All The Marvels with Hector Navarro
In the criminal justice system, Infinity Stone based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated Avengers who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. These are their stories. It's Law and Order: MCU!
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and Pat Edwards. Guest starring Hector Navarro @hectorisfunny
all right that's two episodes in a row that we didn't screw it up interpreters in a row we talked about how we didn't screw it up right after not screwing it up Leslie at the episode since last injury add calendar to 2 yep yep I'm very excited though because this episode is a weird-ass episode cuz we're not going to watch a f****** movie today guys change the 20 movies I don't know we kind of did audio v20 movie franchise at work Hannover a retrospective OVI oh Jesus told his morning 2020-21 and whatever Hector how many movies were there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far actors are gas today Central bar give him a proper intro Bret pictures back after after a hiatus etiquette friend Hector Navarro I cannot remember what movie we watched give trip the video game hi Hector thank you thank you so much for asking me I think I can almost even list all 23 movies in theaters Regal release to but I feel like that's a lot of sleep should we try to do that Marvel movies I have my eyes closed so that I can see that you know and we're like we're no Skyping each other right now so that you can see me but the listeners camp but I had my eyes closed Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Captain America the First Avenger The Avengers Iron Man 3 Thor the Dark World Captain America the Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers Age of Ultron Captain America Civil War Doctor Strange Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Spider-Man homecoming Thor Ragnarok Black Panther Avengers Infinity War Ant-Man and the wasp Captain Marvel Avengers endgame Spider-Man far from home that's amazing so you don't like these movies that's what it's my favorite movie franchise of all time audio Popeyes I mean it's a good Pick 4 for top movie franchises I mean what you there's not too many others right you got Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings but why are we doing this well why are you asking us Ash I know well hello listeners suicide and if you aren't following me on Twitter you've been missing out because I decided in quarantine to do what I'm calling #Marvel Quest I just checked Twitter and I own that #yeah but I have been watching the Marvel movies in not in release order but in movie time chronological order which is a little questionable to some of them is like but I just finished recently watching all of them so I am 100 aught up I will get this out of the way now Play Welcome to our side. Think they were wonderful before you wash them what was what was your opinion and thoughts on them before you started in court closet Ash come on out unless Bret has cut it out but many times we've had Marvel conversations on the years has been like going on at any time something Marvel came up it was there was a rant and then I cut it out ashes request so at my perspective was I was okay I saw the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man and I was like everything is superhero movies and everything the steaks was like you know all the superhero to me it was like they all look the same and mistakes are always like the universe is going to explode it became a bit like every season of Dragon Ball Z or you're like okay the same thing again audio audio however super wrong and I realize that now because I had just seen a few of them here and there and it wasn't until doing this Marvel Quest and I really really like if you have a few or a listener you have not see the Marvel movies I was probably the only one but I highly recommend watching them in chronological order because it was so great for me to be like oh we just left sokovia and all that happened and now we're referencing it in the next movie and I have to understand what they're talking about when I saw like brand ones here and there I never knew what the f*** they were talking about I was like what are you know what are you referencing I don't know and they know Marvel doesn't hold your hand or try to catch you up Spider-Man far from home I super appreciate that catch up in the beginning that they did a little sudden School video but for the most part they don't and that used to be something that I thought was a negative but once I watched all of them and realize that the Marvel movies are basically the world's most expensive TV show I was like oh I get it now cuz it's TV show riding in movie format try to stand-alone movies I think you can make an argument that they are but I truly believe that they're not and I don't think that's necessarily A Bad Thing I think that they do have little thinking a lot I tried to catch you up to speed on America the Winter Soldier is a good example when he goes to the museum to recap what happened in the story of Captain America ultimately I think these movies are operating a level of work best when you've seen them all in that right order Cumberbatch Doctor Strange shows up in Avengers movie you're excited you're not like okay and that's that's that that is the joy of reading Marvel Comics that's the joy of of becoming a Marvel Comics fan that the comic books themselves introduce you to other characters when you're reading one even if you just like one character for like you know what my thing is Iron Man that's it if you read Iron Man Comics you'll eventually meet everybody do you have a better understanding of the rest of the Marvel Comics universe the movie Captain to what makes did movies tapped into that and that's what makes Thanos comics and watching movies fun and rewarding totally absolutely agree what it does for the fans to is it doesn't talk down to them and it doesn't do what a lot of people complained about with like the Star Trek movies which is like this is the Star Trek movie for the non Star Trek fans know these are Marvel movies for the Marvel fans they don't talk down to their audience and they expect you to be a fan and they stay true to the comics and I believe I said that I've never read the comics so I'm sure that's going to call me out on that it was also a good a good marketing move as specifically for the reason of not providing those Recaps in every movie means you have to watch all of them audio this is true but it's it really is it's like more than just that it's it's like I said like it's totally you know you have your a plot which I guess you could argue is like The Avengers and then you have the bee plot which are these Lakeside movies you know like like black panther or Captain Marvel or whatever and just like I think about Westworld where Westworld Lake Hughes or a plot but all those years this one episode that's just about this one character and we're talking about them and it's totally like the whole way they plotted it out I have never seen a movie franchise do that before and I hope that we what kind of jumping ahead here cuz Pat wanted to talk about like the future of yeah the franchise if we'll see this again like I hope we will you got to have some serious money to pull that off so I don't if we will see this again really brilliant and an amazingly done for sure I don't think that we will see movies wait we've seen these movies when they were coming out for example when the first Avengers movie came out in 2012 technically never not that that same thing again because they already did it you can only do that trick once the trick was characters from different major movies Andy same actors portraying them except for the case of Hope like we know you like meeting each other for the first time and that's the fun of it these characters meeting next version the next time we got a version of that who's win all the characters that we knew Matt the Guardians of the Galaxy characters which were removed and they were in space so that was a version of that and that was in a lot of ways a bigger version of that characters on Earth meeting each other we're like they should have been aware of one another but now you have Thor meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy now you have our Lord meeting Spider-Man and Doctor Strange and all the stuff that is not happening before don't think we'll see a version of the infinity right I don't think we'll see a version of this in this long story that took 10 plus years do but I think that Marvel is going a bunch of other different tricks going forward I think they're going to start getting into different universes dreams of getting audiences excited what you know about the next big thing if you're a comic book reader type of interactivity between characters is something that you're used to and you learn about pretty early on when getting into superheroes the funny thing about it is when you get into intercompany crossovers cuz they have done Marvel versus DC in comic books I really I think would be the next stage of like how do you want up this how do you went up there problem is is at Warner Brothers right now it does not have a DC Universe that can go we're on par with the same level with the Marvel characters right they don't have a they don't have as big of a the cast of actors they don't have as many movies that are as well-loved but I feel like that would be another crazy outside of the realm of possibility thing that a movie has never done Henry Cavill Superman meet Chris Evans Captain America now I don't think that's ever going to happen because that's not how things play doubt that's not how things played out but that to me is that sort of next like big picture idea of like what can they do next what can they do next that's just my sort of comic book reading perspective from it but I think we won't see to answer that great question not going to see what we've seen repeat it again replicated Again by anybody else do you think we're going to see Marvel Studios themselves turn up themselves in certain ways again maybe they'll bring in or the TV characters maybe decide to keep Daredevil Jessica Jones Luke Cage Iron Fist cast and decide to bring them into a movie at some point you know maybe they'll use the gym that could be something that Fitbit could get people excited again in a way that like oh this next Avengers movies add everybody okay well now we can have everybody everybody but that's all Marvel outdoing themselves which is kind of insane totally and I feel like the reason why you know you hit the nail on the head there where you're at it took 10 years to tell the story I took longer than that right because this story has been told through comics and I don't know how long it took elsewhere comic if you think about like applying this format to other movie franchises I think the reason why it works so well was Marvel is because they had years and years and years of Storytelling to draw on versus if you were trying to do that with something brand-new today like the amount of planning you'd have to do is just nut like it's not recent planning cuz I think if you were I mean there's a many many reasons there are there many many reasons why the Marvel movies are better and more successful do the DC movies have been and I think planning is he is one of those many reasons we're they had this Infinity Saga audio really early on you can tell go back and can see cameos from characters in earlier movies that will it nothing to do with that movie oh my God they don't have the trouble stop casting this person in having them be like in the background 2 weeks ago just so they can like yeah remember when they were there at this thing and then there's a cutaway there go my God actually work years ago when they filmed it like a mini marathon over the weekend I have a handful of ones I hadn't seen in awhile or personal favorites we just re-watched or the first one and they make a big point in the story of like Loki getting the infinity stone and like using it and using its power that's what it is audio no it's the Box audio audio I know that guy is going to be a living Steve Rogers meme with like I get that reference when that happened in the movie I was like I like you I mean it that's really early on literally Thor one is before The Avengers movie came out and they had planned that already so I wonder they have all of these elements they have this grab bag of stuff can I wonder how much of it was truly planned that early versus you know post Disney acquisition weather I think I can answer some of that because I think the real answer is that franchises a perfect combination of but also changing their plan on the go cuz the perfect example of changing your plan on the go is the Thor films the first two Thor movies came out this is a testament to Marvel Studios commitment is that Thor the Dark World comes out and it's fine and instead of them going well okay we're done making Thor movies Thor is a important character or at least they knew what his potential could be because they're drawing on all the years of comics and they knew a sort of endgame of where the character of Thor could eventually go and what his supporting characters could bring to the table and everything Thor Thor Thor I think is what up what normal movie studios would do is it go okay that didn't work we're done people don't care anymore double down and they went okay stores going to be in The Avengers films that's where he lives but also what's completely swing-for-the-fences on the next Kimberly different creative team the best Marvel movie the best one and they swing for the fences and that activity then fed into will wear store going to be in the next time he shows up in the Avengers and really provided the The Narrative push for that character there you can also go all the way back to 2006 Marvel Studios or what was going to become Marvel Studios which is like Kevin feige I think maybe even Avi Arad I might be wrong who's the producer on the Sony Spider-Man films and some other people were like they had a panel at San Diego Comic-Con who is Kevin feige finally getting his position of being at the start of Master producer because he had been an associate producer event producer on some of Spider-Man movies and some of the X-Men movies in wanted to make more calls that could be closer to the comic books but he sometimes again people by movie Executives and directors and writers and producers and stuff Kevin feige on this panel were asked by a fan would you guys ever do a crossover comic book fans know that's that that's the good stuff and Kevin feige said if you look at the characters that haven't been made into movies yet that we have the rights to Iron Man Captain America and Thor it's very clear if your comic books and it that makes up the Avengers and he said it in this pan the audience went nuts because the audience understood with the potential of that what would that moment meant another great example of their forward-thinking is they got Samuel L Jackson in an uncredited one day shoot it was very secretive fill machine for after the movie was for the first Iron Man that was them Genting that flag going if we ever do this we know what to do and how to get there and one thing that's going to help us is a character like Nick Fury and the thing that's going to help us is an actor like Samuel Jackson portraying Nick Fury so that was something that I was not even shot for the first Iron Man movie it was all seed plants the Marvel movies are so brilliant at knowing what seeds to plant sometimes again they change their plan because in Thor Ragnarok it's a small detail but Blanchet is hella when she's walking through Odin's throne room she knocks over an Infinity Gauntlet she goes fake cuz they planted that seed for the first Thor movie The Infinity Gauntlet is in the background did they know how Thanos was going to get it they know that if that was going to be no they didn't know any of that stuff Russell silver thinking little later when the plan changed to be like you know what we want Thanos to get a gauntlet somewhere out in space not come to Asgard to get it decided to go with that story plot storyline and then they just had hella make a joke of that's a fake and it works and it's something that is it doesn't throw the whole thing out of whack works because they know what eat the plant and then when to change the plan when necessary I think the difference with them is that Marvel very clearly has creative and control instead of the big money holders obviously they play a role filmmaking is an art form and when you have Finance people or Executives who are not creative in charge you feel that and I think that is the underlying difference between DC and Marvel DCUO feel that this had this heavy-handedness they're making you know fanservice artichokes and like it doesn't feel as genuine but the Marvel movies are all made by Marvel fans and creatives who are involved get it and have a passion for it and that is what makes them so successful yeah and those attention to details like even with the gauntlet there like that's one thing that I really appreciate absolute attention to detail overtime and their commitment to know it was in this movie so it's you know Canon versus like look at like the Harry Potter series the first two movies Hogwarts looks completely f****** different they completely changed Hogwarts the director came in and I mean for the better it looks way better and you know as the series goes on that's so jarring to me is like a viewing you know the movie viewer that I'm just like well this doesn't feel like it's in the same universe anymore because like you completely changed a major location and so having like that commitment like there's some characters where it's like what's his name or I'll know come on I know War Machine Iron Patriot Iron Patriot yeah but you know like she he hasn't really big fall and they commit to the fact that he has to go through physical training and all the stuff and like I love that they commit to stuff like that with the characters or like store when he gets fat they're not afraid to like commit to things like that that actually makes sense and Anna real in the world and I think that really helps movies feel real because I think another director could have come in with that gauntlet moment you're talking about Hector and they could have been like whatever it was in the movie but who cares audio I hate to keep bringing up BC a lot right because I think it's very easy comparison to make comics and Marvel Comics have a street that is so parallel companies in as an art form what's an easy comparison to make and I think that where where the current movies are right now is another great example of life Marvel commits to things that might not even seem like sure bets beginning matches with the casting of Robert Downey jr. butt like you guys are saying they they movies based on just what an audience has responded to just what they know we'll make money they will take a chance on first Avengers movie it's 2012 it makes a billion dollars like it's the huge success it's the third highest grossing movie of all time and they're sitting pretty at the top of the mountain instead of just making Iron Man Captain America and Thor movies forever and ever and ever 2014 I mean the first thing that Kevin feige did is he finally greenlit project that he wanted to do which was Guardians of the Galaxy because you wanted to do space himself is a big fan of Star Wars and Star Trek especially we want to do these characters that are so characters are friends characters they came out with this movie in 2014 and it barely had anything to do with anything it was a brand new group of characters receipt planting for a villain Thanos but all he did was sit in chair and it was fun and it was funny and it got audiences to love these characters it wasn't something that came out because Skechers were already like popular superheroes that we were waiting around for the movie to get made with no brand recognition and they took a chance and why because they knew from then even eventually it's world of space outer space the same as Doctor Strange and Magic the same as Spider-Man with the street-level team thing which we seen before but they went a different approach Ant-Man with his shrinking technology and cast of characters all of these different elements and especially Black Panther and wakanda all the different elements will in the end Avengers endgame add so much to the larger story that they were like we got to do Guardians of the Galaxy is the first and second movie are not connected at all we know the potential of eventually getting to them and opening up the universe in that way it's going to help us so so much you look at Warner Brothers and I love DC Comics characters as much as Marvel truly like it's just a matter of preference and I love Superman as much as Captain America and back and forth back and forth Superman movie came out and it didn't do gangbusters instead of committing acting like they don't know who we understand what the character could mean in this larger world like I know as you just re-watched Captain America the First Avenger it's not your favor they did that movie Set fully in World War II disconnected again because they knew we have to build this character up and as soon as you can get him in the modern day you going to be so compelling and people are going to love I just went off of the box office for the first movie we'd never get another Captain America movie we probably wouldn't have him in the Avengers but they knew going back to the comics important these characters and Concepts would be eventually audio and I would love if Warner Brothers had that same level of commitment to go Superman movie maybe didn't hit but let's do another one and let's build them up in the Justice League and then let's do another one Legacy the character explored in that way building up these characters in a way where are as important to our real-world as they are inside of their fictional Marvel Comics world is within the Marvel comics worth if the X-Men and Spider-Man were always the hot selling comics within that world Avengers are the big deal I always have been from the beginning Marvel Studios treated those characters the same way they didn't look at them and just go how much money can they make us I mean of course they did but they looked at them and went we build these characters out they could become as popular or more popular than Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films or the end of the 20 Century Fox X-Men film and the ultimate Testament is in 2016 Brothers put out Marvel Studios had a date they said we're coming out with a movie at the beginning of May in 2016 nobody knew what the movie was going to be they still have to you know plant that flag for a release date Warner Brothers was like okay we're going to put Batman Superman on the same date we're putting the movie there too so you guys are going to have to move because we're putting a movie with Batman and Superman in it what's going to be the number one box office draw did Marvel revealed what the movie was going to be in it was Captain America Civil War which is Captain America and Ironman in in if you told me 20 years ago Warner Brothers would have moved their movie because of their fear of Ironman and Captain America doing better box office I would have been like you're insane because those characters are not on the same level Batman and Superman because of the work that Marvel Studios put in building those characters up became the hot ticket item happy came to the movie experience of people were dying to go see versus Cavill Superman with a new Batman no one's met you I understand their there they're they're like you know their plan of attack it's really smart do you not put out a movie with Batman and Superman in it put the problem the difference was the difference was they weren't there yet and so people you know we're ready to go see are you hitting on something yeah I was thinking about him for a week or more to talk about Marvel begin a defining characteristic but the work you put in essay earned their Marvel earned all their big moments DC I kept feeling that watching the DC movies is they have not earned this they didn't earn in Suicide Squad when Diablo says I have a new family learn that you guys have been hanging out for 6 hours Lake Hollywood that's that's the difference between like movie storytelling and like TV storytelling right because like movie storytelling give 2 hours to wrap up the story but with TV storytelling have a character grow and have a full story arc over multiple episodes or in this case movies like the Toadies start character Arc is like one of the best character arcs I've seen in all-time like Twitter Thread about the last season of Game of Thrones and how it got super weird and I don't know if you guys saw this one audio but they're the premise of it was the the writing style changed and attitude you guys see that the platters vs Panthers I thought it was real cool because I feel like the the reason that that we all love Ironman in the movies is partly because the first several movies that were that we're out that featured Robert Downey jr. didn't really feel like they were leading somewhere has a series and and the premise of this Twitter the head where it was bought as responses to types of writers the people who plot out where where it's going and they write a book so that it ends at the place where they wanted to and there's Panthers or just in a writing by the seat of your pants you're going to just have characters and let them go wild in this world you created and eventually they'll end up it somewhere cool almost half of the movies they put out we're very exploratory and they have this library of contents from decades a hundred years almost of of stuff that's been coming out for Marvel and throw stuff in the background of films and then say it was on purpose later or before but like it was all there all along and you can take you know you can write a character and give them a line of dialogue that might not ever lead anywhere but it gives you that like a like Hector saying the seeds many seeds and not all of them will come to fruit but just the fact that they're there and they have this Library they're so well-equipped to tell any story so it was it was nice before they decided you know it cuz I mean what was it a 2015-2016 everybody knew we were heading toward Santos is coming like a second time you showed up it was like okay this is our big bad he's like he's going to come back we're going to end up at Thanos so from that point on flip from the the Panthers where it where is everyone gets their start at movie they could do whatever they want to all of these pots are kind of leading back to the Infinity Stones they really open their world up and then brought it back together real nicely and they like it's so interesting seeing Mike like I just eat a watching Spider-Man far from home and then watching the first Captain America and kind of you can kind of see that a bit because like even with you know we're watching The Cash America in real life we're going to wait for the credit like seeing and then really Fresno credit scene they hadn't figured it out yet oh okay it was very interesting thing like oh thus the the storytelling method wasn't quite there yet yeah I think I think they also really looked out in like comic book Brain in Movie Maker brain working at the same time because the moviemaker brain is can I have the superheroes fight bad guy each movie the bad guys to have some kind of it has to be a MacGuffin in each one of these movies movie Movie Maker brain they were right and they did it as often as they could without getting too formulate but really they did get formulaic I mean these movies are formulaic in so many ways comic book maker brain all of the MacGuffin the same larger McGuffey okay the Tesseract is not just a tesseract infinity stone accepted looking at is not just a scepter it was handed to him by alien infinity stone and even The Ether Natalie Portman gets infected with which is like a liquid thing also somehow an infinity stone hen way to get shortcut eventually they wouldn't have to re explain all of these Concepts they got to the movie where Thanos collects all of these stones and put them on a glove and the only one that had to explain was like Soul Stone you know and they do that to him Augustine level they do it at the Character level movies that seemed as though cuz I have movies that are not my favorite I have my favorites and I have Minot favorites and I'd love to hear everybody audio thing like Avengers Age of Ultron seems like it's not everybody's favorite some people really like it it has Ultron it's sort of a one-and-done movie deal threat and he's out of the way but it introduces silver Scarlet Witch and vision and those characters especially Scarlet Witch and vision become so important later did you become so important later that like kind of needed to do Ultron to get to the vision because just like in the comics Voltron has a twin that's sort of Creative Vision but then Vision ends up becoming an Avenger and he can live linear and he's such a good dude in yada yada yada and it was also a brilliant idea by the way for Joss Whedon to have Paul Bettany play salvation because at that point Jarvis so they're like they should just be Harvest you know come to life but the movie again is is is maybe not the most important in a long-run but then like you were saying Ash sokovia event use that as their basis for Captain America Civil War and going forward to be able to the place the characters where they want to place them meet up again or when we see them again we can have big moments nothing better than the moment work Steve Rogers shows up with a beard Avengers Infinity War ballistic is just a minute bike in knowing that where he was and he's been off the grid for a couple years nothing better than once or shows up a new hammer because we know that his hammer was destroyed by hella and he has to go do this journey and all that other stuff so movies are so brilliantly setting up to these moments and then maybe I think the best the best example of what we're talking about right now is in Avengers endgame when captain yeah I did something bad I wanted just highlighted it's in my favorite which is Avengers endgame is my favorite of all of the MCU movies best far I feel like a spoiled little kid when I watch that movie cuz he gives me that movie was something that a moment with something that comic book fans experienced a few times in in history but it took movie fans waiting 11 years probably 10 years maybe a little bit less since since Steve Rogers was first introduced since you first socket you know Thor when they have a party in Avengers Age of Ultron and he doesn't lift audio I feel like another movie studio would have budget and I think another movie studio would have gone straight to he should lift it in the first movie audio and it was so smart for for all of these filmmakers in producers everybody to go we're not going to use that going to wait and it was the best payoff Celine Phantom characters in this world when that moment happen I will never forget theater erupting in that way like and you don't get that unless you that was the biggest moment in that movie I've never seen that movie where you have a call back to another movie like that you know what I mean like that's amazing what's your theory in Age of Ultron do you subscribe to could almost lift it he wasn't worried or he could be starting to feel a bulge and because he's Cafe she's like I don't want to hurt audio audio either way is fine because Captain America didn't want to hurt Thor's feelings The Great Character vets that just serves both of their characters. that feeds into Thor having a bit of an ego Steve Rogers being a bit of a good dude audio audio fans took it even one step further and how they have dissected these movies if you recall a year before that event Captain America the Winter Soldier Lawrence from the bad guy in the computer set the Winter Soldier has been active you know assassinating people that the Nazis were trying to get rid of because they were interfering in their plans including Maria Stark that movie Ted like hints at the fact that the Winter Soldier or Bucky killed Iron Man's parents postulated that because we learn in Captain America Civil War Iron Man is hiding hey by the way I learned my buddy maybe killed your mom and dad he kept it hidden you know that movie where Tony Stark confront them and goes to Juneau you know about this and Steve says Tony I did I'm sorry the reason he couldn't lift the hammer he wasn't worthy because he had one Secret in his heart like it one thing he was holding onto that make sense either way it all just Eden character doll builds into the characters and it's so much fun as fans to try to think about that stuff Horizon call time as the movies are coming out this year like theorize what's going to happen in the next movie and how things are going to end it's been it's been like half the fun audio when you're ready for Black Widow you're ready oh my God I love black widow I don't care what anybody says I know a lot of people dog on her wealth a dog on what's your name anyway thank you I love her curly red hair but anyway I I think we had on something to that before me The Who hadn't seen all the superhero movies had the assumption I think I had a stereotype in my head that superhero movies like which if you think about like you know like the Batman movies or like the the Superman movies they're kind of like this where it's like oh this all-powerful person comes and saves the day and and they don't need any help what I like in the end there Perfect's or whatever and what I like about the Marvel movies is they're not perfect like we see these characters was he no like like I'm going to throw it out again cuz I think it's so great but like store getting fat could you imagine telling a movie studio we're going to take one of like are big leaves and make them fat and Sassy now the actor and the character is like the perfect specimen yes remember holster I want to say Ash you're not wrong correct when you talk about how superhero movies are stereotypical formulaic you're absolutely right and there are different eras of superhero movies Iron Man the first Iron Man movie shifted how we look at them today I also think that the first phases of the Marvel Studios franchise relatively relatively safe relative did you get into phase 3 I think that I like to really give Marvel Studios credit because I do think that they made some caring choices I think that they earn the safety of making those choices including and it sounds really shity to say but including having movies that star women and black men you know we can't we can't we can't or even Black Widow barely finally getting a move chisa character who was worthy of having her own movie from when she was introduced by which was almost the beginning right was Iron Man 2 that they introduced Black Widow oh yeah yeah she has been doing that Scarlett Johansson has been playing this character almost as long as Robert Downey Benjamin playing it as long as Don Cheadle who replaced Terrence Howard you know Mark and they both of them have been playing it longer than Mark Ruffalo was playing Hulk technically so my point is is that the first few phases I think we're we're still taking a lot of risks in a lot of ways but they were also relatively playing it safe who are the main characters are are the stories go you know how much can we put certain things and then you guys brought upgrade examples we get to phase 3 they take chances with types of characters in stories they're going to tell they take chances with we're going to do a huge big-budget movie with a mostly Black cast set in a fictional like that I think pretty amazing Angelika Plano movie like they Embrace everything about Black Culture 2 and announcer you know like that it's not yeah it's amazing audio yeah we can talk about black except I think that movie is working on so many different levels and it is amazing I also think that even things like Thor Ragnarok or later Thor getting chubby getting fat also these big risks like you guys are saying because I think that they have put themselves up a certain level of safety when they put out a trailer or they have something in a movie and if audiences go oh I don't know about that it's Marvel Studios can entrust them I mean I think another crazy risky thing is came out with the movie Avengers Infinity War at the end of the film kills half of life right kills a bunch of actors we still kind of know we're going to get future movies Chadwick Boseman had to pretend like he was dead people are talking about Panther 2 he's like I'm dead I'm a I don't know what I don't know what that is I'm dead we get to Avengers endgame you know and cynical movie audiences were like well they're just going to undo that okay you're not wrong we're going to undo it but here's the thing five years pass yeah you're not a huge repercussions for the story which we even fully haven't seen yet I did just happen we barely got to see the post-world the eyes of Peter Parker and he was gone for 5 years so it to him it's as though nothing happen a lot of his classmates were so that's it was like a fun the actual tragedy of what occurred I still think it's a huge risk and I think that three especially that they really course-correct a lot of ways and understood when they have made movies that baby didn't quite hit yeah I was I said this before I know why they didn't do it because the marketing machine the marketing money machine has to get fed I would have thought it would have been hella cool if after infinity War there was a total blackout I'm sorry after me what it does a total blackout as far as 0 projects or announcer you didn't know the names of them I really can't idol project on toddler projects nothing is just a total blackout so you don't know audio black panther gets dusted Spider-Man gets dusted literary announced Journey knew that they were making another Spiderman movie and they were making another Black Panther movie so it's kind of like you know but here's the thing is the universe they've built I didn't have to bring anyone back wasn't guaranteed from my perspective I was like oh so is it like a flashback or prequel hard questions yeah it wasn't nothing was guaranteed there and I will say that five years later saying the totally like at as someone who knew nothing you know about I mean I knew unfortunately bowls Infinity War like the end of it an endgame I'm spoiled for me so I knew what was going to happen at the end of both of them thanks Twitter you should have been on this train a long time ago that was on you I know I could take you back in time Infinity War endgame special theater experience was the the two one two punch the two best theater experiences the most Raw shoot it into my veins enjoyment I've experienced watching a movie in a movie theater widows but I didn't get to enjoy and game of the theater you have no idea but that's 5 years forward I think I literally screamed at my TDY was just like Avery was going on it's been so long since you had a room Banner option audio Roomba for stuff like that yeah I was just like I can't believe that they just did that that's insane people that the lazy storytelling would have been just you know yeah we're bringing everyone back and whatever no consequences they killed off Iron Man and they also retired Captain America the answer to audio consequences and I think there's another thing that's really great about Marvel Studios is that MCU has yet to have Fantastic Four in play or the X-Men those are two huge franchises that despite you may know if you're not a comic book reader just based off of movies and such or actually really great they are like long lasting like you could Marvel Studios doing X-Men movies could last 10 years does Daya mean I know that we seek we see now with 20 years with 20 Century Fox consistently consistently amazing because Marvel Studios I think is going to know what to what to do but I think it was also Really Brave of them to go we're going to kill off Iron Man try to kill serious enough way we're we're not just going to do more movies with these characters in these actors we're going to look to the Future the characters we haven't met yet Sanchez the X-Men not just a Fantastic Four but like new generations of Heroes Miss Marvel has yet to be introduced and she's going to be inspired by Captain Marvel navigate introduced She-Hulk or Moon Knight or the the eternals are characters Reina get there also like an unknown quantity like the Guardians of the Galaxy were so I think that going forward we're going to get a much more diverse group of workers as much as I love my OG Avengers initial lineup of six Avengers characters are all white people like two of them dudes named Chris like it's not the most diverse is early years with the introduction of Black Panther and Captain Marvel and going forward and I think we're going to get more Latino characters obviously more lgbtq characters and storyline I think it was really ballsy of Marvel to go okay these two huge cash cows are out could it go back on that of course they could it's comic book shenanigans we know how it works now where do we live in the MCU world what's 1 out of what 12 million possibilities that doctor strange said is able to defeat Thanos there's alternate realities where Avengers didn't win so maybe not reality Tony Stark is still alive maybe in that reality audio later in the future movies and TV shows we're going to see that stuff but I still think that they're going to play universe as the one that we have been anytime in and so that means that we can't just have a Robert Downey jr. Iron Man movie again if they feel like I have this last movie didn't make a bunch of money let's just another Iron Man are committing to the future of their characters they're committing to diverse characters they're committing to Legacy characters and they're allowing time to progress instead of keeping these characters like in the comic books mostly Frozen in time to continue to be use for stories and stuff so that's crazy exciting to optimistically I hope that you're committed to getting a little weird cuz the two that I'm most looking forward to our store 11th under and duck strange the Multiverse of Madness so like saga games like audio like what our favorite movies are though cuz I do or say your thing what's the temperature I said my favorite was Avengers endgame having just seen all these Hoosier witch's favorite movie and who's your favorite character I have the answer to both those questions however I could not pick one favorite movie because they're so by any letter so good but here they are and I went back through my Marvel Quest weeds like reconfirm like okay what was my reaction and Saudi is the here they are in order of how I reacted initially after seeing the film so number one is Black Panther I feel like it's like a perfect movie it's so good like we said main character finally being a black man when before they were Sidekicks and even as we were watching it as like this feels super racist but the sidekicks are the black guys felt so good to fight anybody ever every white superhero has like a best friend black guy every single one and the thing is is that listen all of the movie from the beginning the cast Canby buried in pretty diverse and at least they knew if we're doing an Iron Man movie we're doing a let me try to think of a good example like in the comic books is not have a very diverse cast of characters they're all pretty white the asgardians cuz they're has green so for them to go Idris Elba and I think he was underutilized definitely at least I'm going let's make Heimdall black let's we need to make sure that we have at least some women at least some people of color in each one of these movies Batman has a character named Lewis completely created character please play by Michael Pena and he's not a comic book character and they did that because Scotland's world will be pretty white write a sentence to the Bay Area that's the one thing I love about Ant-Man it is so authentic to the Bay Area I love it so much I'll give you another great one as much as I would have loved to have seen before Tom Holland was announced this Peter Parker Captain America movie we're going okay Garfield letting Miles Morales let me Miles Morales that would have looked Studios is like well we're going to do Peter first is there be a white kid we found this yet in this is this is some home movie Spider-man homecoming which shows a kid in Queens New York today is life outside of black panther I think the most diverse characters in it cuz it feels like a bunch of kids that are actually black Latino Asian gay like they're all there at the school and the the movies have you been a little bit about that with how we went to Washington DC Zendaya's character MJ's like now I don't really want to spend time and I think it was built by slaves audio audio audio moments are something that I think wouldn't considered in like the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies or the Andrew got you know because it was a different Sarah even just a couple of years difference that that makes and they really went grounded so at least each of these movies even when they start beautiful white guy named Chris populated with characters that are like Willits let's mix the world up a little bit another try black panther grade I love everyone in the mood are all the women in the movie are badass oh I like that right away the music is super good and there's a quote from this movie that really stuck with me and I fell really resonated with right now there were many quote throughout the movies that I was like this is so relevant right now it was in it in times of crisis wise build Bridges but the foolish build barriers we must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe and I was like yes please everybody right now please can we do this Apex the perfect director to so Ryan coogler who his breakout movie was Fruitvale Station when he I haven't seen it either but when I worked at DreamWorks I had to do a big write-up on it got picked up from Sundance like 2012-2013 era and it was about the man who was shot in Berkeley at the train station so Lake but it just speaks to her like smart Marvel was they got somebody to understood the black experience who could bring that to the screen honestly to educate white audio audio yeah you got great like other extra level of Brilliance of that film is that idea of black panther character was created by do Jewish guys in the 60s and Lee and Jack Kirby created this character play the character in in in 1966 or whatever and the character first appeared and went up against Fantastic Four at the time the Fantastic Four was their number one comic book and the most popular group of characters to introduce a character who is masked nobody knew that he was a black guy defeat the Fantastic Four end of the end of that first appearance he takes off his mask and he's like I'm African guy in from Africa Stan Lee Jack Kirby trying to add to conversation and go audio they were trying to be anti-racist basic the interesting thing about the character black panther is that kind of at its core of weirdly racist idea in that Jack Kirby to their credit you know they didn't create a African American introduce they had to create one from a fictional African nation did not seem threatening to the white Marvel superheroes that were you know popular at the time created all these sort of stipulations to have this character exists as opposed to just saying there could be a black guy who super smart and has Cool Tech you know they had to create the circumstances and I think the smartest thing that Marvel Studios did is that sticking close to that concept they found the beauty in the concept they got a director and writer team cynically holes in that and the character who cynically doing that is kill manga Michael B Jordan killmonger whole motivation is if wakanda is as great as it is why did wakanda allow slavery to happen what is a real and honest criticism of the idea of Black Panther in wakanda in the comic books the best answer they came up with was the comics have been mostly white writers and artists mostly a lot of black artists and writers that work on black panther over the years but the answer has mostly been well what kind of wanted to stay safe and they're an isolationist patient so they just you know they cut themselves off from the Define that's the answer that's fine because this is an alternate history I didn't want to know Marvel Comics writers didn't want to rewrite history completely go in our universe history was different and slavery didn't happen because Africa fought back because that would have so many ramifications for everything Vancouver comes in as killmonger you know as a character that he could explore this is killmonger if wakanda so great why did you let people around the world play pin and why would you let this happen to them and they are suffering Injustice to this day that movie still sort of tells us killmonger's wrong because he's killing people he's going to far he's also kind of right yeah message gets through to t'challa's at the end of that movie and we haven't seen black panther 2 yet barely seen some of the fall out of that wear black panther allowed The Avengers to come and visit you know in Avengers Infinity War goes to the United Nations he goes to the UN and he's like into the spotlight here we are where we're going you know killmonger was right and we're now going to try and build Bridges Trump I think with him building walls and going on Building Bridges I think again to go back to that it was a smartest thing for them to get honestly talk about the idea actually I know the guy I'm buddies with the guy who's writing Ant-Man 3 right now which is very exciting I'm friends with a guy named Jeff loveness he's a great guy great writer if I were to do something in the Ant-Man World myself if I'm not a writer but if I were I would poke holes at like okay what's Ant-Man saying about how Sinners when they get out of the system they have a really tough time you know there's some stuff in there every every one of these movies has some little messaging in there I would want to explore that you know a little further and amen kind of talked about that so allow for some of that to happen depending on the movie I think movies like Black Panther and Captain Marvel the talks about sexism and sexism in the workplace things that women have to deal with are stronger for it they're not just all I so that's your favorite Ash yeah okay cool and then I had to cuz I couldn't just pick one also a Spider-Man homecoming which is shocking to me because before Marvel like before Marvel Quest Spiderman was probably the one I was the least interested in and I was so interested it wasn't a fan of the Tobey Maguire and ones and so but that movie is again another Perfect movie because like there's great jokes there's great action and I love the Spider-Man he isn't just good at being Spider-Man right away like he fails and because of that he turns our love through the movie and the soundtrack is so good I mean I mean Michael Keaton is a National Treasure art of the love of Spider-Man in general like any time I've ever seen Spider-Man like the joy of Spider-Man is he kind of sucks like he you mean he's relatable yes yes well it just sucks you just how beautiful character so I was wondering that cuz my boyfriend's been playing the Spider-Man game and I was like was Spider-Man always quit because he's quippy in the game 2 does not shut the fuk up what do you like fighting bad guys always has some asinine pun one-liners something to say not sucks Kobe ones and they didn't do that nearly I just literally today of the day or coordinates I watch Civil War again set his big debut in the MCU in the fight and throughout the whole fight he's talking and he sang Endless even line with with Sam Wilson he like you know we're not talk this much audio he has to like like he has these quips but they're almost like none of them are like you. I like vicious or malicious sense it's just he's so late yeah but it's so cute and so that's the other thing that I really love about this film is like the intro film shot by Peter Parker is so Engrade and I had seen this phone before seeing Infinity War like a long time ago and so re-watching it and then seeing Infinity War seeing him be like setting up the phone so that he could go fight in and then come back is so Charming also Donald Glover and the cap school videos and then my next one is of course Thor Ragnarok because it is also a fantastic movie I'm a huge Taco with TD fan and soil of everything he does and his sense of humor and that was the movie when I was watching Marvel Quest but I was like officially like I'm a Marvel fan now guys that was the one makes me very happy as a Marvel fan to hear you say that it makes me very happy to you fell in love with Peter Parker cuz everything that that Pat was saying is true and that's why Spider-Man has been most popular Marvel characters since the 60s because he is in comic books is he is so endearing so quit being so funny and so fun Thor's grade and I was going to say that along with or Captain America and Spider-Man and Black Panther so many of these male characters I think these movies have given us some very interesting ideas of masculinity are not typical action movie masculinity audio Peter Parker's endearing and they fail and Peter Parker was crying and or has gone through a lot of changes in Black Panther surrounds himself with powerful women he's like they are better than I am at what they do you know all the characters Tony Stark was the one that was maybe the most like a typical movie character are you still because he's kind of like James Bond he started sleeps around he's a womanizer he drinks a lot yet at the beginning of this convo as you were saying Tony Stark has gone through such a change and he is a family man and him and peppers relationship is great and he still has still been challenged in his ideas and he he has mostly stay true to the Cuda character to what he thought in the beginning he has really undergone some for some pretty drastic changes and a lot of that can can can you can point to life how his masculinity is depicted and Steve Rogers I think had an impact on Tony Stark Rogers has had an impact on Thor and Steve Rogers is a very sensitive sensitive guy and in the first movie when he's asked come you haven't you never danced before and I feel like it might even be a metaphor for like have you not or never had a girlfriend or never had sex or any of that stuff he goes I guess I'm just waiting for what old fashioned maybe or maybe it's new what is very sensitive way of thinking I feel like most male movie characters would have maybe said something to the effect of was important for me to lose my virginity wasn't for me to have sex is important for me to have a girlfriend is important to me to hit these Milestones men have to be Steve Rogers always kind of gone against that interesting interesting I just ate again it just makes me happy that you're a Marvel fan because the characters the characters that you know and love from these movies pretty much the characters as they are set an appointment to have to run interference if here's the thing is actually the Guardians of the Galaxy or very different know you got it you got it you understand cuz I don't know if I have time to read all the comics Hector I heard there's a lot of stuff and then I had an honorable mention of end game because I mean just like you said Hector like it gives you everything you want like they did such a good job handling that ending and giving each character their own moment except for Agent Hill she's kind of forgotten about there thought about yeah if you could Point that's a good point but they like don't really like give a wrap-up scene 4 technically I knew that they were going to because she got dusted along with Nick Fury hi Nick Fury just appeared at the funeral at the end of the movie they're like not in the big final battle get a tribute that till like maybe they've been you either going to bring them back for Spider-Man Spider-Man really damn their Scrolls so that you know who knows when we're going to see me again sweet what audio that was super fun I'm curious to hear everyone else's fairy movies damn I'm looking at you you look like you don't want to go back only cuz I know mine is going to be the same as Pat's so I don't want it at the same time audio 3 years do you want to go for a spot or do you want me to audio so from the first Thor movie I love Thor it is everything that I am which is like beefy strong and also like in love with fantasy Realms in like magic so soldiers lvv I didn't attack it actually technically presents to be but you know because he plays beef Johnson on audio you got it you got it we just re-watched the first Thor and are you requesting of it every single like weird anachronistic thing he said the whole time I just I just love it and I remember the first time I saw a superhero movie fan and I remember walking out of theater and I kind of curse my past self for saying this but I was like that wasn't a good movie Marvel they knew that their first tooth or movies or not the greatest Enos the most popular every wash it and I loved it I loved it I I think he's also endearing like Spider-Man but in a different way I mean he's incredibly vulnerable in that first Thor movie he Prides himself on his ability to wield this hammer and his dad literally looks so in the eye and says you're not f****** Worthy so I am not only taking your magic hammer away you are leaving while you have to get the f*** out to become worthy again and the moment that they play that where he like realizes like there's more important things than his ego than being strong powerful they literally kill him I would like to know he's going to like open its eyes and it's going to be a funny quote he's dedicated his dad like bestows the power back because he's worth it. I loved it it's so good so he's definitely my favorite and I just I like how vulnerable they make him and we talked about how they portray him getting fat and Bellator events it's just incredibly relatable because he struggles his hole you know story Anatomy is super relatable and definitely something I've struggled with as like an artist and a filmmaker of like are so many better people like sure I'm talented fine but like Luke it all the better people out there right why bother because there's better people but that's you know yes he keeps going and I really love that relationship with Loki to I could be something but you're really too I love it and like Loki's a great person to bring up he is audio yeah I know he's an amazing sight character which gained his own huge fan base totally I love that they played his character a sort of this chaotic neutral he does whatever self-serving whatever fits him in the moment which makes him unpredictable which yeah in Ragnarok which gives you that sort of like edge-of-your-seat like what is he going to do because he helps them Anthony betrays them but then he helps them and you're just like I can't predict if I don't know which side is going to land on cuz he could go yeah is my relationship to greatly just the fact that sword no matter I'm glad that you said that cuz actually Thor is one of my favorite characters to because his like Undying Love for Loki like no matter what even when he finds out Loki isn't really his brother betrays him for the 10 millionth time he still like you're still my brother but not going to save you or whatever your nose has big death monologue at the end of the first Thor or before they kill them with it wasn't like a claim like a shout of Vengeance it was like brother whatever I've done to you that made you want to do this like I'm sorry audio Thor Ragnarok in next door saying I thought the world of you Disney's great admissions from from from Thor and and and and the way that their relationship send it in the fact that Loki was straight-up killed and he was for real killed by Thanos and Thor having to deal with that and then I'll look he's going to get his own show and he may come back and I'll give you a price I think it's supposed to be is the Loki the virgin Loki from endgame who steals the Tesseract in to go back in time and disappears so that how he's coming back the next step app for you as yeah except for you to be to watch every episode of every season of Agents of Shield to watch all the Netflix Defenders shows Cloak and Dagger Runaways Punisher all of those shows and then you'll be ready for the Disney Plus okay great the Netflix shows are really cool looking real good iWatch some of Jessica Jones audio that one was very triggering for me and I was like can't can't do this one all of the Atlanta FX shows are very dark yeah it rated R I don't know if I see any other way a really interesting thing about Jessica Jones I know it's different people and we're not talking about the TV shows as much but and it's related to the movies in the way of this in the comic books technically speaking Jessica Jones and Peter Parker they went to HighSchool together they know each other from high school when we got to adapting projects for these characters even though I cry I'm I'm talking about how faithful they are to the comics which is kind of true I still did not make those characters the same age because they needed Peter Parker at his best not really a guy in his late 20s early 30s hits when he's 16 years old and then you would that version of the character could bring to the world same as when they got to the Jessica Jones TV show they win I'm going to do Jessica Jones high school years like we need to do the story like in the comic books from when she's an adult grown woman he's just a deal with some horrendous where they made the TV show in that way so even if things are different from the comic books it's all to serve the character when they're at their best I like to look at those two examples Spider-Man and Jessica Jones is being like those two characters are those characters at their best and you to approach them in that way audio I have a I have a question are you about that characters at their best thing at somewhat somewhat snarkily because I was unfamiliar with the property before what was that Iron Fist is at his best but I know because even with the cap the problem with Iron Fist is that it was a badly written show and sort of hastily put together the character of self was fine in the show is special because when they got to the defender show are the characters like you were saying mixing or mixing it up with each other cuz there's a mini MCU the best scenes from Matt audio Lucas Coney Island I'm like there you go that's where the characters live those scenes were so good they had to unfortunately give Iron Fist his own show of 13 episodes or some like that way too much that's way too much or he can get him in a room with Luke Cage at least they knew once we get him in a room with Luke Cage that's going to beat him at his best we have to trudge through some crap to get there so listen like it's worth watching all of the stuff that came before because the Defenders really makes they they really make it land just stick with it watch Iron Fist where is it wasn't great bring back so much of the wasn't great into Defenders and being like everyone has dedicated seen dunking on him it like it thank you for that was that all of your favorite movies and my second favorite are the Ant-Man movies audio I don't know he's so related I love Paul Rudd perfect casting so much charm I also I love them because the kind of problems at stake are more relatable and not so like global audio relationship stuff that happens like he has to try to be a good dad and like be a father will also balancing his life and life manage a healthy relationship with his ex and like it feels more relatable while also being super they're great palate cleansers because it's both of them came after huge like have you one person came right after Age of Ultron second one came right after infinity War audio Geissele I need that like when I watch movies I kind of get in too deep so like I don't love super stressful movies because I will literally feel stressed out for days after or something upsetting happens like I am upset after do I like movies that are little more relatable on Happy antenna more energetic so that's why really hot audio the store Bay superheroes and I like them cuz they also like I'm not one to remember the name of all the things or like all the tiny details so they're movies that I can enjoy without having all of that acknowledge fresh in my brain audio 1 in 3rd ass is like a berry a person I forgot I forgot they were Bay Area but I just a tale of two Side characters to like they just crack me up the third one probably black panther for all the reasons that USA what's the format for whatever you want there's a whole bunch of different categories is the problem with these movies because trailer do you want to do that so grateful that I'm putting Infinity War endgame to the side audio taking my like personal favorite. Cuz those are just so big and has so many amazing things happening in them but like yeah singing I'm personally going to talk about like one or two better like personally very cat has personally going to this is me this is the Marvel recap so it might be breaking the rules to say that my favorite movie recently it was into the spider verse but yep definitely breaking the rules yeah but in the in the MCU actually in there I was going to say there's a there's a lot of different categories of special because there's some movies that meant a lot I don't necessarily want to watch again or at least put on a regular basis and then there's stuff like on rewatchability that's just like that wasn't like the best movie but like I will watch that any day of the week I feel like for me I prioritize rewatchability a little bit higher than the meaning so I'm definitely in the Ant-Man cam which is such a choice to pick 4 all-time fave but like I said I love the comedy app all red is just so great and another endearing character audio and yeah he's he's definitely one of the people who they didn't give him in 08 movies to two grow he had to be a f****** lovable f****** from moment one and he really pulled that off I feel like that's you know he Embraces that audio Ant-Man the movie that I feel like mint the most probably the first Avengers audio there was because we were talking about a lot about how the series wrapped up and these big big moments that we've been waiting you know a decade for some comic Fancy no decades 4 + that's different than the feeling of being in the theater for the first Avengers because virus there is the hype around it sure but being there in the moment that was I feel like really the first time they really captured some feeling that this could be something more than it had been can any franchise any movie this was like okay these are all their independent things and like all organized crime together and they going to fight it was like no holy crap this is this isn't the culmination this is the start of just I don't even know what could be coming and like of a scope how long did it take us to get to the Avengers and like beginning movies though you've got as the first step on it on a journey and it took years your sex what is this going to be and I feel like everyone in the world felt that when they watch The Avengers and it's something that can never be replicated because now it's the band submit that moment when it was first coming out was just like movies can be more and here it is choice that was a really good one for sure it kind of reminds me of like back in the classic like black-and-white films like were signed on to Studios and not necessarily movies and it kind of feels like that were like back then you know this studio could keep using this actor and the characters actor played over and over again and what Marvel is doing is kind of like that where it's like you had this moment in this movie where all these characters came together for the first time and like in the past they probably would have been played by new actors you know like it's not that you know and if we did happen Edward Norton revising his role as the Hulk which is a bummer but I've marked for sure but it's like even that and did not work their ideal you know for thot like it it still didn't quite work out and yet super powerful to have Robert Downey Jr Chris Evans Chris Hemsworth Scarlett Johansson Jeremy Renner who had a cameo in Thor Sam Jackson Clark Gregg who plays Phil Coulson all these characters meeting and it was cool. Loki was a bad guy originally the plan was that they were going to have Loki and Red Skull team up the first Thor movie Tom Hiddleston can handle this by himself it's just going to be low-key they decided to shift to low key so even the even the initial plan still kind of changed a bit right we have Mark Ruffalo is a new cast member playing a character who is still technically seen before he mentions last time I was in New York I destroyed Harlem right I broke Harlem talking about that Edward Norton Hulk movie but you're absolutely right with what you're saying Ashley's it feels like even though it's just actors being characters in the movie yeah and I mean up until then I mean it is shocking how few people they replaced over a decade when you look back at you know the 90s and we got a Batman with a new Batman every other movie Super minor actors for characters I watched a little mini marathon like cherry picking someone's and in Winter Soldier there is a shield agent whose like a guy at the computer in the control room activate the saying he's like no I won't do it any stamps down he comes back later and he's piloting a helicat he's he's like piloting one of the people in the home of the Helicarrier at the climax of Age of Ultron what may be my favorite examples of that from the first movie to the last movie The First movie Iron Man tattoo of most recent movie Spider-man far from home Peter Billingsley who played that one scientist who got yelled at play Jeff Bridges Obadiah Stane oh yeah Peter Billingsley A Christmas Story had to shave his head to play the Spectre in the DNA made him Mysterio psychic answer moment for me I thought that was incredible it went way out of their way so that brings me to my favorite actual character from MCU is at like an Agent Coulson and Unapologetic about it I love every moment he's on screen at all of his snarky quips and like something about that part of the personality that they gave him of the guy who is eternally unfazed by no matter what apocalyptic scenario is in front of him I don't know that resonates a little bit I guess but yeah I love I mean so many great actual superheroes but like favorite character yeah and he like actually you know puts his life on the line because you know he believes in the cause with him is when he meets Captain America for the first time he's like hey will you side my car my Captain America car they like how does it feel to Stark's new things and it is I got it or they never tell me anything. along with Loki and how both of those characters were treated in the first Avengers movie Huddleston performance direct performance huge reasons why the MCU ended up working we really have to give those two actors and characters more credit than just the Avengers themselves and the team up notion because he was such a phenomenal villain in that first film and Justin and became so in love with him throughout the rest of the series Colson was the Everyman gave the Avengers their reason they are avenging him no that was that was at the time and still technically really the reason they're called The Avengers I'm even though later we learn are the numbers which is really cool in her call sign on her plane but he's a fantastic character 11 Captain Marvel or he's just like calling Fury he's like Hansel the Blockbuster he misses like most of the important action but I'll do I'll do movies and then I kind of want to dump tail it into a slightly tighter Tyler conversation I want to have narrowing it down so as far as whole-scale movies is there anyone in game and they would definitely be in my top three or top five in some way shape or form but I'm kind of putting it aside today or just their own unrepeatable thing essentially like you can never do that again right when the portals and everyone comes any like holyshit so that being said ones that I really will of course number one with a bullet Thor Ragnarok that is me it almost I almost liked it too much the four like well s*** I might as well scratch off write a Marvel movie off my bucket list as a writer because they're made the movie I would write but the movie is I adore it so much the tiger right at 2 no no okay call Red's credit as a rider on both m in movies audio the only one we probably wrote Sublime some jokes I remember when Ant-Man was Edgar Wright audio call Brad was still signed on to be the character Red Robin Adam K the director of Anchorman The Big Short audio I see anime pass on the script how much of Edgar Wright's they left I'm not sure how much they added I'm not sure that's why they're credited are you it's really yeah it's crazy to take it to not right there or not because it feels like he wrote audio irritable in him Korg I really love in this why is movie I really love Captain America the Winter Soldier firstly really really like it I think it is some of the best moments and scenes in it I've said this is at least the third time I've said this on the show out of use it as an example of something I really like what they do genre films is Captain America the Winter Soldier is not a superhero movie what is a spy Thriller that takes place in a superhero world I love kind of like a mash-up like that or can or crisscross as part of our really enjoyed The Gardens of movies I really enjoyed by black panther I got to go put black panther spot just cuz it's so beautiful so amazing and I am killmonger is my favorite Marvel villain yeah, why you think he's the best why I'm because I am Jordan audio oh my God I just realized that's Michael B Jordan I literally don't know how sorry because I came to the Santa Barbara film festival with my phone was in it and they were really busy these talks like that gives awards they're giving a word to him and like who the hell is Michael B Jordan I don't know no just cuz he she asked so well he's like Charming but terrifying at the same time and then audio yeah I know it's such a cliche what's the best villains are the villains who think they're the good guys he is like you know we're at the end of the day they're like you know what he was right his like the museum scene so good big Twin Lakes yeah and he's and then his ending is got that mini monologue about like burying at Sea that's so heart-wrenching and just like audio Far and Away this is impressive but like he's fine away I think the best the most complex well-written you just made my three favorite Marvel villains audio really was going to be a flash man as I call him or Aldrich Killian isn't your favorite Mandarin Dennis from Iron Man 2 yeah she called him a nice man we didn't, show octopus go run again if possible in just like one or two but just cuz audio yeah I know you started audio does any steam they want to talk about because I feel like this is a franchise is a franchise amazing moments play singing bowl Master short scene like a couple of examples Lake Winter Soldier talking about the elevator fight of course audio audio love that just live so many I love when they reference it again and he says like hail Hydra to look at the thing for more take my favorite moments revolve around big character origin I can still get choked up watching shaun toub as yinsen Tony Stark don't waste your life don't waste it when he's like dying in the cave just in the first movie I think that's an amazing scene and it's a great Moana I love the scene where Steve Rogers jumps on the grenade Captain America the First Avenger skinny Steve people always talk about that it's just being such a perfect summary of that character I love them I love the moment where I loved the scene where Thor talks to his mom again in an game beautiful stuff there or when the scene in Spiderman homecoming where Peter Parker has to lift the rubber any tells himself come on Peter come on Spider-Man I always choke me out because my favorite character is probably Spider-Man and has been since I was a kid but see how Spider-Man was depicted in this franchise just one scene Tony Stark goes to the kids apartment and he's not hasn't even been Spider-Man isn't does spider stuff yeah yeah that one scene where you sitting down on the bed after he talks Ant-Man and they go into the room he sums up his whole purpose of being Spider-Man is like cool there's been five Spider-Man movies and they haven't done with this one scene did quickly Spider-Man movies I love to don't get me wrong I really like Andrew Garfield for the most part I like Emma Stone I like the villains of the first three movies lifelong Spider-Man Fannin to get that moment was edifying and I felt so justified in my love of the character I'm like yeah that's right I'm not crazy I'm not crazy to not love to Maguire Spider-Man like I'm not crazy to have waited for something like this incredible incredible moment for me yeah and even a movie that I have been Farmington more and more as the years have gone on cuz I love my ant-man's I love my guardians of the galaxies the father-son stuff in Guardians 2 gets me to cry every single time I love it yondu and she's beautiful stuff Doctor Strange I think it's a movie that gets early kind of overlooked the first Doctor Strange movie there's only been one I keep breathing it because I am so appreciative of the character work that was done in the story work that was done in that movie what's the point where a cocky doctor can sweetly shifted perspective in the first time that Tilda Swinton the Ancient One and that dude on a journey is a pretty phenomenal seen that whole moment it starts with cynicism and she's opening up a book what about that when he goes off Craig you just show me like a like an MRI scan like you didn't tell me about chakras you tell me about this and she just goes to shut the hell up shifts the character's perspective so much compare Doctor Strange to being just like Iron Man Tony Stark with the key difference between the two characters and I think the movie did Tony Stark did not have to unlearn you don't have to change his worldview I learned that people use these weapons so he went back to he went back home and double down on making an awesome weapon he didn't you know he was out he's always been a a brilliant mechanic and genius inventor and that's a Tony Stark kept doing save the world Doctor Strange was a doctor of Medicine place in completely while maintaining his personality everything he learned so his perspective was so shift and I shifted and I think he was humbled an even greater way than Iron Man was by getting the shrapnel in his heart like Doctor Strange Stephen Strange was humbled in such a drastic way I think that first movie mostly get that right and I think it mostly gets to beets and there's some issues with the first movie Tilda Swinton casting is one of those the words like actress actor I understand that the tricky area of trying to portray a an Asian character teaching a white guy something I loved also what they did with Wong that was a character that was totally updated being just a manservant Asian guy in the comic books and they really shifted him to be really fun sarcastic stoic and badass and lovable bet when we see Wong in Avengers Infinity War I wouldn't mind a tuna melt like it's so many Gray audio you wanted more is that all of them you wanted more Doctor Strange I think of the movie people look back on it more fondly others but I think that it deserves a little bit more credit for what it's doing story-wise it it it gets credit for and also the third Act is not about destruction the doctor strange comes in and just literally rebuilds acid you don't normally see any superhero movie so it again it and the way he defeated or mama was just fast Ferry it's so Advanced it that's another great moment for me to so yeah I'm that that mindshift think not only a great story audio sequence but just maybe some of the best visuals of the entire MCU just oh yeah I got to get it when this when this quarantine is over you're invited to come over to my place I have a 3D TV and I have all these movies in 3D and when you see doctor strange in 3D and you guys in Portland are also invited if you're in LA and we're pointing is everything Doctor Strange in 3D is a different experience than regular Doctor Strange Marvel movies in 3D also brings me so much joy I have to mention it and I would be mad if I didn't mention that I own all these movies in 3D and there I think they're better when you watch them in 3D just adds to the spectacle of food that is so exciting because well I'm excited to have this offer because I did have a 3D TV that just broke a week ago and I didn't know I know and because we're in quarantine real life just buy a cheap TV to replace it for now you know but yeah it was heartbreaking cuz it's it's very fun I'm kind of sad that the 3D steak did stick because they're it can be fun but yeah feel that same way like not Justa shinai any person who I've invited over to my place to watch something on my 3D TV the end of it I convinced them on my 3D can be really cool check this out and I shown something in every single person is come over it's been like okay I get this this is cool giant Cedars it's not the same like cuz you get the shity glasses that are just crap but if you have your own system at home and you've got the nice glasses it makes such a difference and it's it's really awesome I have predator and of course Jurassic Park in 3D which are both fantastic Jurassic Park I actually went in they were just like let's just slap a 3D filter on it like they went in and they did the work and it's incredible 3D it's so great yeah and that's the other the other side of that 3D argument is like I'm not really usually into the 3D stuff unless it was like filmed for 3D convince you otherwise because I could show you movies that were filmed for 3D things like Avatar and different stuff I could show you movies at Ash is talking about where they converted after the fact that did it painstakingly pluses to minuses to both for sure for sure but I could pop some stuff on and be like was it filmed in 3D or converted and you might be like the other one The Amazing Spider-Man the first Amazing Spider-Man that was in 3D with Andrew Garfield they shot that one in 3D set reminder Amazing Spider-Man 2 I converted it into 3D and you can actually tell because in a lot of ways they were able to push it more the counter a counter argument is that when you're shooting in 3DS 3D cameras if two big 3D cameras representing the right and left lens the right and left eye to create the death whatever settings you have on those cameras on the day that's it you're locked in when you can do 3D you can actually kind manipulated and play with a little bit more but there's a there's a whole letter host of problems in if you have a preference for one of the other that's totally fair invalid I'm just saying remember to Hector's house hello 3D classes audio Doctor Strange is one of those examples when they manipulating the world and it becomes kaleidoscope oh man when you see it in 3D there's added depth those images rebuilt well well look it's even going further in and they're going to notice unless you're seeing it in 3D that's amazing you want to see this audio audio the next time you guys are in LA audio my favorite scene and Hector is going to be happy cuz it's a Spider-Man seed so Spider-Man homecoming my favorite scene is when he finds out the bad guy is his girlfriend's dad when he's taking her up and that whole sequence from knocking on the door to going into the kitchen and having to talk to him there's so much tension built in that scene and there's also like no music which helps like punctuate that such as just so good I just remember when I re-watched it for Marvel Quest I'd already seen it so I knew it was coming but the first time I saw that movie I just remember my jaw dropping because I was not I was not expecting that at all I did not see it coming and it was so great and it's it's so well done Pitch Perfect 2 like it's just could have been shot like a normal scene we are hanging on Peter the mom is talking in the girlfriend is talking and the dad is so we're just hanging on Peter for a lot of it and he's just look like deer in the headlights and it's so great my favorites chlamydia course any scene with goose and fury 2 is also fantastic I have to and they're both my favorite for the same reason play I love the introduction of Star-Lord or Peter Quill in the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy and I love the opening of Thor Ragnarok when he's fighting the Beast and I love them both because he's hanging from the chain am I doing it, doing it I love them both because music plays a huge part in Bull scenes and I love it because it's not reliant on the dialogue I'm obviously there's quicksand stuff in the store fiends but I love the babies without yeah I love that they let the characters describe who they are by their actions and not Holy by their words gave it that should have confidence in that space to let the music help carry the tone of the scene and like stage the characters actions Immigrant Song Led Zeppelin Troy hervey I love it I didn't like it. is everything that I love about Thor like it's a little rock and roll but also Led Zeppelin was super into fantasy like they have literal songs about the Lord of the Rings like what is perfect so I love both of those equally and there is there soap is that the first time the Immigrant Song cuz I know for a super long time Led Zeppelin they wouldn't let anyone use the Immigrant Song Shrek 3 oh okay School of Rock which I think was in mm Thor Ragnarok came out Jack Black Shadow video where he's like ripped off my bed what's your favorite scene my favorite scene there's one the person whose Bed are these questions my favorite what does it have to be I'd like that's so cool and iconic and going to be like if I was really well done and executed and I might have covered that in my previous answer because the thing that felt the most important was you know that initial Avengers scene where the first time they're all together and they do that big old spin around in the middle of the Earth yeah kind of iconic and like but that's that one image like you know everyone knows that image and it's another Avengers and it's it's set the mood for her the next eight years audio did you already say that developing IMEI just throws one example audio favorite as in Guillermo's feels was the end of infinity War Peter Parker's departure from a bad like a facet that was such a executed so well seeing everything just and whole point is it took longer for him because of his spider sense so he felt it coming it took longer for him oh I didn't realize. oh I'm gone he's like feel good audio audio groups disappearing when he says I am Groot what are the filmmakers in maben the Russo Brothers I said like the he was saying Dad what's happening Trina's Rockets walking over to Mike Malone blood on his hands Peter is that the ashes of cheater on his like oh my God audio sad note the scene with Tony Stark's daughter and happy and he's like what do you want to eat and she's like a hamburger and he's like your dad like hamburgers to audio no good there's just so many really really really good fun scene I mean audio three acts are each their own movie in there so far act 1 depressing in Bleak but like it is that it's kind of an amazing little mini movie to watch and then Ant Man coming out of the van and finding out his daughters growing up it's also bleak Black Widow crying and Steve Rogers trying consult people and its and it's amazing Time Heist Good Times what's a good time and what a what a what a Victory lap for all the movies that they've done you know the time in act 3 is just cost of the wall comic book action we're bringing everybody into it grab Spider-Man who's wearing an iron spider outfit and he's got The Infinity Gauntlet in his arm you know being swung from the only are like it's the most Insanity in there anything ever I love each one of us three parts so much in the moment that give you chills and like this is a tiny little thing for me for some reason just a delivery Chadwick Boseman delivery of it for me is so perfect that gives me chills in Infinity War when they're gearing up for the climax of infinity war and he's like like I don't I don't stop at the pole with base base any books get this man a shield so great did we ask you said who your favorite characters were a bit. I don't know that we all did audio okay every movie ever seen every actor literally every Hat Thing it went by so fast yeah I know I think that's that's probably a rap on the Marvel recap I think we can officially say Scorsese is wrong Buckeye AZ I'm sure there are people listening to this that are like I can't even talk about earthquake and that's a great thing walking much that's cool and Rad or Bittersweet and painful in a beautiful way about these the so enjoyable so like I'm sorry if we did not touch on the thing that meant a lot to you because that's what but that's also what makes it so beautiful is that everyone takes to some degree something different from them or speaks to them and it's a fight with a different character find her if you didn't file your complaint on Twitter sweetest sweetest your favorite movies both right and wrong at the same time is right when he says that these movies are spectacled and it's like a rollercoaster ride at the theme park Thrill Ride I agree with him wholeheartedly and he talked about how those movies have a certain set amount of limit the type of film and story-telling that he's interested in I agree and disagree with him but mostly he is right I think that every genre audio for romantic comedy or horror or Kaiju or whatever the genre is has its own set of limitations you know cliches that the Storyteller has to work with or against to give us something new right and I think Scorsese is as is a genius at doing that but I still think that he makes movies that are you know the Irishman is I haven't seen that Richmond yet but his epics like casino and Goodfellas they are masterpieces I still think that they have their own set of limitations you can when he's going against those and I think that's great also think that Scorsese is such a lover of film but he was genuinely hurt did people like were offended by his mentioned that he didn't mean to be dismissive even though he kind of was and I think that if you were to sit Martin Scorsese down to be like let's watch these movies won a night in order would understand and appreciate how they are bending or breaking the rules within their own limitation I still think he would go it's not for me this genres not for me now be like yeah of course of course Martin Scorsese your life an amazing filmmaker and is made masterpieces these are not for you and that's okay painted scorsese's comment mad I think for the wrong reasons it's like again he is right I think that's what makes the MCU so special is that within its own set of limitation we able to creatively Bend or break those rules give us something new or special and I think that the MCU mostly has onset of limitations mileage may vary for different people in that spot and I were working out this morning I was talking to her about it I just mention. so the the Marvel movies need to find you at a time in your life when you feel vulnerable when you feel like you need the sense of security like bad things are going to happen in the world and you need to know that there are people out there that are going to help you going to take care of you going to fight the evil in the world so for some people that happens really early for some people that feeling never goes away and it's always there and for some people hits later but I think to appreciate them you have to relate to that sort of feeling yeah and which is why doing this now during quarantine was so perfect and ever my boyfriend and I have been watching them together it's been this opportunity of joy for us and escapism which really the roots of film are all about like during the Great Depression people flock to movie theaters because they were so depressed by real life they they wanted to escape and services maybe that's but you know these these movies are are about exactly what Sam said and Washington and quarantine really resonated with me and the reason why I bring up the Scorsese quote Hector is because ask Bret to cut it out so I don't think the listeners have heard it and if Bret you want to insert it here I guess you can but I actually had a conversation on the podcast where I defended Scorsese because before watching the films that superhero movies weren't Cinema and and high Cinema is really you know something that's really trying to say something about the human condition and Riley you know really making us a minute not just a fun story it has debt who's talking about music by hadees movies also to take up space in a movie theater and he wanted different totally agree. regard totally totally right but on the other hand now that I have sat through and seen them cuz they in that conversation Patrick said I don't believe that that's true I think that there's plenty of Marvel movies that are saying something and you just haven't seen them and the Soul through watching them I was like oh you know like it might have taken a few of them to to get to that point but they are saying stuff about life my favorite thing about the Marvel movies is in my opinion the overall morale of marble even superheroes need help and I think that is awesome because even the superheroes turn to each other and say I need your help right now I can't do this by myself and I think that's an incredible moral on its own you know this course you have the moral of Black Panther and the moral Captain Marvel in like they're saying so much stuff and I think you're 100 he just hasn't seen them yeah and Away Martin Scorsese is just like you but with less experience audio so that's why I bring it up because I I was a defender of of his comments and now I realize that I just I just hadn't actually sat down and and given them I need to watch Black Widow it when it comes out and to watch all of their Marvel shows on Disney plus like you're caught up you can still go watch some of the other TV shows that technically take place in this universe if you want it you got a lot of hours of content to get through but far as the movies go when they come out what what's movie theaters are safe be a real bummer when Black Widow comes out and everyone that you know sex is dudes online I can be like she is Arlo you know audio audio yeah can't deal with the yet that the fandoms man audio anyway Hector thank you very much for coming on today yes it was absolute pleasure thank you all for having me on it was fantastic thanks yeah what you want to tell everybody yeah sure I'm working on some stuff that I don't think his announced yet but the easiest thing to do would be just follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Linda I'll announce stuff there upcoming shows and thanks audio thumbs up is it me technically Bret oh yeah yeah if you would like to also follow us you can follow us on Twitter or at a let's re-watch and we're also on Discord now I don't know if that was going to talk about that and I'm stealing his Thunder but we are on Discord the certain point of view Discord Network we have our own little channel on there so definitely check us out and also when is this coming out you know from 2 weeks from now I don't know if this is too late but a zombie that is in the Gen Con Film Festival which is free this year and streaming online so you can Google gencon Film Festival to find out and get your free pass to watch zombies audio and if you like our podcast as much as we loved Marvel films please give us a 5-star review on Apple podcast Google podcasts or Spotify we are on all three platforms and we need your positive words of encouragement and if you write us a 5-star review will give you a shout out on the show how to write you a check for $20. laudo generous by $20 I have so many doll hairs she has children or just wait for the listener little Disney princesses oh yeah that was brought up earlier so I nap but still thank you for the clarification remove the camera Toys R Us if you want to do a little dance make a little love I just want to thank everyone for doing this this is a lot of fun thank you Ash for going on this adventure thank you to Ash Sam protector and all of Ulysses I just want to say we are Groot he's wearing a Groot shirt right now let's go to play Stan this is any join us next time when we are going to watch wonderful vacation movie wow okay is it like it island with a bunch of dudes with their dog Ash wants to go to a snake audio I don't like I mean if you I don't know if that's you know what go for audio map of the island of all the dogs it's Bret like getting all ASMR up in my ear my name is case taken over two years I posted my show another pass where I sit down with interesting guess talk about movies that we find fascinating the floss good movies bad movies doesn't matter find ways that they could have been in Peru if you ever thought that a sequel drop the ball by forgetting about a pot line that an epic could have been saved by introducing the director to an editor or that a comedy didn't work hard enough to have some substance behind the last and check out another pass podcast at certain or wherever you get your podcast all of you wonderful human being how do I know you're a wonderful human being well if you're hearing this message means you're listening to a certain POV podcast and that makes you awesome thanks for your support this is Pat Edwards from the Left re-watch podcast and for those of you who don't know me I'm an author my latest project is a new 5th edition D&D campaign book called The Red Opera inspired from the musical album and stage show of the same name the red Opera sins you want a twisting Saga Dark and Dangerous magic death and betrayal and warlocks or if you go to my Twitter handle at my current again thank you so much you beautiful Spoonful of Sugar Love certain