahanna has like a samurai does The X
Ash: yeah he says it multiple times and
Sam: he says us Samurai yeah but he doesn't like
Bret: kind of has like a a girl has no name Vibe Duo
Ash: he says he also says as a samurai I can't betray my master and stuff like that like he he says it implying himself multiple times and like that's where I'm like that's not cool yeah exactly
Pat: Ellie missing about if he had him in illness to do it because it's like that's kind of a weird thing that he shows up four years later and is like I owe you a debt and the way I'm going to repay the debt is murder people for you
Bret: listen though how long do you think it takes to train pigeons that many pigeons
Pat: that is very impressive
Ash: I mean
Ned: I think he's been training pigeon since he was really small he just weaponized
Ned: very good at Birds
Pat: but he's not normal
Ash: did he I don't think you weaponize them too well because they clearly the mafia who sucks at killing normal people had no problem killing all these births
Ned: very good at killing birds
Pat: it's the old Trope it's the old Trope of don't try to double-cross the person who's the best at killing cuz they will kill you
Ash: no I'm not talking about him I'm talking about all the other people that I don't know guys I thought it was pretty terrible I'm sorry
Pat: terrible really yeah
Ned: I won't hold it against you that's good that's the love of opinions from my I think it's a gorgeous look at it clean single filmmaking and quiet character choices inside a large concept and I love the concept of like a mafia movie about a mafia that's 20 years too late I don't know like that's really exciting to me
Bret: yeah well that was that was really great element of the plot in this was the framing of like yeah just a mafia that was just on their way out
Ned: like holding two codes no one understands
Ash: I just don't understand why they were mad that he killed the guy that they asked him to kill
Ned: does the daughter saw it
Ash: that's why they were mad
Bret: they can't kill the daughter cuz she's not evil and like she know that
Ash: how does the daughter know that he's connected to them at all
Ned: she said did my father send you
Ash: yeah but they didn't talk to him so they don't know that she said that
Ned: they didn't talk to her like she might have said that right like I I think it's one of those like Godfather alike we whacked our own but he was our own so we still have to get the Vengeance like it's such a stupid moral code again it's all about dumb moral Cahoots by codes that probably shouldn't
Bret: if nobody if nobody saw that they wouldn't have to clean up
Sam: it's also like a like a big imposter syndrome right like all of these people are like thinking they're very moral when they're doing really immoral things and it's just this really weird interesting duality of like murder is not okay unless you do it in a specific way which is I mean
Ned: like everyone's play-acting a gangster
Sam: yeah yeah and it's like is this really interesting it's like know that that's not the truth like you can't just murder somebody and a specific way and have it be not murder
Bret: tell that to the US justice system
Sam: oh my God Brett stop stop it absolutely
Ned: yes absolutely
Pat: do you think i7 Theory hear the daughter was pulling strings from the beginning and had designed so so kisses the thing she hears a thing and it made and I just have in it makes send why they're stupid code of like yeah we told him to kill the guy but he's an outsider and he killed one of us so we're going to kill him if she was trying to plant seeds of that to her dad get that guy out of kill that guy because she obviously was with Anthem Frank right and he kill Handsome frame it makes sense that you'd like you dick I'm going to kill you
Ned: I think she was trying to take over the mob at the end she's calling the shots
Pat: I think that too I'm saying there's that too but it's like yeah I know you killed this guy who I kind of I don't know I liked enough to Gatsby romantic is MCM sleep with is the implication
Bret: certainly not
Pat: didn't seem to like each other but but and then there's the whole yeah
Ash: why was she with the with him
Pat: I mean they were in the room and states of undress together
Ned: that's what the
Ash: no I know but why
Sam: I I mean
Ned: don't know hearted I have that question as well
Ash: I just said what yeah
Ned: Handsome Frank is not a not a handsome dude
Bret: he's a Handsome Frank the ladies love Handsome Frank on drugs
Sam: it it definitely gives off Vibes just every scene with the daughter as that she's very mistreated and like kind of carted around like property so I would totally buy Pat not so much that she tried to have Ghost Dog killed but that she incited an incident to take down the whole mob to not only like get controlled also to like in a weird way gets safe or feel safe
Bret: #free Brittany
Sam: yeah so like
Ash: Josh I just wish there was more of that in there though
Ned: and then she also she also orders Ghost Dog killed at the end right like Louis goes to kill on in my I interpreted on her command
Sam: yeah totally cuz who is left
Pat: oh she didn't commit she's in control and they establish at 2 with the whole of where he's yelling at the driver gogogogogo drivers not budging and she finally says alright we can go and then they leave
Sam: yeah that's interesting and think about that but that would make sense
Pat: she is in control and her demeanor is so I think you're right to their stuff yeah cuz her demeanor
Ned: she's got a power suit
Ash: what she's wearing a new outfit to like she looks more like a boss yeah
Ned: put on those sunglasses those like
Ash: I just wish there was like more
Bret: as a whole Itchy and Scratchy clip at the end with the guns getting bigger
Ash: I wish like
Ned: setting up a sequel where the little the little girl tries to Hunter as the new ghost dog
Ash: it seems like it that's for sure
Sam: yeah and then she's wearing a bear jammies at the end
Ned: it's not subtle in its imagery
Ash: yeah I mean you have a little girl pick up a gun and try to shoot somebody G
Ned: and then when it clicks he still stumbles I mean like we're right on we're just we're just having visual cue after visual cue
Pat: exactly it was great
Sam: I like that I don't know I liked it
Ned: huge fan yeah me too
Pat: yeah and I did the whole school like that all the music the background music for it
Bret: all of it like even the horror jazz
Ned: yeah. It is just music and orchestrations by Riza
Pat: he is like
Ned: loved every second of it
Ash: are you guys liked it okay cool absolutely hated the music I'm so sorry
Ned: all right again opinions are
Ash: and more and more the act like the the the score was the music that I was just like this is so abrasive and sounds I don't know a lot of this film felt amateur to me like FL Amateur hour a lot alike
Ned: it feels like the Timmy the mob version of Clerks
Ash: yes
Ned: obversion of a movie made for $12
Sam: totally yeah and it felt low-budget I didn't feel like amateur like student film amateur I wouldn't say it felt any Les amateur than like Mad Max aside from like cinematography like that guy's a f****** expert cinematographer but like story wise and everything
Ned: Fields El Mariachi ask like that same kind of like we made a movie for $20 I don't know that that's true but I'd be stoked to find out
Ash: well we can agree to disagree I guess
Pat: the wood thing references are all over the place though so that's
Pat: that's actually a song that's playing when he's the first sitting outside the bench of ice cream exactly song called ice cream there's this flying and then that was Riza as actually that was Riza we passed who's in the fatigues the military fatigues to do a little like bow to each other he drives by a club at one point called liquid sword and that was the name Wu-Tang references well
Ned: I don't know why but I love the shot of him coming out of the electronics store to walk into the bird store that's just inexplicably next door like his to the only two stores he needs or in a single-camera shot I don't know why I find it so Charming
Bret: it feels like exactly the sort of life that he lives though
Sam: yeah I mean also to like it's kind of like a beautiful I don't talk beautiful
Ash: Yak cheese
Ned: I think it's beautiful
Sam: I think it's like a really beautifully told allegory for racism in America to like all of these I mean everyone outside of the mob that's in the story are minorities and literally the white guys just get to go around and be awful and like murder people without question and without consequence but then like it's the Ghost Dog guy that really like takes the punishment you know it's is kind of interesting like other kind of comparing
Ash: yeah but he does shity things too though that's the it looks like the problem like he steals people's cars you still see people's stuff like he's not a good person either though
Bret: yeah I know no history is awful
Ned: is really only two good characters and it's Raymond in the little girl Arlene Darlene those are the only two good people in the movie I don't know she's like 7
Ash: I I mean the little girl that attempted to commit murder I wouldn't say that she's a good person either
Sam: if she was white you'd call it defending herself
Bret: she was standing her ground please and thank you
Ash: no it's either way if you pick up a gun and you try to shoot someone in your seven like f*** man that's terrifying
Sam: it's self-defense if you just saw the guy that was protecting you get shot itself.
Bret: just think of the news report like the young girl stops Mafia murder
Sam: yeah yeah
Bret: and that that encounter they had with the Trump supporter in his son was really interesting to
Sam: oh my gosh
Ned: especially in 1999 what a weird
Ash: are you talking about the bear scene
Ned: yeah the bear scene
Sam: but like yeah that was that was like weirdly for telling of like yeah yeah but also like
Ash: okay yeah yeah that scene was great but I wish that I had had the subtitles beforehand so that I understood the context you know
Sam: also it's like the look at like racism you know like they're doing something terrible they're like you know he's just asking questions like he's not harming them but then they literally threatened his life because they they know they can get away with it original sin says they didn't but you know no no
Bret: questions for a may be a deeper analysis then we have time for it because that thing was really good but it wasn't any less a heavy-handed than most of the other metaphor is it the movie
Ned: yeah it actually it felt the most the most heavy-handed to me watching it as I was like now we're really on the nose
Ash: yeah I mean it's a good scene but it felt a bit like shoehorned in there you know like
Ned: yeah you could cut that scene in the movie is the exact same movie
Pat: isn't he kind of like comes morale is way more he not counting the voice over of him being the passages obviously not counting that an actual in World dialogue from the time he shows up and drives up to the country Mansion to the end he probably speaks more than the that like what was that like 30 minutes out than the preceding 90 minutes I feel like he's way more and it could likely talking to the hunters he's way more animated asking questions and he's kind of like putting on this show I feel like you just all the sudden just like I know he's like no she's going towards end kind of feels Freer like you might go I still go back and watch it again
Bret: part of the Rouge
Pat: the know yes
Bret: he was he's using his white people voice
Sam: yeah I did hear that totally
Ned: for me I think I think you know there's a bunch of movies that I look at some times and I think like that is it is a filmmaking 101 movie but damn is a good it feel makes me want to run and that's how I feel about this movie like I love a lockdown clean single I love like a shot reverse conversation I love you know what I mean like I love a dialogue in the beginning that pays off in the end like all of those things are like I would say for me the point of the film is like it's so heavy-handed that you can't do anything but look at the messages it's beating you over the head with like it's the only reason it exists is to beat you over the head with these Concepts but I also feel like if you watch like coffee and cigarettes does the exact same thing right like the conversations are just bold-faced
Pat: I mean that said 101 he said it entry level
Bret: hot 102
Ned: process of purely just to show fight scene problems
Ash: yeah and that's like the part where it feels a bit amateur to be where it's like you know people don't actually talk like that that's not like the conversations and then you know there's also there's also like there's just other like direct rural decisions in this fit just came off really a mature Dove me you know like the use of like like I get it he's ghost dog but like the use of the ghost Trails sometimes felt amatory the use of cross dissolves not to show a passage of time but just to use cross dissolve yeah like it's like why so stuff like that
Bret: if they didn't do that during the Mansion murder scene that would have been a very boring mass murder yeah
Ned: it was already a very boring mass murderer it is not a good fight movie
Ash: that's the thing is like to me he's a very boring character at the story is very boring like it should he doesn't he literally doesn't even know he's so passive that he doesn't even know that they're trying to kill him until he meets up with that one guy that he's the word of and that guy tells him and we're like almost halfway through the spill and he's done nothing
Sam: I think he knew as soon as he got the message from the pigeon
Ash: no he didn't because the guy told him and he was specifically like reacted to it
Bret: I think you might be like hitting the nail on the head there after I think that might actually be the whole point of the movie is it is there's this guy who by all means is he's good at killing people but he's a big idiot and he's being targeted by a bunch of big idiots and they they each read their if I can books and have these stupid ass ideas in their head that somehow make it okay for them to go around town killing people because it's for their own causes and they're just a bunch of f****** idiots and at the end when they're all dead that's the point the f****** idiots need to just f****** die that's the point of the movie
Sam: yeah
Ned: I also think like you know you asked a question like why is today unlike any other day and like Louie says like I haven't seen him in four years but he sends a message that says like we need to meet right like sulfur ghost dog that's got to tell him that something horribly wrong right like they don't meet they just send a pigeon which like we can ask questions about carrier pigeons they don't make sense to me but like cool thank you
Ash: oh I just assumed he was lying when he said
Pat: passenger pigeons passenger pigeons the old the old Mafia
Pat: guy was very clear on that who we don't know what his role is he does there
Ned: hyster-yale passenger pigeon have a heart attack
Ash: yeah he's just there right
Pat: he's like if if there was a mafia Muppet it's him like
Ash: I just assumed he was lying because he was lying to them about other things as well. I think he does see Ghost Dog often
Ash: yeah I don't think that was a lie cuz he was lying to them about responding to the message and I think he was just trying to distance himself from Ghost Dog because he didn't want them to know how personal relationship actually had
Bret: yeah I could be I mean but they actually did follow through with the pigeon everyday so who knows how much of it was true and how much of it was self-defense lying
Ned: they just throw rice or mine in your face
Pat: there was a I mean other than the fact of it outright talked about rashomon there was a another rashomon reference how he'll Ghost Dog in Lewis met when they do the two flashbacks to eat remember it slightly differently with like the main thing being where the guy who point where the gun is pointed where is each of them remembers the person that Lewis shot pointing the gun at them like Lugar members at him drawing the gun on him and go start with members of the guy had a gun pointed at him
Sam: interesting I had noticed that
Ash: yeah I didn't either
Ned: that also to me feels very filmmaker 101e like now we're back to my my same Vibe of like 101
Pat: yes like it's very blunt is very blunt is not yeah
Ned: we said our are we set our moral compasses on great display with no Shades of Grey and we go
Bret: it's like it's such a such a weird vibe this is that like the the thing that is both good and bad about this is the concept of like and you tell the story with the pictures see and yes we're making a movie but good God
Ned: one of my one of my absolute favorite films is the Brothers Bloom and the Brothers Bloom does the exact same thing which is just like a gorgeous movie now that's high budget they have like a 40 million dollar budget but like everything about that movie is remember that line from minute 20 it's the ending unclear
Ash: yeah yep white why did we have a scene of him taking a nap and birdshit why
Bret: that really recontextualizes Home Alone 2 for me
Sam: I could yeah yeah I can tell you from a family that grew up with birds when you are a bird person you become blind to bird poop and it's terrifying and disgusting
Ned: again also like
Ash: yeah it's super gross that was one of the things where I'm like why why is a director we making a decision to have a scene where he's just like f****** sleeping and perfect
Bret: how to get the message
Ash: yeah
Ned: I also like I mean I do have questions like I think it's because of other movies but I'm so conditioned to think like Hitman get paid millions of dollars I'll be like why is he in The Shack on the roof and where is the money going
Bret: it was going into his money clip to just see that roll
Sam: I mean yeah that's not
Pat: yeah he was saving that he left for
Ned: but they were all dollars
Ash: he's going to Vegas
Sam: yeah do you think that that Mom that can't pay their rent is paid him a fair wage
Ned: that's a very good point and you only get paid once a year at the first day of autumn
Bret: well I mean that I guess that explains the apartment
Sam: he's living off of free ice cream
Ash: sentences that show that that in cat that encapsulates that like
Bret: I love that
Pat: I love I love messing
Ash: he only gets paid on the first day of autumn and him flipping his f****** gun like it's a goddamn sword like that was such a time. Though like that was at I like this movie and caplets that year for sure
Pat: she's got he has a disorder he is not he's not well he's not well
Ash: people in high school that didn't
Pat: you brought up sorry you brought it up it's not your theory you brought it up you use mentioned as a theory
Ned: it is Ebert's Theory and I don't agree with the theory
Pat: but here's the thing I totally buy that from someone who liked and maybe not who knows what his background is obviously something not great like you getting the s*** kicked out of her food and almost killed when we found him I feel like everyone has done something like that there is a younger said that they roll their eyes at like you're trying so f****** hard to like force yourself into this box has he decided you wanted to be so it's like depending where you are in your developmental I totally buy if you super like this is me like he finds his book is like yes this is me this speaks to me this is why I'm going to be and then you just knock it off so you do things like that
Bret: I know people today that are like that
Pat: especially it's like since he's on his own it's like if he had a family or people around him there would be people to be like dude what the f*** you're not a f****** Samurai we're in Jersey City like stop okay
Bret: or are they let him do it for like a decade and it's like become too much part of his personality that saying something that would just kill them like
Pat: he literally has nobody is nobody that would like know this so he's like if you're just left your own devices I totally see you see a person falling down a rabbit hole of like this is who I am and taking in building up his ethos around themselves
Bret: totally
Ash: oh yeah I mean that's that's what I was saying
Pat: I believe it it doesn't mean you have to like it I just think I find it very believable like
Sam: but I am fairly certain
Ash: I mean that's what I was saying is I knew people in high school at this in this time. That this film was made that were totally that character like totally
Sam: yeah one of them is my ex-boyfriend from my school he was a f****** idiot tool
Ash: what if I miss my ex-boyfriend
Sam: yeah yeah he like went to I don't know it like some Eastern religion Camp thing and like just ate up that like lifestyle
Ned: jumping on ex-boyfriends here we go
Sam: yeah you dessert
Ash: yeah
Pat: I would say
Pat: yeah I would
Bret: they have some real winners I am at them
Pat: I would say to is the thing they I'm assuming grew out of it but it's not just cuz they grow on their own if because you have people around you like you have been
Ash: I wouldn't know he's dead to me
Ned: Jesus I'm glad that I am so glad that yeah
Pat: okay I thought I didn't hear I heard that he's dead first
Sam: I also don't know
Ned: she said
Pat: but I didn't hear that it took me a second for the to me to catch up and I was like damn Ash ice cold
Pat: I'm saying she is she has the only communication the as is with Raymond and they don't speak the same language and before could Proline does new reckon new connection and then messages on pigeons to Louie so she has no one to check his crazy personal indulgences he is not here
Ash: talking messages this a****** he's such an ass
Pat: he is known to check his indulgences so he will be like there's no one for him to bounce stuff off of so if you read something or she seems like that's cool that speaks to me I'm going to do that he is literally no one to tell him maybe don't
Ned: shout out to the random Noah's Ark scene where the guy they talk to only speak Spanish
Sam: yeah I know I was like what
Ash: who is that
Pat: so did everyone here so watch the eclipse with the subtitles
Sam: ashdod it as like I don't know if Ashton
Ash: yeah well I'm the thing that Brett sent only had one scene but I watched it
Pat: no but if you searched it there's more there's like three of them
Ned: they do all three of the scenes with Raymond
Pat: undo that French lessons
Bret: the auto-play was like the next one
Ned: so the boat scene where the guy is building a boat on a roof yell at him in French and as with all the other scenes Forest Whitaker responds with the exact same words in English not realizing that they're saying the same thing and then the guy turns around and respond in Spanish
Bret: Val whole character interaction is just another really reinforces this whole life ghost dog being by himself like he can't understand his bet it's it's I mean I don't know now that you said it it's it's an it you can't unsee the mental illness angle on this because he's a guy who is f****** weird doing weird s*** it can understand even his best friend let alone anyone else in town yeah I'm the one guy that he regularly actually does communicate with like is using him and I don't know it's like a weird
Ash: he's using him
Ned: Louie Louie is using him to murder people
Bret: you shouldn't said it cuz now that's all I got Louie
Ash: right right
Ned: yeah I mean it's it's it's it definitely is watching it again I was like we are watching a 101 course in a bunch of very specific decisions including clean singles and locked off cameras
Bret: what y'all think of the ghost dog
Ned: Forest Whitaker as a whole
Ash: the actual dog
Bret: the act a little. Ghost.
Pat: call the dog that like followed Lincoln
Ned: show the dog that shows up and calls him out on being shity
Pat: the staring contest dog
Ned: is getting a little that's like now we're hitting a point where I'm like if we are hitting heavy-handedness mr.jim
Ned: he wasn't seeing a fake dog
Pat: at least it wasn't like a bone white dog like they ghost like you think it will take all white
Bret: why did I got to be white Pat
Pat: is ghost
Ned: come on
Ash: that's what the one pigeon has white
Pat: the one that survived yeah
Ned: that picture was super dead
Ned: the all white albino pigeon was dead as hell
Sam: speckled bunny
Bret: I can't honestly can't visualize any of the pigeon stay out there just Birds
Sam: the one that live was at a white head with black Speckles across its body
Bret: all right
Ned: correct you are 100orrect
Pat: an apologist this movie I still do get Shivers with the bird stuff cuz I feel like I always I feel like maybe I'm misinformed it like I always think selfie I had like 30 poop everywhere and
Ash: no he literally was laying in birdshit filthy other filthy germ carriers
Ned: this is this is like one of my like personal like totally nothing to do with the movie things but like pigeons I don't love them cuz they are dirty but they shouldn't have been that used to be gorgeous pet birds and then like a bunch of people released them and now they are pigeons but like pigeons when said yeah they're awful but like pigeons like like if you research like how pigeons got to the United States it's like a really sad thing they're like really gorgeous Birds who like don't get to eat any of their normal like what their body needs to function like white bird poop means the bird is insanely unhealthy and that is the only thing fidgets have
Sam: sad
Ned: Netflix on my list of like personal like the Pistons
Sam: so if I if I understand my animal facts correctly I believe doves and pigeons are almost the same
Ned: yes I think that's true
Sam: yeah I didn't so it's like they kind of bread off roads to be the same but one is more healthy than the other
Pat: doves are just bougie pigeons
Sam: that I don't know
Ash: so like the pigeons are great because they eat trash
Ned: so like how we call raccoons trash pandas we can start calling them trash doves
Ash: when trash Doves Cry
Ned: I also think I was like thinking back this is not something I'd thought of when I was a impressionable high school student watching this film but I I'm solidly impressed with whoever they got to do the bird handling in this film
Sam: Brett has a good theory on that
Bret: yeah I'm pretty sure the guy that was handling the birds was the bird hand
Ned: Lobster
Sam: yeah
Bret: the mobster yeah but don't Casteel on it in the shot he caught the bird twice
Pat: always the same one
Ned: same guy at both times
Bret: yeah yeah it wasn't like it wasn't like they cut and then he had it in his hand like he grabbed it on camera
Ned: shield in his hands
Sam: yeah yeah just flipped right over on its back cuz like take my feet
Ned: he also was a rough actor many of them were but like he was solidly rough so
Sam: yeah yeah
Ash: the acting in this film The French guys the best he's the best actor in the film and my opinion
Ned: he's amazing he's so good I highly recommend you look up his work he does so much TV work and he's soaked
Bret: yeah and he wasn't like even doing a lot but he kind of stole every scene he was in
Sam: I liked him
Bret: yeah
Ned: I also really love I will say my favorite actor is the like is Sonny the guy who gets shot through the drain pipe at the end of the movie like he's he's the one who has the most he's the simplest actor who has the most death because like out of nowhere he loves Leyva faith and that's what they give him a big fan of that guy
Bret: like a Verbatim
Sam: do you have him did you like how Brett's theory about how they came up with the name ghost dog was literally a whole scene in the film for their looks like Snoop Dogg and Flava Flav and
Ash: yeah I was like there it is there it is
Pat: yeah yeah I said I pointed it out like it or not
Bret: any and here's any
Ned: you said it and I was like see you in 2 hours yeah yeah
Bret: and while I wasn't super annoyed with with the most of the stuff that was weird in this movie that scene and that specific writing Trope is like gets on my nerves or it's like okay just cuz you called out your shity writing doesn't make it not shity they like but what if it was instead of instead of like making fun of rap names what if it was appropriating Native American culture instead see deeper than you thought audience Insight nothing just no stop
Ned: I don't think I've seen this movie since I went to college and I went to college on Cayuga Lake so when he was like I'm kayuga I was like blankets differently than it used to
Ash: I did like though that felt that scene felt set up you know where they were like doing the shity stuff about Native American names and then here we are with this guy that they think is Native American and he's like stupid white men you know
Pat: so bad Gary farmer he was in dead man he played nobody and he has a thin line and nobody call Johnny Depp stupid f****** white men
Ash: yes what the f***
Sam: you know you know
Ned: look you got to know your type that's a that's a great paycheck I also I do love the idea of this where I mean this world is insane right but also in this world there are three separate humans within a very small radius that all deal with pigeons on their roots
Sam: I think it's actually way more common than you know like
Ned: I want that sir that's our next podcast it's an investigative journalism piece on that
Ash: pigeon key
Sam: my brother yep my brother used to live with like a bunch of roommates and like the guy that owned the house cat pitches and then like a girl that went to college with me she's like his all my pigeons I'm like where the f*** are these people where do they come from
Bret: turns out and turns out pigeons aren't just like a wild nuisance they are all pets
Pat: every pigeon every pigeon is a pet
Bret: I feel like the 90s I mean sometimes there's stuff that's always a tropes is Trump the only word that that describes a thing that people did for a while but pigeons were thing in the 90s it was there is best there was that the home alone's I feel like pigeons were a big deal like rooftop pigeons are a big deal and Hey Arnold like it was just a thing
Pat: the pigeons is awake
Ash: yeah and then there's the the Trope of the gun buried under the floor you know there were quite a few tropes
Bret: super super cool floor panel thing
Ned: which which which is unlocked with a key under a panel less than a foot away
Sam: very secure
Pat: you have to know which panel and then you have to know which other panels to slide okay it's very guys know it's foolproof don't worry about it
Sam: I loved it
Pat: stop is perfect
Ash: yeah right
Ned: I was like mad they really wanted this in one shot didn't they let the single camera
Pat: yeah it was perfect my favorite 90s was in the cars they will like the CDs cuz you know number CDS kids
Ned: remember remember remember Kenwood stereo
Sam: I said that same thing
Ned: that flipped Downs you can put in the CD
Ash: oh yeah yeah
Pat: yes the stereos I had yes with the little league digital like in the little bars to go up and down yes yes yes
Sam: yeah Brett totally bought a knockoff of those at the flea market had it installed in his what 1991 Saturn
Ash: Spyro
Pat: I have one of my 95 Honda Accord
Sam: so sweet
Ned: my 1999 Honda Civic had like the exact stereo from one of those
Pat: oh yeah play that blue light
Ash: I'm pretty sure my car is still has a stereo like
Pat: the fact that has screen to get adjusted like turn up the bass and the little girl in the little bars that go up and down
Bret: how is having physical CDs so much worse and so much better than today
Ned: I'll fight back on that it's so much better today
Ash: yeah how's it better
Sam: yeah I actually I kind of miss the iPod but
Ned: I do miss the iPod
Bret: well you guys don't you don't live with Sam who is constantly asking the Google home to play a specific song and then it plays a cover of that song
Pat: that's frustrating
Sam: yeah well we're also we're mourning the loss of Google music because they switch to YouTube music so it will auto default to the most popular YouTube playlist instead of the author that you're asking to play
Ash: you have to ask the whole
Bret: she's like play like specific artist and specific album and it's just like a playlist as a f*** you
Sam: yeah so I asked I mean I had the Brett watched a YouTube video about how good the Shrek soundtrack is and like the score so I had it stuck in my head and I was like I was like play it has Powell jump out I was like play the Shrek score and then I was like okay plain track and it was like a f****** Shrek remix mixed with like
Bret: Shrek Trap remix
Pat: what what okay
Sam: yeah Shrek Trap remix as like this is f****** b******* what the f***
Ned: that is the sentence of my nightmares
Ash: I actually want to hear this Trap remix
Pat: what do you use Google home
Pat: Spotify you can leave your Spotify to it
Bret: are trying real hard only pay for one service
Sam: we previously had paid for Google music and we didn't have Spotify set up yeah I think we're switching
Pat: well so I use Spotify and then we'll cuz on your phone once playing on the Google home if it's not exactly what you want you can open the app on your phone and keep playing it on the house speaker and like change on your phone and get exactly what you want
Ash: Apple music problems
Ned: I also do the Apple music
Bret: sorry to the the 5 listeners of the show that listen to us on Spotify but I don't like Spotify for giving Joe Rogan so much money
Sam: before we delve into politics can we wrap up so I got 10 minutes to get my pregnancy burrito
Bret: sure sure
Ned: 10 minutes to Burrito
Sam: dismiss order
Ash: Sofrito oh gosh
Bret: wrap up wrap up
Ned: how does how does the wrap-up work on your show
Bret: yeah so do we
Ash: we go one at a time
Pat: do you want to go positive to negative cuz I feel like I know this order is going to go
Ash: or did she or did you want to go negative to positive I didn't know spell it
Pat: rip the bandaid off
Bret: ask ask get it out of the way you go first
Ash: okay
Bret: perfect as is
Ash: I thought this movie was super boring I thought the main character was extremely passive and didn't actually do much in the film plot wise not a lot happened and despite what you guys said at the beginning of the podcast I found this extremely predictable it's very it's very like he literally tells you what he's going to do before he does it with these like passages from the book there's really not any surprises in the plot there's not a lot of character development in my opinion he doesn't really change he's the same character throughout the whole film and
Pat: interrupt your final thoughts
Ash: and yeah I just to be a perfectly honest with you I'm mad that I had to wash the stone because I really didn't like
Sam: all of the movies you're mad at this one
Ash: this was really bad yeah it was so boring oh my guy like I was watching the movie and I kept checking the time code and being like how is there still an hour left how is there still 30 minutes left how is there still 9 minutes left like I was just counting down the time till this film would be over and then Pat's like watch these scenes again with the subtitles and like do I really have to the movie I don't want to watch anymore so I'm sorry I did not enjoy it the only seems I found in even remotely interesting or the scene with the bear and shooting the guy through the sink and the rest of it I just nothing really happened nothing interesting I don't know I just didn't didn't enjoy it and there were a lot of directorial and acting decisions that I found extra like Reggie I'm sorry
Ned: you don't have to apologize
Ash: we can still be friends
Sam: alright is this technically like an amazing movie no I think the assessment of it being a film 101 movie is is accurate but I was kind of surprised at how much I got out of it and cheerleader day in the whole time surprisingly I think I came out liking it in a weird way with the full acknowledgment that is not like the best movie but I think what they did they did pretty well it certainly flawed and dated yeah I don't know it is what it is I think it's definitely a better version of the movie that we all hated but I can't think of the name Boondock like it's is not
Ash: oh yeah I mean it's yes absolutely
Pat: it doesn't exist all domestic terrorism
Sam: exactly
Ash: well kind of a little girl picks up a gun I kind of
Bret: well yes it it doesn't extol religious terrorism
Ash: yea religious terrorism
Pat: I would argue it doesn't glorify that though I would say I would argue with friends like kind of not pleasant but
Sam: yeah I agree with that and like it wasn't until after she felt threatened that she picked the gun up so it's like a little different yeah so definitely some cultural appropriation problems that also kind of like an interesting look into like minorities and how they're treated and like it created its own weird funky little universe that kind of helped me suspend my disbelief of like Mobsters running around shooting each other I enjoyed it and leave it there
Bret: there's a band that I really like
Bret: that why you always what you know it always has a point that always gets there and you're always like
Ned: what a leadoff though what a leadoff to the essay that is whatever wrap-up is coming
Pat: I was a super I want a Supercut I want to see what kind of breast final thoughts like opening lines that are like miles away from his point and then he has like get back to
Ash: and the amount of times it takes the Same by like just disappear shock you married this man Sam you know
Sam: I should know but every time is like where the f*** are you going with this all right there's a band big sexy
Sam: yeah I'm actually followed this
Ash: the first 30 minutes
Bret: where is the band that I really liked and it's it's a band that I cannot actively say is a good band because they're there it is big sexy noise and they are they are ugly on purpose every sound in every track is abrasive and gross and gritty and like it hurts your ears but together they create something that is intentional and cohesive in a way that I wasn't expecting and I go back and check it out again because it's just like that was really interesting the way they f****** did this they made art with a bunch of stuff that I didn't really like and that's kind of that's kind of how this movie was for me was there's a bunch of stuff in this movie that I don't like I was full leonti mash for the first like 30 minutes until like stuff happened cuz I was like they are taking a long time to get to the point here by first I sent it to you out to the group. When it was opening shot of the film on the on the roof and I was like it's the it's the pigeon coop from f****** Batteries Not Included the other like one of the worst movies we've ever watched
Sam: that one I hated way worse than this movie
Bret: that was that was a f****** dumpster fire
Ash: you guys need to go back and read listen to that episode because you guys defended that film and he were not on team hating it but ever since you have a memory of hating it for some reason but we listen to the episode if you guys liked it at the end
Bret: I think that was said it that was before the time when we were like we could openly just f****** hate things I don't care about hurting the feelings anymore it's over 20/20 b******
Sam: I also was brought to us very sincerely by our first listener so we wanted to try
Pat: my favorite breakfast
Bret: yeah we were trying not to crash tax feeling sorry attack but so anyway this is this is a visual version of a bunch of dissonant noise that came together to create something that's pretty interesting the the appropriation the racial slurs but there's a problematic stuff in the movie for sure cinematography stuff that I wasn't a fan of specifically that we know the other weird frame jumping and all of that the it's just too reminiscent of other movies that end like like Boondock Saints and the recently reviewed Gangs of New York where they were like paymate let's let's make our own f****** Boondocks but like it's it's two gangs in New York or whatever I will never watch it again I would say this is another movie that's in the category
Ash: interview has so many ups and downs
Ned: rollercoaster of emotion
Bret: it's because it's a it's the conflicting movie because I didn't hate it I actually like this movie I'm never going to watch it again but I it's in it's like every Stephen King movie that I watched It's the conversation that we've had about it in the second half of the show is way more fun than the movie was that's it's it's a thing that's going to be more fun to remember than it was to watch and for that it was worth it
Pat: I'm fast I think all the criticisms have FairPoint and especially those things that I like a lot of Ashes criticisms are objectively there are some objective correctness to it I still like enjoyed watching it there's something about it that is very I like how slow it is and how like Loki and Lo-Fi it is and just UW Nostalgia cuz like that I'd like this when I discovered this is a young impressionable lad and obviously that colors it a little bit but something about it is very
Sam: I love that
Ned: I tweeted out that I was watching this movie and a bunch of people have gotten back to me on various forms and one of them was a crew being like I watched this movie in a high school philosophy class and I don't know if I learned a lot about philosophy but this movie left its Mark run and like I feel like that's that's part of the vibe of the movie so shut up two dice Papi life which is a wonderful podcast of people want to know but for me like I we live in an age of Slick still making everything is about slickness it's about cleanliness it's about it's about the most polished packaged products you can put together and delivered 222 audiences and in a time like that I think we I think there is a loss of Ernest filmmaking the only kind of greedy filmmaking that's getting made as your Noah baumbach's right it's your it's your dramatic heart ranchers like they don't know one's making Ernest films right now and there's a lot of earnestness to even the really ugly parts of this film which I think is the point and I found myself Charmed by a movie that is so simple that it plainly lays out what it wants you two to talk about and then doesn't shy away from it for the whole film is that a good thing I don't know if it'll make that kind of movie but I hope I have the balls to someday
Bret: right on
Ned: yeah me too
Ash: yeah I think that earnestness toybiz is very good you know I think I personally I'm not against CGI I do like CG and I have made many stuff with CG but I think the problem was CG is a lot of times it makes filmmakers focus on like the perfect penis of like making something so perfect and you because when you're putting CG into something you're really watching that clip over and over and over again more times than you would if you were just at Adena normal scene and I think that makes maybe filmmakers overanalyze and Hyper analyze and we get these films you know don't get me wrong I love the Marvel films but you get these films like tomorrow phones that come out and every single frame is like perfect and gorgeous and you know beautifully manicured and all that stuff and so you don't get the Rough Around the Edges you don't get the dirty you know nothing Don film anymore you don't get the dirty hairs and Grains and scratches in the film and stuff like that and and you don't get like you know we talked about practical effects a lot in this podcast cuz I think we're all fans of it whenever we see it and he know that always feels nitty-gritty little more dirty in real so
Sam: oh yeah
Ned: the perfect example of the overly polish film that makes me want to die is a alita-battle-angel shout-out to one of the most over polished turds I've ever watched
Pat: is the reason you don't see her in his films anymore these days now you know cuz it wouldn't be the same without Jim Bernie got arrested
Bret: I knew you were going to say it
Ash: who is that
Bret: thank you for coming on the show if you want to tell everybody
Ned: I'm so happy to have built this
Bret: tell everyone where they can find you again
Ash: oh no I'm Googling it
Ned: you can find me at Ned Donovan everywhere there's a pretty famous British pretty famous British journalist named Annette Donovan but I got in before he did on the Internet so he's forced to have like other versions with sometimes I get his hate mail which is kind of funny by big project right now is in counterparty I don't know when this episode launches but we're recording it 3 days before the third season launches season 1 spent just less than 8 weeks on Apple's new and noteworthy charge season 2 is charted in 50 countries become be fiction and we just literally earlier this week got a feature article by Syfy talking about what we're doing this season 3 and onwards and I hope you'll come check out the show
Ash: it's too bad it's not doing well I'm so sorry to hear that
Ned: I have made a bunch of failure projects and encounter party is not one of them yet
Ash: that's like a whole other conversation we should have about like failure and I just released a video about failing at making a film and has been like my whole steam since I released it is all this I think that's interesting talking about people don't talk about how much you fail before you succeed
Ned: if we want to get on a cut on the Hornets or about that ass at any time I've got laundry list of talks to talk about
Ned: go get your burrito
Ash: Sam needs to get a burrito though so we'll do it later
Bret: yes engage the audience
Ash: and if you want to follow us you can follow us at Alexa re-watch on a Twitter we do fun things like we do movie poles where you guys get to pick the movie or in this case where you didn't pick the movie I tweet a screenshot and we see who can guess the movie and the chosen one project. It came right in and said ghost dogs also Dole Whip and dreams just came in with Ghost Dog and he knew that it was with Med of course
Ned: I love Maddy good good it's on his business card actually
Ash: yes check out check out meds episode of Dole Whip and dreams cuz he was on that as well
Ned: that is that's true and yes I I talk to The Great Mouse Detective on Dole Whip and drink
Sam: use a used to be
Ash: oh that's such a good one
Ned: you know that's one that I said not as good on as a repeat
Sam: yeah I wish I had that fear
Ash: I haven't seen in a long time
Sam: is originally supposed to be called basil of Baker Street and then they changed the name
Sam: so if you
Ash: alright you don't have feelings do you
Bret: the only one that matters
Sam: if you like our podcast more than collectively we likes this movie please give us a review on iTunes or the iTunes on iTunes
Ash: on the iTunes
Ned: call Chaser hit them up on podchaser podchaser matters these days
Ash: okay
Ned: give reviews on podchaser I got a sponsor from podchaser so I highly recommend it
Bret: all right and then passed something cplv and then we can close out
Pat: yeah we're part of the certain POV networking shows there is a bajillion awesome shows with amazing delightful people like those dreams Maddie that we just referenced or reignite another pass fun and games Matt and Jeff scruffy nerf-herder screen snark Man of Steel the real movie critic versus the Senate guy who last episode that came out of his recording this
Bret: the Rob Thomas when killed mad
Ned: Rob Thomas not that one is
Ash: this is extra funny because I was talking about how I didn't get the name of that podcast last time
Ned: I'm a big Matchbox 20 fan over
Ash: it's not that one though
Bret: well they are and join us next time when we watch the sequel to lavalantula 2 lava 2 lantula
Sam: oh my god really cute. On that please
Bret: it's a tarantula of lava
Bret EaglestonComment