Snatch with Kym Stonick
A charismatic forger's fake diamonds cause an all-out manhunt as the government tries to cover up the fact that diamond prices are artificially inflated. It's Snatch Me If You Can with special guest Kym Stonick @kymcattys of Happy Hell Hour!
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and Pat Edwards
Below is a rough automated transcript of the episode. We are working on making this better:
hard kombucha California another episode finally hitting our stride five years in Holy Ship no last episode real bad last time well okay fine to episode well this is the only real life interaction we have with people now so we're trying not to f*** that up audio only time we have communicate with people am I standing in the mirror for an hour before this practicing that intro just like how awkward is it going to be when this is over and you're like now I have to sit in a restaurant and talk to people this is weird yeah but luckily we have the internet to talk to people I thought it we wouldn't have today special guest very excited to welcome to the show alific podcaster and our fellow D&D Adventure on happy hour audio happy to be here thank you guys for having me and I'm very excited yeah I like this whole like doing the guest appearances now cuz I got to help you Happy Hollow or now you're here like we're going to have to be on your things and like let's make podcasting last yeah it's like our job except it doesn't pay yeah I've actually had to do a recording or a stream every day so far this week going into the weekend so like I'm chugging along maybe hit my stride you did one a day that is like a worker isn't cuz it's like fight you like five things right audio wow plug myself you other than finding hanging out with Britain Pat on Happy Hill hour I also do an anime review podcast. Very cool guest year in sequence as well as another anime review podcast called Naruto review till we're going to do Episode by episode of Naruto talking about it a lot of fun I also let the hate podcast meet my friends talk about things we love things we hate and finally it is a real play Monster Hunter podcast has been getting big because of critical role so we're here audio that's a lot of fun and you can find all of those things on iTune Spotify so on and so forth forever and ever almond I appreciate but you pronounce Naruto correctly so much because I said one who was like reading the manga in like High School it drives me crazy when people don't pronounce it right no no stop only ever heard it pronounced what I assumed was the correct way so all those ideas Pat are the ways that you can pronounce it wrong I guess I never heard anyone say it differently is it a short you it's Naruto oh no are we are we are life on his friends now that I know the likes fan translations because it wasn't out yet I used to be a huge anime nerd so I feel you there I feel you hell yeah we need to do some like anime movies on this podcast action have you back for that yeah sure if I do it what she's got guys was too Spirited Away or legs movie sorry. I mean those are great to Samba stop white people audio tentacle for all that stuff anyway you brought us some amazing movie options and we did a movie poll which had my phone would open up so you brought to us the Sixth Sense The Blair Witch Project witch I'm still fat that didn't win cuz I've still never seen it I've never seen it either that would have been good audio animated spiders back Donnie Darko which also would have been the match honestly I'm a little surprised or Donnie Darko didn't win me too clothes from what I saw it was accidentally voted for Donnie Darko and it still didn't win as usual I was not on Twitter so I did it's for the best never go on sweater my favorite guitars Twitter is like The Lion King when Mufasa was like audio shadowy place over there you should never go there have I really been trying not to use my six alt accounts to vote on the polls so I had my phone sorry I definitely have a bad thumb on the scales of these poles but snatch one at 35% okay question what is it's a movie number one okay it's half of the name of our spaceship in scruffy nerf-herder in grab is like like apostrophe in grams well Sam snatch is the follow-up film by Guy Ritchie from the film Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels so that was the film needed before this snatch is kind of Wednesday that it lives in the same universe but it has the same vibe so snatched as I said our director writer is Guy Ritchie who's done other films Sherlock Holmes shut like movies not the show but the movies with also I thought that was kind of interesting he did the new Aladdin I know this is a very different movie that people really threw me under the bus and like I'm not going to say it was a great movie but the guy that got to play Aladdin the physical comedy was so good like I love physical comedy they didn't really give him like too much of a chance to Sunshine but there is a dance sequence that he is just gold in audio I saw blue Will Smith and I said no thank you for the week call Bella Blues experiment was that last year 10 or 2019 is like 10 years ago we did an experiment where we try to be like every week instead of every other weekend we do these many episodes where we watch a trailer for something and like react to it download go deaf quantity Aladdin review just cuz I I I feel like people should probably watch it just cuz it was it was it was okay the sad thing is that Will Smith was the part that sucked in the movie but it wasn't his fault it wasn't his fault he tried so hard but you could feel like the product that producers breathing down his neck just like can you just can you just try and do it like Robin Williams like so many scenes he's like doing the mannerisms and nobody and then and then I like this and like and that's what it was in the big blue stuff is only the beginning would have been better if they'd just let Will Smith be Will Smith audio wow it's shocking Disney overproduce friend lightly Sam my lord and savior Christ. Like a Man Standing just out of frame here if I open this door there is a guy in a dark suit sunglasses and Mickey ears with a Glock 9 is that what the cable going to under the door is this isn't a mold Disney because I like I was taught by like literally the 2D animators from the golden years so I'm like I'm trying to get over it but I was ingrained in me that everything after they left the company sucked and Disney will never be the same again I am Landing in the kind of the modern Disney Grumpy area of anything new original I'm okay with from Disney but if it's a remake of a 2d I'm like suck it it sucks I hate it and it doesn't have a fighting what I've seen of the trailers because I refuse to watch the movies they're taking the animator's shots and redoing them every like I will say the in this is going to be Mir if you mentioned there are some moments that are I like in the there is one you song they did those original a new that I like a couple actually I think I think some lyrical songs are pretty decent in the Beauty and the Beast audio this is all the conversation lost us-listed that's fine I'm just a little sensitive about it cuz I would be in a normal World in a non post-apocalyptic world I would be 2 days away from going to Disney World we had a trip planned for the they're going to go as of this Saturday did the 21st recording we have the 23rd we are going to leave for I'm so sorry man yeah we were supposed to do Disney World this spring too and we would loose like we didn't have dates or anything for waiting for a guy to marry say hey I'm in Disney World does Becky get that bat Primo sweet she's like a free hotel room and a boat takes you to the park like Copperhead Road I'm not even sure cuz I'm not even a big Avatar the movie fan that section of the Animal Kingdom Disney World the best rides in all of Disney World the restaurant really good like they killed it oh my heart is extra broken should we talk about the movie the switch to an animated movie at this point right down very non Disney movie where why she was released in 2001 it had a budget of only 10 million so this is a very low budget film and I believe one of the reportedly 1 million of that 10 million was used just to use the Madonna song Lucky Star audio oh yeah girl forgot about that sounds like a was it was it a while they were still together like cool million for my girl or was it after they broke up like a million they were married mm December 2000 November 2008 so yeah wow so they got married a year before this movie came out yes I hear it yeah we're going to pay $1000000 to what that prenup must've looked like Jesus the box office the US box office for this was 30.3 million which was not bad and the world wide was 86.6 Million pretty damn good very good return on investment and the cast guys the cast is so great phenomenal cast I am fresh as a baby's bottom I know nothing about this everything nothing like I can't even picture the movie poster so don't wild new and I'm very excited to learn Okay so Benicio del Toro is this yeah it is usual Antonio Banderas sorry there's some Twitter talk today about Mask of Zorro and like I just feel like I want to crowbar that in as our next one that's it's happening okay okay I just want to take a moment preciate the fact that I ate nails that name and then Sam filled in for my usual moment of not knowing who a person was that they stamp taking that responsibility in this episode only for you Star Wars universes coolest character Star Wars isn't that weird got the spoilers the villain audio I can't wait for this guy I don't know who's the guy with the stutter at what that they would let out of jail in the second one audio a picture of a music recognizer we also have dinner and Dennis which you might recognize from Get Shorty and midnight run anyone here seen midnight run but I had to watch it in college and then of course probably one of the biggest star has Brad Pitt never heard of them never heard of him find hadera Brad Pitt Titanic audio audio he notably had just done fight club before this movie and so she was concerned about taking another character that was like a boxer I guess so also just to jump into a little bit of the trivia since we're talking about him Brad Pitt was such a fan of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels that he actually approached Guy Ritchie asking for the role in this movie yeah and then when it became clear that Brad Pitt could not do London accent was Kevin the role of Mickey the Gypsy witch Samuel fine very funny once you see the movie it sounds like it could cross into racist territory I am slightly concerned like going back to this movie because they called pikeys and I don't know if I like that's derogatory terms for Travellers yeah that's a good question we also have a Jason Statham in this movie amazingly enough whistling Trail house are you kidding me I feel like you're channeling braces really lets me watch everybody British like tough guy in lots of action movies transporter okay sure is that really don't know who Jason Statham I know the name okay this is out of my element is action movies that he's not the Rock in Hobbs and Shaw I hate I am finished the wrong and there's nobody else in Hobbs and Shaw so this was actually his fifth film is my crazy really yeah and he was also in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels so there's a lot of the same Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels humble a lot of the same plot in this movie why is it a very long time since I can't remember technically different they're both British crime Guy Ritchie has a very very strong Style appreciate it Listen to I mean as you grow and develop you can like do different things you can tell this is he had a very very very distinct way of doing things and shooting things just like a British Scorsese deal we're just like another movie about like the tough cool again I haven't seen it for like 15 years and this and I have always thought in barrels are the same movie in my head Vibes are very very stiff but they pretty much could probably take and take place in the same universe like in the same city likes like both each little vignettes London I dig it yeah but I did this I think it's very style of I like it alot so we also have Vinnie Jones might recognize from X-Men the Last Stand Gone in 60 Seconds the face of this movie in my head he was also in Lock Stock so another account number from there we have Alan Ford who I mentioned because he was on another movie we did for the podcast An American Werewolf in London oh yeah yeah and also in Lock Stock we have Lennie James who you might recognize from The Walking Dead if you watch The Walking Dead he's great in that and then I do now I'm going to get this name wrong this is going to be the one radio sure I'm so sorry thank you fat please he plays Boris the blade but you might recognize him from Batman Begins and Mission Impossible 2 oh brother yeah he's in you will recognize him within seconds he is 90% movies that have Russian gangster from like 1995 to 2005 Russian gangster that's exactly like this this is a good stereotype movie for actors cuz like Bethel Avenue Jones things like you know like the guy that's always the big Angry tough British guy exactly yeah audio movie that he's in want to like some fun trivia which I'm very hesitant because I'm not sure the movie is going to like I tried nausea slime spoiler was choose one of all offend you but you swear actually probably more than any of us but the word f*** is said 163 times in the smoothies give you an idea of what you're in for I'm in at just a minute alone I'm okay with it but it could too easily Veer off-course as long as nobody Hardline me animals getting hurt Tim it's okay we're going to ask you in a bit like what you know what but it's okay I guarantee you audio but I guarantee you like the worst the most problematic and worst movies have been done so far at the bar so low put our printer about violence in this movie though I'm sorry there is not there is no sorry sorry just a heads up on that one it will happen I know I hate it go to the second half sucks and it's terrible I don't know if it's the redeemable or not but it is it is done by a bad guy so it's not audio okay this is why I'm not sure say I'm going to like this movie but the fact that this is step by spoilery but I also think that it's important to know going in because I have watched this movie with people who didn't know and I hated the movie for this but the in decipherable speech by the gypsies is actually intentional others characters in this movie that talk and you won't be able to understand audio I feel like family obviously that's the point you're not supposed to be able understand I will I want Jump Ahead to the last time I watched this movie the last time I watch this movie was with a friend who then spent the entire time complaining about how it was such a horrible movie because she couldn't understand them I said here's the thing we talked about this before on the show this movie and Lock Stock definitely contributed to my general disdain for not are not us English but like British people what the f*** are they saying ever oh my God I don't know what the f*** they're saying half Mexican and so he can only understand English with a Spanish accent and not any other super super rough Spanglish I'm all over it harder that worries you about us streaming these episodes live for people to watch SVU recordable offended by that throw a f****** Crumpet at me but like I podcast the bread and we make fun of his accent all the time we bully him it's okay they're too polite normally I would believe Brett for this but when I was a freshman in high school I got the opportunity to go on a trip to Ireland anybody over the age of 40 I could not understand a f****** word they said mortified ladylike Northern Ireland is even more there's like there's like sixty different dialects in in the London area and like people who live three blocks apart can understand each other I don't think that I'm the problem here not a British accent but a London accent when I was talking about the Brad Pitt thing but the important thing to do you know about the indecipherable speech is that it was inspired by critics that complained about the accents of the characters in Lock Stock and some Guy Ritchie decided to counter the criticism by making characters that not only couldn't be understood by the audience but also couldn't be understood by the characters in the movie so it's a running gag in the movie that's pretty great right it's so great another fun trivia piece I have is every mistake the characters make in their Criminal criminal Criminal play time we're inspired by real-life crimes but had gone horribly wrong audio yeah so they were the first ones to do that Battleship opening sequence for they just like ripped off that YouTube video of that guy breaking into the convenience store oh I don't know why do you remember so much about that view really every second of Battleship is burned into my brain as the worst stupidest movie I've ever seen audio turned it into his brain everything is good no nobody does Ash I'm serious talk to us a little bit about like why this is on your list that you sent us like you just this and it's it's really dumb go through I'm shocked that you guys have invited me onto the show because I'm not a big movie person weird faces throughout my life or I get really into movies and then I get way out of them and snatch came to me when I was 16 the first summer I think I had my driver's license and so I would just go to Blockbuster and I would rent as many movies as I could like I watched the seventh seal I watched like all sorts of movies and snatch somehow made it into that summer and I washed it and the yummy bubble gum like popcorn Adidas of it really stuck in my craw so that's like I loved I was a weirdo little sophomore in high school I like this is my movie This is the movie that I love to watch is a good time to me and share with all my friends and I still have movie nights and I'll be like let's watch snatched let's or stash sophisticated taste for a high school but that's like a perfect movie for this shirt totally exactly what we're looking for audio Blockbuster on a Friday after school we had a we had Hollywood I boast but yeah video J&P love the family story was while we were yet every when you actually would go in a store and touch things audio audio there is still an operational not right now probably but before pain in the before times before pandemic my wife's Hometown there is still an operational video rental store Family Video Jason operational rental video store in Portland too but they don't rent kids movies if you know what I mean so I have a couple more trivia one thing that maybe maybe this will make you feel better Sam is that the dog in the film was actually very difficult to work with yeah we're up for you like the dog that was in the middle of reading a book the guy hit the dog and I was like f*** you know I couldn't finish the book well the Counterpoint the dog actually attacked Lennie James so in the movie or in real life real life was replaced so audio means that the dog was actually probably be killed then Ash this worth maybe that's true guys I'm going to be replaced in the second half okay somebody when is Eric with cherub I married a huge animal lover like we don't watch certain shows or films because if there's animal violence like we're just like we're done with it like that's what we haven't Venture because dog violence really I am so sorry hopefully you're not watching it with him tonight or like surprise I must have bought it at 2 cuz I do not feel like she was movie handful of times and I like it and I don't remember I mean probably because like I said it's like it's the bad guy doing it and it's like it's a way of showing this is a bad character and so verses in Boondock Saints it's like the good guys that killed the cat so you're like what the f*** you know walking boot the the real the range of the pre and the post show back on board and then we were young and I was kind of like I am now is like they kill a cat I don't know I don't like it understandable. At least it's an accident and Boondock Saints so so Vinnie Jones miss a day of shooting because he got in a real fight the night before and went to jail so they had to find a look-alike for one of the physical real soccer goal against the Rous there was like the actor that could play the Rous and he was like he loved to go to bars and get into fights and he got arrested and was held in the drunk tank overnight and they held up shooting to bail him out of jail so that he could play the Rous in the princess do they had stand-in actors that could get in the costume they just didn't move correctly we need the other guy straight out of the mouths of Rob Reiner that's amazing it sure looks like a human in a rest what are they like this is going to be always movie this is my Academy Award right I'll take it I like to sing how to make any circuses a picture of an actor in his home Andy Serkis butt crime the next fact I find interesting because of the director I've done this to but the producers couldn't afford enough extras for the boxing match scenes so whenever the camera angle change the extras had to move around to create the impression of a crowded house and every time we change angles I would have all the extras move and swap outfit so they looks like different people excellent I mean there's so much great trivia with this movie but I'll just do one more for now all except side 201 Sean Connery was offered the role of bricktop in this movie who likes the script I hadn't seen Lock Stock so you wanted to see that they set up a screening for him he saw it after it he said that's a good film and you're not going to be able to afford me and then the last piece of trivia I'll leave you with that I find really interesting is that nearly every death in the movie takes place Oscar I like it for the dog who knows I don't know I don't know if you remember the dog moment I just threw my research with like audio oh yeah there you go there I have more trivia but I could just keep going Ashley bathes for the film so that he could actually look crunchy audio Yates maybe that's why the dog bit him I would never know animal whatever she's like a Disney princess he's things to buy animals audio oh wait I forgot this was really important for Brett the film's title only appears once throughout the entire movie where Vinnie tells the dog don't snatch so there you go cuz I know how much you've Lowe's whenever they try to shoehorn the movie title well I'm glad that they at least have some some morality Brett is that Meme of Leo DiCaprio from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I really say the title of the movie in the movie we like 20 the screen the rounds on Twitter lately we got a cigarette the beard look like perfect perfect alright prediction prediction time you brought this how long has it been since you saw it did you say that earlier God it's been awhile I know the last time I watched it was probably in high school so that was like a good oh wow yeah few years ago so this will really put it to the test then yeah seriously like I had to dig out my old like this like this CD holding case for a used to put like all my DVDs like Science Theater DVDs in there like what I was looking for it earlier to find it make sure I still have it I was like oh got to be transported back in time but he yeah it's been since I was like 18 or so and so like with the traveler stuff like it's going to be interesting to see if that is automatic or if they handled it well I just remember having a good time with this movie but I don't remember a whole lot about it audio audio I feel like a saint what are your before we paint your predictions anymore since you didn't know this movie existed what are your predictions now this movie existed but I don't know anything about it I literally have zero clue very worried it's going to be another Boondock Saints experience I'm home movies good in retrospect oh my God it's terribly problematic I also I'm kind of weirdly expecting it to be like Trainspotting for some reason like I don't know why I have never seen Trainspotting either but I know it's like cheapest Trainspotting I'm expecting it to Joyce's other movie I haven't seen people have told me what happens in the movie and if you think that I am not okay with animal violence and I know things happen to a baby in Trainspotting I'm not okay with that audio harm to the baby in Trainspotting it's more like neglect okay I'll just going to have a baby and not feed it not book oh my God and I don't play on recess and forget to like acid a bottle and it's beeping first still living a lie just a beat in like a little death coma yes forever could not handle my Tamagotchi anymore one beat Priscilla bullish I was like this close to taking a hammer to that mother f***** you can just take the battery out again he's afraid the listeners Ash is actually available for babysitting I will take you up on that so what else besides it being like this other movie you haven't seen I don't know I just have this terrible feeling that I'm not going to like it and that it's going to be violent and abrasive and I'm just it's not a saint movie is my prediction but it is nowhere near as Extreme as Trainspotting treat Trainspotting today is that send its own category in Bruges category cuz I also load that movie and I'm terribly scared that he'll be like that brilliant child yeah yeah yeah it was an accident just like the cat cloudy eyes okay now or it like rooted in my in my opinion of Samuel hate this movie I don't know it's okay it's okay I was trying to say is I think you were expecting something far more extreme this is just like which is the highest movie Heist movie it's not like Quentin Tarantino people are just f****** murdering people to murder people that's what I'm expecting all right all right audio audio widevine yes okay Ross catering plenty of implied violence it's a lot more fun play Trainspotting those I I am very optimistic about it I'm a hole but I will talk to him is to our philosophy here is like we go into this movies hoping to like this is not a we're going to come in and try to find normally anyway but that being said what you guys have talked me off the ledge of Samhain still say to this day audio but I really enjoy what is it audio but how long has it been since you've seen it audio minimum 5 years probably closer like 7-8 I was quite a long talk about what I'm going to say about the movie cuz I I'm a little on team Sam with this one I'm so afraid it's going to be Boondock Saints because communicate your character next session in DND it's okay so like implied violence Don't make me say things about but you know what if there's going to be who's going to be jokes that are that are in this many many many toxic masculinity jokes but not making fun of toxic masculinity at their jokes for people who are that is my guy that scene transition where someone punches into the camera that's going to happen like 6 * awesome audio I told I told you exactly how many f*** I think it'll probably be fun but I don't remember what the movies about and it I think it all hinges on like is the core by super problematic like Boondock Saints or is it just Heist movie I'm pretty sure the courts lot is not problematic like Boondock Saints are deciding who is evil and who is good and therefore whoever is evil should die some Jewels or something basically I love dumbass characters and that's why I love this movie because they're all so dumb different ways to me so that's that would be the best possible outcome and I will enjoy it if that's what happens my prediction is Brett will like this film I don't know that Sam will we will see Allagash all the pressure yeah is it better if I drink more alcohol now it's always better question that's the official slogan of quarantine what isn't made better by alcohol blow my predictions are I feel like I've only seen this movie I think twice I feel like I saw it most recently within the past 10 years like I said I saw it with a friend I think I saw it price my boyfriend as well had my friend and Bryce were both well mostly my friend was incredibly turned off by the fact that she couldn't understand what they were saying and ruin the film by spending the whole time making fun of it and I remember it was or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon I remember the whole time being like this is a really good movie and you're ruining it I feel like we didn't even finish watching it I feel like I seen the movie before and I knew it was a good movie and I had recommended we watched it so I feel like I've seen this movie all the way through possible I haven't though audio but I'm expecting a good time I think it'll be fun I think it'll be I think the characters that we can't understand are also not understood by the other characters in the movie and it's not race it's more a dialect yes it'll be funny yeah I remember that part especially being pretty hilarious I remember something with some Caravans being pretty hilarious still ask blows my mind is it is so obvious to me you're supposed to understand the yes that's the joke audio I finally watched audio yeah wasn't that boilers if Ash Ash too late as a professional maker of films you will like it will be so painfully obvious to you and you'll be like wait but this supposed to be a big reveal anybody I knew you would like wait is it supposed to be a the whole movie the whole movie is making fun of the viewer oh you're going to blow your mind right f****** now oh s*** is your mind blown yeah fukin was Joker like I I have a special ability bring it back to snatch that I have always been incredibly good at understanding British accents mostly with Irish stew Irish gets hard like you were saying Sam I feel like play some stick Irish accents but I'm pretty good at Scottish too and so I remember watching this movie and being able to perfectly understand what they're saying is that is that where we differ you can understand the British so you love it gibberish to me even when they're not doing it on purpose and so I don't like it oh God audio is it what am I am I hashtag problematic now not liking the f****** imperialists you know what I can't believe I accidentally brought a movie for it that is a specific attack on you vote at a poll we can always blame this on Twitter yeah always blames the audience it wasn't for you desperately viewers I would have gotten away with it all right stop the recording watch snatch and come back and dish lyrics to wait for that little bit was used she got paid $10 second chance if I was the producer I'd be really mad that that's where we spend our budget like the budget attend can't wait to hear what she let me tell you I feel thoroughly snatched right now I have I really have one plot question and it's not even this isn't this isn't leading to a joke even though my voice went out like it was going to be a joke cousin Abby the New York guy Frankie working for him at the beginning why was he the guy we're selling the diamond 2 at the end I don't think Frankie was working for him in the show Frankie stole it for him so how is soda ending really confusing to me you just going to come kill them maybe that's why she hired he hired Frankie to steal the diamond in the first place oh yeah so I thought Frankie was going to but I can't remember same fake Jewish audio on behalf of Frankie degenerate Gambler was going to have we went to see Doug make a bet on the fight rear-ended by accident Vinny and a soul he was knocked out and then the trailer of the bookie and they failed in this all those him Lil Kim cuz I knew he had something valuable has a point because like in the very beginning that there's the other guy I don't I don't know who he is cuz he never comes back he's just the guy telling like she hired Frankie to do it Birdman Bobby heard Frankie I got I got it I'm going to help with her okay cousin Avi New York Dennis Farina Chicago cop before what did the Jeweler with the twin daughters cousin Avi New York hired Frankie 4 fingers to steal the diamond Frankie assembled a crew of thugs to help him one of which like a Russian low life do the job the thugs probably get paid whatever fee they got audio one of the hired thugs at Frankie Frankie Steele audio find this guy Rob is asked if you can have a big f****** diamond on him is coming to London I still don't understand why was Avi the last person that they call cuz he was the one who was trying to buy in the first place he was the buyer every time somebody was like I need to sell this diamond the fake Jewish London guy was like I got a guy that will buy this diamond he was the guy but so he came to London to take the diamond from Frankie because Frankie was going to gamble it away cuz he couldn't find them anywhere audio things are going to plan I'll be with a never going to London in the first place he would have given the diamond to Doug the head what if sent the diamond to Avi New York and I would have been end of story because of two things because Frankie is a degenerate Gambler and because the one Thug and his crew dime them out to Boris set off a chain of events that led to the movie We just watched alright that clears it up a little bit when there's so many white men it's so hard to tell them doors and Avi I thought we're like the same person for half of the movie be there wearing the same suit they both had the same same greybeard and likeness compared sure he doesn't have a beard you just as a mustache maybe not I know I'll be with the wet American guy who is in the hallway scene when everyone when when scoresandodds what is a mustache when is a beard when is the suitcase when has an AK-47 I mean in this in this episode simultaneously have told us the British language sounds like gibberish to you too white men look exactly the same listen it's it was like like watching The Departed and I couldn't tell any of the characters apart audio audio I want to find out though of fret but I don't think there was even one punch train I was so wrong eat that Crow however I will also eat the crow of I said it was a dialect thing they actually are Irish so it's not audio I was wrong as well I feel Vindicated understand you guys have been English and case speaking I love I love that that was in there I'm a little Vindicated just because of the trivia facts that they did it on purpose that they were like let's just make this completely indecipherable the scene of the guy saying that made me feel like see Brett your this a****** he was like the nicest guy in the movie cut open the dog but he did not open the dog audio audio according to the logic of the film that makes him a horrible person are you getting the two white dudes confused because if you're thinking of the bald guy who is being ordered to cut the dog open and didn't want to that's different than the other audio I mean one is ordering no need to cut the dog open I don't feel kinship with like the guy that let the ladies trailer on fire that was sad oh yeah I'm glad audio Kevin Barry cats over there just like no please don't reveal my secrets how is over there cheering when they said open the dog Lisa no I was not don't you do that to me I did laugh at the open the dog that was a funny way to phrase that how do you say I'm love that but you laughed at that you like dags sticking my head for the longest time but there are people out there that don't get that that's like the stick we're supposed to be unintelligible Christian Felix is the politically correct way of movie I was like 17 or something and I still got it like how do you say I like and then everyone says the fake like audio I will all come out the gate and say that I enjoyed this film I thought it was very fun especially like there's so many really great like cinematic things about this film Benicio del Toro like changing clothes while on the phone at the Taylor is so good there's so many great bags that are like really subtle like the fact that one dude is just constantly making sausages audio aura the transitions like in the intro or just so cool and it's stuff that like today you know would be done probably would like CG like some of those crazy shots and whatnot so it's like cool to see like the fruits of those sort of shots in this phone and like the transition like there's you can see like Edgar Wright must have watched this movie because that position felt so Edgar Wright General Advance her I love creating and watching Panther like especially like the fisherman book the first one the second one doing good you have no idea how much I cut out of banter I can write when I like characters I like and unlike the van I can write like just small talk and like non sequiturs and one-liners four days late do I love that and I love the aside and just a little like and instead go on cuz I'm going to say something like a non sequitur and be like and then the personal call him out on it and they gone this whole other like diatribe even something f****** crazy happens like you hit a person with your car or likes but you stabbed someone inadvertently or something like that so I love that stuff so you're huge Quinton Phantom guessing audio audio Quinton got a lotta I like highs and lows like he's not a he's not consistent cuz the so you know in the beginning where they're dressed up in the Jewish Garb and they're going in and they're actually talking about the Virgin Mary and how is like a translation error actually a reference Reservoir Dogs because in Reservoir Dogs in the opening scene they're discussing Madonna's song Like a Virgin oh my God a little nod to that is that what that's good my Bruno's just like did he go out of his way to find thieves that new theology like be alright audio audio audio are a lot of really good one-liner quips in this movie audio so the one I will show if someone ask me if I want sugar or something I say no thanks I'm sweet enough audio that's a very pathline earnestly if you really do want sugar and something I still say the line and then the rest just under your breath Ant-Man in like this soundtrack do you like that Massive Attack song during the Caravan burning scene is just oh my God I have both love and like the thought about the soundtrack fairy Banger soundtrack good songs but they did a little bit 2 specific I don't want to just come out be like this song Choices we're racist but like the black guys have the fun and like everybody had like the music that was there is but in a I noticed what you've done there but the choice is like so good golden brown bat song like I remember that seeing specifically because of that sound or that that song yeah like Top Gun thing where I was like okay you use the song once that was supposed to enough I don't need to hear it multiple times coming back Wichita plans on cuz if you talking about the guitar audio orchestra music more than once like I'm okay with that you know but like using an actual like it's recognizable more than once is just it takes me out of it cuz I'm like oh and there's the song again that's the the only episode that we've ever put out that's ever been like DMC 8 or whatever this is Top Gun I didn't know that we got because I I timed it out to like a a karaoke like lawyers entertainment lawyers I think my favorite line Pat is the who took the jam out of your donut happy if somebody took the jam out of my donut I'm in team Jam does not belong jelly donuts are amazing this is this is the episode can you destroy this podcast it's over Tacodeli. I prefer cream filled Donuts your favorite on top it grosses me out for like secret things in my food Donuts did you eat a sugar like a sugar sprinkled donut with a smear of jelly on the top of it naked put on toast mix jelly and cinnamon cinnamon sugar donuts I did I try I thought I come rtv400ci started to say cinnamon sugar and I call myself but she's too stupid to Keen listener that reminds me of when we were kids my sister for like years was just like idmi big idea is that grocery stores should sell butter that already has cinnamon and sugar mixed in with it just one day they started selling it yes rather quiet audio you hated this movie in the middle of the movie I looked over and Sam was like on her phone and I was like what are you looking at us like anything I had fun that was a real rabbit and those are real dogs change it that rabbit carry-on bags some like fake ship no it was not that was animal cruelty for human entertainment they certainly couldn't get the no animals were harmed in this feeling I didn't even sit through the credits to see if they actually had how many how many takes of the chase the rabbit scene did they do was there only one take and that's why they couldn't do so F did they go through as the real what who is splice what if there is one seen it just is this a rabbit running with nothing chasing it and then she has a dogs running I am the same shot Shlomo I think they might have only had 10 seconds of not dead rabbit footage and I enjoyed my time watching this movie and I don't want it feel like I did watch something problematic so I enjoyed it never Watch Milo and Otis the ghetto on the Bruins me I was like when I was a kid and I watched in college and I was like everything in my life is a lie oh yeah story about Milo and Otis Okay so Reed college today I said Milo and Otis in the $5 bin at Target and I was like hell yeah I love this movie like they play that Plucky little song about home and there's a kitten in the puppy and their friends so it was filmed in China where they don't have any animal rights laws send a letter A through kittens off cliffs into the ocean yeah it's really bad and not just for that shot it's like something like over a hundred cats were killed making that movie so there's a scene where like the kitten is in a box floating down the river and like a bear finds it a little bear attack it said no the bear was actually there with the kitten how many times are not catch the kitten I don't know there's a lot of boxes 100 what was the movie so I mean I guess the good news is like dislike this movie as much as I dislike three watching Milo and Otis so I was pushing for this movie during the bulk of the choices because I was like it would feel like the least dark episode I got monkeys pot because it's just audio I know. Tell your bosses I did credibly Dark movie is it everyone's killing people and there's like no nice people well yeah they're all criminals gangsters this is how you know this is this is the one flaw in in most movie choices is that if the movie or the TV show is is comprised of entirely not nice people Sam will not like it everyone is and that I mean so here I will I would say that Nikki is not a bad person though what I was going to say audio I really hated the movie until Mickey got the upper hand and then I was like okay exactly and then it quickly lost me again when he was no longer in it having the upper hand I was like okay I mean it's a fun Style I like the editing and the quick-paced I felt the story was over all kind of incredibly hard to follow audio I wish there was more like actionheat Hasty stuff it was a lot I guess Stewart Pat was saying that worked for him didn't work for me is that it was like 90% banter and those I cards like followed up shot to the heart would not be my style like I didn't do that and I'm just like trying to watch it with the lens of like this is us a movie and now I'm going to hate it like I genuinely just trying to follow it and like it and I didn't had a very hard time I will think for part of the movie I put on subtitles and I feel like that really helps though it's kind of funny because sometimes the gibberish is actually just gibberish great but that might help the problem if it's really I could see how it's hard to follow for sure I did love that the dogs squeaked the whole movie oh my God as somebody who's around Labs all the time and I can't you will schitt's you eat everything you deserve a sound like a squeaky toy yeah I mean there's so many like hilarious moments like I love the moment where they're robbing the the betting place and it's just completely gone wrong and they take off their baths and then look up and see a camera and then the other guy just opens the door the other way yes audio girl behind the counter oh yeah she was oh yeah so nonplussed the getaway driver how they were just like shiting on him for being incompetent the whole time and then he's the only one that's made the whole highest go correctly I love that reversal is amazing after the car crashes and they look over there like is that the Russian guy and he's like blindfolded like coffee NORAD the reason why I really enjoyed movie growing up is sort of embodied in the scene where all three of them are driving and it's go back and forth and your kind of seeing where the scene is going like all these weird little nonsense conversations that they're having like Avi and the boys are talking about just like what's the best way to kill someone just like you to use this favor the guys bleeding in the backseat Turkish and Tommy you're talking about how humans aren't supposed to drink milk because there has never evolved for it and then they just run over they run over borsa blade and I just felt the weird Rube Goldberg machine of unfortunate circumstances that led to that I just I love that I love that sub I like that. I almost went backwards to right where they showed the first thing was audio it was who is Winston Saul and Vinny and tire Cas they hit something first they hit him they see it Tim they will how did he get last I saw it last time I saw him he was in the trunk and then it goes to I'll be in at like crashing the car getting milk and then then it goes to Turkish if they okay it did it backwards like the progression where they throw the milk crash the car he gets out then he gets hit it's a thing that and others like a word to describe exactly what it is I think but a lot of PR filmmakers get stuck in this idea of you know you're either doing that completely nonlinear like flip flop movie or your door it's Gotta make 100% since I'm this was kind of like absurdist editing I like that sometimes it was completely linear and sometimes the next scene happened before you know and they didn't let you know and you only really like understood what happened at the end instead of having instead of plotting out the movie so meticulously it kind of felt like they win wouldn't it be cool if we just didn't f****** nonlinear like all out of order and s*** and like they did it and it was dope like it you know it but it was out of sync with the rest of the movie complete I loved it was it was a good choice thing to that I enjoy this gag I write this guy a lot like I like to repeat I enjoyed it and then the middle is implied like you can infer but don't need to show what's the point you get where you're at I'm talking about is when Boris shows up at the jewel never find it will never find them and then the one really big bodyguard guy what can Russians I'll take care of it next smash cut to him bleeding in the back of the car some crazy fights see that cuz it's funny your did you cut right from I'm being like I'm the f****** s*** up to take me to hospital physician what's so great I like the you know you were talking about the nonlinear being difference in the rest of the movie there's also like the boxingscene very like heavily inspired by Raging Bull because in Raging Bull the audio like and it's like all you hear is like the punches and what not and so it seemed like he was inspired by that but then start a heightened it with like over the top sound effects and stuff that felt very like that whole sequence felt very different to but I thought it works and then there's the point where Mickey gets punched and he falls back into water with that felt very anime totally Stark bleeding on that as well yeah they weren't afraid to just do the thing that was best for the scene Donovan Lake what was best in like a hoity toity wait just like what would be fun to watch if they weren't constrained to like what was the correct thing what was the incorrect thing to do if I can see a lot of overproduced modern films that would have that like I mean that sounds cool but like the movie Spotlight. It's going to confuse the audience like we're like the audience pandering like here's where we need to insert that joke in that reference and they did do any of that sort of got to wake up and be like audio yeah it's interesting because I I've been doing a lot of like research on film Theory cuz I'm doing another livestream on my filmmaking Channel with Omar najam tomorrow and we're talking about some Theory yeah by the way side sidebar his Twitter is the best he does like creative writing to you I don't know what you're doing audio but sorry for doing all this research on film Theory and like it was cool to watch this movie and be like this movie is totally formalism which is like you know sort of like the The Gorge malaise Style still making more like everything is is really likes real and moments and like it's not necessarily 100% grounded in reality or trying to be perfectly real and realism and said it's like Titan moments where the filmmakers said knows I'm going to use this filmmaking tool to make you experience a moment outside of which is kind of cool to see like the whole editing style of this film felt that way take the picture and picture moments and then they're even doing like pants can type like punching zooms on like video clips which is just so weird you know like he wouldn't even even that they did they broke and they were just like but like you know what like we're going to just change the aspect ratio of the screen like 30% of the way through the thing because I like stuff like that a lot I'm a big believer in the thing that that overrides rules is like story you want to tell and what you think is going to be most honor enjoyable most pleasing for the consumer of the thing and in the service of Tucker rule the world the world's you know the story of the world that you're trying to tell I just watched this like really compelling argument about how like Speed Racer is ISO Speed Racer is like the ultimate version of formalism because it's like completely like a car to Hawaii so I have the movie The live-action those ones that like initial it got like the rest of it bombed or something but it's actually a good movie and people should appreciated Speed Racer the movie yeah it is over-the-top it is certain dreamlike and to the extent that I could do everything is neon everything's very in-your-face trying to convey the enemy feel like you were saying through live action at the same time they never really nailed but they tried their best to start to make up for it but how's the my first date going to see that movie with your husband audio little bit of embarrassing big but I got nominated to speak when I graduated high school and that I made like a joke just like no one's ever asked me on a date and so someone took pity on me and asked me on that date when you say your first date was to see Speed Racer like that didn't last Foundation foundation for a lasting relationship audio we built ours on House of Wax so honestly who knows what could happen that's very true but reminds me of your first date audio Speed Racer leaned I think a little too hard into the anime tropes for it to be popular with people who didn't like anime audio I was trying to make is like what would have been right for the audience would have been something more realism because that's what the audience wanted but what's actually right for the story but this guy was making the argument of is that it is a ridiculous pipe world where the main character's name is speed racer like you know like it's shouldn't be grounded in realism at all because I love name that work out that way though like Peter Pan Universe like it's really convenient to Valenzuela last name surname is hook I need to have my driver before he had that hand that's a hug what's funny as a lot of high-brow Hollywood s*** like they look up two films where people have like Hank bad guy as like the name you know but like it's there somewhere in there there's a line where it's just like it called it out to the audience too much definitely what is his last name for Leah audio I know his name is James Hook going to be so in love with that but it is Captain James Hook Lobster Jimmy hook where was he how to make a really light of it was the dog audio when I tell you I've open the dog before I can do it the scene where she actually bite someone is in the movie The Other going after those guys that we take off their jacket the dog I least expected to be the one that attacked somebody this sucks so cute this why you've clearly never met a chihuahua always the cute ones audio sense memory in forever and like it was gross it that it's not good that was bad real bad for the rest of the day now this episode is tearing apart no no no I've been trying to get him to realize this forever Ash the song audio the worst of them is it was delicious but it's not tasty audio audio yeah I just want this to be over so bad the animation playing with fans and kiwi Great Lakes Urgent Baker birthday cakes but I make myself to make something new and exciting and this year I made a vanilla latte cake which was vanilla cake and I made espresso buttercream frosting and a coffee and then like cookie like espresso crumble to put in between the layers of The Milk Bar book I want it so bad I could die off Milk Bar birthday cake like that's what I owe ya so much that I don't have and I don't want to spend yeah not like you have to buy like so many weird s*** just to like how to make people stuff but it's so good cuz I did the same thing I think I have all of her books and for my birthday I've made a Milk Bar Cake but instead of like doing one of the ones that she suggested I was like I'm just going to pick and choose from different things so I made my own like I think was like a chocolate cake and then I made my own buttercream icing I can't remember what it was but I made like a blueberry like Jam syrup that I put in between the layers with like a crumble as well and oh my God audio blueberry syrup I'm down for chocolate pie compote a reduction 11 new food podcast idea called I f*** with that audio Patrick nufu Podcast Rockets just fine audio I'm opening I mean we've had this started and I think chocolate is Andover is a fine but overrated flavors of # what's re-watch co-host is over trending I don't think so I'm having a great day I did want to we're talking about this movie adults and not a shelter teenager therapy ra a lot of problems with this film there a lot of problems with the language that they use these are bastard people a movie of Good People except Nikki kind of want to give them a little bit of leeway of just like okay they're trying thick and we don't we shouldn't expect these people to be good or have morals but at a certain point across the line into this like I am becoming uncomfortable with some of the language that they're using and how they're harping on specific things I'm so I would say this word release of us. sounds like Owen and there it is there's the thing audio you're very racist in this movie is a different time audio is 20 years old but in 10 years we watch movies from 2009 that are like holyshit that was that was funny audio audio stuff surprisingly not super sexist what's a mean how you can't be sexist if you don't put women in your movie Tarantino movies that are still sexist even though there aren't women in the spill is there are there where the the daughters the two daughters tell me the name Susan is one I don't know the other one's name where is Ana Navarro a crazy that there is like snow there's a lot of characters movie and it's Bonkers that there are no like Maine women that's wild I never seen this movie a bunch I never noticed that you were yeah the whole like nobody actually dies on screen 26 deaths in the shell did not want to come this on screen audio 26 don't remember all of them didn't see them if a variance controllers a large portion of that is the the guys that works for bricktop audio Batman smells like Arnett later yeah so that's like half of the 26 right there but they said 12 and showed three and then that that was good enough I'm sorry Pat I just tweeted quote tweeted Pat episodes We Stand f*** here the f****** place Ira Toyota f****** right with you I can't help myself PSU need to get I love it did they did go mildly Twitter famous this week so you know what happened because Brett tweeted my Miracle Jenna the spoon standing upright Against All Odds Sam was doing dishes and jumped out of pot with are you the sorcerer Sam get the karate without laughing I don't know how it happened it was the real want to see those pictures of your face cuz the unbridled and you probably were like your gut was probably like hurting and just play I can see that in your face and it makes me happy the joy. no but the it was funny is it funny weather doing no women this movie 2 is 11 Sam you have your you got your life hot button things like don't f*** with me on this and like I feel like the do the biggest ones are Rosie and woman is prize audio one of our shirts for the show needs to be there's a reason why I haven't watch the John Wick series and it's cuz I know everyone says but I know how it starts and I don't need to see anything else no it's so late but there's so many bodies like take the Holy Spirit of the series is like they kill the dog and then like he's like he wants revenge the dog audio apparently it matters to you by Adele write me like you've done a bad thing happened I don't need to see a movie I don't think I would go out and murder people Sam I believe in you boiler up and someone came and intentionally harmed the Cherub accident they were like you would Mama hold the f*** out murder something I mean if if I was I wouldn't I don't know if it was there and I had to protect her sure I still have a clear image of Eva say I'm just stabbing someone to death for taking care of best thing I can see don't kick my dog there it is audio audio well I like are we doing are we doing the the harappa I'll start I enjoyed this film I'd I do think you know has some problems at but I think it's like you can see bread crumbs that have inspired other filmmakers steadily made like better films and and Hughes interesting techniques that you see in this movie I think there's a lot of really funny moments I think it's just like fun to laugh at these dipshitz that are just like so horrible at profession of criminal yeah I enjoyed it I don't think it's the best movie ever follow my with you as well like there a lot of things that upon re-watching that I'm just like oh yeah yikes knows things I don't like this put it back please but it still has that same sense of fun that driven to it in the first place when I was younger it is very over-the-top like I said I love it when characters are dumbasses like those are my favorite type of movies to watch it's just like people who don't know what the f*** they're doing hilarious I love it telling to me as dumbass it's not as good as I remember I still had fun audio enjoy the movie overall I had fun watching it I think it's still fun I think yeah the same stuff that is problematic but you know is we we learn during the show ladies 90% of thing the further you go out the worst the the higher the probability of the overwhelming majority especially if they're 20 years or older have some stuff that doesn't age well you know at some degree saying or doing something shity is just saying or doing something shity also you know certain words depending on how they're used or if they're worker like directed at someone at meant to like cause harm but but yeah those things are bad but obviously not even close not even in top 10 worst Sephora Cosmetics dance movies audio as bad as overall good movie I really what I like about it is I love the strong I like one I liked it I enjoy the I enjoy the quickie banter a ton I love like the British style of britishisms and that and it's just so I supposedly love I do like British gangster stuff a lot and was just wanting to me tirades coming out of British with British accents are very amusing to me this accent that we as Americans associate with finery but just saying the foulest of words in the English language I find audio tickles me Great Lakes a British person says I won't even say it cuz I know it audio British person saying the c word to me I I can't stop myself from give me a little bit but like that's bad word but it's still funny hearing your voice but I really enjoyed it overall it was you know it's still a fun watch as long as that thing that part right there is not cool overall the fun outweighed the you make me go after Pat's lovefest I don't want to go out that it's okay you can find pretty much like sums it up like like it's just the difference in like preference it's not a bad movie I think we knew going into it wouldn't really be my style I think it does potentially fall into that camp of Les re-watch were like nostalgia in memory of the movie plays into like enjoyment possibly if you hadn't seen it as a kid in like loved it or like you don't have a lot of ties to that era you might not be as interested in the movie fun Aladeen fun creative decisions I think of fun nonlinear way of Storytelling I'm just not really like my cup of tea and turns of the story that they were telling I think very easily if it had been a different story or even like a less violent story like I would have enjoyed it a lot more I think a good modern-day example is The Spy Who dumped me cuz it's a lot of like it's kind of a modern retelling not quite as like experimental film but it's like a bunch of idiots trying to do a heist and hilarious so I can kind of like see those similarities and see where this movie inspired future movies and I appreciate it for that I have to check that out the spy who dumped me yeah it's really good it's really funny and you can check my ailment I can come back and say you know chocolate is overrated hot we are going to Sam and I will sit down and bake you some delicious chocolate things overrated and I think like the range is not that big a range from the Lauren chocolate to the commute like to taste like chocolate or like 40 to send you some of the best oh wow you got me where can I send you like a like 20 dozen Knoxville Donuts $2,000 imported from Belgium and I cooked it for 8 hours straight call wow you showed me I've been in Belgium and I've had the chocolate as f****** phone man it's not the same Kevin had Belgium but I've had German chocolate and it's closed and it was still f****** phenomenal even their chocolate ice cream so maybe Pat you just hate American chocolate maybe I don't audio overrated find that slaver polite people say when they mean they hate something fast make my eyes roll back or anything like that for like other flavors it's brownie recipe and it's really good I also have an amazing brownie recipe that I have been wanting to remake fattening just suck it up girl I've gained like 7 lb or my fat pants in there now way too tight Courtney I don't like 5 house from the outside world audio hey Patty Pratt you want to give you sure Sherpa prep I made a lot of predictions at the beginning the the ways in which I might not enjoy the film and the ways in which it might be problematic and I'm delighted to say that most of those gases were incorrect audio audio so problematic in new and exciting ways ways that I could not possibly have predicted also I feel like maybe if Brett didn't like it that it could be my fault like I was a f****** black hole in the middle of the room and sucked all the joy out of movie or something like that previous episodes and I cannot remember which one but we watched the movie and I was I was optimistic but everyone would like it if they could just embrace the sexism and that's what this experience was much like I feel like I have the same entertainment value of watching Rube Goldberg machine videos on YouTube which is immense entertainment. like I put ariete tweeted one the other day that was sick mind-boggling but it had about the same depth of character as a Rube Goldberg machine do we have any other adjectives who needs some weight he likes his mom oh yeah he loves his mom and he kisses the cross oh yeah people will know he's Irish for sure like cool but just characters Riku fun to watch in this movie This Is the movie about watching the neat things happen and like face they presented an image and they said you're going to this is going to make your eyes go wide with entertainment and just like too much and you know what I'm not thinking about it and I liked it it was really good I thought you were going with that statement Cheese's downtown across the court restaurants enjoyable entertainment will I watch it again no but like I'm glad I saw it again as an adult and like yeah I kind of got to say absurdist editing which is now a phrase that I'm going to use that out of their times in my life and for that alone I feel good thank you Kim an Twitter audio I wasn't expecting that f****** roller coaster audio okay so I guess that does it for us thank you so much Kim yeah you're bringing medicine being on the podcast thank you good question you can find me on Twitter at Kim candies at KMC attys from there I have links to all of the various podcast lamb on which include transmission sequence podcast for me and my husband and our good friend Vince talk about anime as well as Naruto review to which is me and my friends Jesse and Tim we are taking Naruto episode by episode bring down a lot of fun oh yeah Kim and Jessie ardm Daddy don't say that no no no Best Buy audio play study audio remind me to work if it was right there couldn't resist listeners you've missed most liked light-hearted childlike grin of Happiness on Pat's face as he said that you could you could tell he was getting our coats and loving every second of it go. Glorious audio audio you were saying about the timcast yes yes he also amzn as well as some of our friends we are going through a vertice on Twitch my voice on left hate witches podcast for me and my buddies talk about things we love things to hate and finally if you want to hear me do another real play podcast it is monsterhearts wintercrest podcast it's a lot of fun we're goofing around and they're just having a ball and you're like half of the internet yeah yeah man Jim running for us right now I want to do a podcast with Tim or she assigns me something in anime to watch with no contacts and then I have to like to talk about it with no no and I will do it in a in a respectful way if it was Zero context would like watch these three episodes of the show shockoe bottom what if we made a podcast called the one-off every episode is a one-off random idea episode and we could start with that one Ashley like that I'm going to send you a Evangelion you're going to have to watch the last three episodes and just a character play down my own character's life in a heartbeat freaking character I adore conspirator so much I would say the same bed but I'm usually dead address weak ground beef I know that was the best f****** joke I died and I'm in the other room so I can't laugh too loudly because then it will show up on the stream so I have to Brett plays a very squishy squishy boy squishy with her boy is always come out fighting himself on the front lines seriously I was like inside of a thing this time and still was the only one to die audio every week I am a 7ft dragon man get behind me audio audio engage the audience yes so if you want to follow us you can follow us on Twitter we're at let's re-watch where we do fun stuff like movie poles which is how you guys pick this movie that Sam will be angry about you doing and I'm mildly angry about Boondock Saints but not this one now okay yeah audio or if we pick the movie I tweet screenshot so that you guys can try to guess what movie were watching so check it out I just cuz Kim probably doesn't know was that your honor roll we were nailing I'm loving it it's Jesus keeping the same energy the full episode of The Boondocks everything sad all the time so it's okay to talk about some sad stuff this is hilarious in contacts we watch Boondock Saints St Patrick's Day 3 days after the. New Zealand shooting and we were like Saint Patrick's Day is like we're going to watch this movie about these irish guys and then they were like they did a thing in the movie that was they were filming themselves doing like religious murder and I we came back from the thing and all three of us or just like oh my God it's the weekend and I told you so too and like Ash and I were both like we love this movie in college is badass audio we did bad like 20 minutes of apologies to The Listener and there was still a lot of apologies to The Listener movie Bad how many people were saved from watching that movie or like reading it and giving that movie more money than any other contacts it wouldn't have been as bad as it was the worst time in the whole universe to watch that movie and I think we were like so proud of ourselves too cuz we're like yeah we're finally doing like a holiday-related movie we were on it no nope is painful and if you live through that experience you can you can leave us a review Sam tell him we're a podcast please review us on Google podcast Apple podcasts or Spotify we could really use your Spotify reviews please cuz we're fresh and new on there and then I feel like I actually have a plug this week I released to collections of Music on the bandcamp and by the time this comes out it'll also be streaming on all the streamers and that's can't you can look for my name Brett eaglestone Prince with one teeth music under bread Eagles I'm not releasing music on YouTube Reddit we can do a collab your bread Eagles I'll be my old Randall rambling waffle audio but I also feel like Pat you should bump your ear I don't know what you're talkin about that thing that's only consumed all of my mental energy for the past like six months audio yeah so if you go to if you go to my Twitter audio has a link or I can go to the red some people's browsers they get like you get swag I promise you there's nothing nothing malicious about the website just goes to the kickstarter pre-launch page yeah I know audio ffiv campaign that will be doing the kickstarter for I believe we're targeting Late July f****** stuff in that campaign it's the amazing the Arts amazing I'm going to be playing a lot more stuff out in that regard if you want a little taste of what you can expect I'm actually going to start doing a series of mini side quest Adventures that are set in the same setting the same city with cameos from mpc's the first of which I'll wait this will be out nevermind I'll be out already I'm actually doing them just follow me on Twitter at the Bel Edwards I'm actually doing things with lots of guest players all right we have to go because trivia starts right now thanks so much for coming on Kim this has been so much fun thank you for having me I'm so glad I got to meet you as in Sam Ash. So much good things about you guys for humans audio favorite making us for the lovely listeners at please join us again next episode when we watch that train it all started with a mouse in the last 100 years the magic of Disney has held our homes and hearts and defined Generations join the dope and dreams podcast certain
hard kombucha California another episode finally hitting our stride five years in Holy Ship no last episode real bad last time well okay fine to episode well this is the only real life interaction we have with people now so we're trying not to f*** that up audio only time we have communicate with people am I standing in the mirror for an hour before this practicing that intro just like how awkward is it going to be when this is over and you're like now I have to sit in a restaurant and talk to people this is weird yeah but luckily we have the internet to talk to people I thought it we wouldn't have today special guest very excited to welcome to the show alific podcaster and our fellow D&D Adventure on happy hour audio happy to be here thank you guys for having me and I'm very excited yeah I like this whole like doing the guest appearances now cuz I got to help you Happy Hollow or now you're here like we're going to have to be on your things and like let's make podcasting last yeah it's like our job except it doesn't pay yeah I've actually had to do a recording or a stream every day so far this week going into the weekend so like I'm chugging along maybe hit my stride you did one a day that is like a worker isn't cuz it's like fight you like five things right audio wow plug myself you other than finding hanging out with Britain Pat on Happy Hill hour I also do an anime review podcast. Very cool guest year in sequence as well as another anime review podcast called Naruto review till we're going to do Episode by episode of Naruto talking about it a lot of fun I also let the hate podcast meet my friends talk about things we love things we hate and finally it is a real play Monster Hunter podcast has been getting big because of critical role so we're here audio that's a lot of fun and you can find all of those things on iTune Spotify so on and so forth forever and ever almond I appreciate but you pronounce Naruto correctly so much because I said one who was like reading the manga in like High School it drives me crazy when people don't pronounce it right no no stop only ever heard it pronounced what I assumed was the correct way so all those ideas Pat are the ways that you can pronounce it wrong I guess I never heard anyone say it differently is it a short you it's Naruto oh no are we are we are life on his friends now that I know the likes fan translations because it wasn't out yet I used to be a huge anime nerd so I feel you there I feel you hell yeah we need to do some like anime movies on this podcast action have you back for that yeah sure if I do it what she's got guys was too Spirited Away or legs movie sorry. I mean those are great to Samba stop white people audio tentacle for all that stuff anyway you brought us some amazing movie options and we did a movie poll which had my phone would open up so you brought to us the Sixth Sense The Blair Witch Project witch I'm still fat that didn't win cuz I've still never seen it I've never seen it either that would have been good audio animated spiders back Donnie Darko which also would have been the match honestly I'm a little surprised or Donnie Darko didn't win me too clothes from what I saw it was accidentally voted for Donnie Darko and it still didn't win as usual I was not on Twitter so I did it's for the best never go on sweater my favorite guitars Twitter is like The Lion King when Mufasa was like audio shadowy place over there you should never go there have I really been trying not to use my six alt accounts to vote on the polls so I had my phone sorry I definitely have a bad thumb on the scales of these poles but snatch one at 35% okay question what is it's a movie number one okay it's half of the name of our spaceship in scruffy nerf-herder in grab is like like apostrophe in grams well Sam snatch is the follow-up film by Guy Ritchie from the film Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels so that was the film needed before this snatch is kind of Wednesday that it lives in the same universe but it has the same vibe so snatched as I said our director writer is Guy Ritchie who's done other films Sherlock Holmes shut like movies not the show but the movies with also I thought that was kind of interesting he did the new Aladdin I know this is a very different movie that people really threw me under the bus and like I'm not going to say it was a great movie but the guy that got to play Aladdin the physical comedy was so good like I love physical comedy they didn't really give him like too much of a chance to Sunshine but there is a dance sequence that he is just gold in audio I saw blue Will Smith and I said no thank you for the week call Bella Blues experiment was that last year 10 or 2019 is like 10 years ago we did an experiment where we try to be like every week instead of every other weekend we do these many episodes where we watch a trailer for something and like react to it download go deaf quantity Aladdin review just cuz I I I feel like people should probably watch it just cuz it was it was it was okay the sad thing is that Will Smith was the part that sucked in the movie but it wasn't his fault it wasn't his fault he tried so hard but you could feel like the product that producers breathing down his neck just like can you just can you just try and do it like Robin Williams like so many scenes he's like doing the mannerisms and nobody and then and then I like this and like and that's what it was in the big blue stuff is only the beginning would have been better if they'd just let Will Smith be Will Smith audio wow it's shocking Disney overproduce friend lightly Sam my lord and savior Christ. Like a Man Standing just out of frame here if I open this door there is a guy in a dark suit sunglasses and Mickey ears with a Glock 9 is that what the cable going to under the door is this isn't a mold Disney because I like I was taught by like literally the 2D animators from the golden years so I'm like I'm trying to get over it but I was ingrained in me that everything after they left the company sucked and Disney will never be the same again I am Landing in the kind of the modern Disney Grumpy area of anything new original I'm okay with from Disney but if it's a remake of a 2d I'm like suck it it sucks I hate it and it doesn't have a fighting what I've seen of the trailers because I refuse to watch the movies they're taking the animator's shots and redoing them every like I will say the in this is going to be Mir if you mentioned there are some moments that are I like in the there is one you song they did those original a new that I like a couple actually I think I think some lyrical songs are pretty decent in the Beauty and the Beast audio this is all the conversation lost us-listed that's fine I'm just a little sensitive about it cuz I would be in a normal World in a non post-apocalyptic world I would be 2 days away from going to Disney World we had a trip planned for the they're going to go as of this Saturday did the 21st recording we have the 23rd we are going to leave for I'm so sorry man yeah we were supposed to do Disney World this spring too and we would loose like we didn't have dates or anything for waiting for a guy to marry say hey I'm in Disney World does Becky get that bat Primo sweet she's like a free hotel room and a boat takes you to the park like Copperhead Road I'm not even sure cuz I'm not even a big Avatar the movie fan that section of the Animal Kingdom Disney World the best rides in all of Disney World the restaurant really good like they killed it oh my heart is extra broken should we talk about the movie the switch to an animated movie at this point right down very non Disney movie where why she was released in 2001 it had a budget of only 10 million so this is a very low budget film and I believe one of the reportedly 1 million of that 10 million was used just to use the Madonna song Lucky Star audio oh yeah girl forgot about that sounds like a was it was it a while they were still together like cool million for my girl or was it after they broke up like a million they were married mm December 2000 November 2008 so yeah wow so they got married a year before this movie came out yes I hear it yeah we're going to pay $1000000 to what that prenup must've looked like Jesus the box office the US box office for this was 30.3 million which was not bad and the world wide was 86.6 Million pretty damn good very good return on investment and the cast guys the cast is so great phenomenal cast I am fresh as a baby's bottom I know nothing about this everything nothing like I can't even picture the movie poster so don't wild new and I'm very excited to learn Okay so Benicio del Toro is this yeah it is usual Antonio Banderas sorry there's some Twitter talk today about Mask of Zorro and like I just feel like I want to crowbar that in as our next one that's it's happening okay okay I just want to take a moment preciate the fact that I ate nails that name and then Sam filled in for my usual moment of not knowing who a person was that they stamp taking that responsibility in this episode only for you Star Wars universes coolest character Star Wars isn't that weird got the spoilers the villain audio I can't wait for this guy I don't know who's the guy with the stutter at what that they would let out of jail in the second one audio a picture of a music recognizer we also have dinner and Dennis which you might recognize from Get Shorty and midnight run anyone here seen midnight run but I had to watch it in college and then of course probably one of the biggest star has Brad Pitt never heard of them never heard of him find hadera Brad Pitt Titanic audio audio he notably had just done fight club before this movie and so she was concerned about taking another character that was like a boxer I guess so also just to jump into a little bit of the trivia since we're talking about him Brad Pitt was such a fan of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels that he actually approached Guy Ritchie asking for the role in this movie yeah and then when it became clear that Brad Pitt could not do London accent was Kevin the role of Mickey the Gypsy witch Samuel fine very funny once you see the movie it sounds like it could cross into racist territory I am slightly concerned like going back to this movie because they called pikeys and I don't know if I like that's derogatory terms for Travellers yeah that's a good question we also have a Jason Statham in this movie amazingly enough whistling Trail house are you kidding me I feel like you're channeling braces really lets me watch everybody British like tough guy in lots of action movies transporter okay sure is that really don't know who Jason Statham I know the name okay this is out of my element is action movies that he's not the Rock in Hobbs and Shaw I hate I am finished the wrong and there's nobody else in Hobbs and Shaw so this was actually his fifth film is my crazy really yeah and he was also in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels so there's a lot of the same Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels humble a lot of the same plot in this movie why is it a very long time since I can't remember technically different they're both British crime Guy Ritchie has a very very strong Style appreciate it Listen to I mean as you grow and develop you can like do different things you can tell this is he had a very very very distinct way of doing things and shooting things just like a British Scorsese deal we're just like another movie about like the tough cool again I haven't seen it for like 15 years and this and I have always thought in barrels are the same movie in my head Vibes are very very stiff but they pretty much could probably take and take place in the same universe like in the same city likes like both each little vignettes London I dig it yeah but I did this I think it's very style of I like it alot so we also have Vinnie Jones might recognize from X-Men the Last Stand Gone in 60 Seconds the face of this movie in my head he was also in Lock Stock so another account number from there we have Alan Ford who I mentioned because he was on another movie we did for the podcast An American Werewolf in London oh yeah yeah and also in Lock Stock we have Lennie James who you might recognize from The Walking Dead if you watch The Walking Dead he's great in that and then I do now I'm going to get this name wrong this is going to be the one radio sure I'm so sorry thank you fat please he plays Boris the blade but you might recognize him from Batman Begins and Mission Impossible 2 oh brother yeah he's in you will recognize him within seconds he is 90% movies that have Russian gangster from like 1995 to 2005 Russian gangster that's exactly like this this is a good stereotype movie for actors cuz like Bethel Avenue Jones things like you know like the guy that's always the big Angry tough British guy exactly yeah audio movie that he's in want to like some fun trivia which I'm very hesitant because I'm not sure the movie is going to like I tried nausea slime spoiler was choose one of all offend you but you swear actually probably more than any of us but the word f*** is said 163 times in the smoothies give you an idea of what you're in for I'm in at just a minute alone I'm okay with it but it could too easily Veer off-course as long as nobody Hardline me animals getting hurt Tim it's okay we're going to ask you in a bit like what you know what but it's okay I guarantee you audio but I guarantee you like the worst the most problematic and worst movies have been done so far at the bar so low put our printer about violence in this movie though I'm sorry there is not there is no sorry sorry just a heads up on that one it will happen I know I hate it go to the second half sucks and it's terrible I don't know if it's the redeemable or not but it is it is done by a bad guy so it's not audio okay this is why I'm not sure say I'm going to like this movie but the fact that this is step by spoilery but I also think that it's important to know going in because I have watched this movie with people who didn't know and I hated the movie for this but the in decipherable speech by the gypsies is actually intentional others characters in this movie that talk and you won't be able to understand audio I feel like family obviously that's the point you're not supposed to be able understand I will I want Jump Ahead to the last time I watched this movie the last time I watch this movie was with a friend who then spent the entire time complaining about how it was such a horrible movie because she couldn't understand them I said here's the thing we talked about this before on the show this movie and Lock Stock definitely contributed to my general disdain for not are not us English but like British people what the f*** are they saying ever oh my God I don't know what the f*** they're saying half Mexican and so he can only understand English with a Spanish accent and not any other super super rough Spanglish I'm all over it harder that worries you about us streaming these episodes live for people to watch SVU recordable offended by that throw a f****** Crumpet at me but like I podcast the bread and we make fun of his accent all the time we bully him it's okay they're too polite normally I would believe Brett for this but when I was a freshman in high school I got the opportunity to go on a trip to Ireland anybody over the age of 40 I could not understand a f****** word they said mortified ladylike Northern Ireland is even more there's like there's like sixty different dialects in in the London area and like people who live three blocks apart can understand each other I don't think that I'm the problem here not a British accent but a London accent when I was talking about the Brad Pitt thing but the important thing to do you know about the indecipherable speech is that it was inspired by critics that complained about the accents of the characters in Lock Stock and some Guy Ritchie decided to counter the criticism by making characters that not only couldn't be understood by the audience but also couldn't be understood by the characters in the movie so it's a running gag in the movie that's pretty great right it's so great another fun trivia piece I have is every mistake the characters make in their Criminal criminal Criminal play time we're inspired by real-life crimes but had gone horribly wrong audio yeah so they were the first ones to do that Battleship opening sequence for they just like ripped off that YouTube video of that guy breaking into the convenience store oh I don't know why do you remember so much about that view really every second of Battleship is burned into my brain as the worst stupidest movie I've ever seen audio turned it into his brain everything is good no nobody does Ash I'm serious talk to us a little bit about like why this is on your list that you sent us like you just this and it's it's really dumb go through I'm shocked that you guys have invited me onto the show because I'm not a big movie person weird faces throughout my life or I get really into movies and then I get way out of them and snatch came to me when I was 16 the first summer I think I had my driver's license and so I would just go to Blockbuster and I would rent as many movies as I could like I watched the seventh seal I watched like all sorts of movies and snatch somehow made it into that summer and I washed it and the yummy bubble gum like popcorn Adidas of it really stuck in my craw so that's like I loved I was a weirdo little sophomore in high school I like this is my movie This is the movie that I love to watch is a good time to me and share with all my friends and I still have movie nights and I'll be like let's watch snatched let's or stash sophisticated taste for a high school but that's like a perfect movie for this shirt totally exactly what we're looking for audio Blockbuster on a Friday after school we had a we had Hollywood I boast but yeah video J&P love the family story was while we were yet every when you actually would go in a store and touch things audio audio there is still an operational not right now probably but before pain in the before times before pandemic my wife's Hometown there is still an operational video rental store Family Video Jason operational rental video store in Portland too but they don't rent kids movies if you know what I mean so I have a couple more trivia one thing that maybe maybe this will make you feel better Sam is that the dog in the film was actually very difficult to work with yeah we're up for you like the dog that was in the middle of reading a book the guy hit the dog and I was like f*** you know I couldn't finish the book well the Counterpoint the dog actually attacked Lennie James so in the movie or in real life real life was replaced so audio means that the dog was actually probably be killed then Ash this worth maybe that's true guys I'm going to be replaced in the second half okay somebody when is Eric with cherub I married a huge animal lover like we don't watch certain shows or films because if there's animal violence like we're just like we're done with it like that's what we haven't Venture because dog violence really I am so sorry hopefully you're not watching it with him tonight or like surprise I must have bought it at 2 cuz I do not feel like she was movie handful of times and I like it and I don't remember I mean probably because like I said it's like it's the bad guy doing it and it's like it's a way of showing this is a bad character and so verses in Boondock Saints it's like the good guys that killed the cat so you're like what the f*** you know walking boot the the real the range of the pre and the post show back on board and then we were young and I was kind of like I am now is like they kill a cat I don't know I don't like it understandable. At least it's an accident and Boondock Saints so so Vinnie Jones miss a day of shooting because he got in a real fight the night before and went to jail so they had to find a look-alike for one of the physical real soccer goal against the Rous there was like the actor that could play the Rous and he was like he loved to go to bars and get into fights and he got arrested and was held in the drunk tank overnight and they held up shooting to bail him out of jail so that he could play the Rous in the princess do they had stand-in actors that could get in the costume they just didn't move correctly we need the other guy straight out of the mouths of Rob Reiner that's amazing it sure looks like a human in a rest what are they like this is going to be always movie this is my Academy Award right I'll take it I like to sing how to make any circuses a picture of an actor in his home Andy Serkis butt crime the next fact I find interesting because of the director I've done this to but the producers couldn't afford enough extras for the boxing match scenes so whenever the camera angle change the extras had to move around to create the impression of a crowded house and every time we change angles I would have all the extras move and swap outfit so they looks like different people excellent I mean there's so much great trivia with this movie but I'll just do one more for now all except side 201 Sean Connery was offered the role of bricktop in this movie who likes the script I hadn't seen Lock Stock so you wanted to see that they set up a screening for him he saw it after it he said that's a good film and you're not going to be able to afford me and then the last piece of trivia I'll leave you with that I find really interesting is that nearly every death in the movie takes place Oscar I like it for the dog who knows I don't know I don't know if you remember the dog moment I just threw my research with like audio oh yeah there you go there I have more trivia but I could just keep going Ashley bathes for the film so that he could actually look crunchy audio Yates maybe that's why the dog bit him I would never know animal whatever she's like a Disney princess he's things to buy animals audio oh wait I forgot this was really important for Brett the film's title only appears once throughout the entire movie where Vinnie tells the dog don't snatch so there you go cuz I know how much you've Lowe's whenever they try to shoehorn the movie title well I'm glad that they at least have some some morality Brett is that Meme of Leo DiCaprio from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I really say the title of the movie in the movie we like 20 the screen the rounds on Twitter lately we got a cigarette the beard look like perfect perfect alright prediction prediction time you brought this how long has it been since you saw it did you say that earlier God it's been awhile I know the last time I watched it was probably in high school so that was like a good oh wow yeah few years ago so this will really put it to the test then yeah seriously like I had to dig out my old like this like this CD holding case for a used to put like all my DVDs like Science Theater DVDs in there like what I was looking for it earlier to find it make sure I still have it I was like oh got to be transported back in time but he yeah it's been since I was like 18 or so and so like with the traveler stuff like it's going to be interesting to see if that is automatic or if they handled it well I just remember having a good time with this movie but I don't remember a whole lot about it audio audio I feel like a saint what are your before we paint your predictions anymore since you didn't know this movie existed what are your predictions now this movie existed but I don't know anything about it I literally have zero clue very worried it's going to be another Boondock Saints experience I'm home movies good in retrospect oh my God it's terribly problematic I also I'm kind of weirdly expecting it to be like Trainspotting for some reason like I don't know why I have never seen Trainspotting either but I know it's like cheapest Trainspotting I'm expecting it to Joyce's other movie I haven't seen people have told me what happens in the movie and if you think that I am not okay with animal violence and I know things happen to a baby in Trainspotting I'm not okay with that audio harm to the baby in Trainspotting it's more like neglect okay I'll just going to have a baby and not feed it not book oh my God and I don't play on recess and forget to like acid a bottle and it's beeping first still living a lie just a beat in like a little death coma yes forever could not handle my Tamagotchi anymore one beat Priscilla bullish I was like this close to taking a hammer to that mother f***** you can just take the battery out again he's afraid the listeners Ash is actually available for babysitting I will take you up on that so what else besides it being like this other movie you haven't seen I don't know I just have this terrible feeling that I'm not going to like it and that it's going to be violent and abrasive and I'm just it's not a saint movie is my prediction but it is nowhere near as Extreme as Trainspotting treat Trainspotting today is that send its own category in Bruges category cuz I also load that movie and I'm terribly scared that he'll be like that brilliant child yeah yeah yeah it was an accident just like the cat cloudy eyes okay now or it like rooted in my in my opinion of Samuel hate this movie I don't know it's okay it's okay I was trying to say is I think you were expecting something far more extreme this is just like which is the highest movie Heist movie it's not like Quentin Tarantino people are just f****** murdering people to murder people that's what I'm expecting all right all right audio audio widevine yes okay Ross catering plenty of implied violence it's a lot more fun play Trainspotting those I I am very optimistic about it I'm a hole but I will talk to him is to our philosophy here is like we go into this movies hoping to like this is not a we're going to come in and try to find normally anyway but that being said what you guys have talked me off the ledge of Samhain still say to this day audio but I really enjoy what is it audio but how long has it been since you've seen it audio minimum 5 years probably closer like 7-8 I was quite a long talk about what I'm going to say about the movie cuz I I'm a little on team Sam with this one I'm so afraid it's going to be Boondock Saints because communicate your character next session in DND it's okay so like implied violence Don't make me say things about but you know what if there's going to be who's going to be jokes that are that are in this many many many toxic masculinity jokes but not making fun of toxic masculinity at their jokes for people who are that is my guy that scene transition where someone punches into the camera that's going to happen like 6 * awesome audio I told I told you exactly how many f*** I think it'll probably be fun but I don't remember what the movies about and it I think it all hinges on like is the core by super problematic like Boondock Saints or is it just Heist movie I'm pretty sure the courts lot is not problematic like Boondock Saints are deciding who is evil and who is good and therefore whoever is evil should die some Jewels or something basically I love dumbass characters and that's why I love this movie because they're all so dumb different ways to me so that's that would be the best possible outcome and I will enjoy it if that's what happens my prediction is Brett will like this film I don't know that Sam will we will see Allagash all the pressure yeah is it better if I drink more alcohol now it's always better question that's the official slogan of quarantine what isn't made better by alcohol blow my predictions are I feel like I've only seen this movie I think twice I feel like I saw it most recently within the past 10 years like I said I saw it with a friend I think I saw it price my boyfriend as well had my friend and Bryce were both well mostly my friend was incredibly turned off by the fact that she couldn't understand what they were saying and ruin the film by spending the whole time making fun of it and I remember it was or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon I remember the whole time being like this is a really good movie and you're ruining it I feel like we didn't even finish watching it I feel like I seen the movie before and I knew it was a good movie and I had recommended we watched it so I feel like I've seen this movie all the way through possible I haven't though audio but I'm expecting a good time I think it'll be fun I think it'll be I think the characters that we can't understand are also not understood by the other characters in the movie and it's not race it's more a dialect yes it'll be funny yeah I remember that part especially being pretty hilarious I remember something with some Caravans being pretty hilarious still ask blows my mind is it is so obvious to me you're supposed to understand the yes that's the joke audio I finally watched audio yeah wasn't that boilers if Ash Ash too late as a professional maker of films you will like it will be so painfully obvious to you and you'll be like wait but this supposed to be a big reveal anybody I knew you would like wait is it supposed to be a the whole movie the whole movie is making fun of the viewer oh you're going to blow your mind right f****** now oh s*** is your mind blown yeah fukin was Joker like I I have a special ability bring it back to snatch that I have always been incredibly good at understanding British accents mostly with Irish stew Irish gets hard like you were saying Sam I feel like play some stick Irish accents but I'm pretty good at Scottish too and so I remember watching this movie and being able to perfectly understand what they're saying is that is that where we differ you can understand the British so you love it gibberish to me even when they're not doing it on purpose and so I don't like it oh God audio is it what am I am I hashtag problematic now not liking the f****** imperialists you know what I can't believe I accidentally brought a movie for it that is a specific attack on you vote at a poll we can always blame this on Twitter yeah always blames the audience it wasn't for you desperately viewers I would have gotten away with it all right stop the recording watch snatch and come back and dish lyrics to wait for that little bit was used she got paid $10 second chance if I was the producer I'd be really mad that that's where we spend our budget like the budget attend can't wait to hear what she let me tell you I feel thoroughly snatched right now I have I really have one plot question and it's not even this isn't this isn't leading to a joke even though my voice went out like it was going to be a joke cousin Abby the New York guy Frankie working for him at the beginning why was he the guy we're selling the diamond 2 at the end I don't think Frankie was working for him in the show Frankie stole it for him so how is soda ending really confusing to me you just going to come kill them maybe that's why she hired he hired Frankie to steal the diamond in the first place oh yeah so I thought Frankie was going to but I can't remember same fake Jewish audio on behalf of Frankie degenerate Gambler was going to have we went to see Doug make a bet on the fight rear-ended by accident Vinny and a soul he was knocked out and then the trailer of the bookie and they failed in this all those him Lil Kim cuz I knew he had something valuable has a point because like in the very beginning that there's the other guy I don't I don't know who he is cuz he never comes back he's just the guy telling like she hired Frankie to do it Birdman Bobby heard Frankie I got I got it I'm going to help with her okay cousin Avi New York Dennis Farina Chicago cop before what did the Jeweler with the twin daughters cousin Avi New York hired Frankie 4 fingers to steal the diamond Frankie assembled a crew of thugs to help him one of which like a Russian low life do the job the thugs probably get paid whatever fee they got audio one of the hired thugs at Frankie Frankie Steele audio find this guy Rob is asked if you can have a big f****** diamond on him is coming to London I still don't understand why was Avi the last person that they call cuz he was the one who was trying to buy in the first place he was the buyer every time somebody was like I need to sell this diamond the fake Jewish London guy was like I got a guy that will buy this diamond he was the guy but so he came to London to take the diamond from Frankie because Frankie was going to gamble it away cuz he couldn't find them anywhere audio things are going to plan I'll be with a never going to London in the first place he would have given the diamond to Doug the head what if sent the diamond to Avi New York and I would have been end of story because of two things because Frankie is a degenerate Gambler and because the one Thug and his crew dime them out to Boris set off a chain of events that led to the movie We just watched alright that clears it up a little bit when there's so many white men it's so hard to tell them doors and Avi I thought we're like the same person for half of the movie be there wearing the same suit they both had the same same greybeard and likeness compared sure he doesn't have a beard you just as a mustache maybe not I know I'll be with the wet American guy who is in the hallway scene when everyone when when scoresandodds what is a mustache when is a beard when is the suitcase when has an AK-47 I mean in this in this episode simultaneously have told us the British language sounds like gibberish to you too white men look exactly the same listen it's it was like like watching The Departed and I couldn't tell any of the characters apart audio audio I want to find out though of fret but I don't think there was even one punch train I was so wrong eat that Crow however I will also eat the crow of I said it was a dialect thing they actually are Irish so it's not audio I was wrong as well I feel Vindicated understand you guys have been English and case speaking I love I love that that was in there I'm a little Vindicated just because of the trivia facts that they did it on purpose that they were like let's just make this completely indecipherable the scene of the guy saying that made me feel like see Brett your this a****** he was like the nicest guy in the movie cut open the dog but he did not open the dog audio audio according to the logic of the film that makes him a horrible person are you getting the two white dudes confused because if you're thinking of the bald guy who is being ordered to cut the dog open and didn't want to that's different than the other audio I mean one is ordering no need to cut the dog open I don't feel kinship with like the guy that let the ladies trailer on fire that was sad oh yeah I'm glad audio Kevin Barry cats over there just like no please don't reveal my secrets how is over there cheering when they said open the dog Lisa no I was not don't you do that to me I did laugh at the open the dog that was a funny way to phrase that how do you say I'm love that but you laughed at that you like dags sticking my head for the longest time but there are people out there that don't get that that's like the stick we're supposed to be unintelligible Christian Felix is the politically correct way of movie I was like 17 or something and I still got it like how do you say I like and then everyone says the fake like audio I will all come out the gate and say that I enjoyed this film I thought it was very fun especially like there's so many really great like cinematic things about this film Benicio del Toro like changing clothes while on the phone at the Taylor is so good there's so many great bags that are like really subtle like the fact that one dude is just constantly making sausages audio aura the transitions like in the intro or just so cool and it's stuff that like today you know would be done probably would like CG like some of those crazy shots and whatnot so it's like cool to see like the fruits of those sort of shots in this phone and like the transition like there's you can see like Edgar Wright must have watched this movie because that position felt so Edgar Wright General Advance her I love creating and watching Panther like especially like the fisherman book the first one the second one doing good you have no idea how much I cut out of banter I can write when I like characters I like and unlike the van I can write like just small talk and like non sequiturs and one-liners four days late do I love that and I love the aside and just a little like and instead go on cuz I'm going to say something like a non sequitur and be like and then the personal call him out on it and they gone this whole other like diatribe even something f****** crazy happens like you hit a person with your car or likes but you stabbed someone inadvertently or something like that so I love that stuff so you're huge Quinton Phantom guessing audio audio Quinton got a lotta I like highs and lows like he's not a he's not consistent cuz the so you know in the beginning where they're dressed up in the Jewish Garb and they're going in and they're actually talking about the Virgin Mary and how is like a translation error actually a reference Reservoir Dogs because in Reservoir Dogs in the opening scene they're discussing Madonna's song Like a Virgin oh my God a little nod to that is that what that's good my Bruno's just like did he go out of his way to find thieves that new theology like be alright audio audio audio are a lot of really good one-liner quips in this movie audio so the one I will show if someone ask me if I want sugar or something I say no thanks I'm sweet enough audio that's a very pathline earnestly if you really do want sugar and something I still say the line and then the rest just under your breath Ant-Man in like this soundtrack do you like that Massive Attack song during the Caravan burning scene is just oh my God I have both love and like the thought about the soundtrack fairy Banger soundtrack good songs but they did a little bit 2 specific I don't want to just come out be like this song Choices we're racist but like the black guys have the fun and like everybody had like the music that was there is but in a I noticed what you've done there but the choice is like so good golden brown bat song like I remember that seeing specifically because of that sound or that that song yeah like Top Gun thing where I was like okay you use the song once that was supposed to enough I don't need to hear it multiple times coming back Wichita plans on cuz if you talking about the guitar audio orchestra music more than once like I'm okay with that you know but like using an actual like it's recognizable more than once is just it takes me out of it cuz I'm like oh and there's the song again that's the the only episode that we've ever put out that's ever been like DMC 8 or whatever this is Top Gun I didn't know that we got because I I timed it out to like a a karaoke like lawyers entertainment lawyers I think my favorite line Pat is the who took the jam out of your donut happy if somebody took the jam out of my donut I'm in team Jam does not belong jelly donuts are amazing this is this is the episode can you destroy this podcast it's over Tacodeli. I prefer cream filled Donuts your favorite on top it grosses me out for like secret things in my food Donuts did you eat a sugar like a sugar sprinkled donut with a smear of jelly on the top of it naked put on toast mix jelly and cinnamon cinnamon sugar donuts I did I try I thought I come rtv400ci started to say cinnamon sugar and I call myself but she's too stupid to Keen listener that reminds me of when we were kids my sister for like years was just like idmi big idea is that grocery stores should sell butter that already has cinnamon and sugar mixed in with it just one day they started selling it yes rather quiet audio you hated this movie in the middle of the movie I looked over and Sam was like on her phone and I was like what are you looking at us like anything I had fun that was a real rabbit and those are real dogs change it that rabbit carry-on bags some like fake ship no it was not that was animal cruelty for human entertainment they certainly couldn't get the no animals were harmed in this feeling I didn't even sit through the credits to see if they actually had how many how many takes of the chase the rabbit scene did they do was there only one take and that's why they couldn't do so F did they go through as the real what who is splice what if there is one seen it just is this a rabbit running with nothing chasing it and then she has a dogs running I am the same shot Shlomo I think they might have only had 10 seconds of not dead rabbit footage and I enjoyed my time watching this movie and I don't want it feel like I did watch something problematic so I enjoyed it never Watch Milo and Otis the ghetto on the Bruins me I was like when I was a kid and I watched in college and I was like everything in my life is a lie oh yeah story about Milo and Otis Okay so Reed college today I said Milo and Otis in the $5 bin at Target and I was like hell yeah I love this movie like they play that Plucky little song about home and there's a kitten in the puppy and their friends so it was filmed in China where they don't have any animal rights laws send a letter A through kittens off cliffs into the ocean yeah it's really bad and not just for that shot it's like something like over a hundred cats were killed making that movie so there's a scene where like the kitten is in a box floating down the river and like a bear finds it a little bear attack it said no the bear was actually there with the kitten how many times are not catch the kitten I don't know there's a lot of boxes 100 what was the movie so I mean I guess the good news is like dislike this movie as much as I dislike three watching Milo and Otis so I was pushing for this movie during the bulk of the choices because I was like it would feel like the least dark episode I got monkeys pot because it's just audio I know. Tell your bosses I did credibly Dark movie is it everyone's killing people and there's like no nice people well yeah they're all criminals gangsters this is how you know this is this is the one flaw in in most movie choices is that if the movie or the TV show is is comprised of entirely not nice people Sam will not like it everyone is and that I mean so here I will I would say that Nikki is not a bad person though what I was going to say audio I really hated the movie until Mickey got the upper hand and then I was like okay exactly and then it quickly lost me again when he was no longer in it having the upper hand I was like okay I mean it's a fun Style I like the editing and the quick-paced I felt the story was over all kind of incredibly hard to follow audio I wish there was more like actionheat Hasty stuff it was a lot I guess Stewart Pat was saying that worked for him didn't work for me is that it was like 90% banter and those I cards like followed up shot to the heart would not be my style like I didn't do that and I'm just like trying to watch it with the lens of like this is us a movie and now I'm going to hate it like I genuinely just trying to follow it and like it and I didn't had a very hard time I will think for part of the movie I put on subtitles and I feel like that really helps though it's kind of funny because sometimes the gibberish is actually just gibberish great but that might help the problem if it's really I could see how it's hard to follow for sure I did love that the dogs squeaked the whole movie oh my God as somebody who's around Labs all the time and I can't you will schitt's you eat everything you deserve a sound like a squeaky toy yeah I mean there's so many like hilarious moments like I love the moment where they're robbing the the betting place and it's just completely gone wrong and they take off their baths and then look up and see a camera and then the other guy just opens the door the other way yes audio girl behind the counter oh yeah she was oh yeah so nonplussed the getaway driver how they were just like shiting on him for being incompetent the whole time and then he's the only one that's made the whole highest go correctly I love that reversal is amazing after the car crashes and they look over there like is that the Russian guy and he's like blindfolded like coffee NORAD the reason why I really enjoyed movie growing up is sort of embodied in the scene where all three of them are driving and it's go back and forth and your kind of seeing where the scene is going like all these weird little nonsense conversations that they're having like Avi and the boys are talking about just like what's the best way to kill someone just like you to use this favor the guys bleeding in the backseat Turkish and Tommy you're talking about how humans aren't supposed to drink milk because there has never evolved for it and then they just run over they run over borsa blade and I just felt the weird Rube Goldberg machine of unfortunate circumstances that led to that I just I love that I love that sub I like that. I almost went backwards to right where they showed the first thing was audio it was who is Winston Saul and Vinny and tire Cas they hit something first they hit him they see it Tim they will how did he get last I saw it last time I saw him he was in the trunk and then it goes to I'll be in at like crashing the car getting milk and then then it goes to Turkish if they okay it did it backwards like the progression where they throw the milk crash the car he gets out then he gets hit it's a thing that and others like a word to describe exactly what it is I think but a lot of PR filmmakers get stuck in this idea of you know you're either doing that completely nonlinear like flip flop movie or your door it's Gotta make 100% since I'm this was kind of like absurdist editing I like that sometimes it was completely linear and sometimes the next scene happened before you know and they didn't let you know and you only really like understood what happened at the end instead of having instead of plotting out the movie so meticulously it kind of felt like they win wouldn't it be cool if we just didn't f****** nonlinear like all out of order and s*** and like they did it and it was dope like it you know it but it was out of sync with the rest of the movie complete I loved it was it was a good choice thing to that I enjoy this gag I write this guy a lot like I like to repeat I enjoyed it and then the middle is implied like you can infer but don't need to show what's the point you get where you're at I'm talking about is when Boris shows up at the jewel never find it will never find them and then the one really big bodyguard guy what can Russians I'll take care of it next smash cut to him bleeding in the back of the car some crazy fights see that cuz it's funny your did you cut right from I'm being like I'm the f****** s*** up to take me to hospital physician what's so great I like the you know you were talking about the nonlinear being difference in the rest of the movie there's also like the boxingscene very like heavily inspired by Raging Bull because in Raging Bull the audio like and it's like all you hear is like the punches and what not and so it seemed like he was inspired by that but then start a heightened it with like over the top sound effects and stuff that felt very like that whole sequence felt very different to but I thought it works and then there's the point where Mickey gets punched and he falls back into water with that felt very anime totally Stark bleeding on that as well yeah they weren't afraid to just do the thing that was best for the scene Donovan Lake what was best in like a hoity toity wait just like what would be fun to watch if they weren't constrained to like what was the correct thing what was the incorrect thing to do if I can see a lot of overproduced modern films that would have that like I mean that sounds cool but like the movie Spotlight. It's going to confuse the audience like we're like the audience pandering like here's where we need to insert that joke in that reference and they did do any of that sort of got to wake up and be like audio yeah it's interesting because I I've been doing a lot of like research on film Theory cuz I'm doing another livestream on my filmmaking Channel with Omar najam tomorrow and we're talking about some Theory yeah by the way side sidebar his Twitter is the best he does like creative writing to you I don't know what you're doing audio but sorry for doing all this research on film Theory and like it was cool to watch this movie and be like this movie is totally formalism which is like you know sort of like the The Gorge malaise Style still making more like everything is is really likes real and moments and like it's not necessarily 100% grounded in reality or trying to be perfectly real and realism and said it's like Titan moments where the filmmakers said knows I'm going to use this filmmaking tool to make you experience a moment outside of which is kind of cool to see like the whole editing style of this film felt that way take the picture and picture moments and then they're even doing like pants can type like punching zooms on like video clips which is just so weird you know like he wouldn't even even that they did they broke and they were just like but like you know what like we're going to just change the aspect ratio of the screen like 30% of the way through the thing because I like stuff like that a lot I'm a big believer in the thing that that overrides rules is like story you want to tell and what you think is going to be most honor enjoyable most pleasing for the consumer of the thing and in the service of Tucker rule the world the world's you know the story of the world that you're trying to tell I just watched this like really compelling argument about how like Speed Racer is ISO Speed Racer is like the ultimate version of formalism because it's like completely like a car to Hawaii so I have the movie The live-action those ones that like initial it got like the rest of it bombed or something but it's actually a good movie and people should appreciated Speed Racer the movie yeah it is over-the-top it is certain dreamlike and to the extent that I could do everything is neon everything's very in-your-face trying to convey the enemy feel like you were saying through live action at the same time they never really nailed but they tried their best to start to make up for it but how's the my first date going to see that movie with your husband audio little bit of embarrassing big but I got nominated to speak when I graduated high school and that I made like a joke just like no one's ever asked me on a date and so someone took pity on me and asked me on that date when you say your first date was to see Speed Racer like that didn't last Foundation foundation for a lasting relationship audio we built ours on House of Wax so honestly who knows what could happen that's very true but reminds me of your first date audio Speed Racer leaned I think a little too hard into the anime tropes for it to be popular with people who didn't like anime audio I was trying to make is like what would have been right for the audience would have been something more realism because that's what the audience wanted but what's actually right for the story but this guy was making the argument of is that it is a ridiculous pipe world where the main character's name is speed racer like you know like it's shouldn't be grounded in realism at all because I love name that work out that way though like Peter Pan Universe like it's really convenient to Valenzuela last name surname is hook I need to have my driver before he had that hand that's a hug what's funny as a lot of high-brow Hollywood s*** like they look up two films where people have like Hank bad guy as like the name you know but like it's there somewhere in there there's a line where it's just like it called it out to the audience too much definitely what is his last name for Leah audio I know his name is James Hook going to be so in love with that but it is Captain James Hook Lobster Jimmy hook where was he how to make a really light of it was the dog audio when I tell you I've open the dog before I can do it the scene where she actually bite someone is in the movie The Other going after those guys that we take off their jacket the dog I least expected to be the one that attacked somebody this sucks so cute this why you've clearly never met a chihuahua always the cute ones audio sense memory in forever and like it was gross it that it's not good that was bad real bad for the rest of the day now this episode is tearing apart no no no I've been trying to get him to realize this forever Ash the song audio the worst of them is it was delicious but it's not tasty audio audio yeah I just want this to be over so bad the animation playing with fans and kiwi Great Lakes Urgent Baker birthday cakes but I make myself to make something new and exciting and this year I made a vanilla latte cake which was vanilla cake and I made espresso buttercream frosting and a coffee and then like cookie like espresso crumble to put in between the layers of The Milk Bar book I want it so bad I could die off Milk Bar birthday cake like that's what I owe ya so much that I don't have and I don't want to spend yeah not like you have to buy like so many weird s*** just to like how to make people stuff but it's so good cuz I did the same thing I think I have all of her books and for my birthday I've made a Milk Bar Cake but instead of like doing one of the ones that she suggested I was like I'm just going to pick and choose from different things so I made my own like I think was like a chocolate cake and then I made my own buttercream icing I can't remember what it was but I made like a blueberry like Jam syrup that I put in between the layers with like a crumble as well and oh my God audio blueberry syrup I'm down for chocolate pie compote a reduction 11 new food podcast idea called I f*** with that audio Patrick nufu Podcast Rockets just fine audio I'm opening I mean we've had this started and I think chocolate is Andover is a fine but overrated flavors of # what's re-watch co-host is over trending I don't think so I'm having a great day I did want to we're talking about this movie adults and not a shelter teenager therapy ra a lot of problems with this film there a lot of problems with the language that they use these are bastard people a movie of Good People except Nikki kind of want to give them a little bit of leeway of just like okay they're trying thick and we don't we shouldn't expect these people to be good or have morals but at a certain point across the line into this like I am becoming uncomfortable with some of the language that they're using and how they're harping on specific things I'm so I would say this word release of us. sounds like Owen and there it is there's the thing audio you're very racist in this movie is a different time audio is 20 years old but in 10 years we watch movies from 2009 that are like holyshit that was that was funny audio audio stuff surprisingly not super sexist what's a mean how you can't be sexist if you don't put women in your movie Tarantino movies that are still sexist even though there aren't women in the spill is there are there where the the daughters the two daughters tell me the name Susan is one I don't know the other one's name where is Ana Navarro a crazy that there is like snow there's a lot of characters movie and it's Bonkers that there are no like Maine women that's wild I never seen this movie a bunch I never noticed that you were yeah the whole like nobody actually dies on screen 26 deaths in the shell did not want to come this on screen audio 26 don't remember all of them didn't see them if a variance controllers a large portion of that is the the guys that works for bricktop audio Batman smells like Arnett later yeah so that's like half of the 26 right there but they said 12 and showed three and then that that was good enough I'm sorry Pat I just tweeted quote tweeted Pat episodes We Stand f*** here the f****** place Ira Toyota f****** right with you I can't help myself PSU need to get I love it did they did go mildly Twitter famous this week so you know what happened because Brett tweeted my Miracle Jenna the spoon standing upright Against All Odds Sam was doing dishes and jumped out of pot with are you the sorcerer Sam get the karate without laughing I don't know how it happened it was the real want to see those pictures of your face cuz the unbridled and you probably were like your gut was probably like hurting and just play I can see that in your face and it makes me happy the joy. no but the it was funny is it funny weather doing no women this movie 2 is 11 Sam you have your you got your life hot button things like don't f*** with me on this and like I feel like the do the biggest ones are Rosie and woman is prize audio one of our shirts for the show needs to be there's a reason why I haven't watch the John Wick series and it's cuz I know everyone says but I know how it starts and I don't need to see anything else no it's so late but there's so many bodies like take the Holy Spirit of the series is like they kill the dog and then like he's like he wants revenge the dog audio apparently it matters to you by Adele write me like you've done a bad thing happened I don't need to see a movie I don't think I would go out and murder people Sam I believe in you boiler up and someone came and intentionally harmed the Cherub accident they were like you would Mama hold the f*** out murder something I mean if if I was I wouldn't I don't know if it was there and I had to protect her sure I still have a clear image of Eva say I'm just stabbing someone to death for taking care of best thing I can see don't kick my dog there it is audio audio well I like are we doing are we doing the the harappa I'll start I enjoyed this film I'd I do think you know has some problems at but I think it's like you can see bread crumbs that have inspired other filmmakers steadily made like better films and and Hughes interesting techniques that you see in this movie I think there's a lot of really funny moments I think it's just like fun to laugh at these dipshitz that are just like so horrible at profession of criminal yeah I enjoyed it I don't think it's the best movie ever follow my with you as well like there a lot of things that upon re-watching that I'm just like oh yeah yikes knows things I don't like this put it back please but it still has that same sense of fun that driven to it in the first place when I was younger it is very over-the-top like I said I love it when characters are dumbasses like those are my favorite type of movies to watch it's just like people who don't know what the f*** they're doing hilarious I love it telling to me as dumbass it's not as good as I remember I still had fun audio enjoy the movie overall I had fun watching it I think it's still fun I think yeah the same stuff that is problematic but you know is we we learn during the show ladies 90% of thing the further you go out the worst the the higher the probability of the overwhelming majority especially if they're 20 years or older have some stuff that doesn't age well you know at some degree saying or doing something shity is just saying or doing something shity also you know certain words depending on how they're used or if they're worker like directed at someone at meant to like cause harm but but yeah those things are bad but obviously not even close not even in top 10 worst Sephora Cosmetics dance movies audio as bad as overall good movie I really what I like about it is I love the strong I like one I liked it I enjoy the I enjoy the quickie banter a ton I love like the British style of britishisms and that and it's just so I supposedly love I do like British gangster stuff a lot and was just wanting to me tirades coming out of British with British accents are very amusing to me this accent that we as Americans associate with finery but just saying the foulest of words in the English language I find audio tickles me Great Lakes a British person says I won't even say it cuz I know it audio British person saying the c word to me I I can't stop myself from give me a little bit but like that's bad word but it's still funny hearing your voice but I really enjoyed it overall it was you know it's still a fun watch as long as that thing that part right there is not cool overall the fun outweighed the you make me go after Pat's lovefest I don't want to go out that it's okay you can find pretty much like sums it up like like it's just the difference in like preference it's not a bad movie I think we knew going into it wouldn't really be my style I think it does potentially fall into that camp of Les re-watch were like nostalgia in memory of the movie plays into like enjoyment possibly if you hadn't seen it as a kid in like loved it or like you don't have a lot of ties to that era you might not be as interested in the movie fun Aladeen fun creative decisions I think of fun nonlinear way of Storytelling I'm just not really like my cup of tea and turns of the story that they were telling I think very easily if it had been a different story or even like a less violent story like I would have enjoyed it a lot more I think a good modern-day example is The Spy Who dumped me cuz it's a lot of like it's kind of a modern retelling not quite as like experimental film but it's like a bunch of idiots trying to do a heist and hilarious so I can kind of like see those similarities and see where this movie inspired future movies and I appreciate it for that I have to check that out the spy who dumped me yeah it's really good it's really funny and you can check my ailment I can come back and say you know chocolate is overrated hot we are going to Sam and I will sit down and bake you some delicious chocolate things overrated and I think like the range is not that big a range from the Lauren chocolate to the commute like to taste like chocolate or like 40 to send you some of the best oh wow you got me where can I send you like a like 20 dozen Knoxville Donuts $2,000 imported from Belgium and I cooked it for 8 hours straight call wow you showed me I've been in Belgium and I've had the chocolate as f****** phone man it's not the same Kevin had Belgium but I've had German chocolate and it's closed and it was still f****** phenomenal even their chocolate ice cream so maybe Pat you just hate American chocolate maybe I don't audio overrated find that slaver polite people say when they mean they hate something fast make my eyes roll back or anything like that for like other flavors it's brownie recipe and it's really good I also have an amazing brownie recipe that I have been wanting to remake fattening just suck it up girl I've gained like 7 lb or my fat pants in there now way too tight Courtney I don't like 5 house from the outside world audio hey Patty Pratt you want to give you sure Sherpa prep I made a lot of predictions at the beginning the the ways in which I might not enjoy the film and the ways in which it might be problematic and I'm delighted to say that most of those gases were incorrect audio audio so problematic in new and exciting ways ways that I could not possibly have predicted also I feel like maybe if Brett didn't like it that it could be my fault like I was a f****** black hole in the middle of the room and sucked all the joy out of movie or something like that previous episodes and I cannot remember which one but we watched the movie and I was I was optimistic but everyone would like it if they could just embrace the sexism and that's what this experience was much like I feel like I have the same entertainment value of watching Rube Goldberg machine videos on YouTube which is immense entertainment. like I put ariete tweeted one the other day that was sick mind-boggling but it had about the same depth of character as a Rube Goldberg machine do we have any other adjectives who needs some weight he likes his mom oh yeah he loves his mom and he kisses the cross oh yeah people will know he's Irish for sure like cool but just characters Riku fun to watch in this movie This Is the movie about watching the neat things happen and like face they presented an image and they said you're going to this is going to make your eyes go wide with entertainment and just like too much and you know what I'm not thinking about it and I liked it it was really good I thought you were going with that statement Cheese's downtown across the court restaurants enjoyable entertainment will I watch it again no but like I'm glad I saw it again as an adult and like yeah I kind of got to say absurdist editing which is now a phrase that I'm going to use that out of their times in my life and for that alone I feel good thank you Kim an Twitter audio I wasn't expecting that f****** roller coaster audio okay so I guess that does it for us thank you so much Kim yeah you're bringing medicine being on the podcast thank you good question you can find me on Twitter at Kim candies at KMC attys from there I have links to all of the various podcast lamb on which include transmission sequence podcast for me and my husband and our good friend Vince talk about anime as well as Naruto review to which is me and my friends Jesse and Tim we are taking Naruto episode by episode bring down a lot of fun oh yeah Kim and Jessie ardm Daddy don't say that no no no Best Buy audio play study audio remind me to work if it was right there couldn't resist listeners you've missed most liked light-hearted childlike grin of Happiness on Pat's face as he said that you could you could tell he was getting our coats and loving every second of it go. Glorious audio audio you were saying about the timcast yes yes he also amzn as well as some of our friends we are going through a vertice on Twitch my voice on left hate witches podcast for me and my buddies talk about things we love things to hate and finally if you want to hear me do another real play podcast it is monsterhearts wintercrest podcast it's a lot of fun we're goofing around and they're just having a ball and you're like half of the internet yeah yeah man Jim running for us right now I want to do a podcast with Tim or she assigns me something in anime to watch with no contacts and then I have to like to talk about it with no no and I will do it in a in a respectful way if it was Zero context would like watch these three episodes of the show shockoe bottom what if we made a podcast called the one-off every episode is a one-off random idea episode and we could start with that one Ashley like that I'm going to send you a Evangelion you're going to have to watch the last three episodes and just a character play down my own character's life in a heartbeat freaking character I adore conspirator so much I would say the same bed but I'm usually dead address weak ground beef I know that was the best f****** joke I died and I'm in the other room so I can't laugh too loudly because then it will show up on the stream so I have to Brett plays a very squishy squishy boy squishy with her boy is always come out fighting himself on the front lines seriously I was like inside of a thing this time and still was the only one to die audio every week I am a 7ft dragon man get behind me audio audio engage the audience yes so if you want to follow us you can follow us on Twitter we're at let's re-watch where we do fun stuff like movie poles which is how you guys pick this movie that Sam will be angry about you doing and I'm mildly angry about Boondock Saints but not this one now okay yeah audio or if we pick the movie I tweet screenshot so that you guys can try to guess what movie were watching so check it out I just cuz Kim probably doesn't know was that your honor roll we were nailing I'm loving it it's Jesus keeping the same energy the full episode of The Boondocks everything sad all the time so it's okay to talk about some sad stuff this is hilarious in contacts we watch Boondock Saints St Patrick's Day 3 days after the. New Zealand shooting and we were like Saint Patrick's Day is like we're going to watch this movie about these irish guys and then they were like they did a thing in the movie that was they were filming themselves doing like religious murder and I we came back from the thing and all three of us or just like oh my God it's the weekend and I told you so too and like Ash and I were both like we love this movie in college is badass audio we did bad like 20 minutes of apologies to The Listener and there was still a lot of apologies to The Listener movie Bad how many people were saved from watching that movie or like reading it and giving that movie more money than any other contacts it wouldn't have been as bad as it was the worst time in the whole universe to watch that movie and I think we were like so proud of ourselves too cuz we're like yeah we're finally doing like a holiday-related movie we were on it no nope is painful and if you live through that experience you can you can leave us a review Sam tell him we're a podcast please review us on Google podcast Apple podcasts or Spotify we could really use your Spotify reviews please cuz we're fresh and new on there and then I feel like I actually have a plug this week I released to collections of Music on the bandcamp and by the time this comes out it'll also be streaming on all the streamers and that's can't you can look for my name Brett eaglestone Prince with one teeth music under bread Eagles I'm not releasing music on YouTube Reddit we can do a collab your bread Eagles I'll be my old Randall rambling waffle audio but I also feel like Pat you should bump your ear I don't know what you're talkin about that thing that's only consumed all of my mental energy for the past like six months audio yeah so if you go to if you go to my Twitter audio has a link or I can go to the red some people's browsers they get like you get swag I promise you there's nothing nothing malicious about the website just goes to the kickstarter pre-launch page yeah I know audio ffiv campaign that will be doing the kickstarter for I believe we're targeting Late July f****** stuff in that campaign it's the amazing the Arts amazing I'm going to be playing a lot more stuff out in that regard if you want a little taste of what you can expect I'm actually going to start doing a series of mini side quest Adventures that are set in the same setting the same city with cameos from mpc's the first of which I'll wait this will be out nevermind I'll be out already I'm actually doing them just follow me on Twitter at the Bel Edwards I'm actually doing things with lots of guest players all right we have to go because trivia starts right now thanks so much for coming on Kim this has been so much fun thank you for having me I'm so glad I got to meet you as in Sam Ash. So much good things about you guys for humans audio favorite making us for the lovely listeners at please join us again next episode when we watch that train it all started with a mouse in the last 100 years the magic of Disney has held our homes and hearts and defined Generations join the dope and dreams podcast certain