Blank Check with Omar Najam
2021. The new year. A blank slate. A blank... check? It's the start of season 6 and hoooooly cannoli did this episode get off the rails. @OmarNajam returns to talk about the FBI, hot wings, and the true plight of the millionaire!
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson and Pat Edwards.
Below is a rough automated transcript of the episode. We are working on making this better:
Bret: Watch movies that you can find out if there's still any good I'm.
Ash: I'm at.
Sam: You sure that's vodka and not speed.
Ash: Well now he has to keep it all in.
Sam: And without breathing.
Bret: I've been trying to do that whole thing in one syllable I'm increasing the speed so the intro goes faster and faster.
Sam: All right.
Ash: Deficiency my body is working at Optimum efficiency.
Pat: Cuz I'm back.
Bret: Our last two episodes have been like two and a half hours so like we need to tone it down or speed it up same content twice as fast pass ready to go he's doing coffee I'm doing vodka the energy is off the chain.
Pat: No not yet I will still be I'm still sell beer at cockatiel coming.
Ash: I could be a coffee beer you could just combine them.
Bret: I'm real excited cuz stay we have another returning guest.
Ash: Cuz we couldn't we couldn't find a New Year's you know what there's not that many New Year's movies so thanks thanks everyone we've done them all all the good one.
Bret: Joining us today is.
Sam: Welcome back.
Omar: Hello everybody.
Ash: Yay.
Omar: Thank you for having me back.
Ash: This is so exciting Omar because this is.
Bret: Yeah I literally can't remember what movie we watched cuz it was so it's only years ago now.
Ash: Oh yeah this is like years in the making.
Omar: It was Gremlins right.
Ash: Wow.
Sam: Oh yeah yes.
Sam: A Christmas movie right.
Ash: Backwood we could be in the same room.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Omar: Yeah yeah it was it was a beautiful it was a beautiful day and a beautiful experience because you both were so kind to host us would like amazing treats and they were like holiday beers if we set that I watch Gremlins and then yeah and everything kind of Pete from that day but I do feel like.
Bret: Totally yeah what what movie are we watching.
Ash: Well we are watching blank check because I believe in that Gremlins episode The many moons ago we mentioned how we wanted have our back for that and then life got in the way but here we are we now have a bunch of free time cuz we're stuck in her houses will Omar doesn't he has a job.
Omar: And then it's the evening and then there's nothing it's like.
Ash: Yeah yeah exactly what are you going to do watch more Netflix.
Bret: Exiting work into the void but yes we are watching blank check which I've been wanting to do for a while and I can't remember what the initial impetus was for wanting to watch this cuz it had something to do with I remember we'll just jump right into the trivias because they're so very little of it and I'm just more excited to talk about the movie in general but.
Ash: What really.
Bret: The the big trivia for this movie is who's in it and this is this is our cream of the crop top of the pop the f****** a list celebrity cast we got this is this is the excitement it from Pat's will square corners palpable.
Pat: We're completing the triumvirate.
Bret: We got in this movie download.
Ash: Okay okay.
Pat: Yeah Ace Ventura Fame of Surf Ninjas Fame the toklo and I remember I called it.
Bret: I also didn't realize he was in FernGully and tighten a is well.
Ash: What wow.
Pat: Maybe he's a very distinctive voice he does a lot of voice acting as you should.
Bret: But yes tone Loke Funky Cold Medina this up.
Bret: Who else is in this a bunch of people who you will recognize and that's who I feel like that's the best thing I can say about it.
Pat: It's so many character actors that you'll recognize so many character actors.
Ash: Of character actors yeah.
Omar: Is The Avengers endgame.
Pat: Brat I thought.
Bret: The Avengers of that guys.
Pat: Browse going to give you s*** so I'm just pull up like the trivia page and IMDb I like bread yeah they're really f****** reaching for what is considered trivia.
Bret: The trivia page is like this actor was also in another movie and think that's just the f****** bastard page like what.
Pat: The last one is shaved head FBI agents last name is rigged rigged the last name of one of the main cops in Lethal Weapon.
Bret: That's not trivia that's a coincidence.
Ash: Oh man that's Sia.
Omar: One of one of the main cops that's great because I mean like when you watch the Lethal Weapon movies that Mary you don't like.
Pat: It's not even a main character in this movie cuz the pounding is a name it's just the FBI ladies boss's name is Riggs or he doesn't name cuz it is but she's not really like her too so it's like.
Pat: Side character suicide character's name is the same name as a main character of a different franchise.
Omar: It's not like lost where they're like this is John Locke and John Locke was a philosopher and you're like yeah that's yeah okay yeah that's a pretty straight line this is like yes or no reads this and then someone one-time tried to rig an election the movie election had Reese Witherspoon and.
Bret: There is no Pepe Silvia like.
Bret: That's not trivia.
Pat: No there's just so much but you're right there's just so many of like this person this person or in this movie also did separate movies with this other thing it's like yeah it's Hollywood people do different things like they did this Jim Carrey movie and she did this other Jim Carrey movies like yeah Jim Carrey wasn't like every other movie for 15 years.
Pat: No I know I'm.
Bret: I researched this for like 40 minutes if you find something else that beyond the two things I wrote down I'm going to be in breast.
Pat: I'm trying to back you up here cuz I'm like yeah this is there really reaching.
Bret: So other other actors the main character / child Brian Bonsall who apparently grew up to be awful so let's not talk about him.
Ash: Yeah I was just Googling him and I was going to say little things didn't turn out well for him did it.
Bret: DUIs are the least bad things he's done.
Sam: Oh dear.
Ash: Oh yeah the game oh wow.
Bret: Karen Duffy who is a name I recognize Dumb and Dumber Last Action Hero fantastic mr. Fox got Miguel Ferrer James rebhorn lose a banh mi recognize whose face I recognize and he's just that guy from Independence Day is the one I remember he's famous for making that face with a ways is face really squinched up.
Bret: Yeah yeah.
Pat: Disapproving dad face.
Ash: Is it proven.
Bret: Jayne Atkinson who was at I recognized from House of Cards.
Omar: It's such a Powerhouse cast and that's about it like it's just stacked cast.
Omar: Play it's such a stacked cast.
Bret: Oh my God Michael Lerner Lerner is the probably the most famous person in this movie I recognize his face.
Pat: Yeah he's so many things I don't know what the fudge it was on this they don't show it okay.
Bret: I got it I got I don't have that number budget a budget.
Pat: It's whatever they wanted to be.
Ash: Yeah right use the check.
Omar: They hit the budget of blank check okay great cuz I think.
Bret: Alright budget game guys.
Bret: Start off.
Ash: What's the budget.
Pat: 27 million dollars.
Bret: 27th and Powell.
Ash: This was a TV movie correct.
Omar: Nose theatrical release I believe.
Ash: It had a theatrical release.
Sam: What I thought it was TV.
Pat: This is Studio Movie Beyond.
Ash: Wow.
Bret: Big business.
Ash: What year was it what year was 1994 I want to go with like 30 billion.
Ash: There's a lot of set pieces props.
Ash: Oh that's true.
Omar: The thing is with Hollywood logic there this movie is product placement Central so I'm like did that get factored in or did that just kind of disappear in accounting.
Omar: I'm going to say.
Omar: I'm going to say 18 million dollars at the budget.
Ash: Oh that's a good gas.
Bret: It's it's funny cuz you say that and I know what you're talking about about the product placement and I'm curious because I remember a lot of products and I don't recall that they were placed very well I like I can't think of anything.
Sam: I'm thinking that there's a Pepsi placement in this movie.
Sam: Coke okay.
Omar: I think they cut to a Coke truck at one point in there like this house is God I have Coke or Pepsi.
Sam: I can't remember.
Bret: Is that the most memorable thing about this is the guy that shot that your big touch.
Ash: Oh no.
Sam: Previous to Omar's taking of 18 mentally I had picked 17 million.
Sam: I don't know I'm never right if you think so.
Bret: The $1 treatment well that makes Sam the winner because the budget for this was 13 million.
Sam: Oh my God.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Pat: That was the first number that popped in my head like nah fuel out tank okay.
Bret: A very lucky 13.
Ash: Yeah I really regretted 30 million.
Pat: We know where at least 1 million of that one.
Omar: Taking any of us any time.
Ash: I know there was a little too long of a pause.
Bret: Yeah.
Omar: Wow 13 okay okay.
Bret: Avicenna didn't have a worldwide release the domestic and World War wide are the same number do you think it made its money back.
Pat: I think I made a profit.
Bret: Phone number out their number.
Pat: Well I don't know if he's going to marketing because it doesn't.
Bret: I feel like this movie has fairly good name recognition.
Pat: I feel like it did like.
Ash: That's true but I saw it on TV I didn't see it in the theaters.
Omar: I'm going to say no just cuz he'll be fun.
Pat: It made immediate money back and then a little nothing crazy like it did not it definitely is under like 50 ml.
Bret: Are you over there Google and answers.
Sam: I want to say it made like 20 million.
Ash: I'm going to say it made AC million.
Pat: Do you want or do you want like a number I'm going to save my budget 27 million the same number.
Bret: Pat you did good it was 30.
Pat: Okay the devil and went double.
Ash: Wow that's pretty good that's successful.
Sam: So okay.
Bret: Yeah I mean I guess it was successful.
Sam: I want to say that Disney made their own DirecTV knock off of blank check does that sound right.
Bret: This is a Disney movie.
Pat: Or like a show.
Sam: Yes.
Ash: I think you're thinking of yeah it is a Disney movie I think you're thinking of Richie Rich which I get these two movies confused.
Pat: No.
Sam: Yes a little.
Ash: And it wasn't it wasn't the same plot but I can see the confusion.
Pat: Will Richie Rich with the property before that movie with Macaulay Culkin.
Pat: Nothing is written character.
Sam: He was a comic book right.
Omar: And then he becomes kaspar that's the fan Theory right.
Ash: Oh wow.
Sam: Yeah comic ask you're totally right Richie Rich but here's the here's the funny part is that Richie Rich is the real movie in my mind which means blank check is the knock off of Ritchie by childhood memories.
Pat: The same year.
Ash: Maybe which one came first or they did oh wow.
Omar: What rich kid movies was a thing.
Ash: I guess so in 1994 was.
Pat: The wait is blank check the Dante's Peak to Richie Rich's Armageddon.
Ash: I think so.
Pat: That's crazy that came out the same year.
Omar: Were there like competing like fandoms like where people are like I need those robot bees in your like no no no blank check all the way for me like.
Omar: Weather fights.
Pat: 1994 America wanted kids give kids tons of money and have them run circles around an ensemble cast of character actors.
Ash: Oh yeah Jumanji was.
Bret: I believe I mean it's like yeah it's it's it's home alone if they they're just like what's to assume or home alone but this time it's a rich kid Richie Rich and then this time it's spoilers for this movie.
Ash: Jumanji was 1995 which was also another like like kids are smarter than adults kind of vibe maybe it was like a 90s thing.
Bret: I would Home Alone have been different if he had so much cash.
Ash: If you could actually buy a gun.
Bret: Yeah that's veggie game they made money but both of those numbers are really low like in general like.
Ash: This is true definitely.
Bret: So okay now we're moving on to the other actual piece of trivia that I have actually before we get to the one Ash wants to talk about this was directed by Rufus Wainwright who after this movie his next film that he made was the sadness of sex.
Ash: Oh wow.
Ash: Oh no.
Bret: Stigmata so this guy is all over the place.
Omar: Direct direct sequels to the film blank check for sure.
Pat: Is it okay I don't think he's okay.
Ash: Also of Michael Jackson documentary.
Pat: He's definitely not okay.
Sam: I didn't know there was an opposite to p*** but I'm pretty sure the sadness of sex is.
Bret: I read the little synopsis of that it was just like a series of vignettes about the inevitable breaking up of every relationship was I alright cool.
Ash: Oh wow.
Pat: Come on that doesn't mean the sex was sad the sex could have been bucking great and you still break out.
Ash: So he's Keith tote single right.
Ash: Yeah right.
Pat: You just heard that you just heard it.
Omar: What was the pitch for that movie it's very hard to sell a fun film yeah I guess you're right it's just like look everyone it's a bad day and they're like yeah alright here's 13 more million dollars.
Omar: Bill Pope was the cinematographer for this film right and wrong in saying that.
Bret: I did not write that down there you go.
Ash: Hold on hold on.
Omar: Wildly famous cinematographer.
Ash: Yes you are correct.
Ash: Sorry fat.
Sam: Wait so I recognize the name Bill Pope what was he famous for.
Ash: He has done the Matrix baby driver Spiderman 2.
Bret: Clueless.
Ash: Weirdly not actual live-action Jungle Book but they call it live-action jungle.
Bret: Team America.
Pat: The good Spider-Man 2.
Sam: Oh he did Team America with Mikey Auto Group.
Bret: Scott Pilgrim.
Sam: Okay.
Sam: We've seen his work before.
Ash: Good looking out.
Sam: That would be a good one for a podcast to.
Ash: Yeah I was like oh the Hulk Hulk it's like.
Pat: This is not like there's going to throw in a random trivia that thing is super fascinating and six bill 6/32 cuz the Richie Rich cuz I looked it up so Richie Rich a movie starring Macaulay Culkin in 1994 I don't know why I said his name like that those weird Macaulay Culkin in 1994 that cost $40 to make lost money.
Omar: See that okay there. Yep you got a bowl under 15.
Bret: Richie Rich was memorably horrible.
Pat: Right but you're talkin about Willis Home Alone 92 like.
Pat: Are a lot of terrible movies that make money.
Bret: Is true about I like I like straight-up remember Richie Rich being a terrible movie and I also remember this being pretty okay those are those are my thoughts.
Omar: Richie Rich is too rich right like to see if I can Mount Rushmore in his backyard or something.
Ash: Wow yeah.
Omar: That's too rich you can go to.
Pat: He has his own McDonalds in his house police staff yeah you should eat so we should eat Richie Rich we should eat.
Pat: Eat the Rich.
Omar: Yeah I'll wear that shirt.
Bret: Okay so now onto the big one the other big one because this is this is deep for for a long time listeners of the show because it's comes up like every other episode for 4 years.
Ash: Are you just saying that I harp on it too much to tell your flight last name stop talking about save The Cat.
Bret: No no no no you you you misunderstand me today is a Day of Reckoning for Blake Snyder writer of save the cat let's find out what this guy writes.
Ash: I have to say I in preparation for this I pulled up his IMDb page and the other film that he's written is called stop or Mom will shoot which is wow.
Pat: Yeah that's the loan.
Bret: That was that was my other other trivia with stop or my mom will shoot was one of the movies from the end of the show previously.
Ash: Oh no.
Omar: Yes yes.
Pat: No do you want to that stars Sylvester Stallone so he started that basically because Arnold Schwarzenegger like f*** with him and pranked him and I gave him it's a classic so Arnold.
Pat: So much of a success is playing mind games on people he sees are his competitors like during his bodybuilding days he would f*** with people in the back and behind the scenes like give them up like all you should really do XYZ they love to see that and then.
Ash: That's so dirty.
Ash: Oh wow.
Pat: I mean he wasn't lying or be like a psychological degree so he would get in people's heads so this isn't like the early 90s and likes fly or like talk to like 124 like tobacconist or so he told her that you should totally do that movie like knowing it was going to be a piece of s***.
Ash: Oh wow.
Omar: Yeah he like it was something or like he had his agents say he was going out for it but not officially so that's lies agents would hear that and get like you got to get on this because like Schwarzenegger wants it and then he got it and it's worse they was like I never wanted it.
Bret: That's brutal.
Sam: Cold.
Ash: So crazy.
Bret: Oh my God.
Pat: The ruthless competitor man.
Omar: This industry.
Ash: Blake Snyder's defense before we even watch blank check which.
Ash: I mean let's all be honest it's going to be a hot pile of garbage we all start somewhere and we've all probably be bad feels right.
Bret: Sure sure.
Sam: It's true at least he's made films.
Ash: Except for Pat whose only made one fantastic film.
Sam: Yeah I need at the end of the day his film has still made 30 million more dollars than any of our phone.
Ash: Totally yeah.
Omar: That is true.
Sam: She could sit em all we want but.
Pat: Sam.
Omar: Yeah.
Sam: Usher Yeah.
Ash: Yeah I'm well he doesn't have like a ton of IMDb credits I'm pretty sure that he worked as like a script doctor for like years and years and years and like you know I think he was fairly successful in fact another fun fact is he is given a special in memory of at the end of How to Train Your Dragon.
Omar: Oh wow.
Ash: She probably had something to do with that script as well.
Omar: What scriptures really good so.
Sam: So the the crazy story about stat so.
Ash: Oh wow.
Sam: They completely rewrote that script like what was it like really close to really stay and there's a really fun documentary out there of like Chris Sanders and Dean deblois like literally living at the studio for like 3 days completely rewriting How to Train Your Dragon and I mean it was for the best because the previous story dislike wasn't working and like and they just hit this like little magical moment where How to Train Your Dragon was looking so bad that all of the executives like left them alone they like yeah do what you got to do and they just hit this little beautiful creative Bliss and it turned out fantastic.
Sam: Yes yes.
Bret: Which is a anecdote that we've told plenty of times on the Shelf but like I don't know how it is in live-action but an animation that's like the indicator that your movie might actually be amazing when the executives f****** dip on it.
Sam: When they're like we don't want to get our little fingers in that pie than you like perfect.
Bret: All of the biggest and best animated films that have come out like. Are those films where the end the exact or just like there's a better project over here or like this is a disaster you guys do whatever you want and it's like what the whatever they want is actually that's where the art comes from.
Ash: Yes.
Omar: So is it the Lion King syndrome right okay got it.
Sam: I was going to say Lion King Lilo & Stitch is another version also Chris Sanders Lilo & Stitch that was made in Florida and everyone was all preoccupied and in Dino La at Disney Studios and they just kind of let him do whatever he wanted and Nails it turned out great so it's almost like there's a pattern or sucker.
Ash: Songs like when you let creatives be creative they do good things.
Sam: Who would have thought.
Omar: In the spirit of that is there can we right now try to guess what our favorite creative choice of this movie is and then review it at the end does that make sense.
Ash: Yeah I like that.
Omar: Like I'll say I I like that they took big swings in the second half.
Sam: I don't know if I remember enough of this movie to make a prediction of about that.
Ash: I'm in the same boat cuz like again like I said earlier I'm not sure what of this movie I'm remembering and what of Richie Rich I'm remembering cuz they just blend together in my head.
Sam: Can I maybe be spoiler-free to ask if I'm thinking of the right movie is this the one where the kid is like going to the store to buy gum or something on his bike and gets hit by a limousine.
Pat: Kind of.
Sam: Okay.
Omar: You you have you have that's like a dream version of what happens but yes like that's that's really good David Lynch interpretation of esteem.
Ash: Essentially what happened.
Sam: That is all I remember that and Pepsi something about Pepsi but but my Pepsi.
Ash: We'll have to see you really like that they went for a Pepsi that's you're pretty.
Sam: But here's the thing is it could be a crossover from Ferris Bueller when they're ordering Pepsi and Coke in the restroom.
Ash: Are all over the place.
Sam: I am all over the place with this movie so.
Sam: I don't think I can make a prediction on their creative choices because that's all I remember.
Bret: I think that.
Bret: So if if Yung Bratz is Right which he rarely is and this movie is actually good and it will be because they walked a fine Oasis wrong isn't saying it as a walk the fine line between.
Bret: Kids stuff and shockingly adult content.
Omar: Okay yeah yeah.
Ash: I think you're right though.
Omar: Yeah I think that I think as time has gone on living that fine line has become a little bit more blunt.
Bret: There's some stuff in this.
Sam: You know these are all supposed to be insults but they're weirdly just make me way more excited to watch this movie.
Bret: This is my movie that might be like perfect for the mold of this podcast because.
Bret: There is a possibility that it's really good.
Bret: It's it's it's not guaranteed like we're not it's not like we know it's bad that's the thing is I don't there's not like all these takes or success is a horrible movie this is a movie that is like.
Bret: No one in their right mind but us would sit down and watch it at 10:21.
Ash: This is true.
Ash: They're probably going to get like royalty checks will be like what is this correct.
Sam: Gets like a $0. 03 in the mail.
Bret: There's there's an entire like there are several Golden Ages that happened after this of content that are way more worth watching so like this might just be just left in the dust of the 90s you know this could be the gym the diamond in the rough.
Ash: You know it's refreshing seeing you being so hopeful.
Pat: The choice already supposed to be something we think is it can be neutral good bat lawful evil chaotic neutral with what they're alive or anything they were just.
Omar: I think I think with this film it's going to end up being chaotic but I think it's up to you.
Sam: I think I think it to me chaotic good.
Pat: Here's what I'm interested in seeing what hold up cuz I remember watching a movie a lot of the kid and never liking it I remember having a crush big crush on the female FBI agent who is.
Pat: The main character also has a cross and I feel like there's some stuff that might be really awkward or weird about their interactions of him like.
Bret: This is what I was alluding to.
Ash: Ono Ono.
Omar: The fine line I think it's going to get really about 5.
Pat: Yeah when they're like 20 years old he's like what ten and she's like 30.
Bret: You're going to look behind you and see the fine line off in the distance.
Sam: Wait wait wait wait.
Pat: Which at the time at the time when I was watching it and I like the same age as him I'm like yeah sure why it goes like I've had a huge crush on Karen Duffy but I feel like now is adult who is the same age as she's supposed to be in this movie it's going to be like that's f***** up.
Sam: Unrequited love story the inspiration for the director's next film the sadness set.
Ash: Oh no.
Bret: Goodness.
Pat: Told from the perspective of his protagonist employee.
Ash: Choose those words carefully.
Sam: No.
Omar: Okay here's the thing from what I remember I hope okay I hope it's unrequited I hope I hope there's not use okay here's the thing I hope there's not chemistry because I remember there being chemistry and and I'm just I'm going to put mine I'm going to draw a line in the sand there can't be and I think it's a pretty inarguable SIDS to have so that's the one we'll see I'm excited for this child to come into money.
Ash: Just not to come into anything else.
Omar: I don't remember him being particularly without money is it yet.
Ash: Yeah yeah.
Omar: So let's let's see that's the let's I'm checking this before I share it with anybody else you know what I mean like.
Ash: Oh no.
Sam: Please please of all of the bad things we've ever had to watch please don't let this be a movie about a 10 year old getting it on with the thirty-year-old Belize.
Bret: That's so that's my one other.
Ash: We'll save that for Leon the Professional.
Ash: My tentative guess is that this kid is going to buy.
Ash: 10000 or 10 million dollars worth of things with 1 million and that I'm going to enjoy it.
Ash: Yes.
Omar: Put put money on that bet I'll I'll I'll I'll put my also join you in that back that's a great has to be has to be.
Bret: What's good about this.
Ash: I feel like he buys a mansion but I can't remember and that had to have been more than a billion.
Bret: There are there the other the only things I could find online are people's real money valuations of the items that.
Bret: There.
Ash: Viking accountant nerds that are like I don't think this looks correct.
Bret: So we have an answer for that when I get back.
Sam: Oh my gosh I'm so excited.
Bret: But yes I was going to say.
Ash: Okay my guess is 10 million then.
Ash: Gases for the total amount spent.
Bret: This one's as I don't think anyone's going to have fun with that but yes yes yes it and then I'll let it out if it's horrible.
Sam: So it's supposed to be 1 million but we're guessing like The Price is Right what the actual value was of all the stuff that he buys.
Ash: Yes yes.
Omar: Yeah yeah Drew Carey's like for this entire movie.
Sam: 24 million I don't know.
Ash: Wow I mean he does five anshen I think maybe.
Sam: Yeah I guess we're the real question is are we adjusting for today's inflation or 1994's.
Ash: Okay this isn't fun anymore.
Sam: The producer over here.
Omar: Get tan really quick you know I should.
Bret: Nobody wants your sheep.
Omar: I'm going to say I'm going to say I'm going to say only a little bit over a million.
Ash: Oh oh okay.
Omar: Play it safe cuz I think at the time I thought these things are.
Ash: Do you think Blake Snyder actually added it up in the screen.
Omar: The first chapter say the cat is make sure everything is valued exactly as you have it in your script.
Omar: There's no way it's there's no way it's near Amelia it's got to be way more time in a 1. 5.
Ash: Okay.
Pat: What's the question again.
Bret: How much how much money did he spend.
Ash: How much does he actually spend.
Pat: Oh not like cuz I know exactly how much money he has.
Sam: It real world Dollars vs.
Ash: Right but like if you yeah.
Bret: What's the real valuation.
Pat: Like how much would it actually cost for all the things he bought.
Pat: I'm going to say like.
Pat: One and a half million.
Ash: Okay.
Omar: 1. 5 * 1. 5.
Omar: We're doing it we're in we're in Oregon.
Pat: I mean honestly you know what that's my answer I feel very confident yes.
Sam: All right.
Ash: Very confident and stealing Omar's answer.
Sam: I guess the question is where are they located.
Bret: Oh I have an answer for this.
Omar: I do I do.
Pat: Hey Brad you haven't answered you haven't answered I'm sorry I spaced yes you said that earlier you have an assistant point someone so someone went on in like type it up.
Ash: Cat stop Googling get off the internet as do the podcast.
Bret: Cat spends like 900f the podcast Googling fit.
Omar: I do have the answer for that I do remember this helps you with your evaluation as you're going through this this child's ass as the day I believe this movie takes place in Indiana.
Ash: Oh okay.
Sam: Okay well then the house probably in 1994 isn't that crazy.
Ash: That's true I thought it was Olay for some reason.
Sam: Play 24 million is is a modest home.
Ash: Always crying.
Sam: Portland is Real by somewhere we can hook you up.
Sam: Physiologist to like 7.
Bret: 7.
Bret: Was I was I was Redfin surfing and saw that there was a lot in Hollywood that had three houses on the lot and it was only going for 500 500 or something or 1. 5.
Sam: It was it was not in Hollywood it was in North Hollywood.
Bret: North Hollywood sorry sorry.
Ash: I'm sorry where these like Shacks.
Bret: Oh yeah it was like further notes the owner has never visited this property we don't know what the house look like or if there's anyone living in them.
Omar: Haunted haunted haunted.
Ash: Oh no no no no no no.
Bret: Do you want to roll the dice on a one and a half million on a property you can't visit before you buy.
Sam: It's three houses one is underground and they paved over it and built another one and then it burnt to the ground in the latest still another one on top of it.
Sam: Half a mil.
Omar: Are you a fan of the film Poltergeist because you're going to be living it like that's life of this listing.
Bret: Headstones but you didn't move the body.
Ash: I've ever told you about that about the spark in my town where it it used to be a cemetery and they converted it into a park and took the headstones not all of them some of them are still there and relocated some of the bodies but apparently there's still 3000 bodies in this park.
Omar: I'm sorry I'm sorry did you say 3000.
Ash: Yep and most of them are under the parking lot for the park.
Ash: My dog is pretty upset about it right now.
Bret: Goodness is like the same finding the bones of the king of England stuff going on over there.
Omar: As you said that the light came on.
Ash: Why do creepy right.
Omar: So.
Sam: Are there.
Ash: Always.
Omar: So we got to move on quick.
Sam: Predictions every we've kind of been talking about it but Skinner succinct predictions.
Ash: I feel like Brett you go first because you're breaking optimism for once and I want to hear it I want to hear it.
Bret: What is this for what when why have I been branded a Debbie Downer of the f****** podcast.
Ash: Go back and listen.
Ash: Itsfunneh.
Sam: Literally the only one that goes back and listen he's the only one.
Pat: Like most of them I think.
Bret: This is going to be a God I don't know I actually think it's probably going to be pretty boring but conceptually it's going to be just Buckwild and I have a feeling my guess is they're going to end up with a Stephen King syndrome movie where it's going to be much more fun to remember than it was to watch.
Ash: That's probably but I mean that rings so true I feel like with my spirits of the Phelps like I remember it but I don't remember it.
Bret: That's it that's my whole rap.
Ash: Sam.
Sam: So in my childhood memory this is a TV movie like Disney TV movie status of like what was that roller skating movie and legs.
Omar: Play Luck of the Irish Alley Cats strike that kind of sinon.
Ash: Zidane for sure.
Sam: Yes yes yes the one where the kid turns into yeah Xenon the one where kid turns into a mermaid and like you know so I'm expecting bad quality and we already know it's low budget but I think it will be very nostalgic for me so I'm very excited to watch it I think it will fall in the way of Surf Ninjas of being like objectively not a great movie but super fun to watch.
Ash: What was the roller coaster.
Pat: Read lightly.
Sam: Yeah that's my prediction not a great movie but fun to watch.
Ash: I wish we had had over on for that one source than just because Omar what a fun treat that film would be for you.
Sam: I will I will say I think it'll be slightly more logical than Surf Ninjas but only just.
Ash: So my what about you because you see me too I think remember the most about this phone out of everyone.
Omar: It has haunted me.
Omar: Prediction / what I remember I think it's the premise doesn't make sense.
Omar: And the like the initiating incidents of this movie.
Omar: If I recall like that was the main reason it stuck with me was like how did this happen.
Omar: So I'm going to put on the table I'm I predict I'm still going to be confused by the how it happens but if it actually makes sense as an adult I will apologize on microphone but the one with the Positive prediction as I could throw for it because this is a new thing a kind of discovered I think it started with gold knife for me in every watch a gold mine a few years back I think this is going to have a banger of a soundtrack because I feel like 90s movies had great soundtracks but we were too until like orchestral orchestral soundtracks that we weren't into just like two people with keyboards like cranking out entire soundtrack so I want to say I'm going to be keeping an ear out for the soundtrack and that's my prediction is working to walk away be like why don't we talk about the soundtrack of blank check and that'll be to the world in the year.
Sam: That is a great prediction and not a thing I even thought to consider so you've given me New Hope and perspective for this movie.
Ash: Who composed the film do we know what's like I'm going to look at you go.
Sam: Nobody will ever know it's unknowable information.
Ash: We don't have any way of checking that.
Pat: I'm out of new ideas I'm just I'm just I'm just riding coattails tonight I was running Omar's coattails on the one of the money game predictions I'm going to ride Sam's Club tails for the predictions were like.
Pat: I'm going to be fun and not boring but I like it's not going to be going to be like a good piece of art or so it's going to be 90s like Ridiculousness of kid outsmarts grown-ass adults who like.
Pat: Average stretching the credulity of the adults going along with this s*** or buying into it like buying it but I think it will be fun.
Pat: We're going to be bored.
Pat: And it rid of a lot to talk about.
Ash: I am scared because I happened to just I was just double-checking that we could indeed stream this movie earlier today and happened to see.
Ash: Because it's just you Google the name of the movie that's right there at the Rotten Tomatoes score for this so I'm almost scared guys.
Sam: No they've been wrong before.
Ash: Yeah I will keep it to myself till afterwards but I will say I remember as a child liking this movie but I don't remember much about it I think it's going to be bananas and like Omar said I do not think that the plot of this movie will make any sense like logistically speaking like who lets a child cash a check for $1000000 I don't know this is ridiculous.
Pat: Okay no it's explained in the movie.
Ash: Oh okay okay okay.
Ash: But I think I am definitely going to grab a beverage and I think this will be a fun movie to watch while intoxicated so that's my predict.
Bret: At the best guess I've heard all night.
Sam: Yeah that is a great guess.
Sam: Partake.
Ash: Oh I'm sorry Sam.
Bret: But let's pause the recording and do and watch 95 minutes of blank check and I'll see you guys in a bit.
Pat: That's in that Pantheon of 90s movies of them using whenever something was from some kind of like decadent self-indulgent montage.
Pat: Whether it's like clothes trying on fancy clothes Montage shopping spree montage.
Ash: Wait wait was that song actually in this movie I can't even.
Sam: Oh my God.
Pat: Borderline sexual assault Montage like in biodome.
Bret: Yeah biodome it was in biodome is it at is it controversial for me to say that it's one of the worst songs ever made it smile is probably my least favorite of the.
Sam: Cyndi Lauper fan.
Ash: It's right up there with Girls Just Want to Have Fun girls just cuz apparently we don't care about anything else.
Pat: Cyndi Lauper rules.
Ash: Listen I like Cyndi Lauper but that song sucks.
Pat: I love her accent.
Bret: After that song was like I don't want to have fun.
Omar: I love I love that cat or argument to be completely honest with you I love you I'm just like you know actually Cindy.
Ash: Let me see you down Cindy Cindy have some news for you.
Pat: Isn't there a.
Omar: I was I was with you on primitive I was with you when I Drove All Night.
Ash: Send it.
Omar: But I got to put my foot down.
Pat: Is there a store that that that that song was written to be kind of like dismissive of women by like a dude but she took it and it's like.
Pat: Anthem.
Pat: Like like they're not serious they just want to have fun like.
Sam: You know I kind of love that take on it like a feminist take of like you put all this pressure on women to be like perfect and to hold all these responsibilities and let you know the perfectly feminine.
Ash: Is podcasting social weird turn.
Bret: You think about it you're at right you're.
Pat: To be fair I f****** warned y'all in the first half.
Ash: What's true you did.
Ash: Buy child.
Pat: Who You Are.
Bret: You're a hard-working lady you work your whole life to become in on top of your top of your class or whatever you train hard to join the FBI and then Aerie careers derailed by 11 year old boy with pouting lips.
Pat: Oh my God I have notes.
Ash: Okay wait there's two things that we have to get out of the way first number one there's a lot of things we need to get out of the way but number one Brett that product placement was definitely placed well cuz there was no way you can avoid that and never to Omar I'm so sorry about the soundtrack.
Sam: Yeah.
Ash: Oh my God what a disaster.
Omar: I didn't know that it would be Ferris Bueller asked and end heavy emphasis on the esk suffix.
Ash: And then you do of course the other thing we have to get out of the way as the horrible treatment of women throughout the entire film.
Bret: Yeah absolutely.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Pat: I'm going to make a note is of a song that cuz you know I want candy which I'm honestly done this movie did not use was the I want money song the best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds-and-bees I want money how is that not a rent how is there not a rendition of that.
Ash: Oh my God good question when did that song come out.
Sam: 80s.
Ash: Maybe that's on well then I don't know.
Sam: It is cuz this movie wasn't cool enough to use that song.
Pat: I mean the best I mean what what year was Empire Records of the year before this day or two did that mean that was the best use of that song ever in a movie or after.
Ash: Let me tell you though as.
Ash: As a fan of save the cat it is so heartbreaking to see.
Ash: My hero objectify women so hardcore.
Bret: So what was the state of the Catwoman I was wondering.
Sam: I'm telling you the save the cat moment was not for the child it was for the driver when the driver bought him is ice cream sundae thing for his birthday.
Ash: At the end of the movie that's not when that beat is supposed to happen.
Sam: You know I didn't write the book.
Bret: All the way at the end.
Pat: Can we get likes for likes people. I think that's 30 second download on the concept of say the cat.
Ash: Okay so I feel like I've pitched it several times but save the cat is a very good screenwriting book it's basically like if you're brand-new to screenwriting and it's intimidating I highly recommend you check out save the cat it's a good place to start he breaks down like the Beats of each film the different types of genres and by genres I mean he breaks it down into story genres not necessarily like drama or whatever like he actually breaks it down into like no this is the Buddy film or this is the Golden Fleece film where they're like trying to get this like mythical thing so anyways it's a really great but they are fantastic books and yeah so it's I mean from Abbey perspective this film hit all the beats.
Omar: 7 yeah.
Sam: White sound harsh but like isn't that surprising that the guy that wrote the book on how to tell a story are we that shocked that his movie is like freaking trite and like formulaic.
Pat: Speak it real quick on the scene the end does anyone here know where I can get a little literal trash can full of ice cream.
Bret: That's.
Pat: That is a plastic trash can better than garbage can you buy at Walmart.
Sam: No it's a tub.
Ash: Actually I think that's like a tub that's like a tub for chefs use it and in cooking and kitchens for batch processing.
Ash: Yeah I know totally it was not ice cream.
Omar: That was that was phone though right cuz that really stress me out until I was like this has to be a prop my brain is like I can't believe they waste all this ice cream then I was like carefully watching it was like Hey hasn't put the spoon in it okay this is fine.
Ash: Yeah yeah totally 1000ndred percent.
Sam: You know like the Thrifty Ice Cream you know if like Rite Aid it's like a dollar a tub.
Ash: Oh my God right.
Sam: So it's not.
Bret: Yeah I know they were saying.
Ash: It's maybe 20 bucks of ice cream.
Sam: Max.
Bret: They were saying that I read up on it once it was like when they buy in bulk like places like that pay about $0. 10 a gallon for ice cream.
Ash: Tense of the gallon.
Sam: But those tabs are multiple gallons they're going to be like 5 gallon.
Ash: But the thing is is that didn't look like I would like a tub of this flavored ice cream that looks like they literally made him an ice cream sundae in the biggest container they had.
Pat: They said they get it right that's like they're blending flavors and stuff.
Bret: The time I went to Jamba Juice and asked for a smoothie with every flavor of ice cream and they got real mad at me cuz didn't fit in the cup.
Ash: Wasn't it like.
Sam: Really like pissing people off.
Pat: Like pasta.
Ash: What was Ben & Jerry's had like the gigantic Sunday thing that we ordered ones that was like 32 or whatever scoops of ice cream or something absurd and even.
Sam: Kaiser Baskin-Robbins.
Ash: Ben & Jerry's an even split between like five people I still felt unwell.
Pat: Does Ben & Jerry's have physical locations.
Ash: We did yeah.
Pat: I thought I was just.
Sam: Used to be one here in Portland but I think it is gone now.
Ash: I mean who knows now in the world.
Pat: I never do that I've always known as like.
Bret: There's something special about just an unconscionable amount I scream you know.
Omar: Yes it's stressful amount of ice cream.
Pat: No yeah I'd stressful the great word for it no more thank you because I I love all kinds of food I have a Savory in a salty and Sweet Tooth I love everything I love it all and I like it but I always get like I'd like chocolate just fine but I'm not really into getting this with you this time but I do go to those places before you go act like a parlor can ice cream shop or parlor in the size of my do people really eat that much.
Ash: Popehat opatz.
Sam: Yeah.
Pat: The sizes like.
Pat: Oh my God that's so much ice cream.
Ash: We haven't been in the same room with ice cream have way I could eat a ton of.
Omar: You are cuz you are racing the clock that's I think the thing or you're just like you get that much and you're just like this is this expiration date is today this expiration date is in 7 minutes like I got.
Pat: Eating ice cream on a couch like two nights ago so much faster than I want to.
Sam: Yes.
Ash: You should get a Hydro Flask cup which they do make I have one right here and then put your ice cream in that and it'll keep it cold.
Pat: What is two vertical the physics are all wrong you can't poop.
Pat: Then he got a tip it but then you got to like we got to use the turn it 90 degrees.
Ash: Do not understand how spoons work you can get a spoon in a cup I always eat ice cream when it works it works.
Bret: Ash Ash over here spoon splainin.
Omar: I love I I really appreciate that we are exploring Frugal answers to Life's problems with a movie that has that does not do that.
Ash: So much there's so many things logically that don't make sense of this film.
Pat: I wasn't supposed to put us out of our misery and tell us how much she actually would have cost for all that s*** but.
Ash: How much did he actually you spend and then we'll talk about all the logical inconsistencies in Lewisville.
Bret: So here's here's the things you guys are going to flip because the adjusted for today's value dollar amount that they spent the movie was 1 and 1/2 million dollars.
Bret: Nail on the head.
Pat: I buy a.
Omar: I-5.
Ash: Omar and that but what was the second justed what was the actual in the time.
Pat: What was the actual amor.
Ash: Fence guys.
Ash: Wow.
Bret: They said that they got an actually got pretty close it was like almost a million like it was because.
Pat: Really I feel like that.
Ash: Does that count the money that people have like stolen out of the backpacks throughout the film as well.
Sam: Oh my God.
Pat: Depends on The Slide Man.
Bret: It's just like how expensive do you think a water slide is you know like that's that's probably the fanciest thing he got except for the house.
Pat: Virtual reality system in 1994.
Ash: Yeah come on.
Pat: All those TVs electronic perspective as f*** in the 90s.
Bret: That was a thing like people there is there is the system was it one of them was like a thing you put on Virtual Boy.
Pat: But they're expensive.
Omar: Yes.
Pat: Thousands of dollars.
Bret: 1000000.
Pat: Coastal wall of TVs.
Ash: The house was almost half of his money though he said 300 Grand plus closing costs.
Bret: Can you pay double with a house was worth because ain't nobody want to live in Indiana.
Sam: Closing costs in fat but yeah.
Sam: Yeah that was not a smart investment.
Omar: Realizing.
Pat: I guarantee you though. A house that size with a pool is not even $300000 is under Valley like if it's in like.
Bret: Cuz it's not.
Sam: Call for today's dollars but for 1994 is dollars in Indiana.
Omar: You know what you're right it was.
Ash: But it's a buyer's market patso.
Bret: It's not even adjusted for inflation it's like house inflation is way more than dollar inflation Like Houses I had $1000000 house now was like a hundred and twenty Grand in the in the 90s.
Ash: Bat.
Omar: I'm so mad at that knowledge that I have now yes because I'm like you know what someone should have given me a $100000 when I was a child and then like buy a house I know it's ridiculous for me but it's going to be cheaper than giving you a million dollars to buy a house so here you go child this is your house and you'll get it later.
Omar: Oh.
Sam: I would like to know what notary allowed for the title transfer of that house without the person there.
Ash: Write without seeing a human being.
Omar: Can you can you buy a house in cash like no escrow like can you just walk up and be like here's the suitcase going to have house now and then go yeah for sure.
Sam: I mean you can't literally hand over that much cash.
Bret: Cheezburger cat can Haz house.
Pat: The whole thing.
Sam: Yes it's it's it's literally illegal to just walk around with that much cash in the United States that's not what.
Bret: It literally is.
Sam: Yes yeah it is.
Sam: Drug Money.
Sam: Catharism.
Ash: It's not like there's a law that says you cannot have really.
Sam: Yes.
Bret: Like basically nobody nobody walks around with that amount of money unless they're doing something illegal with it and if you are stopped by the police yeah no there is it's not it's not a law that you can't have the money but its 100 0. 000000e+00gal that if you are if you just come across the police officer and they noticed that you have that amount of money on you they can confiscate it because just having it is probable cause that you were you doing something illegal.
Pat: Exigent circumstances.
Ash: That's f***** up band.
Sam: Definitely don't travel with it yeah.
Bret: It's a really low number to isn't it like $15000 or something.
Pat: I know coming into the US.
Ash: No come on.
Sam: No I think it's like 50 or a hundred thousand I think I care I don't know the exact number.
Bret: There's an amount of money that you can have on your person where it's just like you bet you should probably not have that on your person.
Sam: It is certainly less than a billion dollars I can assure you that but yeah.
Pat: 10000 Imani have to declare if you're coming through like custom.
Bret: That's it that's the airport number.
Omar: Who is child was riding I mean I know this is probably the smallest of all details will discuss about this film but this child was biking around as a felony like he was just like a biking felony like that person who finds the backpack at the park was like this is illegal like that was his reaction we're all like you money but he was probably like this can't be this is this I have to inform the authorities.
Ash: I hate to burst your bubble but I just Googled it and it's an urban legend that's not true you can carry any amount of money you want in the US.
Bret: Or you can carry it it's just a few.
Pat: No no it's not illegal no it's not technically what he's saying is it's like it's not a law saying you're not allowed to walk around with it saying police can make a case and have it be held up in court that just a fact that you have a certain amount of money is suspicious.
Sam: And they can take your money from you.
Bret: Yeah it's not it's not actively legal it's just it won't be illegal if they take the money from you.
Pat: They will civil forfeiture the f*** out of it.
Sam: I did I did say literally illegal and that was hyperbole.
Bret: Absolutely not go away.
Ash: Okay but bike real question though is like can you fit $1000000 in small bills in a backpack and I think know yeah right.
Pat: I mean they were small bills they were regular size bills he asked for that.
Ash: Yes they were he specifically asked for and the guy was handing it.
Pat: Joke ass big belly like no regular it's a joke from the movie.
Ash: But the money he was handing him was in fives they were $5 bills.
Sam: They were hungry.
Pat: It's so heavy.
Pat: Well know it was a.
Omar: That's so much but if you're if you're if you're stressing yourself to do the math all you got to do is say if they were $1 bills it would be a million $1 bills and it wasn't a million $1 bills but it was just the next one up that's possible aside from two dollar bills so it was the next increment that's how much the one that's too much it's right next to that it's still too much that's how much cash bicycle.
Pat: If it was a hun if they were $100 bills that is 22 lbs not much.
Pat: 100 dollar bills.
Sam: Stacks of hundreds.
Ash: 92 pounds well in a million but what if they were like we only we only ever saw like five we saw its bunnies at one point he had two hundreds right cuz he gave her 200.
Pat: I think they're all 5100 so cuz he does it again going back to like it's played for a joke in the movie.
Ash: No I legitimately saw a fives when he was like okay and shuffling them out of the thing they were five.
Ash: Oh my God there's no way that fits in a backpack.
Bret: Alright here's here's amore amore graspable number if they were $5 bills he was carrying around 80 reams of paper.
Pat: No but I'm saying biederman said are Big Bill's okay like big comes in he like thought he was making a joke when he's like no just normal ones so he is giving him big built it goes into 5 of a 50 I'm saying maybe they will you see but like.
Bret: Let's say they were 20s that's still 20 reams of paper.
Sam: What about a hundred how many rings.
Ash: I don't think biederman thought he was Satan joke I thought he was like oh okay normal as in fives tens twenties you know.
Pat: Like physical size of the bills.
Sam: No heat yet they were making a joke about like like you know yeah yes.
Bret: I still don't think you could have carried around any amount of money cuz even if they were $100 bills that's for reams of paper and that's that's one of these.
Ash: Or Raines isn't that bad though.
Pat: 22 lb.
Bret: 1 2 3 4.
Sam: You could no no for Reams is not that bad no that is so wrong Arenas this big.
Pat: No it's 22 lb.
Bret: This is good podcast audio cuz I'm doing measurements with my hands.
Sam: It's less than a foot.
Pat: No don't like physical sizes of its 22 pounds.
Ash: This is not the thing I thought we would be arguing about.
Bret: We're getting there.
Pat: Or working up to the.
Pat: Oh my God.
Sam: Oh my God.
Omar: We're working working so hard not to talk about the FBI or working so hard.
Ash: Oh yeah Yello.
Pat: Cuz I was like we're working so hard to avoid talking about the most inappropriate.
Sam: Before we get into qanon I would like to know who or what they think offered 3. 45.
Bret: That was a thing.
Ash: Oh yeah that kid.
Pat: Magistrates from attire.
Ash: This movie.
Sam: Oh my God I'm pissed you just have a savings account with 3 0ke.
Ash: Well maybe he was going to buy like a CD or something.
Omar: Can I ask this question.
Ash: Yeah.
Ash: What.
Omar: Okay a man tough luck getting the check for 11 bucks now I'm realizing it and you can't even open the account that's capitalism right but second of all have any of you ever gotten a toaster for opening an account cuz I know it's like a thing cuz Eerie Indiana makes a joke about it too but like.
Omar: When you open an account you get a toaster and I've never gotten a toaster for any account that I've ever open.
Ash: No I've never gotten toaster.
Pat: I've only know what is a Trope I only know it is like a cliche or a Trope in things that you get a toaster.
Bret: There are some places there are some wacky giveaways I feel like the more common one nowadays is like they'll give you a hundred bucks if you deposit a thousand or something but like I was some movie I was watching they were giving away like you got a gun if you open an account.
Sam: Wasn't that like a.
Ash: Acceptable.
Omar: Always getting big fish.
Omar: I want a toaster I have one but just on the principle of the matter.
Ash: You just want a free I did get I did get us stuff.
Ash: Horse Stuffed Animal when Wells Fargo literally forced me against my will to open an account.
Sam: No they did that to you too.
Ash: Yes they.
Bret: They got so sued for that later.
Sam: Yeah yeah.
Ash: They literally made me late to class and I was like no I don't want to open account and they made me go sit in an office with like whoever the head manager was enforced there like don't you want this horse stuffed animals like do I look like I'm five know this or stuffed animal and.
Sam: Was it right around 2000 like 8 or 9.
Ash: Probably yeah.
Bret: Big big trouble for that.
Ash: I was a student to.
Sam: Yeah they did that they did that to me too I like was on I was at work and I had to deposit money and get change for the cash register and the banker took me aside just like I'll help you over here I'm like okay and she's like what type of account do you have I go I'm a student this is for work and she's like oh well you're going to graduate soon you need to upgrade to a regular account and I was like oh it doesn't just roll over like no and then I got charged $30 literally the next week.
Ash: Oh my God the worst.
Sam: And I went back in I was like what the hell it told me this was free and they were just like oh we'll fix it and then it magically went back to a student account they knew what they were doing.
Bret: Wells Fargo Soros.
Ash: Yeah.
Ash: Do you want the brown one or the white one.
Omar: It is so funny that they offered you a stuffed horse that is hilarious to me they're like we're going to or going to open another bank account and we're going to transfer in this is money in this is adult talk by the way could I offer you a little plushie horsey anyway we got to make sure that the money stick.
Omar: Let's hope it's not like.
Bret: Distracting a small child while you steal all their money like me.
Omar: Right.
Ash: It's like going to a restaurant and the restaurant being like he wanted toy with your meal adult human being or like like a happy wheel no.
Omar: Right so you want some crayons.
Ash: No.
Sam: Tasya van full of candy Outback.
Ash: Yeah it was the worst.
Omar: It's the same energy it's hilarious that's really buddy biscuit so he gets a check that is a blank check which is which is established on my page 10 I think of the script then because it's Grandma's check and either the rules that a blank check you can run number into yes.
Ash: Right they did lay down the rules and set it up.
Pat: Is Calvin Easter egg because it's also the title of the movie still alive.
Ash: Is that an Easter egg.
Omar: When he said there's a little flourish.
Bret: I didn't catch that.
Omar: It's some kind of blank check.
Sam: I was okay so these in my head it was blank check you know is like the queen screen.
Ash: What were you thinking.
Bret: Sam routinely thanks in French.
Ash: Oh okay yeah.
Omar: Disney's carte blanche.
Omar: He has a printer that prints checks.
Ash: Okay thank you because like who does that who prints on a check that's so weird.
Sam: I don't know I'd you ever try to just.
Pat: Having to make it look like like officials of course like using 12 year old kid handwriting.
Ash: I mean true like I get it from 12 year old kids sets but like I've never done that.
Sam: Also what you know how hard it would be to line that up have you ever tried to print on a template like he only had one shot and you didn't even put a test print through like cheese.
Pat: I think he just got out he practiced you have blank pieces of paper.
Ash: Listen but we've established that he's a tech wizard he's a tech wizard apparently she knows everything about technology.
Bret: He is mr. Macintosh.
Omar: He is he is the nedry of this movie.
Ash: No please do.
Ash: Defraud.
Omar: Keto queso okay listen I don't mean to get so hung up on this check printer but I was just thinking about product placement cuz I clearly this is a movie where like these are fun things kids want and you do get that later soda left brain right brain that kind of stuff but like this specific machine is a one printer that must have been part of some Apple Macintosh business Suites or something and it just prints checks like it's only big enough to print checks and maybe envelopes and it's in a kids movie was the thought that they were like hey parents you have to watch this movie with your kids look at the school printer this child will use YouTube rocket to use to print on your checks and to get money it's a hard argument to make as product placement cuz.
Omar: It distracted me for a good 5 minutes or it's like who what.
Pat: They're just hoping that the kids will ask their parents to buy them computers in the parents went to the movie.
Ash: Yeah.
Omar: That's it you're 100 orrect.
Ash: Speaking of parents worst parents ever right.
Sam: Oh my God.
Pat: They're so but that's what was my first note is like.
Pat: Just thought of my 10 or 12 year old kid working for an adult and then their work which is suspect as f*** without meeting them and then the fact the nature of your work is you're basically like playing and stuff.
Pat: That's like that's some Michael Jackson s*** we need to be I need to meet this person.
Ash: Wasn't the same dad from pagemaster because it's sure fiction felt like it I'm going to check I don't know.
Sam: Bat.
Bret: It wasn't but yeah so that's it that's for sure like there is no but your kid is 11 years old what is he doing for this rich person aside from taking those clothes off when he gets over there like.
Sam: Yeah it's not a safe situation this kid is never safe from sexual predators.
Ash: No.
Bret: No this is a movie that kissing thing is every single person in this movie was really really bad at doing their job every single person the parents the bank teller the guy that runs the bank the criminal guy FBI nobody nobody.
Bret: I can figure it out anything that the kid was mr. McIntosh except the driver who when he saw the kid with a bag of money was just like you know what this is better than my regular Tuesday.
Omar: Yes MVP you're right.
Ash: Him and download are the best parts of this movie.
Pat: The best so you drove me nuts as a kid is in the beginning when his brother still has money and likewise just tell your dad he's right there to say that that's my jar money they're taking it like why do you never say it like.
Omar: Yes.
Pat: Yeah they're very bad parents.
Ash: The kid comes home almost hit by a vehicle and they crowned him he's almost crushed by a car.
Ash: Are the warriors.
Omar: These parents are like trauma never heard of it like that's their approach to Parenting like I was hit by a car and that's why you're bad at money.
Pat: His dad is such a sad like.
Pat: Casualty of like the cult of capitalism two or three okay they're in Suburbia but they're not like rolling in it but he f****** just worships like the dollar but at the same time it's not like you're you're not like super wealthy either my dude so I don't know it's just.
Ash: Yeah.
Omar: Can I just say that's a that's a great point this week great Point Practice What You Preach sir but can I just can I just say I think this father I respect him for changing at the end and for stepping up but I think he learned the wrong lesson cuz he goes he's missing out in his childhood and I think I am too and I was like that's literally not the problem the problem is you're a bad dad like you are there you're experiencing it you're making his childhood bad like the don't show up more just show up right.
Bret: But also the kid had a job for 6 days like.
Bret: What was he missing out on.
Omar: Oh my God.
Ash: It's just the way that he even says like what am I doing wrong and the wife's like I don't know like what do you mean you don't know.
Omar: Yes.
Omar: What's his canonically during the school year.
Pat: No summer.
Ash: Okay I had that question cuz keep does he not go to school what is happening.
Sam: It had to happen in the summer.
Ash: Never explain though.
Omar: Had to be right.
Bret: What date he was like why aren't you at school.
Pat: We'll cuz like his brothers are so are trying to set up a business and stuff.
Sam: Yeah it had to happen summer.
Ash: You can only do that in the summer.
Omar: Okay for the sake of our sanity let's say summer just for us cuz otherwise it's going to get really difficult.
Sam: I feel.
Pat: It also makes the line that only juice lineups and you'll be in school like funny or cuz he doesn't know may I don't recollect kids like I don't fucken do kids go to school like it's like July 1st news like.
Omar: He is so insistent on it though he mentioned it I think twice or he's just like know you you should be in school like that. I wasn't joking.
Pat: We're going to drop you off.
Ash: Haha does any comments on that like when they go to the park and there's like kids everywhere too and he's like we're all these kids doing.
Omar: It's an ongoing thing.
Ash: Hey as an adult I don't know when school starts I'm always like f*** if I know is it summer.
Pat: End.
Ash: You're so mean.
Ash: Which know your place.
Pat: The adulterer terrible to him for no reason no reason they're so mean and rude to him starting with the older bank teller lady she's mean as f*** for no reason also urine a serious job facing job like customer-facing job she is not no no that's not what I'm saying.
Bret: Sam Pat damp at.
Pat: No it's not something that's like unrealistic that you just be like like awful like me not the gate that people right it's like no no no I'm not saying that I'm just saying like.
Bret: I can get in David Sedaris overhears Jesus.
Pat: Stop there's the the the gift minder I'll call him who is guarding the present gifts who's a total dick to him.
Omar: Oh my gosh yeah.
Pat: The party lady the party planner who the actress got love her she made some choices she's just like I'ma do this so I can voice and I want to run with it which I feel like I would totally do and we'll be like this and like I'm having a small part in this batshit weird concept family movie having to make a weird talking to us with my voice and just run with it.
Sam: I liked her character even though she was Dumb and irrational like what party planner like only interacts with a child.
Sam: It's true it's true.
Pat: Well that's at recess everybody across the board in this movie is like.
Ash: The moment when her wig got ripped off of her head though.
Omar: That was.
Sam: I was so mad at that.
Ash: What's unnecessary.
Pat: Why is everyone else mad I get what she would be mad cuz she's going to get stiff on this party but if your gas like what do you care like.
Ash: It was just further like horrible portrayal of women like this woman's angry so she rips the other woman's wig off and it was like dude what the f*** man cheese.
Bret: Everyone at the end of the party was f****** not right though like they still took all the presents.
Ash: Oh yeah that's true.
Omar: We took back there for a personal who pooped who bought mr. McIntosh for Essence good news for them the Panthers exist and I know you've never met him because he's not real so who what did you do what gift did you buy be honest.
Omar: I swear I would really really like to know I would genuinely like to know what do you get for the man who has everything / I don't know the man.
Pat: 50.
Sam: Oh my gosh.
Omar: That's true.
Ash: Definitely definitely.
Omar: Angry soaking wet man.
Bret: All they know about mr. McIntosh is he has a particular taste about his staff younger younger children.
Sam: Oh God.
Omar: No one else is really no one else has really staff except for child right.
Bret: Yeah.
Ash: Yeah definitely.
Pat: And Henry's on retainer limo driver.
Ash: Limo driver.
Omar: Great to see you show up every day to this person's house to set up a party and it's just these two and at no point or you just like I'm not investing my own resources into this I've got no deposit I can't do this.
Bret: She had a deposit that's what sold it she walked in and she's like I need to speak to an adult and he was like what about $20000 and I don't need to speak to an adult like.
Omar: That's true you're right you do what you think is apposite okay fault removed.
Ash: Okay but this is not sound business like operation.
Pat: I know but this movie is like Loki Super like like an indictment of capitalism has read I wanted a pet Theory and I have his read on Henry of like I love the thought of Henry like as a good guy who he sees this and he goes you know I'll make a little money I can tell the kids full of s***.
Pat: Two things one a really curious to see where this goes. He's a genuinely good person I feel like is also like you know what I kind of want to hang around to make sure no one like really f*** this kid over though.
Omar: Yes.
Ash: Yeah that was weird.
Bret: He also sat in the car and watched their date and was like you was he like she getting all like like wet in the fountain with this kid and like flirting with him except what.
Pat: So we're going to do this we're going to have this conversation.
Ash: William he's like telling the kid to he's like nice good job like good job kid.
Omar: Yeah you know what.
Pat: I do love the scene with him pumping about for the day though I do Injustice other the fun scene.
Sam: Yeah.
Ash: Hahaha.
Omar: Word word a date with another child it would have been such a cute scene but the fact that now we have to talk about this.
Pat: Okay are we going to okay here we go it's just from from go cuz even before she knows this is a kid of interest in something the first time interactive the bank.
Bret: Do not call him the kid of Interest.
Pat: Prison.
Ash: Oh yeah of being Undercover.
Bret: Is the James Bond theme.
Omar: The first first teachers first he's just the first he's just the $11 kid and he walks in and he's got I've got $11 and she goes like well me a trained Banker which props to her for doing the homework of getting key like going in deep sure did she not change her name correct but she still did her research Nevada character play what you know I guess but she.
Pat: This is before Google and stuff.
Ash: Sure.
Ash: That's true.
Omar: Nothing to fear she put her face on printouts that are available outside the bank she's going in bold in this undercover game so she's she goes in hard and then he comes up and then this is where the issue is I was like as long as it's not weird until he becomes FBI case it's fine but she is like what you come back when you got some more money and I was like no you can't do that you can't I got the comic card.
Ash: I see I felt like I don't know I could see I was like under the perspective of like he's just a cute kid you know like up until the date was like okay this is getting weird.
Omar: Just just just to read back what you just said Ash it wasn't weird until they went on a date and I think I really agree vehement Lee.
Sam: Yeah I didn't I didn't really.
Pat: You guys thought it was weird when a 12 year old and a 30 year old went on a date.
Sam: What about when they negotiated the age of consent at the end of the movie.
Omar: Yeah you talked or down.
Pat: Oh my God I mean the whole that whole endings.
Ash: Yeah that's pretty weird or the actual kiss on the lips they actually kissed on the lips guy.
Bret: Yes.
Pat: I wrote that you asked actually kissed holyshit Dustin could not have been more inappropriate if they had played f****** Boyz II Men I'll make love to you under it.
Bret: Sarah was watching that scene and like just the thing started and she's like who the f*** frames of seem like this oh show a little more skin pouchy lips and she's like looking at me sample look at she looks back at their kid she can she just starts screaming.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Omar: Here's the thing.
Pat: She is the one who should be arrested.
Pat: Yeah and the music.
Omar: Like the thing is I don't think you should tell the I don't think the movie needs that deep of like telling that line but if you did I think you could have a one throw a thing of just like like hey Kitty you'll grow up to be a lady killer one day kid don't worry about it or something like that but instead they're like no let's let's do this is the start of something new like 100 0ke the movie ends with being like this is the beginning of their relationship.
Pat: The music is so f****** romantic on their date and the the fountain thing in the end.
Ash: The Slow Mo shots yeah that was where that was the moment even like in the restaurant I was like okay as an adult is like a little kid asked me on a date and I was just trying to be nice I could you know I could see being like all this is cute you know I'll humor him but then it's really crosses a line with the Romantic like Montage of the fountain.
Omar: You know what I think the line is that really that crosses the line is when it goes how do you feel about burgers and then her delivery is like I love Burgers because that delivery is relief of like thank God can we do the thing I want to do go eat burgers with a child and that's when your like I do.
Ash: And stuck.
Omar: Okay where's your boss was good switch out like let's.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Bret: That she asked a very few questions about mr. McIntosh on that day.
Sam: Yeah yeah.
Omar: These questions on the other hand.
Bret: That's what I'm saying very bad at her job.
Ash: As an FBI agent she's not very good is she she doesn't even know who mr. McIntosh is even at the end of the movie she doesn't know.
Omar: Oh no yes.
Pat: Did I miss did I miss why he became sign up and like tracker down when he does turn 18 in Shelby like married or something and he's totally and he's totally going to like show up on her doorstep 18th birthday with flowers.
Omar: I hate that you're right.
Omar: I hate that you're right.
Pat: And then it turns into like one of those schlocky like woman defends her home from creepy stalker thing.
Bret: I seen that movie.
Ash: Okay this is.
Omar: He made a list of his wants and that I was like the parents need to intervene this is you.
Omar: That's true.
Pat: At least it just said girlfriend and not her name that would have been creepiest Buck if you know the epilogue post-credits post-credit it's his list and it's the five things everything's deleted and it's just che-che-che.
Ash: Stop.
Ash: Omar Omar Omar doing.
Pat: Is he going to drown.
Ash: Dude right he murdered that guy.
Sam: God I I turned to Brett in this Rubio's like I would love to recut a trailer for this as a horror film like what he hits the guy when he hits the guy in that metal cage and I was like it better not go in the pool cuz that guy's dead and then goes in the pool.
Omar: Exact same thought and I was just like you do better save it by showing that it floats and then it cuts to the dead body and I was just like he Gatsby to him like this is.
Sam: Yes.
Omar: He's so lucky that the criminal faked it because for a there was Schrodinger's going to prison for a second you know that was legitimately knocked him into the pool with no Escape we saw the latch was on the outside I don't know how the water magically like the abyss open did the thing to save his life but the child is very lucky that happen.
Pat: He almost did a murder.
Bret: And then all the FBI people show up instantly they were there the whole time we set that up they were there at the beginning of the party.
Ash: They were there but then they like disappeared remember she's like running down the street looking for them and then suddenly they're back where did they go.
Ash: Of course.
Pat: But they totally could have had like an undercover agents in the party too cuz nobody knows who the f*** these people are like he doesn't know that you just going to have the whole crew in the party there.
Bret: Panther jobs.
Pat: Are bad everywhere yes it is a great day or everyone is mad at their jobs in this actually you know what I call her out for not being being kind of rude at the beginning the only person who kind of knows what she's doing at her job is the older bank teller it's kind of like this is suspect I'm getting the owner like.
Ash: Yeah we're like tone tone Loke is also the only person in this field that makes any logical sense where he's like if you want to try I'll just look over there any points of actual trial the only one that seems to be making progress.
Bret: He also got into that batting cage though and that was questionable I don't know how he failed to exit.
Bret: Or the bank.
Bret: He was dancing.
Omar: Could I pitch that at that point he just wanted it to be over cuz I don't think he was getting hit that hard I think he was just like who this one did me in I'm out yeah exactly.
Ash: Kill me please.
Ash: I don't even care anymore.
Pat: I just wanted to make my 50r 10 0. 000000or getting this money and call it a day and God I'm getting pushed into rivers and s***.
Bret: And the at the bank manager got a f****** cyberpunk 2077 today what in the.
Ash: Weight witchfire.
Ash: Yes.
Pat: When you put them in the VR and leg lifts in about I love that chair.
Bret: I just through the headset on him and he started like having a seizure and then got in the chair.
Omar: Yeah it was videodrome yeah.
Ash: Will a complete lack of understanding of how virtual reality works.
Sam: Yeah.
Bret: Test.
Sam: Oh my God I know.
Ash: Some horrifying like a dialogue in this film like I can only imagine Sam jumps through the roof during the skin the cat feed because I was like are you f****** kidding me right now in a kids movie.
Bret: I was laughing a lot of that scene actually.
Sam: Who knows this.
Pat: Name to throw a kid off a roof.
Bret: Say something one way to skin a cat.
Sam: Oh my God and here it is and literal detail and how you doing.
Sam: Oh my oh my God.
Ash: I doubt it.
Omar: I don't know if that I want to know if that was in the script because like it just he's so seamlessly then goes back and it's just like anyway I think it means that you're going to be not have your money.
Ash: Yeah I think.
Omar: I know that I just told you graphically how to murder a cat but really quickly I think that really you should be careful with the money.
Bret: That was some like John Candy's quality ad-lib you know.
Sam: They wanted that buster that limo driver to be John Candy very badly.
Omar: Guy from Home Alone.
Ash: Sure that in the like lying about the horses in front of his car were totally ad-lib absolutely.
Bret: Yeah totally.
Ash: I mean he's he's a lovable guy but he's not John Candy.
Pat: DeWalt he was rap he's passed away.
Omar: Allrecipes.
Pat: So is a couple people him and quickly in the main bad guy.
Bret: An owl who's the brat.
Ash: Way to be a Brett.
Omar: Yeah yeah he he passed away recently didn't he.
Pat: Yeah 2017 or 18.
Omar: Cuz he did Twin Peaks the Revival if I'm not mistaken.
Ash: Yeah.
Omar: Using it yeah it's heat the the driver does like his exit in the film is genuinely great in my opinion I actually felt feelings when he was just like a kid you'll be fine don't worry about it I'm not going to stick around cuz.
Pat: Oh my God.
Omar: This is weird but like I'm going to go and you'll be fine.
Ash: The money's gone and.
Pat: Is dead to the dad.
Pat: Eden 2014.
Ash: Why you got to be a bummer.
Pat: Movies curse.
Omar: I didn't know he passed away.
Pat: Eastern Bank check you died 20 years later.
Omar: Yeah also passed away.
Ash: I mean I don't want to be even more of a bummer but Blake side slider Snyder Blake Snyder the writer is dead as well.
Bret: Where is the second Rider.
Ash: There was a second.
Omar: I wonder how many writers there were on this.
Ash: Two people thought that this was good.
Pat: I'm sure a lot cuz it was so good as we know the more writers the more people involved the better.
Sam: I just I don't understand the plot point.
Sam: Point where you feel bad for the kid is when he mismanaged his account and overspent by $300.
Bret: I know he only had 300 leftover spent by $100.
Sam: No she didn't.
Pat: Well he didn't even have that they're your ass cuz I only had a few dollars so that $3 did not take into account the losses in the park like the random guy taking it.
Ash: Right yeah.
Sam: So yeah he like I feel bad for this kid like f****** sell your house like Cheese's like.
Pat: Right you still got Equity bro.
Sam: I know.
Pat: You own that house free and clear.
Bret: Yeah well that's the thing is all the the house in the stuff he has paid for all of it in cash.
Sam: But I.
Ash: This is the premise of this film.
Omar: Most relatable moment is when the main villain goes you spent a million dollars in 6 days as if as if they're doing a live reading and it just occurred to him he's like wait what did you do.
Ash: Oh man.
Sam: I did have a lot of relatable Millennial moments here though like in the beginning when the kid is talking about like $200 that'll take me a lifetime to save up I like I don't I can't get any money.
Bret: Yeah that that computer think he'll take you 300 thousand.
Omar: Freelance bot.
Ash: This like that seem literally yesterday Bryce and I were looking at houses and I was like can we afford this one piece like let me put it into the calculator and put it in like the interest rate like pulled totally did with the kid did he was like it would take us like five years to save up the down payment I'm like.
Ash: And that's like for the like first homeowners Bank.
Pat: Do you ever encounter them like a major not like a fair that's like traveling for like a legit major permanent.
Pat: Theme park that you pay per ride.
Sam: No.
Bret: So.
Ash: Okay I was going to ask about that I've never seen that except for fairs.
Bret: We we live next to.
Bret: We live next to 1.
Omar: Wait yes Santa Cruz beach boardwalk Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk you have to get tickets token seems like a lot that's going to slow you down cuz you got to know coin coin coin coin 7 go 7 coins.
Pat: $7 to ride a bunter is like a 50 Second Ride.
Sam: I need maybe I just grew up two broke but like.
Sam: Never in a million years would my parents give me 50 f****** bucks to go spend in a day in 1994.
Ash: What are the kids have $50 LOL.
Pat: Aboard the birthday boy little the little shed.
Sam: Yeah everybody else at like.
Omar: Absolutely not.
Sam: I know.
Ash: What was he even doing at his party why was he even invited.
Pat: Maybe maybe like a little things like the school really have to invite everyone in the class.
Sam: Summer.
Ash: No that was not a sake of my school.
Omar: School's Out.
Omar: Schools out rules out.
Pat: Or there was like there was a rule or like a real word you weren't allowed to distribute invitations in school unless you're inviting the whole class.
Omar: Okay.
Bret: Sounds like your school cared about people.
Ash: That still sucks.
Omar: Here's the thing though the letter of the spirit of the laws to stop bullying the letter of the law is like don't invite the Kia to invite everyone but by following the letter of the law that led to betraying the spirit of the law which was allowing them all to bully this child so really it would have been better if they had just not been invited.
Omar: A complex situation there.
Ash: Now you just lawyer that Omar.
Omar: Thank you thank you I have watched three seasons of Daredevil so you know I know a thing or two about litigation.
Sam: Of speaking of the bully kid.
Sam: That was the best f****** insult I've ever heard when the villain guy caught him in the parking lot and was like come here you little personal injury lawyer like just.
Ash: Alright.
Sam: Just died.
Sam: God.
Ash: That was pretty good.
Ash: You know what was so weird.
Omar: That kid was so sharp I laughed I laughed from my stomach when he's like he's been drinking vodka and I don't know why the specificity of it it just put them on the spot so much or he had to reassure that woman music man I don't even drink it all.
Omar: Oh my God.
Ash: I actually like I started this year off witnessing a car accident like the car flipped and I helped the guy climb out the passenger side window it was crazy and there was totally a woman they're going pee smells like alcohol and I was like he almost died can he give him a mini like f*** maybe he is drunk but like maybe give him a minute like he almost died okay.
Bret: Yeah seriously.
Ash: We all almost died his car skid to a hole in front of my car maybe we give each other a minute right now okay you like before we point fingers f***.
Omar: It's not going to go away like it's not it's not like you're catching him in the last 30 seconds of the alcohol they got his breath yeah Sherlock Holmes.
Ash: However though that dude totally then found his Vape picked it up that took.
Omar: Okay well you know the more details like that.
Pat: I mean wouldn't you you need to chill out.
Ash: Yeah it was just an interesting experience all around.
Ash: What abeka.
Omar: Imagine okay I know this is 20/20 so it's like we have to update the story but just imagine like a really terrible car accident and someone just rolls over which happen in this happen real life and I've been witness and involved in car accidents and they're they're terrible not trying to make light of it but someone crawls out and then big before 20/20 just lights a cigarette and goes damn you be like.
Ash: They're like car burst into flames they like walkaway smoking this picture.
Bret: Pinot Noir.
Omar: Robert Rodriguez.
Bret: What's neat about this episode of the podcast though is that if people listening to this on the day it comes out it will no longer be 20/20 this is January 1st welcome to the new year.
Ash: Congratulations we made it we made it.
Ash: I mean hopefully we made it.
Omar: You lucky people yes it's it's it's consider this consider this a blank check of.
Omar: Love yourself for yourself.
Ash: Yes.
Bret: The blank cheque of your life.
Pat: A blank calendar.
Ash: Write yourself a million dollars right now we believe in you you're worth it.
Bret: Try not to spend it all in 6 days.
Omar: The things that haunt me.
Ash: Just don't fall in love with an FBI agent.
Omar: Just really quickly they've got nothing in common I know that Burgers was supposed to be there something in common but I thought that's not enough to be enamored with someone I'm sorry.
Pat: I mean that's like one of the most yeah it's.
Omar: It's like a fiver days of summer start.
Bret: He likes Burgers she likes kids.
Ash: Can we talk about this.
Pat: Feels like I'm partial DeVille.
Bret: How do you make it worse.
Sam: Of course.
Ash: Oh really.
Omar: Okay if if you if you didn't if you didn't just also also that actress went on record as saying she was incredibly uncomfortable with the movie she was just like yeah yes she was like everything.
Ash: What she do it.
Bret: Money.
Omar: That's a great question.
Sam: Because yet 1994 as a woman in Hollywood like.
Ash: Yeah okay.
Bret: Do you want to pay your rent then kiss this child on camera on the lips.
Ash: Markets. The valley Jesus Christ.
Bret: Show some leg.
Ash: No re-watch it.
Omar: If you eat it or do you watch this movie with us and you're like geez you're doing pretty dark we are just observing we're not even if it's.
Ash: Spell realize.
Bret: None of this is hyperbole.
Ash: So it.
Sam: It's literally what was in the movie like.
Ash: Women like trying to like frame of mine like okay if I was a single woman and maybe I wanted a child and I was like this kids so cute but it's definitely gets to a point where like I cannot justify this weird thing was happening anymore.
Sam: No there is nothing that is justifiable and the thing is is like storytelling Wise It's a pretty simple fix you know like don't touch the child.
Pat: That's just Universal are you getting a new flavor.
Ash: Yes I can't believe we have to have this conversation but don't touch the child please.
Ash: Yeah yeah.
Sam: To further sell it but it's like three shots of her being a f****** FBI agent and like talking into a microphone in the bathroom like I'm getting closer to McIntosh like I think I'm on the trail like come on people.
Pat: Give her an actual love interest to like I don't know.
Sam: Sure that yeah.
Ash: It's not like we didn't know that she was an FBI agent before he does we totally new.
Ash: No yeah.
Omar: Okay the first time that I hit it I kind of I got a little clued-in but this wasn't really going to be told from her perspective as a character was when they drove up in a limousine scared the living s*** out of her and her reaction was to laugh and I was like yeah.
Bret: Kid gets a couple of bucks and the first thing he does is f****** catcall a woman from a vehicle.
Ash: Yeah and on top of that she's like wow you already got the $200 let's not even talk about the limousine you're in right now like what.
Sam: And if she knows the bank is embezzling money and that isn't a red flag like.
Ash: No.
Sam: Oh no oh yes.
Ash: Oh no.
Ash: Like Spider-Man.
Bret: Cat.
Omar: Okay here here's okay listen there were a lot of movies in Disney plus recommended additional films to me that word of this vein and Billy Bullock movies worth of kid putting position where kid shouldn't be okay wow this movie is really making it hard to talk about movies let me tell you cuz everything sounds like an innuendo listen what you do with zany that the kid becomes president get to do a bunch of President things in the kid learns that it's important to stay a child and not trying to rush to be an adult because would that comes great responsibility or whatever and that's the story but the way that blank check treated Siri the Middle East and he's like well I'm just a child need you to do this right now we need you to fix this when you do to save the economy and it.
Bret: Can a minor be held responsible for war crimes.
Ash: Hahaha.
Ash: Yes.
Omar: Modestus we were there just like he's like I'm just a child with a Million Dollars near like absolutely now we got to talk embezzlement like.
Ash: Like why does he know about closing costs.
Bret: Just a simple child with a milk.
Pat: Your honor.
Ash: She knows about closing costs and balance sheets and like like savings account interest rates.
Pat: Prospectus.
Ash: This is.
Omar: Does movies on the same tonal level for most of it like Erin Brockovich and that's amazing to me that's a really huge Itchy Butt.
Bret: Somebody like somebody told them you know treat your ear audience like adults like.
Omar: He did and they did.
Ash: That's why the beginning I was like this movie is made for accountants accountants watch this film I'm just like finally something that speaks to me.
Sam: Oh really I think they watch this film and we're pissed.
Bret: Families like YNAB.
Pat: What happens what happens to all the s*** what happens if there's a government on it now they they finish these that shitt.
Sam: Oh yeah the FBI seizes all of it as evidence and that little f***** has to go to court for like years.
Bret: Okay but like this is going to get into my wrap-up because here's the thing about this movie.
Ash: I still have so much to say.
Bret: I did not see the bad guy commits a crime at any point in this movie except for when they kidnap tabouli.
Sam: Except for when he broke out of jail in the beginning.
Pat: Bully the bully.
Ash: He broke out of jail he tried to launder money.
Sam: You tried to throw a kid off a roof.
Ash: Really walking this back you're really walking.
Bret: Okay but we know that the we know that the prison system and the in the criminal justice system is ridiculously flawed we don't know what he did wrong he had $1000000 so he was probably some like f****** white collar like Financial crime that didn't that only hurts by can rich people at so what we got what we got is he sure maybe he's criminally broke out of jail but like who committed the crimes this movie the f****** kid nope the kid is the kid is the bad guy of this movie.
Omar: Okay I have I have two things in addition to say to that one I agree to three things one I agree to thank you.
Sam: Curse all the time.
Omar: Saying that you're speaking on my behalf and three it's not occurring to me that this child got a million dollars and went yeah you know what I don't mean to be a bad role model in cursive but this is just a spirit of it so I have to use the F-word he went f*** my family.
Ash: You can go.
Pat: Oh yeah.
Ash: Can you blame him.
Omar: Just just f*** my family as hard as possible the million dollars is mine I'm buying my house I can give a s*** about my dad my mom their struggles I do that there penny-pinching I don't give a s***.
Ash: Can you blame him they're pretty shity.
Pat: His dad and brothers are dicks his mom his mom has nothing but sweet and nice to have.
Bret: Can you imagine.
Ash: His mom was on board with his brother is invading his space and like she never backed him up.
Pat: Explain what their business was.
Bret: Can you imagine the financial place that this family must have been in where at the dinner where they they were trying to ask the kid about the job or he was definitely being molested what he did there and they're like no you can't go to dinner with your molester and he's like.
Bret: But I was going to tell him about your cool idea to make the family some money and they're like.
Ash: Yeah she did yeah she did.
Sam: Yeah.
Omar: Oh my God.
Bret: I guess you're getting molested son like can you imagine the financial burdens that must have been on his mom jumped out of her chair and was like let me get you a fresh copy of that report like f*** you can save us all some.
Sam: Atlas at this all this is all in the perspective of the fact that it's days before his birthday.
Sam: Not a single ask of like what do you want to do for your birthday was he do nothing.
Sam: Give zero bothers about this child.
Ash: I don't give a s*** about him none of them have absolutely zero Fox.
Pat: Comfortable.
Bret: It's all they could afford.
Omar: Okay this is.
Sam: So does the dad.
Ash: Oh that's uncomfortable the mom talks about her and her father sex life in front of her three children this whole family is uncomfortable.
Bret: The movie opened with a line about that.
Pat: The dad goes Lucky Dog in front of the White House.
Ash: Yeah and then she's like I guess I know which program I need to buy your father for a better sex life and it's like 100k.
Bret: Well when he was installing the computer in the room he's like this computer these programs can teach you anything except how to make love to a woman.
Sam: Like.
Pat: Well actually.
Omar: You know what okay you know what it's okay A Story should go you do a thing you learn a lesson in that the it's supposed to be a thesis and antithesis and then a synthesis right that's the hegelian model of Storytelling so by the end you are in a new place and you learn a new thing imaginiff in Star Wars A New Hope Luke Skywalker is on Tatooine and The Empire Strikes me cuz I'm going to fight the Empire he learns to be a Jedi and he goes into space and he fights the Empire I think at the end of New Hope comes back to Tatooine in the burned-out husk his house and sits down and goes well or anything they're just like any way it is your birthday now and it goes right and I kept a picture of a woman.
Sam: It's possible this movie was a look into the future and was secretly a documentary about the 2008 financial crisis.
Omar: Oh my God.
Bret: A house to a child.
Ash: Yep the bank gave them the money and they shouldn't have.
Sam: They just let somebody buy a house that they can't afford no exactly help everybody values material Goods over personal like relationships and.
Bret: The guy that ran the bank.
Pat: They don't they don't validate like the backing the financial backing to just take the face value.
Bret: Phone call that she was on when we when we first get introduced to him and he's like yeah of course take out the loan at its only $150000 sure you qualify we're golfing Buddies.
Pat: Oh my God.
Sam: Yep I told you it's a documentary on the 2008 financial crisis this movie was.
Omar: If you type that up you will you will wreck letterbox with that review cuz it is so accurate and is so correct.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Pat: Do you think the bankers phone has speaker phone because he did Quigley cutting the cord did not end the call or just didn't hang up the phone.
Ash: TRUE.
Omar: You can cut the phone cord you just cut the thing to the speaker the person is still on the line just waiting.
Omar: That's great.
Ash: So good.
Bret: Do you think the FBI didn't tap his phone.
Omar: Oh my God oh my God no no no you're right that's if that's actually very important question.
Omar: They can have little tiny little lapel microphones and speakers in ear pieces but they can't do their jobs that's crazy that's a great touch.
Omar: I did like the moment where she is jogging and then she jogs over to an FBI van though and I know it's just like a random little film thing but I just love that.
Ash: Like she was undercover jogging as in the middle of the night or another piece of logic that makes no sense.
Omar: Elephants that are only for the audience.
Pat: I think we'll I think do you think they've planted her on the path of the limo.
Bret: Well so she was jogging past Mr mcintosh's House.
Ash: Oh okay okay alright I'll give you that one there's some like horrifying quotes in this movie like we already talked about the what program to get your dad but also like a pocket full of hot wings.
Bret: Line your pockets with Ziploc bags.
Ash: Yes but is it funny.
Bret: It was hilarious all of the best lines in this movie We're from that guy.
Ash: God it's.
Bret: Wet sauce for sure.
Pat: What's worse what sauce hot wings or like a dry rub baked lemon pepper to the get everywhere at the powder with the powder gets everywhere.
Bret: When the sauce is going to stay in one place but.
Pat: Will you stop that out it's like a water-soluble I don't know.
Ash: What.
Omar: I don't want to pull a bag of dry wings out of my pocket so while it is Messier the reward is that much sweeter.
Sam: But but.
Sam: Also.
Ash: The implications are so much worse if you're female and switch what is this red Liquid Smoke.
Bret: The weather of the week.
Sam: Also the more wet your wings the more pocket stuff they're going to collect.
Omar: He just got to really just your pockets are really going to stop up These Wings you know.
Ash: Case keys please wake up or what your.
Bret: Oh my God.
Ash: Play it safe.
Pat: That was a stupid little minty I must have a piece of gum in my pocket.
Ash: Oh no.
Omar: Oh man they just drop the Big Ideas in this moving walk away from the.
Ash: Are you happy to see me now there's just some wings in my pocket.
Omar: Yes I could tell you're dripping with buffalo sauce just completely slathered in hot wing sauce.
Pat: I've actually seen someone take a chicken then and eat it.
Ash: God.
Bret: Arkansas someone Pockets Hot.
Sam: Where they fight.
Sam: Were they hot.
Pat: It was during a it was during football season the beginning like 2 weeks do is.
Ash: That was the only thing that made it okay this was in college.
Pat: Do you get there like a few weeks earlier before when school starts right cuz they all these practices and s*** cuz like the seasons in full swing but then school starts but you literally like your job you do football-shaped 12 hours a day sweet dinner.
Pat: Can you get a bunch of stuff and you use much as you can and then put a bunch of chicken dinners in his pocket cuz we had a meeting over plays and stuff and I just looked over and I just see him pull out of chicken.
Pat: Better.
Omar: Oh no.
Ash: You know what I've come around on this and we need to write this into a.
Omar: Wings of Glory.
Pat: It was unsauced.
Sam: There's there's our answer.
Omar: Sabrina does start to answer questions.
Sam: Yeah there's our answer we've come full circle.
Bret: The pants were absorbing.
Sam: Know the correct answer is dry rub wings.
Ash: There's no no.
Bret: I thought they came out in Saskatoon wipe them off.
Pat: No they just wish they were never saw.
Ash: #.
Omar: The driver died think the.
Omar: Caesar sauce with tenders that were pulled out of the pockets.
Omar: Just a chill okay with the chill of pocketing the tenders is definitely like a first way reaction but the chill of them pulling them out at a post dinner meeting is another layer of like badassery where it's this real quick I hope you don't mind.
Ash: I love that he was so confident in who he is a person that he didn't care what people thought.
Ash: The child yeah.
Ash: Yes.
Omar: I do like I do like that advice that the driver does give though because he's not treating the child Mandalorian he's not he's not treating I wouldn't know what I'm I would love some of the new fanart of blank check but in the style of the drivers the Mandalorian and the child is a child.
Pat: Oh my God yes.
Ash: No yeah.
Sam: Yeah.
Omar: I don't think I would want it but I would pay for it I I do appreciate him being like his advice to him is always from like a working-class man's perspective or he's just like yeah you know what I do I go to the buffet at the wings don't don't be ashamed of where you are and you know whatever that was good I feel like he made the child better he was a good parent.
Omar: More so than the parents.
Ash: He was the parent the kid needed yeah.
Sam: I mean what.
Omar: Use encouraging in nice.
Sam: What a Sad materialistic family like.
Sam: Omigosh it's depressing like.
Ash: Adam and clearly they're broke because they're so but realistic.
Omar: Yeah.
Omar: Oh my God.
Ash: Is he doesn't really have friends.
Sam: I don't think that they're like financially well-off they just like their values are literally only on things and then it makes such a sad story when you see like this kid he's so unhappy and it doesn't know why it doesn't understand so he gets money so the first thing he does or the only thing he does is buy stuff for himself he or she could have but put that money and like taking all of his friends to the park that he went to you know if bought them all right so he could have bought his way into friendship but no they Keys learned from his family that the way to happiness is to buy things not to be around people not to like be like not to have friend it's to buy things like it's actually a very depressing story when you think of it that perspective none she doesn't even attempt to get a friend.
Pat: Is no friends there are no there's no interactions with his parents aren't about work or money and you see it is having a negative effect on him he get the card from his grandma he is supposed to be played off for a laugh but he shakes at the check and throws the card away without even looking at it like.
Ash: So you didn't you didn't do that as a child.
Sam: No.
Pat: No actually know my parents were like no nut Honestly though probably with my parents were pretty good about being like no look at the card like.
Ash: 100.
Ash: Was this the Great Gatsby but told from a child.
Sam: Yes I was going to say if they do a safe definitely try to walk that line of him being Gatsby like up in his office alone while the party's going but.
Ash: I love that moment we're like the the limo driver has to like go hang out with other friends or whatever and he's trying to play all the games by himself and he's like all sad cuz he know he's realizing the material things aren't equivalent to friendship which a point that didn't really quite come back in the end but yeah a nice moment.
Omar: When you throw a boomerang that doesn't come back and it's just a stick it's kind of one of those things.
Sam: Yeah yeah yeah.
Ash: Yeah yeah.
Pat: It was a weird choice that he didn't have like a best friend.
Ash: He has no friends.
Pat: Normally these movies he would have like a best friend would have gone adventures with him but yeah I work for the guy and then like.
Pat: I know his friend me like I knew you didn't but you're my friend and I had a fight or something.
Bret: I was a best friend.
Ash: Play the kid in the Spider-Man that's like he's Spider-Man but I'm not going to tell anyone I don't know why I bring up Spider-Man so much but.
Bret: There was a best friend in the original cut but the FBI agent refused to kiss to kids.
Ash: Oh no.
Sam: Icky icky icky icky.
Omar: There's a moment when like one of the childless the the the personal injury child the other little Jedi comes by and it's just okay and then instantly our main characters like kick him out.
Omar: And that's was a moment where it was like okay so you know I'm I know this wasn't the best human being that you've ever come across and he was a jerk but like in a way he was sort of reaching out for a connection and you instantly shut it off so listen Howard Hughes like calm down a bit like you got to do this to yourself at this point like you're choosing this life so.
Omar: Interesting.
Bret: Also that kid was except for the birthday party scene alone and basically stalking him the entire movie like I think that what he like he was he was really trying to be this kids best friend and was just like if we got the one bad glimpse of him like dunking on him at the birthday party but he was actually trying really hard to reach out and like it just wasn't working.
Ash: What I was thinking.
Pat: He's got the opposite Homelife his parents throw money at them and totally just literally don't interact with him or not around at all.
Ash: Liquid when he gets hit by the car that kids like totally looking out for him and he's like I think it's more money than this like he's just trying to get the kid more money and I was like who seems uncharacteristic seems like you like him.
Omar: Yeah.
Pat: Feelings.
Bret: There's so much more in this movie then.
Ash: Yeah right.
Omar: I love the we got seven trailers to cut tonight I hope that you rock coffee for everybody because we can't sleep till these are dub that's amazing ceiling the Grandma's check and writing off as like a way to be like come get me easily cute is like your friend.
Omar: Amazing store Northborough.
Omar: Yeah yeah.
Ash: He could have been like the South Park or I mean the The Simpsons kid just been like like Road away.
Omar: I will see that the villain of the piece did not learn his lesson about hitting people with cars because right after he runs over bicycle he almost hit us the Audience by backing up into the camera and I took offense to that on a personal level.
Ash: I'm glad that you brought up stuff like that though because there are some batshit wild.
Ash: Locking inconsistencies that are 100 aused by editing in this movie.
Ash: Like the kid runs out of the bank or whatever and then we cut to like a white shot of him again exiting the bank like it's like some Japanese game show where received like a replay and I'm like what is happening.
Sam: What about the fountain scene where they cut like the same like style of water like three times of them Turney's you noticed overlapped it.
Ash: There's so many times like that.
Omar: Fountain scene can I still really quick question.
Omar: What's what's this child knows the Fountain Lake has literally memorized the patterns of water spout outage and I want to know.
Ash: Oh God that's so sad by himself maybe.
Ash: By himself.
Omar: Someone could be simple it could just be he's been here before but he seemed to really he's like this is like in my hometown and there's a spot where it's actually the first flight in the United States of America that like we don't talk about it in Disneyland stuff which is cool but like I take when people visit me in the Bay Area that's why I take them I like this is a historically important spot I'm being a bit of a nerd about it but I think that your life will be better off having visited it this kid that's his Montgomery Hill or he's just like I know the exact place goddess found at exactly 9:08 p. M. This exactly this trust me I've run it before so many times this is the part of my soul that I want to share and it's a huge moment and then we never go back to the Fountain and I got questions.
Sam: I have I have I have Siri is and I guess a theory I have a theory for you his parents are sabotaging him to be a satyr kid because he leaves the house on his own without their permission to do whatever during the day and they don't care.
Ash: What was the 90s.
Sam: Yeah but then he has the the date.
Sam: He has plans with a friend.
Sam: And they for the first time say no.
Sam: For no reason so he that's my theory is that every time he tries to make friends they say no he can't go and so he's just he's just stuck wandering by himself because that's the only time he's allowed to go out just to be alone at the fountain.
Omar: You're so right.
Sam: Add another layer sadness he's he's excited about the burger place because he never has any money to eat at the burger place and he's wanted to go and so for the first time he has money and so this is like the best day of his life he has a friend his parents let him go he is money he can show his favorite thing to a friend and eat the burger that he's wanted to eat.
Pat: Jesus God.
Ash: Oh my god wow.
Omar: How many ghost how many Tails does goldfish all about it the only person who listens to him.
Ash: Forgot about the goldfish.
Sam: Yeah the goldfish.
Bret: That's real sad Sam.
Omar: That's so true no exam you're right.
Sam: Sorry I really pressure down.
Ash: Wikipedia Brett.
Omar: They have engineered despair.
Bret: Listen to Pat's over here I can see him on the chat he's got the 1 a. M. Thousand yard stare going on.
Ash: Why does Google say we should probably wrap it up there's so much more we say about this movie though.
Sam: What do we really need to I think I think we said all that really needs to be.
Ash: Okay I'm going to come out the gate by review.
Ash: I'm going to say despite.
Ash: A lot of the s*** that we talked about this movie.
Ash: It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I know that that's shocking.
Sam: Yes so.
Ash: But like rotten tomatoes gave it a 9.
Sam: Child wish-fulfillment.
Ash: But the rest of it is a hot pile of Coke.
Ash: But it was it like exceeded my 9 0. 000000e+00xpectations so it's like a weird net-positive in that sense but not a great film in the other side.
Sam: All right I'll go next yeah this is not a good movie I wasn't bored watching it so I guess it's got that going for it.
Sam: I wasn't bored but that.
Ash: Right like that's the thing it's your like but it wasn't I wasn't bored but it wasn't good.
Sam: It was just it was depressing that for like.
Sam: I guess like history perspective reasons of like yeah the people that wrote this probably live their lives that way in like a very sad lonely materialistic Hollywood type of way and it just it had 2-0 heart the movie had nothing at its core to say you know that doesn't mean your movies going to be a bad movie you know like there's plenty of movies that are just there to be fun but.
Sam: What was at its heart was like.
Sam: Why things don't make friends and that is just really heartbreaking and sad and maybe it's hitting me harder cuz it's in the middle of a global pandemic and I haven't seen friends and almost a year but yeah.
Ash: That definitely defines my 2025 just buy things wait till they come in the mail and experienced the short amount of joy of opening them.
Sam: Yeah.
Omar: Little Grace's of Serotonin you know.
Ash: Yes.
Sam: Yeah so that this is not a good movie I will not watch it again I would caution people from showing it to their children because it teaches all the wrong things that makes them okay with pedophilia and I don't think there's anything good about this movie was probably the most skating review I've ever given I'm sorry blink check.
Bret: I think.
Bret: Totally about like.
Bret: What a weird thing for Disney to produce is.
Bret: Film about it just glorifies and romanticizes grooming of small children.
Bret: For inappropriate relationships and from moment one is just like hey you know what's real dope check fraud and.
Sam: That's the positive spin on it is but it teaches your child commits to financial fraud.
Bret: But we went through a lot of stuff we can talk and I don't know what this'll headed down to but the second half of this is running an hour and a half right now and we were joking but like a lot of like sad parts of this movie are the parts that it took us an hour and a half to talk about to figure out like oh s*** and he doesn't vilify consumerism like he spends all the money and it was f****** joke like everything was amazing like it wasn't like money and the consumerism is is the evil and you could have used that money for good elsewhere this movie was like look at all the school ship or you didn't also make friends but like you still have the cool s*** like that was kind of what the point of the movie was because appointed to sell you so like they can't ever say that it is bad.
Sam: That is so true and the negative part of the movie is when he runs out of money that's the conflict.
Ash: Yep.
Bret: That's the best the deepest pit of despair of this movie right like I don't know the money is gone to check Friday stolen money that I stole.
Ash: I think you could argue the Gloom was also the dad coming in and him making the realization that like Ito he thought what he wanted was the money but what he actually wants is his father's love but did they Bale that no.
Ash: Yeah that'd be way better.
Sam: They couldn't play that scene so much better can you imagine if at the party the dad has like figured out that is kid you know is Macintosh and like he goes into that scene knowing that I like playing that to the audience and he's like having the conversation that he can't have in-person with his kid you know like apologizing for being not a great dad a redeemable moment.
Sam: Yes yep.
Bret: But no and said those were his first words to a complete stranger that was molesting his kid like.
Bret: So anyway there's a lot of a lot of really f***** up stuff in this movie and in the biggest way I was right in the first half and that this was way more fun to talk about than it was to watch.
Sam: Send your prediction really nailed it.
Bret: Yes this is a hundred percent of Stephen King affect movie that the you-know-what for that I'm glad I watched.
Ash: Who's next over.
Omar: I didn't know how I was going feel about it after watching it.
Omar: So let me say two things and then I'll say how I feel about it.
Ash: Okay.
Omar: One I am happy that nothing if from this movie got internalised in my mind as a child I am grateful for that.
Omar: I don't know how it how it how I dodged all that but I'm glad that I did because I don't think this really rubbed off I will never show this to children and if I see children watching it I will probably prevent them from watching it.
Ash: If you like slow-mo Ricci.
Omar: That's it.
Ash: Give me the bullet for them.
Omar: Just hungry jumping about poo.
Omar: That said Sam you describing this as The Great Gatsby.
Omar: I am now obsessed with this film because truly completely is The Great Gatsby of 90s kids and I thought I would no longer be haunted after I re-watched it eight hunting is only gotten more I think I'm going to do it again soon with his knowledge that this is the tragic tale of this child.
Ash: Yes oh my god do it.
Sam: Do you do you think you could recut the DiCaprio Great Gatsby trailer using shots from from this and use the soundtrack I bet you could.
Sam: Yes.
Bret: Oh my God.
Omar: Slow Lana Del Rey if he's biking and swimming and throwing the money in his bed.
Sam: Yeah.
Omar: I will get started on that literally the second I wake up tomorrow morning.
Ash: So good.
Omar: So yeah I can't yeah those yeah it's it doesn't exist on the spectrum of good or bad for me it is I think it's severely a moral and I have to think about it a lot.
Pat: So everything everyone has said is correct its you know all the flaws are correct I also though was not bored watching it has entertained watching it I mean even for many batteries in those entertain like I can't f****** believe they're doing this it was this bad as a kid cuz I did like this will be a lot.
Pat: Totally scarred this this Preston character for life like and I did the math and let's say he's I have a theory he helps contribute to the recession because he would have probably entered the workforce about four or five years before the recession and you know he's going to like he's going to be like selling subprime mortgages or something like that and make him fat commissions he knows a thing or two about over and undervaluing house a real estate guys Preston his his Relentless pursuit of quick Buck helped cause the recession.
Omar: He was the architect.
Bret: We like Preston Madoff.
Sam: This is your Wolf of Wall Street sequel.
Ash: Awake.
Ash: Yes.
Bret: Well that was that was surely something that we all did together Omar thank you for joining us today would you like to tell the people listening where they can follow you on the internet.
Ash: Hey I have to say.
Omar: Absolutely you can buy me a Pteranodon on Twitter and I think everything have to plug is a RPG podcast it a while ago that rapped called thank you for questing but if you're looking for something to listen to check that out cuz we're all nerds here.
Omar: Thank you.
Ash: I have to say thank you for questing is one of my favorite RPG podcast ever I absolutely love it and this is the perfect time to start listening because it's a little bit Christmas like cuz one of the characters is an elf.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Omar: Get it right get me Rosella plays in elf and also starts a New Year's it starts in January and it isn't every month gets like a theme like a different town so it actually is literally the perfect time to listen to weekly podcast you're starting at exactly it so yeah and it feels the opposite of blank check.
Ash: Yes yes no it's fantastic storytelling and I seriously I absolutely adore that podcast and miss it and what you guys do more.
Omar: Thank you maybe we will that's not like I'll be leading to anything I have no idea it's been a hard year.
Omar: But yeah that's it for me and I thank you all so much for having me on and for watching check this is kind of my fault so I'll I'll take all the blame for this or.
Sam: Just just.
Ash: That's okay it's it's also kind of breads.
Bret: It's very good choice.
Sam: Water to wash it before you but also just because the movie isn't good doesn't mean the podcast itself is bad because sometimes the movie can be really good and we're just like yeah it was good like we had a lot to talk about so this is the perfect movie to bring to the table for the podcast yes.
Ash: This was legit like the let's drink rules where Brett would be like why don't you make good drinks and like because we'd have nothing to talk about.
Bret: I don't want to get into the last drink rules ask.
Bret: Milk beer.
Ash: My stomach might be really upset right now because I had a drink.
Bret: Milkbbi rash.
Ash: I think Mills where would work if you use the Stout I'm just saying.
Bret: Nope Ash in raid the audience.
Sam: Did you get did you use a stout Ash.
Sam: What what beer did you use ash.
Ash: No I didn't eat. Let's not talk about what it's actually called that beverage Shelly's just Rippon.
Sam: Call Depakote.
Ash: No it was worth mat.
Sam: You could say it you could do.
Ash: You can follow us on Twitter we're at let's re-watch where we do fun things alike movie poles where you guys get to pick the movie or if you didn't pick the movie like in this instance I do I tweet like a still from the movie and you guys get the ticket or not pick it but you did to tell like wait words mean thinks it's a guess what it is and this time or winter is.
Ash: Chiron Chiron and also Chris Byron maybe Byron.
Pat: Just a normal name that's named Byron.
Ash: Is that normal I'm sorry Byron I've never heard that name before.
Sam: Redo redo / virus 1.
Bret: I don't know never cutting out.
Pat: Oh my God.
Ash: Good job Byron also Chris revelle also guessed it.
Ash: Downtown but Byron was first.
Sam: Travel.
Ash: Sure.
Bret: Chris Revell the guy who was on her last episode.
Pat: He's just on the show literally the last episode Chris Brown.
Sam: Completely lost her brain blank check just fried it is gone.
Ash: I'm pretty sure his name is Chris revelle guy.
Pat: Nope.
Pat: Listen to his podcast.
Sam: No he literally said his old name.
Bret: 3 up but it is too late for you to be awake right now.
Sam: I'm losing it guys I used all my pregnancy brain power analyzing the sadness of this movie and I am a broken person now.
Bret: Pregnancy brain that's that's a real thing.
Sam: It is real and I'm cuckoo.
Ash: Can I just claim that for right now.
Sam: Why not do it.
Pat: We are part of the certain POV Network app shows check us out serve. Com fun shows like judging book cover circle of friendship tulip and dreamed remove acrylic versus the synagogue of Steel screen snark because.
Pat: Myself I do a Mandalorian podcast on geeklyinc that were called anybody's we're going to do a guest spot on scruffy nerf-herder is coming up cuz it's very Star Wars near where we play people during the Clone Wars.
Ash: Ravel.
Ash: Revel is it not what I said.
Sam: No.
Pat: Jesus God no.
Bret: No you said the first thing.
Ash: Body doesn't really fast on this phone.
Sam: Remember when you learned about syllables fake laughing.
Ash: You like f*** you Sam f*** you go to bed you pregnant lady.
Pat: Go to certain pov. Com it's amazing shows really nice people.
Sam: If you like this podcast please give us a 5-star review on Google podcast or apple podcast we really appreciate your feedback and share us with your friend.
Ash: Listen I just want to say Chris I love you and I've had some wine.
Ash: Listen he knows that I love him I said have a Christmas card.
Bret: This is fantastic Chris is one of the most Community Support of people that I've ever seen or followed on the internet I feel like his whole existence is about like raising other people at so I know he's not on this episode but Chris Chris rival let's chat you should check that out too he's a cool dude.
Ash: Like let me wrestle with this.
Sam: Yes yes.
Bret: Join us next week when I unlock my phone to read the movie that we are going to watch next week which is Attack of the Killer Metal Man from the dimensions of the unknown.
Sam: That was actually doesn't sound that bad.