Willow with Martin Gooch
Witches ain't sh*t but hoes and tricks
Catching those nuts and turning dudes to pigs
That's right, it's Willow! with special guest director Martin Gooch @goochoid.
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and Pat Edwards
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energy energy Bethlehem audio damn it I had to look that up the other day audio oh okay okay you don't have it Pat teach me your big Pat energy with audio audio we have an awesome guest today welcomed Martin Gooch hello different parts of the world yeah this is like a very challenging schedule for this podcast cuz we're all in completely different parts of the day right now Martin is in London he's an amazing English filmmaker Martin how many feature films have you made how many 5/8 audio audio audio we watched a Gatehouse last night audio the monster is amazing that we were outside the data set freaking awesome design like usually don't want to have it on screen for too long but like it was cooler the longer it was there yeah it's a stop-motion there Allante I think we have 7 Act is playing in that field audio audio Wicked World audio when we did it with Safeco we could just get whoever was no acting the rest of the film to be the monster audio at some point audio Cavalier actress Scarlett she's pretty table onto the cost to have one day he's the most stream on Saints Row 2 yeah you are you guys have to check out also a midwinter Night's Dream which is a short Martin Dad this is how I met Martin at DragonCon last year by quintino conventions were a thing audio 420 is that an online yet Martin can anyone watch no no no no it doesn't but it should England International Film Festival okay awesome it will be yes that's the awesome part is I don't want a cat goes from day to night to it's it's awesome definitely worth checking out and it'll also be streaming on the gen console Festival Wassabi debt right cuz we both got in yeah I mean I went to gencon lost because my new feature film Atomic apocalypse it was really quiet but you soon lead actress Christa Canada milk came along with me and we had a Wilson time Oswego Speech Recognition service; recognition request failed: Bad Gateway Atkinson mobile home audio audio is atomic apocalypse set in December of 2020 cuz it feels like that's what we're building two the weird thing is film released that is well trivia at Sixers International Film Festival in October 2018 I said that they still beset 2 years in the future oh my God so you did this to us well I went inside audio and you had a screening of that in LA is that February or March I feel like it was like right before everything happened and I went down and saw it and thought it was like well this is relevant now oh yeah cuz we are think it was called back to the UK on the 18th of February it was my great-uncle that was in the Navy in World War II and it was his hundredth birthday I don't know that yesterday the 76th anniversary of D-Day when the Americans or the British the baby he was 7 message to Soulja Boy project 46 in black and white with all these ships in the background on one of those ships audio audio because of the virus and then everything don't look down and we couldn't go audio audio Hazel Wright is hanging around doing stuff about the Navy going to get that on that before that the Before Time seem alone audio speaking of Before Time This Is Us from the before times Wright-Patt yeah today we are going to watch the 1988 is it really we're Brett and I were born audio I was an old man if I've had the time to time with you these young kids you have to remember that the old times was so much better see other people and likes you can go to movies and restaurants and things I'm sorry go to movie yeah what movie goes to you what are you talkin about in the Before Time audio Faith worship only snacks and watch stories on a j you speak crazy movie come to me people would talk important that you try to hear and then some of them Coke on the floor listen to wait in line for the bathroom oh man so this movie was directed and written by a couple of real no names you've probably never heard of director some guy named Ron Howard and written by some guy named George Lucas Woodstock I had my God warm Lucas and George Howard audio say the name of it yeah Willow a joke about the earbuds like this actually get to st. so George Lucas specifically wrote this film for Warwick Davis huszar after meeting him on the set of the Return of the Jedi right 2012 Warwick Davis was only 17 during the filming of this which is 8U dosso really wow how amazing to be 17 and this like big-time directors like I'm going to write a movie for you right yeah what do you mention Warwick Davis will do and then the other highest-ranking cast member is again someone I don't know if you all are familiar with but maybe it will fail maybe the long a maybe it's avail jeimer I believe it's pronounced Pizza nipple Batman right Batman Captain Epps is with this thing to me personally I'm a fan of a lot of movies he has been in more than once that he's not most difficult is not the easiest to work with willing to not take himself very seriously which I feel like those. and this is maybe my ignorance but I feel like Martha not someone who is difficult to work with probably takes himself very seriously rolls like macgruber this is very silly I'm so serious in the slightest so I don't feel like it's probably like a branding thing or it's just like it's it's silliness on their terms you know did you guys see that article the New York Times article about him did you know that he like he had his vocal cords removed cuz I think he got had cancer or something that's why he disappeared and he said he hasn't been in movies forever because yeah and he's like yeah he can't really talk very well now it's where ya cancer has taken his voice no no no that was oh okay okay the other bag audio that is sad yeah but it's an interesting article cuz it talks about how like his history and how he was an unlikely Hollywood movie star it's kind of interesting Google it if you're interested to know like what happened to Val Kilmer cuz I was like shocked I was like what I didn't know he had cancer and all this stuff legendary when he was Batman I had a well-publicized audio first and second date Seaside movies like Harry Potter and Judge Judy James pub the people who caused the most play where the actors he has a bit of a pain in the butt I didn't know the key how do ideas of coffee station O'Hare station but nice outing was it a crew member who would cause interesting facts on stages of complete and utter disaster play words in this drunk or rude or anything audio Hot Tuna on a film closet huge amount of work marrying someone famous solo dance party huge huge Dyrdek most people behave like tofu audio I always think of that I don't know if it's actually true but that rumor about a Johnny Depp wearing a earpiece for the last couple Pirates movies or you just like I'm not even going to learn my lines just read them to me and I'll read them like alive is island of dr. Moreau is Infamous his just in Australia in nineteen ninety six or seven I was working in Australia as a camera system Billy Connolly Korean movie all the crews of going off to do audio audio meet living in Panavision cuz we get there and get you animation chamber audio one filled with that be coming in prepping for let's talk to my ride all these stories are coming to this copy true and then richest I need the directions wolf away from came back and Simrad loin was prepping on last two weeks natti Natasha A-1 film Silverstein film that's why I was doing another film was being prepped camera place he's so famous and so old and so copy open you can you can be mono Grande with your bottom granddaddy said the line get some what you want about it when your career is starting right in the middle of your you don't have the cloud for this YouTube and the writers are always the easiest to work with rice best people nicest Suite yap-yap at your great audio all right yeah it's real Troublesome when your director is also your writer just going to throw that out there right now just one bad experience was coloring my opinion you do have a very bad I started writing cheapest dry socket fine right yeah have you met me he'll pay you I used to DirecTV is the director Sherry vehicle Holyoke Street Beverly Hills 90210 dice director single camera that have beautiful cameras and bright the script to Tubman what time is it look finish it was not ready yet that the yolk is still too runny audio audio audio a few days later we should say this to say that because you know he's married to her audio audio I have to change it audio change it audio the writer actually kind of has a lot more say than they do with and movies right like in TV the writer really has a lot of power that they don't totally I mean if you want these days you can't tell who directed yeah you have to go in to watch on a place up in this that and the other blah blah blah who who who doesn't hold on sweet episode they are much more controlling the whole that's so true cuz I feel like a lot of a lot of TV shows will advertise like special guest director so-and-so and it's like I could not tell yes it makes you a lot easier to blame them when it goes wrong yeah yeah cuz the showrunner is more Hanover RC director role then then a director that comes in to just think of it purely technically if you're filming a TV series with more than one episode might be filming at the same time I need more than one direction erect Society Game of Thrones audio to direct his po132 episodes directions to 10 episodes audio The Matrix start DirecTV work so it's making it worse audio Willow no audio Martin obviously you seen it because you suggested it to us ask Sam the virgin the version that we're going to watch today if you're using the is there different version okay so no but if you downloaded it from my Google Drive as for my personal backup cuz we lost the DVD that we had I had to we haven't even get one anyway I had to this is I ripped it from YouTube but YouTube has two versions that don't have all of the footage so I had to download both versions and edit them together and then recolor cracked one of them audio audio audio I could spend that $2 it wasn't anywhere like when I couldn't find the trying to do this for the podcast such a long time and there was another guess I can't remember who it was who suggested Willow but literally the only way we could watch it back then was to order the DVD which was like extremely expensive for some random so we couldn't do it but we have been trying to do this forever and they just recently I think with the Disney plus put it on on streaming cuz for us and America Martin it hasn't been on streaming when I lost sorry I saw it when it came out as a kid I love call the fantasy one the suit Taino Crow reconcile Star Wars sci-fi fantasy audio Ladyhawke I don't know if ecosystem are released in the me and my brother we just missed it on accident a couple years ago it was like a one of the autoclave things when we are watching something on Hulu and that was an unexpectedly super dope movie like it's super Metal it's so metal I love I love 80s fantasy movies and even the not good ones are still fun yeah totally it was amazing women that came out I think I'll still be about 7 we went to Cinemark my dad I used to go to the cinema very much she was like a big deal it's like a special thing. Birthdays except we just thought it was amazing kisiko audio sex in those days no computer or fake audio but I think people prettiest oldest allowed into the cabin audio 7 facts comes up behind it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life I completely believe Jack and Rose real what is practical effects centriole play magic sword doesn't work in love with him and the King takes over credit and blah blah check this out future episode recommendations honestly that's let me come back where to find the next next appearance so I can come back next time we're trying to do expectations and I got sidetracked cuz I audio so Val Kilmer Warwick Davis I feel like the most household names in this I feel like you're not household names but you've seen them in lots of things like Tony Cox African American little person he's in a ton of things like the bad Santa movies audio so Joanne Whaley want to say Wally Whaley Whalley Wally and audio she's done a lot most recently the one more notable role she had was for anyone who watched the Netflix Daredevil she was Sister Maggie audio audio season season 3 9 rights is Pat roach again not a household name and not necessarily the most recognizable person but he henchman in every 15 years every Adventure movie fantasy movie he is a head to Indiana Jones E-40 the face start with the delta-wing aircraft is it spinning rod ease the pain comes up and I saw she's also in Conan the Destroyer yeah it looks like he's been in like everything every fantasy movie from the red Sonja Conan Indiana Jones used to be when I was a kid audio audio audio audio and then it's kind of rounding out the cast is to comedian Kevin Pollak and Rick Overton play a small comedic roles in this recognize or recognise audio he said Miss maisel audio audio audio audio as you say you have seen this before yes audio okay so everyone has have you seen it oh yeah I love this movie it's been awhile though it's been with maybe ten years since I've seen it maybe more but I do I do remember really liking it a lot Tracy a lot of this trivia is interesting but a lot of those kind of spoilers we have all seen it remember there's a scene with lots of pigs right remember that I actually I'll be honest I don't remember much so it might be good to save it till after audio remember Warwick Davis is in this movie and that it's fantasy and that's it audio Val Kilmer adlib most of the dialogue George Lucas was upset that Malcolm I got First Billing / Warwick Davis cuz he wrote it for Warwick & Warwick Warwick plays Willow yet determine First Billing then dismissed part of the contract negotiations audio do actors names of the beginning audio Directors Guild allowed to have the title sequence audio audio I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding and then I don't know how this would have gone over John Cusack went for the same role as Val Kilmer quote considers that one of his biggest disappointment said he didn't get it Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley audio got married after and then shortly divorced Malik Yoba audio I should just stick with your maiden name audio burned divorce is coming itsfunneh create Rowley creative has we like to make stuff yeah we all have good ideas bad ideas and say something is the more successful you get sometimes a lot of your bad ideas come through luckily there was one really bad idea what this movie that did not come through in George Lucas originally conceived of the concept for this movie more than 10 years earlier in the early 70s what he originally had titled audio very poorly God that did not happen audio show me back when people could still tell him no audio these four statements as last one and if we can get to close-up shots of Interstate you're being dragged behind a wagon Val Kilmer was kneeling on the pedestal behind the wagon while the stunt double was dragged behind letting stop Man's legs take the beating I need pads play soft ground audio are we think this movie did financially it wasn't super success if it is feels like a movie that people wouldn't have been like ravenous about Billy got a cult following later right 8888 Star Wars and Empire audio 2 estimated budget with 35 million they want to guess opening weekend and gross I'm going to guess profitable but like but like they made their money back and maybe another couple mil like maybe it's 45 the opening probably was only like in the hundreds of thousands Waldo not even hundreds of thousands probably in like the 20000 range audio it's an idiot I had to scale back conversion rate going to see anything so Mexican beach. did you see it were you in the UK when you start and it was like when it open Okay so wonder if IMDb venerated boxofficemojo free opening weekend USA was 8 million gross USA was 57 but I'll still cumulative worldwide gross is the exact same number which contract audio yeah but sounds like they just didn't have the data I mean worst case scenario it would be at least the price of two UK tickets more than the u.s. for human worldwide cuz we know Martin went to see it I don't think it's more so that they didn't release domestic I think it is just a gross worldwide is 57 ml okay Brett was right they made their money back although I mean comparatively was probably not expecting to only make 10 mil after after Star Wars audio audio audio audio we said we've all seen it in the past you can't doggone the film you brought this is true audio daisies to BST audio audio I am optimistic about this movie I think it's going to be over all and enjoyable watch I think it's by no means going to be perfect and if there might be some issues here and there anyone else's account or opinion to that so how long is anyone feel like I've seen it more recently than like I got to say it's got to be more audio maybe more than that baby I mean like that 10 to 15 range it's more reason for us just cuz we download it like maybe like 4 or 5 years ago like when we first started the show next two to three years but I don't remember a lot so I don't know why maybe not a good thing audio yeah I remember Warwick Davis being all like there's a baby let's just say there's a magic baby icing baby movies I guess the baby's not magic and Labyrinth but but it'll remind you of that baby okay that people want the special baby audio the power Power Hour of mediocre box office returns return that you are they really cuz I feel like they've been talking about it for years or is it just like they're going to redo it audio how dare you audio audio audio I saw something I'm lying in reference to that sounds like the only reason that would be okay and I think could be you cast Jennifer Connelly the goblin Queen in the David Bowie roll the thing is that everybody forgets lappet suspicion by Terry Jones Monty Python audio Scott such a good that is so funny all the way through my worry will be that whoever they get to write it will just fly the movie has the level of Comedy come inside meet the missus Labyrinth yeah Martin Martin rest easy girl you okay I just did a little homework and it looks like it is a sequel not a reboot audio same universe sequel or I mean is it is it is it is it lucasfilm or are they going to CG David Bowie and do a post-mortem I think I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that the very first episode or at least one of the First episodes of let's re-watch was when they first announced that they were doing this so this thing I'm looking at came out 27th of May of this year cuz I think we even signed David Bowie initially but then he died this might be a killer clowns movie like it's it's going to be permanently plan yeah totally killer clowns so how long ago was it but you saw Willow 20 years you're really good at remember liking it or having a positive experience imagine so okay news audio so I saw it when I was 10 audio how old is Mario I could see it maybe Shane you too little too young for you viewing it at 16 I saw it when I was really young like 5 and I loved it yeah I think I was young too audio that young I feel like there's some scary stuff in there that pre-1990 movies didn't care about scarring children Dark Crystal audio I've stopped so many movies that right like always the classic I remember this as a kid for my daughters and like wait I forgot about this part this is back when things things weren't quite rated R or PG-13 I remember going to see George of the Jungle in theaters and my little brother Brendan Fraser Brendan Fraser and it was like a Halloween Mickey short waffle Mickey gets turned into like a monster and like tries to eat people and my little brother was like three and a half for and it was like George of the Jungle is supposed to be pretty safe that short traumatized him and he would go into a movie theater more like half a decade dying before you went to see another movie classic we've had it with lots of pitfalls in the last like 6 month plus the girl like the classic Disney movies like the original Snow White and then for a week straight my two-year-old is up in the middle night set that a witch was going to get her audio audio reasonable is anyone I'm very optimistic I think the net nothing that is going to be a everybody is my predict I am concerned audio both 20 years ago feeling and 2 years ago feeling we will remember maybe the same amount of the movie it's possible that their there maybe is soma pretty views but otherwise be a completely forgettable film nothing will ever be another legend that what's the runtime so we like like I love the memory of a whole episode you can listen to it was it one of those I feel like it Compares better to like face off we're like everything you like about the movie happened in the first and last 15 minutes of the film what will happen in the middle tell me what hap and like it's difficult runtime of this is 2 hours and 6 mins audio it's funny it's funny cuz I we are the four of us a different Legend experiences because you guys did that before I became a host the show but I have my I have my own podcast experience another show another password well if you watched it so much that you then started rubbing head because you are made a joke about watching X syndrome audio Willow fun too but I want to send you guys I'm going to send you all my notes in my Google Drive a good movie and I feel like if you want to tell senator you don't get like a blank canvas you have to use what they had like within reason for the Hope physical exercise that show oh I would have liked change the cast completely in Dallas Lake Nona take essentially what they had and make it better I want to hear Martin tear me down here because he took it for the listeners he just held up like I couldn't quite read it but like I some sort of special edition like director's cut of Legend and I just I just crapped all over that movie Martin tell me tell me I'm wrong audio audio water witch Cinema and Tim Curry is evil yeah, but that's a lot of Pollux in it as we would say Tooth Fairy was so good a problem was we were like we needed more Tim Curry there's too much of the film without Tim Curry it was partly my fault cuz I sold it and everyone's like really do we want to watch this I'm like no guys Tim Curry is the Tavor an amazing awesome cool down only in it for the humidity in my pin in my rewrite I have a fix for that I'm watching Legend again we're watching Willow audio kind of along the lines of redhead said I am I think we're going to enjoy this movie and is certainly a lot better than Ladyhawke I can say that with confident really lady Hawk is good I think Matt and I like gray is that I think it's just kind of generically fantasy like I don't think the story is I think it's good I don't think it's super grandiose especially by today's standards were reduced to like these huge superhero stories that might be why it's not super memorable I think the characters are great I remember really liking the willow character I'm hoping it really holds up this was a film that my grandma introduced me to you as a little kid and I love fantasy stuff I love like princesses and Magic it's going to take me back for sure I want to see Warwick Davis do the superhero like a jump off of a high building and land kneeling with his fist on the ground pose that's that's what I hope happens in this probably not no the superhero Landing I don't think he's a superhero this movie how about you Martin what are your expectations audio comes you know I love that you know my genre choices fantasy and sci-fi what can you sing if it's go sold in the dragon in it amazing audio in your good company that's a lot of us here maybe I'll do that I'll expand on my I think it's going to be fun I'm concerned about it ladies dated in a bad way maybe costumes or hairstyles stuff like that in pretty good okay cool. Lake George Lucas and Ron Howard so I would expect more from them when is this is obviously a crazy example but like in Robin Hood Men in Tights when they're all wearing like Medieval costumes that are so incredibly 90s I don't think it's going to be like that. but I don't think it's going to fall into that category the music's usually sets the mood a bit like is it going to be like fully orchestrated or synth I want to say orchestrated but I can't remember Westbury Bukis Lucas's Moore Orchestra did he was back for this audio only one way to find out yeah yeah let's go watch Willow we're going to pause a recording here and join us when we come back to find out audio that's stating that they kept using that f****** Lord of the Rings just ripped it off the lot of royalty Narnia I've never seen the animated Lord of the Ring what's the wizard fight it's in the Lord of in the animated one okay okay no I never seen animated Lord of the Rings I seen the animated Hobbit audio audio is that really in it daytime drama yeah that that wizard fight at the end of this was like I mean shot-for-shot the tower fight was exactly the same as but it's 20 years later best thing in the whole sales I don't even know when the two weeks are in the face audio a close second is when the Hydra explodes oh my God right I have seen a lot of things explode unexpectedly at movies but that what I was really not expect I mean it was never said in the movie but George Lucas's name for it was the Ybor Sisk a send-up of it's a portmanteau of Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel audio two-headed monster that's great you didn't mention freaking Phil Tippett all of the animated all the animatronics all of the cool Prosthetics on the on the on the demon dogs was that just did they just put stuff on dogs cuz like good I don't know how those dogs or anything the running dogs in costumes and then goes up when they were like fighting the dogs was a full-on animatronic audio Martin literally the movie we did before this episode was snatched so saying like Brad Pitt audio audio Ashley are you going to say how to say can we talk about why the f*** is the evil queen dress like a mummy underneath her normal clothes I thought that was so cool cuz I think she's pretty much a reference to the Evil Queen from Snow White the Wyatt has a mummy outfit underneath her thread they never show her like that but I know her legs are wrapped I think her legs are wrapped SFO historical thing because it's audio yeah but it's it's like having take out the tub but so then Widow Widow where that sort of thing audio audio Cushing's disease of the Mind she's probably disease of the body as well which is why she's all wrapped up in these ar-11 shot and I was like what the fuc UCF you think boys have foot wrapped up like a mummy yeah yeah yeah I feel like it's kind of like just this this grab bag of evil iconography that they just tossed all over her The Mummy saying the all-black spiky Crown the facial deformities like anything that with that is this classical signal for evil character there's like this is you now audio complexity even in the act it kind of okay or going we're getting there The Mummy thing I liked it to cuz it kind of alluded to like how long has she been in power like yeah they should have been in power for a really long time like her body is falling apart and she's like trying to keep yourself together but her daughter is like a normal age so I don't know we don't know if it's her biots daughter Orbitz audio destroy and conquer you will be my daughter or she could be just a very old man had a child late senior age audio the highest percentage of like STDs in America are like retirement communities I know they got a heartbeat audio yeah, through the main vein I guess okay I wasn't going to I was going to let the dog listener finish that thought train audio audio what was interesting about this this is sort of a test statistic film now because now it's alright audio audio 30 seconds they kill them audio audio that was a brutal opening that was definitely would Pat when you were saying scary parts was like yeah that that would be pretty scary as a kid or like the when they Zapped the troll and it turned into the goo thing oh my God that's true thing was terrifying Sahara animation audio it was really well done the effects were there's a lot of effects so hold up in this well it's like the black matte the thing is like such a of the time but 4 of the time affects it's my favorite way to do comping like whenever boot people try to like green screen or a like fade someone into a thing it's always worse than the black matte comping I was impressed with the the animal lips movie yeah that I was like that looks good I was impressed by I totally understand the point all the brownies they're hilarious that's the point audio I wish I could wish to speak ill of Ron Howard but I will audio audio every single comedy moment in this film hello Michigan comes down the hill in the snow oh and just like that! fantasy or American Overhead Val Kilmer yeah that's exactly what I was saying audio Wiki have I didn't even notice that he had accents maybe because they changed so frequently just when he was under the sea in what order so you can imagine on the film set on the first day of file killed on Easter egg lights okay audio audio play stop it and by 34 audio audio we have pretty good evidence as to which ones audio why do I get back to the fact that that that Evil Queen's acting was so bad amazing Pittsburgh audio but it was like nuanced had the worst lines like Limes like I must despise you now audio I don't know have you ever met an evil queen is Siri really really I just might be acting really help in a couple of places though they that the pigs are pigs like over halfway through the movie and I go to bed is like huh we didn't see a scene like with all the pigs like like no you just missed it was in the beginning like at the fair but they had to keep throwing cold water on all of those eggs to the cat trying to mate hilarious audio audio audio Joey Pigza that's what happens if you have big Hollywood people deal with Farm stuff hilarious though if they're all like turned into pigs then they start f****** and then they get turned back and they're such this big orgy that ever was like what episode of True Blood audio what's that thing you're always going on about where they write into the script make sure half of the pigs are women oh my God no Brett shut up audio interesting casual sexism when madmartigan is found to get it he's dressed up as a woman with oh yeah violent husband yeah audio what story is like problematic to wear like a creepy guy over woman is is like she's asleep and then she's like falling for the creepy guy yeah there's no chemistry between them even though they got married in real life it doesn't make any sense which evil queen and he's a thief audio if I fell in love because of the brownie Magic so you're saying is fair madmartigan you could say while he was under a spell she's falling asleep we talked about again in the very recent in is it through the 80s in the 90s there was a hole the bad the good guy who's also a bad boy being very forward the woman being not interested at all but she's like no stop but he's like you like it and what she really she does like it like fart like her attraction back to him was not okay he was cursed under a spell and all of that start the whole thing but yeah they do their first like kiss or whatever and they're like the music swells yeah but they were trying to kill each other like an hour ago Lester's the creepy moment where he like pins are down and then the musics like isn't this romantic and I'm like no no no but he's going to turn to the good side audio lightsaber Chasing Amy we do that in Goldfinger but he turns her good audio in the box and straight in the bed issues with specifically women Tim Fleming just had issues in general I like mine black vs let me sit back and let you Yanks talk about Ian Fleming like I'm not here audio audio there's so much that's it. Great what's happening in this film unfortunately oh yeah we so casual on the sexism there I will say that do you want to breathe she says no and he's like okay but he doesn't force himself on her after he was forcing himself at like around how about them coconuts would you like to notice that it was Apple his wife doesn't seem that fast though lunch first name what was his name luggage storage such an original name look it's hey hey hey it's completely valid fantasy name because it's love two owls it's Norwegian version of nausea say hello in Norway audio Citron hat Call of Duty yeah madmartigan he's dressed up like a woman is a throwaway gag gift for him to get out of but then he gets into a fight Slappy cakes take off Chase but it's a cat cost audio I didn't get stolen he's still in the women's clothing and he gets cold and you can imagine when they're filming it the continuity of the water people say can we change the chokes Alec Baldwin how to be like no no no continuity should still have pink trousers on yeelight we got a Wilhelm scream Arleta library Lauren just kept going with it on the topic of Ron Howard not doing comedy well you would mention the brownies audio right around that time was like I feel like we started I told Brad has like a probably started with a really like adult movie and we've gone way into the Kid Zone and it's fence like that whole middle half of the movie catering like little kid humor customer and stuff too because like maybe this is why I don't remember it and then they get to the castle horrifying like monster comes out rolled ice melt which is religious people in ape suits I never realized roles were just people in eight okay the introduction that is scared of spider climb very creepy nightmare fuel yeah I just remember being like a kid I don't know maybe 10 or 12 a mother first time and thinking it was so funny how he said we stole the baby when you were taking a pee pee I mean I hate the brownies like sometimes they were definitely cheesy and I do agree with you Martin that the timing on some of these jokes grab it off but I didn't necessarily hate them I think what I liked best was like whenever they would like fight each other what it's like no let me do it no it's my sphere like I like that sort of silly banter does Bailey have audio again the comedy beat was off audio and at that point it should have been in the coast yeah I need to speak mojito doesn't know how to get set up a comedy joke Ariana's access to it he doesn't have a frame there were so many like wide shots of them but definitely like the joke would have been so much funnier if we had punched in or God close you don't like for most of the middle of the film it's hard to really tell the difference between those two characters the two brownies because they were so small in the frame I think this one was talking it was so far back yeah they sound the same cuz they like made their voices sound like squeaky little animals it's like a weird European actually it's like French or Spanish audio audio yeah yeah yeah it's very like the down the road for whatever audio I didn't understand too is like they have this magic dust what makes you fall in love with stuff and we already established that one of the brownies get hit in the face and he falls in love with the cat witch. Joke I enjoyed but that didn't make any sense the value Homer gets hit in the face with it and like the first people he see is either the brownies but for some reason the magic dust doesn't take effect until he sees the woman that doesn't make any sense no gay magic ass yeah baby the magic dust was homophobic audio it seems like it it really felt like they were afraid you know I mean it was the 80s that everyone was afraid to do that how much funnier would it have been if the brownies hit him in the face with the powder and then he fell in love with them I ran away I'd like didn't realize where they were going and like ran into the tent and then that's why he was in there was like chasing the brownies yeah that would have been better am I I was just like you can't establish these rules and then change them later just because it's inconvenient you know he'll make a way it's almost invented a term for that or something oh I know we talkin about accounting I thought battle shipping was when the film uses technology in an incorrect way Battleship battleship yeah that's kind of what I thought when they say a science thing that is just that's not how that works at f****** off that's okay it was weird that they were having the main character is not the main character but they were just snorting like powdered ecstasy that's what the magic dust was right 12 who is the main character of OverWatch because I want to watch on the TV on the computer audio let me see if you can see this but it says it says story Joe Metheny and Mark Vande brake that's amazing call Elite cartridges wow no mention Joanne Whalley audio audio why I never catch a break Queen bavmorda I'm looking for him now run-on of God that was interesting to like when the credits roll instead of directed by it was second unit director Mark Vande brake is Willow son audio audio audio audio I will say that the actress who played Caillou Willows wife cast it was amazing and like so beautifully subtle like I'm losing everything I'm glad you brought that up funny thing is in us and some of the hits upon this earlier was how the film was very segmented like the First Act end when's a meat market in motion takes the baby and goes off that's clearly the end of that's very serious it's very well. play well put together effects and then immediately call today at Winchester at 2 immediately there's a f****** our flight cost with a little brownie and you go to s*** special effects audio audio and you just you just wonder why those Search Massive total changes yeah I mean I mean I like you said earlier obviously Ron Howard is a good director but this film was pretty badly directed what you said there's like tonal shifts there's like there's just a lot going on that isn't great but choreography of the fighting like I never once believed anybody actually fighting anyone everything is like so slow and it's like was done so slow cuz you helvete like these actors aren't actually stunt people you know and so like everything is just so like nothing spell impactful in like it was really hitting it felt like okay you're going to roll back and very carefully slide him on the sword okay I love I love costumes I love I love stuff and over-the-top and like I love ridiculous costumes in fantasy and sci-fi and I'm here for it give me more of it give me like these ridiculous in superhero stuff too but it's like General kol skull mask I wouldn't be like what was the first day that he came out wearing that audio it made and some sitting on this mantle is a car arkel today's the day going to wear your looks so badass going to go out scary right Eeveelution July 20th 88 turn up to the army with largest app ever by the next day audio audio what I want to know is was he the general first before I start wearing a skull mask or do you just decide to wear and then that helped his career is that this guy is serious when it comes to me and that man Norfolk General was just his first name right now I am actually an admiral where they see no major major major major it's really hard to take a scary character seriously what their name is kale nobody likes kale I don't know how you do it kale diabetes that was allegedly a reference to another film critic last name kale in her first name start with a P Pauline kael the evil General I guess Neymar Pauline and it wouldn't fit to go so that audio audio audio audio audio I like that she comes out when I get the first time it's almost like oh that is that really protective is it really strong cuz I got this I just have a metal plate in front of my face go to school but can it stop someone like Taps and it cracks what does the FBI cgp grey thing on on piracy like it's it's Brandy like it isn't have to be useful effective it just asked to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies so that I don't want to fight you it had worked all the way up until then he never had to fight anyone ever took a hit the first time you took a hit audio I mean he clearly isn't the best fighter cuz he gets knocked to the ground pretends like he's knocked out and then runs up the stairs to stab Val Kilmer in the back Mohican I failed miserably at it I can't beat this guy but I'll just I'll just get him while he's not an alternate perspective what if he's been wearing that mask the whole time because he's unhittable and he knows it's fragile but he never gets hit they should have been needed to establish that lower set with a helmet pups for saves in Dungeons & Dragons vorpal sword the story feels very Dungeons & Dragons funny thing about dungeon Master's very much like being a director audio Willow Star Wars whenever you go to create the world you know the already W Rose of the world and you're doing that with your dungeon boss so you thought you Mochi or which is your script you got your characters who were actors UMPC isn't all that stuff you out DirecTV audio the camera audio playing those games as kids with my friends and I gave me a really good grounding and being able to explain things to people yeah I mean if you want to beat him size film you can have 50 people audio I like to be incredibly. audio with lots of directors when I was a technician who couldn't direct because they were so terrified of being in front of people I need 70 people want to be directions the one of the fundamental things about directing is telling them what to do audio elitist audio audio the skills we learned as little dungeon Master's when we like 12 Bentley Cat hospital so it helps you learn how to like can a guy your audience through the story like you want them to follow the story and you want to plant things but you don't want them to be too obvious but you also don't want to plant things that they're not going to notice so I feel like that's an excellent point when you're running a dungeon you learn what sort of story elements to highlight and how much or how little to highlight them in order to try and like guide your players through the store you built yeah and bring it back to this film there was a moment yeah Ron Howard chose to really accentuate and highlight a moment that then never came back so the wife like gave him lock of her hair she's like here use this to remember me by and then it end intentionally cut to a close up of it as an insult making language that says this is important it will come into play later but they never did they briefly cut to it later when he was like struggling and is like I'm going to make it home to you and then it cut to the lock of hair on his belt it was real I guess I just thought like it would play a factor into like one of those spells he had to like cast or you don't like it would be important window audio and then also like another thing that really disappointed me was they don't even really defeat the evil witch themselves it just feels like lucky lightning strike happens to come in high-end defeat her I thought that at first two but then I was like no that's part of the ritual that she's been trying to perform so the baby is like yourself but she kept going on about like the time is running out the moment would have been satisfying if Willow like cast some sort of spell that actually audio I'm not entirely sure I mean she did Queen didn't want the baby to live cuz the prophecy said that the baby was going to Sunway even though there was a lot of exposition yeah and the baby didn't actually end defeating her I would argue it's one of those self-fulfilling prophecy is where prophecy that the baby is going to defeat her lease to her endeavours to kill the baby in her Endeavors to kill the baby lead to the baby event basically that baby being the impetus for her demise yeah because since she's trying to kill the baby the baby was in the hiding we have our adventure the adventure heads up with her demise she hadn't listened to the prophet it's not great but it's like one of those things where it's like self-fulfilling where the actions you take to avoid the prophecy actually caused the prophecy to come true right I mean I feel like maybe directorial standpoint they could have phrased it a little bit better of like if this baby is allowed to live it will lead to your destruction you know that's the thing that's like how many other stories that this movie it was trying to be like you know that that that Lord of the Rings like I am no man like they did you know they needed to have part of that in the prophecy where was just like you know not that the baby will overthrow you but just so you know something tricoli worded where at the end they just like that's what that meant but like we can get it we didn't get that yeah that would have been a sting in the tail elicit a Twist story the funny thing is if you think about when it was made audio like Star Wars The Originals they taken science fiction seriously and they created a world that we could audio Pirates and blah blah blah audio seriously audio realized fantasy world jokes and dumplings in Magic and caulifla audio Avenue in Willow audio I just gave audio the same as Lord of the Rings to the Peter Jackson Persians they took it very seriously and it worked incredibly well audio audio audio yeah takes itself seriously which which is why it works yeah where is something that lady who doesn't take yourself seriously audio audio we talked about that we talked about that concept with like comic book and superhero movies to how important that is take yourself seriously it for the most part you know people that have respect for the source material yeah and it doesn't mean there can't be humor obviously the Marvel movies do very well incorporate humor from time to time yeah it's it's like a total thing I like you mentioned Martin it just feels like Uno shift in the film after that First Act for sure I need like humor humor that fits End of the Universe and not humor that's making fun of the Universe I really I really like the sequence when we first meet madmartigan this is really it's like there's some World building there's World building there is a new interesting character I don't know what to make of them is he a good got his ambiguity is he good guy is he bad guy cuz he's kind of disarm disarm You by Hoobastank might be evil they're not the bad guy Army there just an army going off to fight and I got this this a****** like he is a bad guy I just took it so seriously I like that whole scene I really like that I felt like it was really it was a really good propelling the story forward into the second act and then yes as much as I like joke about the brownies it like that was like that's really where it started to come nose. Billy and coincidental that they happen to steal the baby why do they still a baby is never explained audio audio which was very large area where we could have set them up when Willow and crowns yeah like totally like why and why is it they clearly walk through their forest and didn't interact with them at all you know like we could have set them up I could have just a bird take a baby audio taking a baby to deliver it to mrs. Flaherty audio audio yeah they're good except for comedic relief which feel like it fits the tone of the movie like you were saying for sure I thought we needed relief from a comedy who sang that audio famous celebrity list what is theme better served if they were fishing along brownie jokes but really work and then you'd have a big he's like a snowball rolling down the hill you know that you are audio cartoon audio audio what's that is this could have been really really good and yeah what they did with with madmartigan and sorsha could have worked if it's something where it's like they're trying to kill each other and she's trying to get the baby and threw some kind of circumstances they find themselves in a very dangerous gets swept down a river or something like that and imagine a parent and Willow in the baby and they are get swept down a river or waterfall or something and then there in like men weren't over territory we have to get through this cuz right now our thing is not nearly as dangerous as something else like a mutual enemy and in the process of like I don't know a week or something I'm trying to get out of this dangerous then like they say they actually talk to each other a little bit and maybe sources she sees their side of thing in you can actually have that like character development and that growing organic chemistry growing for her falling for him because no one has ever treated her nicely before and that moment of him saying I love you even though it was the fairy dust stuff like I think you can make an argument for that it's just that it needed to be more developed as the story went on you haven't seen was like a fight with some kind of monster or some other other third-party entity Timbers about to fall off a cliff at the end and she could have let him go but in the moment she instinctually grabs him audio yeah yeah okay another pass another pass is a show on the same network or episode is or our progress is on Martin where they do this they take movies that could have been really really much better than they were in punch yeah but they just wanted to do that using the easy way out you know who princess of evil and then she's like a show Stratosphere right now he is off-screen trying to keep the liquid in his mouth I think she actually was but that reminded me something finally a trivia thing I saw where sorcha I think actually was Queen bavmorda daughter there was a deleted scene where the castle all the Frozen people are they there Dad was supposed to be one of them he was basically it's like he's somehow magically psychically speaks to her and I tells her like she's going down the wrong path she should your mother in a line with this if I didn't do anything with those frozen people I kind of thought that would be the tie in with his little like Stone acorns like is Willow just like during with a stone Acorn that somebody that was already turned to stone and they were done turned to stone and then you know nothing happens. Successfully successfully but what a freaking I thought that was really well written when he pulls out this road yeah and throws it and you're like hahaha finally those stupid little acorns are coming back evil queen catches it and turns into dust such a good reversal and sorcerer's father communicates with sorcha and pleads with her to side with Willamette Bartok and help them protect Elora danan in to feet that would have been better but there's a tunnel or there's a bunch of stuff they wrote in more lower exposition world-building in George Lucas like that little world so much but since the movie wasn't necessarily is financially successful I actually ended up writing three books co-writing with other people cool Pinterest so if you're if you're jonesing for more Willow the three books are there that called the Chronicles of the Shadow War Shadow Moon Shadow dawn shadow star out of all the scenes they could have cut in this movie waitrose the one that would have made sense and motivate a character brownies pee pee joke I kind of get the feeling though with like some of the other I don't know I feel like I got most of the male main character figures kind of had weird bad lions like or they going to have the father be like you know yeah your mom turned into stone but I eat something I like audio Westlake weather like today Robin Hood has the American accent and everyone else is British voice audio Robin Hood prince of Thieves Kevin Coster that came out in ic 1991 audio audio when they were filming audio someone came into work one day and so will I went to see a huge Hollywood you know like just don't believe we haven't seen anything like it was like 18 or something and this guy said that you want to be extra I will like felida Elementary evil things that we went amazing scene where Robin Hood comes through on a horse and there's a carriage Mike McShane discouraged precious sing the trailer audio audio I will watch it and run to the beginning of the film Kevin Costner Morgan Freeman Escape Hyundai travel all the way to f****** frogs which is like New York to LA gay website across the English Channel which is 30 miles that's really difficult to do audio and they say it's 400 miles away audio but it's so worth it Old English because of the joke they make about it and Robin Hood Men in Tights or they just talked to him bath and they're just like today audio audio and then there's no if it no effort to do any accents audio audio audio I guess so I guess I guess he did try in the beginning Kostner and it was so bad that they just told him to stop audio just nevermind what's Americans have zero clue if it doesn't sound like it's from here we're like opiate definitely wherever you tell us it's from will believe you just asked Spanish totally how many people thought like Mary Poppins is how people talked for like a long time not Mary Poppins. Dick Van Dyke adjacent there's a whole thing in the last Bond will Kentucky Bond movie he did Pierce Brosnan stop just went full Irish audio can you stop stop Trying I always felt sorry for him. audio prettiest cat audio cuz he was a brilliant Portland audio audio audio audio one of my favorites lost to filter just stinkers we were all kind of like a little audio pretty darn good I enjoyed ice audio Tomorrow Never Dies Die Another Day with Halle Berry you know before the apocalypse happen and they were playing it on the TV and I was like even with the sound off this is so bad a North Korean General gets facial reconstruction to look like a white British man enamored the bad guy to look inspired by Bond one way to get out of hiring a diverse cast you just write it into the storage I promise they have they have him as Korean in the beginning of the movie and then there's this character comes out of nowhere and then it turns out it's him and you're like okay if you say so audio audio 20 years I will never watch that film again a good decision it's a franchise man but the the swings between quality over the over the decade is is enormous Doctor Who audio and then the new series which is lost 16 ten years old what episode next episode audio I have a theory I think it's because I mean Doctor Who they build it so that they have like little episodes that carry the story arc peppered throughout the season and then they have a bunch of one-offs and the one All-Star always terrible they're not tied into the overarching story are like midnight was like my favorite all-time episode and that was a one-off once in awhile but yeah it's just you can see when people certain show runner who ran it for a number of years starting to run out of ideas last name rhymes with yeah he's a fantastic actor activate he was wrong that audio we tried to watch that season and just the writing really killed us and it broke my heart but like it was just random stuff was happening in the story and they were pretending like they were reversals and it's like no you can't just have his Dinosaurs show up in London as they get to rehearsal audio audio I am going to go back and watch it run Dorsett Senate run oh yeah so should we get search for final thoughts or does that even happen audio I mean I enjoy it United States stands the test of time when they get into the mountains Floyd it's beautiful who did Lasik rates audio Stacy on ojiya Chico Ridley Scott I know that you can see that sort of audio I enjoyed it I was a little bit but I think that's just Natalia Kills in the eighties have a different pacing to what we used to now I think you could cut like a good half an hour out of this film and it would like feel like that. Feel better totally audio audio it looks beautiful out the costumes of fantastic the evil car the the Sun audio looks like a testicle audio what is 2 I mean I could see that being intentional if he's in his mind Lucas is calling it The Everett like a Fu to Uber in Cisco if you like making this you as a monster balls in your face audio audio we can reconvene 10 years time audio what the stuff in the mountain weather in the mountains that's what favor big city looks nicer than Black costumes of the white star audio audio my favorite is a very beginning and like seeing this Village at like I love all the costumes and like I love that they like fight the dog me of like this epic fight scene and we get to like know this town and see how they know their inner workings it I was very remind you of The Hobbit Village in Lord of the Rings and everything and I loved the tone of that and I saw a lot of the little people actors were phenomenal and honestly way fatter than the other actors is one of the musicians Kenny Baker himself audio yeah they were all fantastic even the kids were so great yeah that daughter holy crap that scene like dad reflexes pictures for me I do agree with with Martin I had a fun time watching it but it's I got a little bored in the middle and I think that might be why you guys don't read you said you couldn't remember much of it cuz I feel like this film is over 2 hours long I feel like it could have been cut down it could have been like a half an hour shorter cuz the middle just started drags and then by the time we get to the big I'm just already a little gone I made it to Classic hero's journey on it and they literally took that and they have every single I mean Willow even meets meets the old man audio and they get to this before they have very long call Tracy expect to understand that he's going to twozies loyal Inn to meet Rosella discovering she turned herself into a poster it's just not really very funny yeah it feels like they could have just arrived at the village and she could have just been there like we didn't need that whole scene of going to the island and coming back and it just felt like everything what you getting like you said could be the 80s pacing but everything just fell very slow and it felt like it could have been sped up what's heiderfeld and then to me I guess I had higher expectations because it's George Lucas and Ron Howard and I just felt like this was a real like mixed bag of like some things were great and some things were not good I just had a higher expectation like some of the writing is bad some of the acting is bad the dude who played Eric is so f****** bad oh my God Frederick okay audio audio audio and it's like a combination of bad acting and bad writing audio audio audio with some s*** takes in it and it's a charger moment it's a Jar Jar Binks moment and he giggling to himself as he rapes them and like these eyes are so funny and one's going to love them going to be the most popular audio yeah I know and I think that's that is where that this film falls apart is that the as a serious fantasy movie and the serious moments that horrifying dogs the anything that wasn't a close-up of the trolls the Hydra V honestly like even though she overacted quite a bit that the evil witch in The Witch fight at the end was like really intense like all the serious parts of this movie worked really well hey and if it if they had just gone that route for the whole time it would have been really cool movie and but it but they did and it and that's not what it was so I probably would go back and watch this again after this even though i am a fan of the phil tippetts particular brand of like backdated stop mode not enough to bring me back to this again earthquake I don't have any disagreement with the with the criticism formea is the that was still an enjoyable experience I would throw this on again in the future just the background I think the net experience with positive and I enjoyed watching it SMS us setup everything everything else you can't come up with new ideas for fucksake oh sorry do we always make you feel like that was a lot of fun Martin thank you for joining us yeah I guess so much fun do you want to tell the listeners where they can follow you maybe keep a lookout for upcoming project you've got what do you want what do you want to know Get Shorty show my latest feature film Atomic apocalypse is currently out all across America you can get it all over the platform and it's on Amazon audio and then it's coming out in Europe audio midwinter Night's Dream which is only 31 take before 1917 the Cavalier basketball team 17 table audio audio Charlie he said it was fantastic so that audio Film Festival which is online this year audio audio audio audio it was so much fun to do is one of the most and stressful days I've had sunset in my entire life Heathers costume changes there's lighting changes its it's we want to see that short is that the quit earliest time is at the first opportunity will get to see it Gen X tickets on the Oxford International Festival right now they called online so I filled online for at least another week or so unenchanted calling audio yeah it's always the weekend after geeklycon by the time this comes out the Oxford one Oregon coast make sure everyone listening is your virtual yea jip gencon it's July 30th and zombie dead also got in so you can watch Martin's film and my film so audio audio which is coming out next year audio I have ya audio audio do you have like a is beautifully shot by the way Martin the dark heart Manor do you have like a Twitter or anything people you want people to follow you on website website Vox on Twitter website audio exactly yeah right on and you can see your Twitter you can also follow us on Twitter we're at let's re-watch where we do fun things like movie poles where you can pick the movie or if the guest pick the movie I tweet a screenshot so that you guys can guess the movie Lich King out of nowhere right away and got it right away good job Mitch all right I got it yeah Ralph said that he's heard rumors of a sequel who is really well I don't know if that's true and then Brad even was able to Name the character meegosh in the screenshot so extra points for Brad all right so if you liked our podcast please give us a positive five star review on Google podcast or apple podcast or on Spotify we really could use your recommendation and passing our info along to your friends that was a thanks again Martin and for the listeners Jonas next time when we watch Brotherhood of murder did you know Rob Thomas has been writing since the mid-90s Matchbox 20 guy behind Veronica Mars reboot hello you wonderful human being how do I know you're a wonderful human being well if you're hearing this message it means you're listening to a certain POV podcast and that makes you awesome thanks for your support this is Pat Edwards from the Left re-watch podcast and for those of you who don't know me I'm an author my latest project is a new 5th edition D&D campaign book called The Opera inspired from the musical album and stage show of the same name the red Opera sins you want a twisting Saga Dark and Dangerous magic death and warlock love certain pov.com
energy energy Bethlehem audio damn it I had to look that up the other day audio oh okay okay you don't have it Pat teach me your big Pat energy with audio audio we have an awesome guest today welcomed Martin Gooch hello different parts of the world yeah this is like a very challenging schedule for this podcast cuz we're all in completely different parts of the day right now Martin is in London he's an amazing English filmmaker Martin how many feature films have you made how many 5/8 audio audio audio we watched a Gatehouse last night audio the monster is amazing that we were outside the data set freaking awesome design like usually don't want to have it on screen for too long but like it was cooler the longer it was there yeah it's a stop-motion there Allante I think we have 7 Act is playing in that field audio audio Wicked World audio when we did it with Safeco we could just get whoever was no acting the rest of the film to be the monster audio at some point audio Cavalier actress Scarlett she's pretty table onto the cost to have one day he's the most stream on Saints Row 2 yeah you are you guys have to check out also a midwinter Night's Dream which is a short Martin Dad this is how I met Martin at DragonCon last year by quintino conventions were a thing audio 420 is that an online yet Martin can anyone watch no no no no it doesn't but it should England International Film Festival okay awesome it will be yes that's the awesome part is I don't want a cat goes from day to night to it's it's awesome definitely worth checking out and it'll also be streaming on the gen console Festival Wassabi debt right cuz we both got in yeah I mean I went to gencon lost because my new feature film Atomic apocalypse it was really quiet but you soon lead actress Christa Canada milk came along with me and we had a Wilson time Oswego Speech Recognition service; recognition request failed: Bad Gateway Atkinson mobile home audio audio is atomic apocalypse set in December of 2020 cuz it feels like that's what we're building two the weird thing is film released that is well trivia at Sixers International Film Festival in October 2018 I said that they still beset 2 years in the future oh my God so you did this to us well I went inside audio and you had a screening of that in LA is that February or March I feel like it was like right before everything happened and I went down and saw it and thought it was like well this is relevant now oh yeah cuz we are think it was called back to the UK on the 18th of February it was my great-uncle that was in the Navy in World War II and it was his hundredth birthday I don't know that yesterday the 76th anniversary of D-Day when the Americans or the British the baby he was 7 message to Soulja Boy project 46 in black and white with all these ships in the background on one of those ships audio audio because of the virus and then everything don't look down and we couldn't go audio audio Hazel Wright is hanging around doing stuff about the Navy going to get that on that before that the Before Time seem alone audio speaking of Before Time This Is Us from the before times Wright-Patt yeah today we are going to watch the 1988 is it really we're Brett and I were born audio I was an old man if I've had the time to time with you these young kids you have to remember that the old times was so much better see other people and likes you can go to movies and restaurants and things I'm sorry go to movie yeah what movie goes to you what are you talkin about in the Before Time audio Faith worship only snacks and watch stories on a j you speak crazy movie come to me people would talk important that you try to hear and then some of them Coke on the floor listen to wait in line for the bathroom oh man so this movie was directed and written by a couple of real no names you've probably never heard of director some guy named Ron Howard and written by some guy named George Lucas Woodstock I had my God warm Lucas and George Howard audio say the name of it yeah Willow a joke about the earbuds like this actually get to st. so George Lucas specifically wrote this film for Warwick Davis huszar after meeting him on the set of the Return of the Jedi right 2012 Warwick Davis was only 17 during the filming of this which is 8U dosso really wow how amazing to be 17 and this like big-time directors like I'm going to write a movie for you right yeah what do you mention Warwick Davis will do and then the other highest-ranking cast member is again someone I don't know if you all are familiar with but maybe it will fail maybe the long a maybe it's avail jeimer I believe it's pronounced Pizza nipple Batman right Batman Captain Epps is with this thing to me personally I'm a fan of a lot of movies he has been in more than once that he's not most difficult is not the easiest to work with willing to not take himself very seriously which I feel like those. and this is maybe my ignorance but I feel like Martha not someone who is difficult to work with probably takes himself very seriously rolls like macgruber this is very silly I'm so serious in the slightest so I don't feel like it's probably like a branding thing or it's just like it's it's silliness on their terms you know did you guys see that article the New York Times article about him did you know that he like he had his vocal cords removed cuz I think he got had cancer or something that's why he disappeared and he said he hasn't been in movies forever because yeah and he's like yeah he can't really talk very well now it's where ya cancer has taken his voice no no no that was oh okay okay the other bag audio that is sad yeah but it's an interesting article cuz it talks about how like his history and how he was an unlikely Hollywood movie star it's kind of interesting Google it if you're interested to know like what happened to Val Kilmer cuz I was like shocked I was like what I didn't know he had cancer and all this stuff legendary when he was Batman I had a well-publicized audio first and second date Seaside movies like Harry Potter and Judge Judy James pub the people who caused the most play where the actors he has a bit of a pain in the butt I didn't know the key how do ideas of coffee station O'Hare station but nice outing was it a crew member who would cause interesting facts on stages of complete and utter disaster play words in this drunk or rude or anything audio Hot Tuna on a film closet huge amount of work marrying someone famous solo dance party huge huge Dyrdek most people behave like tofu audio I always think of that I don't know if it's actually true but that rumor about a Johnny Depp wearing a earpiece for the last couple Pirates movies or you just like I'm not even going to learn my lines just read them to me and I'll read them like alive is island of dr. Moreau is Infamous his just in Australia in nineteen ninety six or seven I was working in Australia as a camera system Billy Connolly Korean movie all the crews of going off to do audio audio meet living in Panavision cuz we get there and get you animation chamber audio one filled with that be coming in prepping for let's talk to my ride all these stories are coming to this copy true and then richest I need the directions wolf away from came back and Simrad loin was prepping on last two weeks natti Natasha A-1 film Silverstein film that's why I was doing another film was being prepped camera place he's so famous and so old and so copy open you can you can be mono Grande with your bottom granddaddy said the line get some what you want about it when your career is starting right in the middle of your you don't have the cloud for this YouTube and the writers are always the easiest to work with rice best people nicest Suite yap-yap at your great audio all right yeah it's real Troublesome when your director is also your writer just going to throw that out there right now just one bad experience was coloring my opinion you do have a very bad I started writing cheapest dry socket fine right yeah have you met me he'll pay you I used to DirecTV is the director Sherry vehicle Holyoke Street Beverly Hills 90210 dice director single camera that have beautiful cameras and bright the script to Tubman what time is it look finish it was not ready yet that the yolk is still too runny audio audio audio a few days later we should say this to say that because you know he's married to her audio audio I have to change it audio change it audio the writer actually kind of has a lot more say than they do with and movies right like in TV the writer really has a lot of power that they don't totally I mean if you want these days you can't tell who directed yeah you have to go in to watch on a place up in this that and the other blah blah blah who who who doesn't hold on sweet episode they are much more controlling the whole that's so true cuz I feel like a lot of a lot of TV shows will advertise like special guest director so-and-so and it's like I could not tell yes it makes you a lot easier to blame them when it goes wrong yeah yeah cuz the showrunner is more Hanover RC director role then then a director that comes in to just think of it purely technically if you're filming a TV series with more than one episode might be filming at the same time I need more than one direction erect Society Game of Thrones audio to direct his po132 episodes directions to 10 episodes audio The Matrix start DirecTV work so it's making it worse audio Willow no audio Martin obviously you seen it because you suggested it to us ask Sam the virgin the version that we're going to watch today if you're using the is there different version okay so no but if you downloaded it from my Google Drive as for my personal backup cuz we lost the DVD that we had I had to we haven't even get one anyway I had to this is I ripped it from YouTube but YouTube has two versions that don't have all of the footage so I had to download both versions and edit them together and then recolor cracked one of them audio audio audio I could spend that $2 it wasn't anywhere like when I couldn't find the trying to do this for the podcast such a long time and there was another guess I can't remember who it was who suggested Willow but literally the only way we could watch it back then was to order the DVD which was like extremely expensive for some random so we couldn't do it but we have been trying to do this forever and they just recently I think with the Disney plus put it on on streaming cuz for us and America Martin it hasn't been on streaming when I lost sorry I saw it when it came out as a kid I love call the fantasy one the suit Taino Crow reconcile Star Wars sci-fi fantasy audio Ladyhawke I don't know if ecosystem are released in the me and my brother we just missed it on accident a couple years ago it was like a one of the autoclave things when we are watching something on Hulu and that was an unexpectedly super dope movie like it's super Metal it's so metal I love I love 80s fantasy movies and even the not good ones are still fun yeah totally it was amazing women that came out I think I'll still be about 7 we went to Cinemark my dad I used to go to the cinema very much she was like a big deal it's like a special thing. Birthdays except we just thought it was amazing kisiko audio sex in those days no computer or fake audio but I think people prettiest oldest allowed into the cabin audio 7 facts comes up behind it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life I completely believe Jack and Rose real what is practical effects centriole play magic sword doesn't work in love with him and the King takes over credit and blah blah check this out future episode recommendations honestly that's let me come back where to find the next next appearance so I can come back next time we're trying to do expectations and I got sidetracked cuz I audio so Val Kilmer Warwick Davis I feel like the most household names in this I feel like you're not household names but you've seen them in lots of things like Tony Cox African American little person he's in a ton of things like the bad Santa movies audio so Joanne Whaley want to say Wally Whaley Whalley Wally and audio she's done a lot most recently the one more notable role she had was for anyone who watched the Netflix Daredevil she was Sister Maggie audio audio season season 3 9 rights is Pat roach again not a household name and not necessarily the most recognizable person but he henchman in every 15 years every Adventure movie fantasy movie he is a head to Indiana Jones E-40 the face start with the delta-wing aircraft is it spinning rod ease the pain comes up and I saw she's also in Conan the Destroyer yeah it looks like he's been in like everything every fantasy movie from the red Sonja Conan Indiana Jones used to be when I was a kid audio audio audio audio and then it's kind of rounding out the cast is to comedian Kevin Pollak and Rick Overton play a small comedic roles in this recognize or recognise audio he said Miss maisel audio audio audio audio as you say you have seen this before yes audio okay so everyone has have you seen it oh yeah I love this movie it's been awhile though it's been with maybe ten years since I've seen it maybe more but I do I do remember really liking it a lot Tracy a lot of this trivia is interesting but a lot of those kind of spoilers we have all seen it remember there's a scene with lots of pigs right remember that I actually I'll be honest I don't remember much so it might be good to save it till after audio remember Warwick Davis is in this movie and that it's fantasy and that's it audio Val Kilmer adlib most of the dialogue George Lucas was upset that Malcolm I got First Billing / Warwick Davis cuz he wrote it for Warwick & Warwick Warwick plays Willow yet determine First Billing then dismissed part of the contract negotiations audio do actors names of the beginning audio Directors Guild allowed to have the title sequence audio audio I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding and then I don't know how this would have gone over John Cusack went for the same role as Val Kilmer quote considers that one of his biggest disappointment said he didn't get it Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley audio got married after and then shortly divorced Malik Yoba audio I should just stick with your maiden name audio burned divorce is coming itsfunneh create Rowley creative has we like to make stuff yeah we all have good ideas bad ideas and say something is the more successful you get sometimes a lot of your bad ideas come through luckily there was one really bad idea what this movie that did not come through in George Lucas originally conceived of the concept for this movie more than 10 years earlier in the early 70s what he originally had titled audio very poorly God that did not happen audio show me back when people could still tell him no audio these four statements as last one and if we can get to close-up shots of Interstate you're being dragged behind a wagon Val Kilmer was kneeling on the pedestal behind the wagon while the stunt double was dragged behind letting stop Man's legs take the beating I need pads play soft ground audio are we think this movie did financially it wasn't super success if it is feels like a movie that people wouldn't have been like ravenous about Billy got a cult following later right 8888 Star Wars and Empire audio 2 estimated budget with 35 million they want to guess opening weekend and gross I'm going to guess profitable but like but like they made their money back and maybe another couple mil like maybe it's 45 the opening probably was only like in the hundreds of thousands Waldo not even hundreds of thousands probably in like the 20000 range audio it's an idiot I had to scale back conversion rate going to see anything so Mexican beach. did you see it were you in the UK when you start and it was like when it open Okay so wonder if IMDb venerated boxofficemojo free opening weekend USA was 8 million gross USA was 57 but I'll still cumulative worldwide gross is the exact same number which contract audio yeah but sounds like they just didn't have the data I mean worst case scenario it would be at least the price of two UK tickets more than the u.s. for human worldwide cuz we know Martin went to see it I don't think it's more so that they didn't release domestic I think it is just a gross worldwide is 57 ml okay Brett was right they made their money back although I mean comparatively was probably not expecting to only make 10 mil after after Star Wars audio audio audio audio we said we've all seen it in the past you can't doggone the film you brought this is true audio daisies to BST audio audio I am optimistic about this movie I think it's going to be over all and enjoyable watch I think it's by no means going to be perfect and if there might be some issues here and there anyone else's account or opinion to that so how long is anyone feel like I've seen it more recently than like I got to say it's got to be more audio maybe more than that baby I mean like that 10 to 15 range it's more reason for us just cuz we download it like maybe like 4 or 5 years ago like when we first started the show next two to three years but I don't remember a lot so I don't know why maybe not a good thing audio yeah I remember Warwick Davis being all like there's a baby let's just say there's a magic baby icing baby movies I guess the baby's not magic and Labyrinth but but it'll remind you of that baby okay that people want the special baby audio the power Power Hour of mediocre box office returns return that you are they really cuz I feel like they've been talking about it for years or is it just like they're going to redo it audio how dare you audio audio audio I saw something I'm lying in reference to that sounds like the only reason that would be okay and I think could be you cast Jennifer Connelly the goblin Queen in the David Bowie roll the thing is that everybody forgets lappet suspicion by Terry Jones Monty Python audio Scott such a good that is so funny all the way through my worry will be that whoever they get to write it will just fly the movie has the level of Comedy come inside meet the missus Labyrinth yeah Martin Martin rest easy girl you okay I just did a little homework and it looks like it is a sequel not a reboot audio same universe sequel or I mean is it is it is it is it lucasfilm or are they going to CG David Bowie and do a post-mortem I think I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that the very first episode or at least one of the First episodes of let's re-watch was when they first announced that they were doing this so this thing I'm looking at came out 27th of May of this year cuz I think we even signed David Bowie initially but then he died this might be a killer clowns movie like it's it's going to be permanently plan yeah totally killer clowns so how long ago was it but you saw Willow 20 years you're really good at remember liking it or having a positive experience imagine so okay news audio so I saw it when I was 10 audio how old is Mario I could see it maybe Shane you too little too young for you viewing it at 16 I saw it when I was really young like 5 and I loved it yeah I think I was young too audio that young I feel like there's some scary stuff in there that pre-1990 movies didn't care about scarring children Dark Crystal audio I've stopped so many movies that right like always the classic I remember this as a kid for my daughters and like wait I forgot about this part this is back when things things weren't quite rated R or PG-13 I remember going to see George of the Jungle in theaters and my little brother Brendan Fraser Brendan Fraser and it was like a Halloween Mickey short waffle Mickey gets turned into like a monster and like tries to eat people and my little brother was like three and a half for and it was like George of the Jungle is supposed to be pretty safe that short traumatized him and he would go into a movie theater more like half a decade dying before you went to see another movie classic we've had it with lots of pitfalls in the last like 6 month plus the girl like the classic Disney movies like the original Snow White and then for a week straight my two-year-old is up in the middle night set that a witch was going to get her audio audio reasonable is anyone I'm very optimistic I think the net nothing that is going to be a everybody is my predict I am concerned audio both 20 years ago feeling and 2 years ago feeling we will remember maybe the same amount of the movie it's possible that their there maybe is soma pretty views but otherwise be a completely forgettable film nothing will ever be another legend that what's the runtime so we like like I love the memory of a whole episode you can listen to it was it one of those I feel like it Compares better to like face off we're like everything you like about the movie happened in the first and last 15 minutes of the film what will happen in the middle tell me what hap and like it's difficult runtime of this is 2 hours and 6 mins audio it's funny it's funny cuz I we are the four of us a different Legend experiences because you guys did that before I became a host the show but I have my I have my own podcast experience another show another password well if you watched it so much that you then started rubbing head because you are made a joke about watching X syndrome audio Willow fun too but I want to send you guys I'm going to send you all my notes in my Google Drive a good movie and I feel like if you want to tell senator you don't get like a blank canvas you have to use what they had like within reason for the Hope physical exercise that show oh I would have liked change the cast completely in Dallas Lake Nona take essentially what they had and make it better I want to hear Martin tear me down here because he took it for the listeners he just held up like I couldn't quite read it but like I some sort of special edition like director's cut of Legend and I just I just crapped all over that movie Martin tell me tell me I'm wrong audio audio water witch Cinema and Tim Curry is evil yeah, but that's a lot of Pollux in it as we would say Tooth Fairy was so good a problem was we were like we needed more Tim Curry there's too much of the film without Tim Curry it was partly my fault cuz I sold it and everyone's like really do we want to watch this I'm like no guys Tim Curry is the Tavor an amazing awesome cool down only in it for the humidity in my pin in my rewrite I have a fix for that I'm watching Legend again we're watching Willow audio kind of along the lines of redhead said I am I think we're going to enjoy this movie and is certainly a lot better than Ladyhawke I can say that with confident really lady Hawk is good I think Matt and I like gray is that I think it's just kind of generically fantasy like I don't think the story is I think it's good I don't think it's super grandiose especially by today's standards were reduced to like these huge superhero stories that might be why it's not super memorable I think the characters are great I remember really liking the willow character I'm hoping it really holds up this was a film that my grandma introduced me to you as a little kid and I love fantasy stuff I love like princesses and Magic it's going to take me back for sure I want to see Warwick Davis do the superhero like a jump off of a high building and land kneeling with his fist on the ground pose that's that's what I hope happens in this probably not no the superhero Landing I don't think he's a superhero this movie how about you Martin what are your expectations audio comes you know I love that you know my genre choices fantasy and sci-fi what can you sing if it's go sold in the dragon in it amazing audio in your good company that's a lot of us here maybe I'll do that I'll expand on my I think it's going to be fun I'm concerned about it ladies dated in a bad way maybe costumes or hairstyles stuff like that in pretty good okay cool. Lake George Lucas and Ron Howard so I would expect more from them when is this is obviously a crazy example but like in Robin Hood Men in Tights when they're all wearing like Medieval costumes that are so incredibly 90s I don't think it's going to be like that. but I don't think it's going to fall into that category the music's usually sets the mood a bit like is it going to be like fully orchestrated or synth I want to say orchestrated but I can't remember Westbury Bukis Lucas's Moore Orchestra did he was back for this audio only one way to find out yeah yeah let's go watch Willow we're going to pause a recording here and join us when we come back to find out audio that's stating that they kept using that f****** Lord of the Rings just ripped it off the lot of royalty Narnia I've never seen the animated Lord of the Ring what's the wizard fight it's in the Lord of in the animated one okay okay no I never seen animated Lord of the Rings I seen the animated Hobbit audio audio is that really in it daytime drama yeah that that wizard fight at the end of this was like I mean shot-for-shot the tower fight was exactly the same as but it's 20 years later best thing in the whole sales I don't even know when the two weeks are in the face audio a close second is when the Hydra explodes oh my God right I have seen a lot of things explode unexpectedly at movies but that what I was really not expect I mean it was never said in the movie but George Lucas's name for it was the Ybor Sisk a send-up of it's a portmanteau of Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel audio two-headed monster that's great you didn't mention freaking Phil Tippett all of the animated all the animatronics all of the cool Prosthetics on the on the on the demon dogs was that just did they just put stuff on dogs cuz like good I don't know how those dogs or anything the running dogs in costumes and then goes up when they were like fighting the dogs was a full-on animatronic audio Martin literally the movie we did before this episode was snatched so saying like Brad Pitt audio audio Ashley are you going to say how to say can we talk about why the f*** is the evil queen dress like a mummy underneath her normal clothes I thought that was so cool cuz I think she's pretty much a reference to the Evil Queen from Snow White the Wyatt has a mummy outfit underneath her thread they never show her like that but I know her legs are wrapped I think her legs are wrapped SFO historical thing because it's audio yeah but it's it's like having take out the tub but so then Widow Widow where that sort of thing audio audio Cushing's disease of the Mind she's probably disease of the body as well which is why she's all wrapped up in these ar-11 shot and I was like what the fuc UCF you think boys have foot wrapped up like a mummy yeah yeah yeah I feel like it's kind of like just this this grab bag of evil iconography that they just tossed all over her The Mummy saying the all-black spiky Crown the facial deformities like anything that with that is this classical signal for evil character there's like this is you now audio complexity even in the act it kind of okay or going we're getting there The Mummy thing I liked it to cuz it kind of alluded to like how long has she been in power like yeah they should have been in power for a really long time like her body is falling apart and she's like trying to keep yourself together but her daughter is like a normal age so I don't know we don't know if it's her biots daughter Orbitz audio destroy and conquer you will be my daughter or she could be just a very old man had a child late senior age audio the highest percentage of like STDs in America are like retirement communities I know they got a heartbeat audio yeah, through the main vein I guess okay I wasn't going to I was going to let the dog listener finish that thought train audio audio what was interesting about this this is sort of a test statistic film now because now it's alright audio audio 30 seconds they kill them audio audio that was a brutal opening that was definitely would Pat when you were saying scary parts was like yeah that that would be pretty scary as a kid or like the when they Zapped the troll and it turned into the goo thing oh my God that's true thing was terrifying Sahara animation audio it was really well done the effects were there's a lot of effects so hold up in this well it's like the black matte the thing is like such a of the time but 4 of the time affects it's my favorite way to do comping like whenever boot people try to like green screen or a like fade someone into a thing it's always worse than the black matte comping I was impressed with the the animal lips movie yeah that I was like that looks good I was impressed by I totally understand the point all the brownies they're hilarious that's the point audio I wish I could wish to speak ill of Ron Howard but I will audio audio every single comedy moment in this film hello Michigan comes down the hill in the snow oh and just like that! fantasy or American Overhead Val Kilmer yeah that's exactly what I was saying audio Wiki have I didn't even notice that he had accents maybe because they changed so frequently just when he was under the sea in what order so you can imagine on the film set on the first day of file killed on Easter egg lights okay audio audio play stop it and by 34 audio audio we have pretty good evidence as to which ones audio why do I get back to the fact that that that Evil Queen's acting was so bad amazing Pittsburgh audio but it was like nuanced had the worst lines like Limes like I must despise you now audio I don't know have you ever met an evil queen is Siri really really I just might be acting really help in a couple of places though they that the pigs are pigs like over halfway through the movie and I go to bed is like huh we didn't see a scene like with all the pigs like like no you just missed it was in the beginning like at the fair but they had to keep throwing cold water on all of those eggs to the cat trying to mate hilarious audio audio audio Joey Pigza that's what happens if you have big Hollywood people deal with Farm stuff hilarious though if they're all like turned into pigs then they start f****** and then they get turned back and they're such this big orgy that ever was like what episode of True Blood audio what's that thing you're always going on about where they write into the script make sure half of the pigs are women oh my God no Brett shut up audio interesting casual sexism when madmartigan is found to get it he's dressed up as a woman with oh yeah violent husband yeah audio what story is like problematic to wear like a creepy guy over woman is is like she's asleep and then she's like falling for the creepy guy yeah there's no chemistry between them even though they got married in real life it doesn't make any sense which evil queen and he's a thief audio if I fell in love because of the brownie Magic so you're saying is fair madmartigan you could say while he was under a spell she's falling asleep we talked about again in the very recent in is it through the 80s in the 90s there was a hole the bad the good guy who's also a bad boy being very forward the woman being not interested at all but she's like no stop but he's like you like it and what she really she does like it like fart like her attraction back to him was not okay he was cursed under a spell and all of that start the whole thing but yeah they do their first like kiss or whatever and they're like the music swells yeah but they were trying to kill each other like an hour ago Lester's the creepy moment where he like pins are down and then the musics like isn't this romantic and I'm like no no no but he's going to turn to the good side audio lightsaber Chasing Amy we do that in Goldfinger but he turns her good audio in the box and straight in the bed issues with specifically women Tim Fleming just had issues in general I like mine black vs let me sit back and let you Yanks talk about Ian Fleming like I'm not here audio audio there's so much that's it. Great what's happening in this film unfortunately oh yeah we so casual on the sexism there I will say that do you want to breathe she says no and he's like okay but he doesn't force himself on her after he was forcing himself at like around how about them coconuts would you like to notice that it was Apple his wife doesn't seem that fast though lunch first name what was his name luggage storage such an original name look it's hey hey hey it's completely valid fantasy name because it's love two owls it's Norwegian version of nausea say hello in Norway audio Citron hat Call of Duty yeah madmartigan he's dressed up like a woman is a throwaway gag gift for him to get out of but then he gets into a fight Slappy cakes take off Chase but it's a cat cost audio I didn't get stolen he's still in the women's clothing and he gets cold and you can imagine when they're filming it the continuity of the water people say can we change the chokes Alec Baldwin how to be like no no no continuity should still have pink trousers on yeelight we got a Wilhelm scream Arleta library Lauren just kept going with it on the topic of Ron Howard not doing comedy well you would mention the brownies audio right around that time was like I feel like we started I told Brad has like a probably started with a really like adult movie and we've gone way into the Kid Zone and it's fence like that whole middle half of the movie catering like little kid humor customer and stuff too because like maybe this is why I don't remember it and then they get to the castle horrifying like monster comes out rolled ice melt which is religious people in ape suits I never realized roles were just people in eight okay the introduction that is scared of spider climb very creepy nightmare fuel yeah I just remember being like a kid I don't know maybe 10 or 12 a mother first time and thinking it was so funny how he said we stole the baby when you were taking a pee pee I mean I hate the brownies like sometimes they were definitely cheesy and I do agree with you Martin that the timing on some of these jokes grab it off but I didn't necessarily hate them I think what I liked best was like whenever they would like fight each other what it's like no let me do it no it's my sphere like I like that sort of silly banter does Bailey have audio again the comedy beat was off audio and at that point it should have been in the coast yeah I need to speak mojito doesn't know how to get set up a comedy joke Ariana's access to it he doesn't have a frame there were so many like wide shots of them but definitely like the joke would have been so much funnier if we had punched in or God close you don't like for most of the middle of the film it's hard to really tell the difference between those two characters the two brownies because they were so small in the frame I think this one was talking it was so far back yeah they sound the same cuz they like made their voices sound like squeaky little animals it's like a weird European actually it's like French or Spanish audio audio yeah yeah yeah it's very like the down the road for whatever audio I didn't understand too is like they have this magic dust what makes you fall in love with stuff and we already established that one of the brownies get hit in the face and he falls in love with the cat witch. Joke I enjoyed but that didn't make any sense the value Homer gets hit in the face with it and like the first people he see is either the brownies but for some reason the magic dust doesn't take effect until he sees the woman that doesn't make any sense no gay magic ass yeah baby the magic dust was homophobic audio it seems like it it really felt like they were afraid you know I mean it was the 80s that everyone was afraid to do that how much funnier would it have been if the brownies hit him in the face with the powder and then he fell in love with them I ran away I'd like didn't realize where they were going and like ran into the tent and then that's why he was in there was like chasing the brownies yeah that would have been better am I I was just like you can't establish these rules and then change them later just because it's inconvenient you know he'll make a way it's almost invented a term for that or something oh I know we talkin about accounting I thought battle shipping was when the film uses technology in an incorrect way Battleship battleship yeah that's kind of what I thought when they say a science thing that is just that's not how that works at f****** off that's okay it was weird that they were having the main character is not the main character but they were just snorting like powdered ecstasy that's what the magic dust was right 12 who is the main character of OverWatch because I want to watch on the TV on the computer audio let me see if you can see this but it says it says story Joe Metheny and Mark Vande brake that's amazing call Elite cartridges wow no mention Joanne Whalley audio audio why I never catch a break Queen bavmorda I'm looking for him now run-on of God that was interesting to like when the credits roll instead of directed by it was second unit director Mark Vande brake is Willow son audio audio audio audio I will say that the actress who played Caillou Willows wife cast it was amazing and like so beautifully subtle like I'm losing everything I'm glad you brought that up funny thing is in us and some of the hits upon this earlier was how the film was very segmented like the First Act end when's a meat market in motion takes the baby and goes off that's clearly the end of that's very serious it's very well. play well put together effects and then immediately call today at Winchester at 2 immediately there's a f****** our flight cost with a little brownie and you go to s*** special effects audio audio and you just you just wonder why those Search Massive total changes yeah I mean I mean I like you said earlier obviously Ron Howard is a good director but this film was pretty badly directed what you said there's like tonal shifts there's like there's just a lot going on that isn't great but choreography of the fighting like I never once believed anybody actually fighting anyone everything is like so slow and it's like was done so slow cuz you helvete like these actors aren't actually stunt people you know and so like everything is just so like nothing spell impactful in like it was really hitting it felt like okay you're going to roll back and very carefully slide him on the sword okay I love I love costumes I love I love stuff and over-the-top and like I love ridiculous costumes in fantasy and sci-fi and I'm here for it give me more of it give me like these ridiculous in superhero stuff too but it's like General kol skull mask I wouldn't be like what was the first day that he came out wearing that audio it made and some sitting on this mantle is a car arkel today's the day going to wear your looks so badass going to go out scary right Eeveelution July 20th 88 turn up to the army with largest app ever by the next day audio audio what I want to know is was he the general first before I start wearing a skull mask or do you just decide to wear and then that helped his career is that this guy is serious when it comes to me and that man Norfolk General was just his first name right now I am actually an admiral where they see no major major major major it's really hard to take a scary character seriously what their name is kale nobody likes kale I don't know how you do it kale diabetes that was allegedly a reference to another film critic last name kale in her first name start with a P Pauline kael the evil General I guess Neymar Pauline and it wouldn't fit to go so that audio audio audio audio audio I like that she comes out when I get the first time it's almost like oh that is that really protective is it really strong cuz I got this I just have a metal plate in front of my face go to school but can it stop someone like Taps and it cracks what does the FBI cgp grey thing on on piracy like it's it's Brandy like it isn't have to be useful effective it just asked to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies so that I don't want to fight you it had worked all the way up until then he never had to fight anyone ever took a hit the first time you took a hit audio I mean he clearly isn't the best fighter cuz he gets knocked to the ground pretends like he's knocked out and then runs up the stairs to stab Val Kilmer in the back Mohican I failed miserably at it I can't beat this guy but I'll just I'll just get him while he's not an alternate perspective what if he's been wearing that mask the whole time because he's unhittable and he knows it's fragile but he never gets hit they should have been needed to establish that lower set with a helmet pups for saves in Dungeons & Dragons vorpal sword the story feels very Dungeons & Dragons funny thing about dungeon Master's very much like being a director audio Willow Star Wars whenever you go to create the world you know the already W Rose of the world and you're doing that with your dungeon boss so you thought you Mochi or which is your script you got your characters who were actors UMPC isn't all that stuff you out DirecTV audio the camera audio playing those games as kids with my friends and I gave me a really good grounding and being able to explain things to people yeah I mean if you want to beat him size film you can have 50 people audio I like to be incredibly. audio with lots of directors when I was a technician who couldn't direct because they were so terrified of being in front of people I need 70 people want to be directions the one of the fundamental things about directing is telling them what to do audio elitist audio audio the skills we learned as little dungeon Master's when we like 12 Bentley Cat hospital so it helps you learn how to like can a guy your audience through the story like you want them to follow the story and you want to plant things but you don't want them to be too obvious but you also don't want to plant things that they're not going to notice so I feel like that's an excellent point when you're running a dungeon you learn what sort of story elements to highlight and how much or how little to highlight them in order to try and like guide your players through the store you built yeah and bring it back to this film there was a moment yeah Ron Howard chose to really accentuate and highlight a moment that then never came back so the wife like gave him lock of her hair she's like here use this to remember me by and then it end intentionally cut to a close up of it as an insult making language that says this is important it will come into play later but they never did they briefly cut to it later when he was like struggling and is like I'm going to make it home to you and then it cut to the lock of hair on his belt it was real I guess I just thought like it would play a factor into like one of those spells he had to like cast or you don't like it would be important window audio and then also like another thing that really disappointed me was they don't even really defeat the evil witch themselves it just feels like lucky lightning strike happens to come in high-end defeat her I thought that at first two but then I was like no that's part of the ritual that she's been trying to perform so the baby is like yourself but she kept going on about like the time is running out the moment would have been satisfying if Willow like cast some sort of spell that actually audio I'm not entirely sure I mean she did Queen didn't want the baby to live cuz the prophecy said that the baby was going to Sunway even though there was a lot of exposition yeah and the baby didn't actually end defeating her I would argue it's one of those self-fulfilling prophecy is where prophecy that the baby is going to defeat her lease to her endeavours to kill the baby in her Endeavors to kill the baby lead to the baby event basically that baby being the impetus for her demise yeah because since she's trying to kill the baby the baby was in the hiding we have our adventure the adventure heads up with her demise she hadn't listened to the prophet it's not great but it's like one of those things where it's like self-fulfilling where the actions you take to avoid the prophecy actually caused the prophecy to come true right I mean I feel like maybe directorial standpoint they could have phrased it a little bit better of like if this baby is allowed to live it will lead to your destruction you know that's the thing that's like how many other stories that this movie it was trying to be like you know that that that Lord of the Rings like I am no man like they did you know they needed to have part of that in the prophecy where was just like you know not that the baby will overthrow you but just so you know something tricoli worded where at the end they just like that's what that meant but like we can get it we didn't get that yeah that would have been a sting in the tail elicit a Twist story the funny thing is if you think about when it was made audio like Star Wars The Originals they taken science fiction seriously and they created a world that we could audio Pirates and blah blah blah audio seriously audio realized fantasy world jokes and dumplings in Magic and caulifla audio Avenue in Willow audio I just gave audio the same as Lord of the Rings to the Peter Jackson Persians they took it very seriously and it worked incredibly well audio audio audio yeah takes itself seriously which which is why it works yeah where is something that lady who doesn't take yourself seriously audio audio we talked about that we talked about that concept with like comic book and superhero movies to how important that is take yourself seriously it for the most part you know people that have respect for the source material yeah and it doesn't mean there can't be humor obviously the Marvel movies do very well incorporate humor from time to time yeah it's it's like a total thing I like you mentioned Martin it just feels like Uno shift in the film after that First Act for sure I need like humor humor that fits End of the Universe and not humor that's making fun of the Universe I really I really like the sequence when we first meet madmartigan this is really it's like there's some World building there's World building there is a new interesting character I don't know what to make of them is he a good got his ambiguity is he good guy is he bad guy cuz he's kind of disarm disarm You by Hoobastank might be evil they're not the bad guy Army there just an army going off to fight and I got this this a****** like he is a bad guy I just took it so seriously I like that whole scene I really like that I felt like it was really it was a really good propelling the story forward into the second act and then yes as much as I like joke about the brownies it like that was like that's really where it started to come nose. Billy and coincidental that they happen to steal the baby why do they still a baby is never explained audio audio which was very large area where we could have set them up when Willow and crowns yeah like totally like why and why is it they clearly walk through their forest and didn't interact with them at all you know like we could have set them up I could have just a bird take a baby audio taking a baby to deliver it to mrs. Flaherty audio audio yeah they're good except for comedic relief which feel like it fits the tone of the movie like you were saying for sure I thought we needed relief from a comedy who sang that audio famous celebrity list what is theme better served if they were fishing along brownie jokes but really work and then you'd have a big he's like a snowball rolling down the hill you know that you are audio cartoon audio audio what's that is this could have been really really good and yeah what they did with with madmartigan and sorsha could have worked if it's something where it's like they're trying to kill each other and she's trying to get the baby and threw some kind of circumstances they find themselves in a very dangerous gets swept down a river or something like that and imagine a parent and Willow in the baby and they are get swept down a river or waterfall or something and then there in like men weren't over territory we have to get through this cuz right now our thing is not nearly as dangerous as something else like a mutual enemy and in the process of like I don't know a week or something I'm trying to get out of this dangerous then like they say they actually talk to each other a little bit and maybe sources she sees their side of thing in you can actually have that like character development and that growing organic chemistry growing for her falling for him because no one has ever treated her nicely before and that moment of him saying I love you even though it was the fairy dust stuff like I think you can make an argument for that it's just that it needed to be more developed as the story went on you haven't seen was like a fight with some kind of monster or some other other third-party entity Timbers about to fall off a cliff at the end and she could have let him go but in the moment she instinctually grabs him audio yeah yeah okay another pass another pass is a show on the same network or episode is or our progress is on Martin where they do this they take movies that could have been really really much better than they were in punch yeah but they just wanted to do that using the easy way out you know who princess of evil and then she's like a show Stratosphere right now he is off-screen trying to keep the liquid in his mouth I think she actually was but that reminded me something finally a trivia thing I saw where sorcha I think actually was Queen bavmorda daughter there was a deleted scene where the castle all the Frozen people are they there Dad was supposed to be one of them he was basically it's like he's somehow magically psychically speaks to her and I tells her like she's going down the wrong path she should your mother in a line with this if I didn't do anything with those frozen people I kind of thought that would be the tie in with his little like Stone acorns like is Willow just like during with a stone Acorn that somebody that was already turned to stone and they were done turned to stone and then you know nothing happens. Successfully successfully but what a freaking I thought that was really well written when he pulls out this road yeah and throws it and you're like hahaha finally those stupid little acorns are coming back evil queen catches it and turns into dust such a good reversal and sorcerer's father communicates with sorcha and pleads with her to side with Willamette Bartok and help them protect Elora danan in to feet that would have been better but there's a tunnel or there's a bunch of stuff they wrote in more lower exposition world-building in George Lucas like that little world so much but since the movie wasn't necessarily is financially successful I actually ended up writing three books co-writing with other people cool Pinterest so if you're if you're jonesing for more Willow the three books are there that called the Chronicles of the Shadow War Shadow Moon Shadow dawn shadow star out of all the scenes they could have cut in this movie waitrose the one that would have made sense and motivate a character brownies pee pee joke I kind of get the feeling though with like some of the other I don't know I feel like I got most of the male main character figures kind of had weird bad lions like or they going to have the father be like you know yeah your mom turned into stone but I eat something I like audio Westlake weather like today Robin Hood has the American accent and everyone else is British voice audio Robin Hood prince of Thieves Kevin Coster that came out in ic 1991 audio audio when they were filming audio someone came into work one day and so will I went to see a huge Hollywood you know like just don't believe we haven't seen anything like it was like 18 or something and this guy said that you want to be extra I will like felida Elementary evil things that we went amazing scene where Robin Hood comes through on a horse and there's a carriage Mike McShane discouraged precious sing the trailer audio audio I will watch it and run to the beginning of the film Kevin Costner Morgan Freeman Escape Hyundai travel all the way to f****** frogs which is like New York to LA gay website across the English Channel which is 30 miles that's really difficult to do audio and they say it's 400 miles away audio but it's so worth it Old English because of the joke they make about it and Robin Hood Men in Tights or they just talked to him bath and they're just like today audio audio and then there's no if it no effort to do any accents audio audio audio I guess so I guess I guess he did try in the beginning Kostner and it was so bad that they just told him to stop audio just nevermind what's Americans have zero clue if it doesn't sound like it's from here we're like opiate definitely wherever you tell us it's from will believe you just asked Spanish totally how many people thought like Mary Poppins is how people talked for like a long time not Mary Poppins. Dick Van Dyke adjacent there's a whole thing in the last Bond will Kentucky Bond movie he did Pierce Brosnan stop just went full Irish audio can you stop stop Trying I always felt sorry for him. audio prettiest cat audio cuz he was a brilliant Portland audio audio audio audio one of my favorites lost to filter just stinkers we were all kind of like a little audio pretty darn good I enjoyed ice audio Tomorrow Never Dies Die Another Day with Halle Berry you know before the apocalypse happen and they were playing it on the TV and I was like even with the sound off this is so bad a North Korean General gets facial reconstruction to look like a white British man enamored the bad guy to look inspired by Bond one way to get out of hiring a diverse cast you just write it into the storage I promise they have they have him as Korean in the beginning of the movie and then there's this character comes out of nowhere and then it turns out it's him and you're like okay if you say so audio audio 20 years I will never watch that film again a good decision it's a franchise man but the the swings between quality over the over the decade is is enormous Doctor Who audio and then the new series which is lost 16 ten years old what episode next episode audio I have a theory I think it's because I mean Doctor Who they build it so that they have like little episodes that carry the story arc peppered throughout the season and then they have a bunch of one-offs and the one All-Star always terrible they're not tied into the overarching story are like midnight was like my favorite all-time episode and that was a one-off once in awhile but yeah it's just you can see when people certain show runner who ran it for a number of years starting to run out of ideas last name rhymes with yeah he's a fantastic actor activate he was wrong that audio we tried to watch that season and just the writing really killed us and it broke my heart but like it was just random stuff was happening in the story and they were pretending like they were reversals and it's like no you can't just have his Dinosaurs show up in London as they get to rehearsal audio audio I am going to go back and watch it run Dorsett Senate run oh yeah so should we get search for final thoughts or does that even happen audio I mean I enjoy it United States stands the test of time when they get into the mountains Floyd it's beautiful who did Lasik rates audio Stacy on ojiya Chico Ridley Scott I know that you can see that sort of audio I enjoyed it I was a little bit but I think that's just Natalia Kills in the eighties have a different pacing to what we used to now I think you could cut like a good half an hour out of this film and it would like feel like that. Feel better totally audio audio it looks beautiful out the costumes of fantastic the evil car the the Sun audio looks like a testicle audio what is 2 I mean I could see that being intentional if he's in his mind Lucas is calling it The Everett like a Fu to Uber in Cisco if you like making this you as a monster balls in your face audio audio we can reconvene 10 years time audio what the stuff in the mountain weather in the mountains that's what favor big city looks nicer than Black costumes of the white star audio audio my favorite is a very beginning and like seeing this Village at like I love all the costumes and like I love that they like fight the dog me of like this epic fight scene and we get to like know this town and see how they know their inner workings it I was very remind you of The Hobbit Village in Lord of the Rings and everything and I loved the tone of that and I saw a lot of the little people actors were phenomenal and honestly way fatter than the other actors is one of the musicians Kenny Baker himself audio yeah they were all fantastic even the kids were so great yeah that daughter holy crap that scene like dad reflexes pictures for me I do agree with with Martin I had a fun time watching it but it's I got a little bored in the middle and I think that might be why you guys don't read you said you couldn't remember much of it cuz I feel like this film is over 2 hours long I feel like it could have been cut down it could have been like a half an hour shorter cuz the middle just started drags and then by the time we get to the big I'm just already a little gone I made it to Classic hero's journey on it and they literally took that and they have every single I mean Willow even meets meets the old man audio and they get to this before they have very long call Tracy expect to understand that he's going to twozies loyal Inn to meet Rosella discovering she turned herself into a poster it's just not really very funny yeah it feels like they could have just arrived at the village and she could have just been there like we didn't need that whole scene of going to the island and coming back and it just felt like everything what you getting like you said could be the 80s pacing but everything just fell very slow and it felt like it could have been sped up what's heiderfeld and then to me I guess I had higher expectations because it's George Lucas and Ron Howard and I just felt like this was a real like mixed bag of like some things were great and some things were not good I just had a higher expectation like some of the writing is bad some of the acting is bad the dude who played Eric is so f****** bad oh my God Frederick okay audio audio audio and it's like a combination of bad acting and bad writing audio audio audio with some s*** takes in it and it's a charger moment it's a Jar Jar Binks moment and he giggling to himself as he rapes them and like these eyes are so funny and one's going to love them going to be the most popular audio yeah I know and I think that's that is where that this film falls apart is that the as a serious fantasy movie and the serious moments that horrifying dogs the anything that wasn't a close-up of the trolls the Hydra V honestly like even though she overacted quite a bit that the evil witch in The Witch fight at the end was like really intense like all the serious parts of this movie worked really well hey and if it if they had just gone that route for the whole time it would have been really cool movie and but it but they did and it and that's not what it was so I probably would go back and watch this again after this even though i am a fan of the phil tippetts particular brand of like backdated stop mode not enough to bring me back to this again earthquake I don't have any disagreement with the with the criticism formea is the that was still an enjoyable experience I would throw this on again in the future just the background I think the net experience with positive and I enjoyed watching it SMS us setup everything everything else you can't come up with new ideas for fucksake oh sorry do we always make you feel like that was a lot of fun Martin thank you for joining us yeah I guess so much fun do you want to tell the listeners where they can follow you maybe keep a lookout for upcoming project you've got what do you want what do you want to know Get Shorty show my latest feature film Atomic apocalypse is currently out all across America you can get it all over the platform and it's on Amazon audio and then it's coming out in Europe audio midwinter Night's Dream which is only 31 take before 1917 the Cavalier basketball team 17 table audio audio Charlie he said it was fantastic so that audio Film Festival which is online this year audio audio audio audio it was so much fun to do is one of the most and stressful days I've had sunset in my entire life Heathers costume changes there's lighting changes its it's we want to see that short is that the quit earliest time is at the first opportunity will get to see it Gen X tickets on the Oxford International Festival right now they called online so I filled online for at least another week or so unenchanted calling audio yeah it's always the weekend after geeklycon by the time this comes out the Oxford one Oregon coast make sure everyone listening is your virtual yea jip gencon it's July 30th and zombie dead also got in so you can watch Martin's film and my film so audio audio which is coming out next year audio I have ya audio audio do you have like a is beautifully shot by the way Martin the dark heart Manor do you have like a Twitter or anything people you want people to follow you on website website Vox on Twitter website audio exactly yeah right on and you can see your Twitter you can also follow us on Twitter we're at let's re-watch where we do fun things like movie poles where you can pick the movie or if the guest pick the movie I tweet a screenshot so that you guys can guess the movie Lich King out of nowhere right away and got it right away good job Mitch all right I got it yeah Ralph said that he's heard rumors of a sequel who is really well I don't know if that's true and then Brad even was able to Name the character meegosh in the screenshot so extra points for Brad all right so if you liked our podcast please give us a positive five star review on Google podcast or apple podcast or on Spotify we really could use your recommendation and passing our info along to your friends that was a thanks again Martin and for the listeners Jonas next time when we watch Brotherhood of murder did you know Rob Thomas has been writing since the mid-90s Matchbox 20 guy behind Veronica Mars reboot hello you wonderful human being how do I know you're a wonderful human being well if you're hearing this message it means you're listening to a certain POV podcast and that makes you awesome thanks for your support this is Pat Edwards from the Left re-watch podcast and for those of you who don't know me I'm an author my latest project is a new 5th edition D&D campaign book called The Opera inspired from the musical album and stage show of the same name the red Opera sins you want a twisting Saga Dark and Dangerous magic death and warlock love certain pov.com