Call-in Holiday Special
Thanks to everyone who called in to the holiday voicemail hotline! And thank you to all of our listeners, old and new. It was great getting to hear from so many of you. Happy holidays everyone!
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and Pat Edwards
Below is a rough automated transcript of the episode. We are working on making this better:
Bret: Welcome to another episode of Let's Rewatch the show or we watch or don't watch movies that we left in our youth because this episode.
Bret: Is a very special episode.
Bret: Is it Christmas episode in which we listening to voicemails oh I forgot the part we introduced ourselves.
Ash: I was very into it though I was like into this tapestry of words you were weaving.
Sam: Leave me this Christmas tapestry play.
Bret: So if this is.
Ash: Keep going.
Bret: If it happens to be the episode where your first joining us the past.
Ash: You can't talk while I do this.
Pat: You can view her I'm doing it.
Bret: Kik.
Ash: You good at all just.
Bret: Matt past couple weeks with an asking people to call into the show and leave a message about their favorite Christmas movies at work holiday movies but there have been a lot of not honestly I just rated Christmas movies that's fine.
Bret: Listen know that's not okay anyway so we are going to listen to a few of the messages and or all of the messages and I hear what people thought and judge you based on your movie preferences.
Ash: Wow as if we haven't heard them enough by giving them the wrong number so the first Scholars got an angry woman instead of the voicemail.
Bret: This is where I cut in you going oh my God.
Caller: Camp Levi screws in the wrong number.
Caller: You have no idea.
Caller: Like.
Ash: So sorry we are so sorry. EU and the poor woman in New York.
Ash: Contemplated call him back and explaining everything.
Ash: Are you assuming that this woman has been living under a rock and doesn't know what a podcast.
Pat: I guarantee you if I called my mother right now I said how many hours doing this stuff if I called my mother and said Mom tell me what a podcast is she might get around to it it would be a struggle though.
Bret: Well let's.
Ash: Like those old radio shows.
Pat: Presque Isle.
Sam: Speaking speaking of mothers.
Sam: I believe there's a special message from my mom.
Bret: Samsung call in this is going to be fun.
Bret: It wasn't really organized in what order I was going to pay them back and I was just going to play all of the ones for one movie out at that one time so we'll start with that one and I had to take it off at Stacy's message about her favorite Halloween movie or Christmas movie.
Ash: Sam's mom has got it goin on.
Ash: That's true I know it goes like Stacy's Mom.
Sam: The best producer name is Stacy it's a song about migrant but then it's a song about my grandma wishes weirdly weirder than the song about my mom.
Caller: Any way we like to reminisce about it all the time.
Ash: Ono warble.
Sam: Play remember me like oh no it like three very self-conscious I know.
Sam: Home Alone 2 actually I can't remember which one.
Pat: You wanted to make sure you heard of any big plot flat twist were revealed as he was getting beaned in the face of the brick I mean yeah.
Pat: If it was 2 would be the sticky man.
Ash: 00 did they change their name or the different people.
Bret: Play the tape on his gloves.
Pat: It's the same people who steals from like Salvation Army.
Sam: Home Alone got me for Christmas this year.
Sam: He got me.
Ash: Baby.
Sam: That wasn't that was my birthday present.
Pat: Yeah.
Sam: Anyway.
Ash: Casey's daughter.
Sam: We all know how these things are made.
Sam: Except.
Ash: So your blanket.
Bret: Merry Christmas.
Bret: It's a pretty good right now.
Sam: Yep thanks for that a blanket that says Merry Christmas you filthy animals and I freaking love it it's great it's super soft and I love it so much.
Ash: Next one.
Bret: All right anyway I'll play the rest of these messages at cuz they were a few a few Home Alone.
Caller: My name is Elizabeth bleach in my favorite childhood Christmas movie if the first home alone and my favorite memory is of all of my siblings and I drinking hot chocolate and our Christmas mugs that are shaped like Tanner and Snowman and sitting on the couch and watching.
Pat: So goddamn adorable.
Pat: Oh my God.
Sam: Yes the best part is is that's my sister there's a theme we as a family collectively really love this movie it means a lot to us.
Bret: And every Christmas since Mom buys me so matching pajamas but one size too small.
Sam: The one year she bought them the right size they shrink like three sizes in the wash.
Bret: It was just like I came out and it was like my belly was showing.
Ash: Even better.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Pat: The Vikings were like spandex on.
Pat: I don't know I mean.
Pat: I got some thighs on me but I don't know those football days but not that bad they were I can't there was like I might as well been wearing Under Armour.
Ash: Oil change.
Pat: Do you like go back up.
Ash: How fun.
Ash: Wow.
Bret: That sounds amazing.
Ash: That's awesome.
Pat: Carol of the Bells part is like chills and tingles is a.
Sam: Clearly the movie review.
Ash: Right.
Pat: She's better than she should be me.
Ash: Diver tell you guys how that there's that song that's like specifically made for Home Alone that has become like a Christmas songs staple like you'll hear it and it came on one time and Bryce's stepdad didn't believe that it was from Home Alone where is the Home Alone thing and then it came out that he's never seen home alone so we watch Home Alone 1 Christmas and he hated it so much.
Ash: We're like I'm sorry we saw.
Ash: I don't know.
Ash: Yeah I don't know.
Pat: You don't have to love it or hate it like that's fine.
Ash: I guess he's not into slapstick comedy I guess next.
Bret: Next thing.
Pat: Funnily enough he doesn't he use he doesn't use the stick is the one weapon he doesn't use.
Caller: Hey what's up everybody how's Mikey Junior movie critic.
Caller: How many people made it through this already but I personally love Home Alone.
Caller: One of my favorites around when I was growing up with a very Charming performance Caulking and last year I get to take the Disney Bus I get to wash it with my niece or nephew Home Alone.
Caller: Let me watch y'all doing great talk to y'all later.
Bret: Thanks hun.
Sam: That's awesome.
Ash: He doesn't listen to this.
Bret: So next Elder Willie the next most popular one this is actually a tie for the number of calls that we got.
Bret: The second popular Christmas movie was of course the Christmas story.
Caller: Phone number is watching Christmas Story on repeat for hours in the background of weed.
Pat: Oh that's yes I definitely would always have that on just on Loop.
Pat: And I love it but the fight now cuz Katie is like lukewarm on it and the girls are like any of the girls don't get like it's it's not for the girls so I just try to fit in one viewing a year now or it's like I'm going to put the sun is starting at this time of use a new cycle or whatever the TBS or whatever it's like a new Cycles coming up we're going to watch it it's going to stay on we don't have to watch it but no one's allowed to touch it till at least one full cycle of the movie.
Pat: Which.
Ash: Is it public domain.
Ash: A Christmas Story think so.
Ash: Did you know they made a second one.
Bret: It's the one that every network plays.
Pat: Yeah with like different cast.
Ash: Yeah I like not that long ago either.
Pat: Yeah.
Ash: Wow.
Sam: Can't you can't decide one but for reals TPS really does do like a 48-hour like non-stop streaming of A Christmas Story every year.
Bret: You got it is public domain.
Ash: That's why they made a second one.
Pat: I will say it's it's it's a it's a funny scene it is a funny scene but I will say I do feel bad about laughing now cuz I do realize now that the restaurant scene it's event is pretty f****** problematic the Chinese restaurant scene.
Sam: Oh I don't even remember that I thought you were going to say the pole licking part.
Bret: Goodness.
Ash: Yeah.
Pat: With there isn't Chinese restaurant Anderson carols and they're doing the whole elzar ours and ours or nothing like way over-the-top though like looking back it's like okay.
Pat: But it's a great movie otherwise.
Caller: Hey this is D'Andre taking my favorite childhood movie or Christmas movie was year old and growing up in the early years.
Caller: Sparkly wasn't that different Christmas wine or then you know the fifties and sixties that the movie was set in.
Pat: Thank you.
Ash: Thanks Ben.
Ash: When's a good guy.
Pat: I had a Red Ryder cuz cuz I movie is a kid yet they still make them like.
Pat: It looks just like that I had one.
Ash: I feel like I did too.
Sam: You still have your eyes.
Pat: No this is glass.
Pat: Prove it.
Pat: That was my eye.
Caller: I just wanted to share my Christmas memory and my earliest memory watching a Christmas movie for the season was when I was getting my wife Tara my family wasn't much for movie watching Family Family sit down and put on a Christmas movie was an experience where as I was used to more somber celebrations here.
Sam: Awesome memory so sweet.
Ash: I love that that was kind of like Bryce's cuz Bryce always had just like Christmases with like his mom and dad and they didn't really like go see family and my family is like half-irish half-italian so it's like 30 plus people and a giant house and so when he started.
Pat: Y'all really quiet right.
Ash: Yeah totally Superfly it there's no drinking at all and.
Ash: I know I let her stew.
Ash: It's actually the Italians are extremely loud as well.
Pat: I'm sure but I just wasn't trying to get cancelled.
Ash: LED strip.
Bret: Italian side of the family they have loud hands.
Ash: It was overwhelming for him and it a different experience he's like wow okay.
Caller: Luxury watch Team Gerald Boyle Lift near Ralph and I'm calling for a movie that.
Pat: Hahaha.
Caller: And it's very long before everyone in the class.
Pat: It took me way too long to see where he's going with that.
Ash: Yeah.
Pat: Thing is Zack Ward who's the actor who played Scott farkus Scott farkus he follows me on Twitter for some reason I don't know why I've never interacted with.
Ash: Wow we should have him on and do a Christmas story one year.
Ash: Wow that's awesome.
Pat: I thought of me never thought about to about like I got but I just I forget about that.
Bret: The next year special cast.
Caller: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation has got to be my all-time favorite Christmas movie Something by family and I've always watched every year and I still find it charming and absurdly hilarious even today I just finished watching it and still love it can't wait to watch the game.
Pat: I mean I think the boss gets a lot of bad rap I love jelly Deli Delicious I would love a jelly of the Month Club.
Ash: I'm sorry this is very like my ex-boyfriend wedding.
Bret: Do you have any.
Pat: I like having no history is like.
Ash: I'm sorry Pat I need to you need to go aside for a sec I'm like having reactions.
Ash: Excuse me.
Bret: Wait what.
Bret: My my sister doesn't hang out alot.
Ash: Oh that's fun well thank you for calling and Buddy Pat is dying.
Ash: Ex-boyfriend.
Ash: I don't even know I'm sorry I didn't even what movie.
Bret: I'm sorry that your joke just died Christmas Vacation.
Sam: Just like Ralph.
Pat: Vacation.
Sam: I haven't watched it in years so I'm it be a good Contender for our podcast to be honest.
Pat: Vacation movie I've seen more than any of them is Vegas is where I don't know because I got the time it came out cuz the most modern one.
Pat: Hoover Dam which is in Las Vegas.
Pat: Is the one that has the landmark from that area.
Sam: We're Americans we don't know geography we don't even know our own.
Bret: Now we're moving on to the corporate sponsorship part of the program.
Caller: Holiday number now I want to talk about a holiday.
Caller: That is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Sam: Stop motion.
Ash: Still sits on my desk today.
Caller: Memories back to work.
Ash: Hahaha.
Sam: Hahaha.
Pat: That's why Santa Claus a total dick in that.
Pat: I hope I can watch it.
Bret: Haven't seen that one in so many years.
Pat: Ketorolac just let the other reindeers get away with being assholes to reindeer Rudolph I think.
Pat: Though they're mean to him but that Santa Claus like totally just as like chill with it and it doesn't like doesn't care doesn't intervene or something I don't remember take out at like Santa Claus is kind of a dick.
Sam: Haha.
Bret: The internet is on your side.
Bret: Next up.
Caller: And it's funny because I still love them and my favorite courses Nightmare Before Christmas.
Caller: In-N-Out world show.
Bret: I remember our old roommate I hated that movie too literally like leave the house if we put it on.
Pat: Another might have you hate your thing.
Ash: Wait wait wait wait bleep bleep this name but was it.
Sam: Also.
Ash: Kind of makes sense.
Sam: Has become her though but mine is for traumatic race.
Pat: I am Gia.
Ash: By proxy save it has rubbed off on me and now I have like every time I think about that movie I'm like.
Sam: I'm sorry just just just give Timbers all the credit and then you just make my chef's kiss of the whole situation.
Pat: Our girls love it I thought they'd be scared they love to that we put on Halloween and they really Gabby really the older one really likes it.
Sam: Oh that's so cute.
Pat: No I love it it is both we both I do personally think of it a little more Halloween disconnected like the Halloween stuff is a little bit more prevalent throughout.
Ash: Really I kind of think the Christmas like cuz it's literally takes place on Christmas.
Ash: It does open with Halloween.
Bret: Oh my gosh.
Ash: I love that movie so much as a kid that I borrowed the VHS from some friends and I literally watched it over and over and over again to the point that I destroyed their VHS and I believe we had to buy them a new one but I was I'm obsessed with that movie at least I was not so much anymore but I definitely love that movie.
Ash: Yes a Hot Topic time.
Bret: There was a time that a Hot Topic time in which half of their stuff was.
Bret: Jack Skellington is so scene.
Ash: I do feel like now that you mention it I do feel like I saw merch for the movie in Hot Topic before I ever saw the movie.
Sam: Tracks.
Bret: Know that definitely I was that stuff was everywhere for like my entire late Middle School through High School experience.
Bret: Yeah we got three more.
Pat: All the earth once the wrestler jokes are like problematica races.
Pat: Is there a listeners or so.
Ash: So far no one has.
Pat: What if we were just like.
Pat: They were pretty explicit about where we stand on social issues employees shoes but what if like like super popular.
Ash: Oh my God.
Bret: I mean that would be really funny if you're probably in your fan of the show tell me why.
Ash: Let's not do this okay Merry Christmas.
Caller: Well hello hello.
Caller: If there's something in it is a Christmas movie and I have a very specific memory of one as a child but he can probably fine.
Sam: Wow that's a great suggestion and I vaguely remember that movie.
Bret: I never even heard of that one.
Ash: Not to be confused with the horror movie holyshit.
Pat: Mrs. Santa Claus that mrs. Claus.
Ash: Is it mrs. Santa Claus okay mrs. Clauses.
Ash: How much is it for a movie.
Bret: At the sweeper Christmas movie I feel like a lot of people like that was that was a terrible remake but it was actually really fun.
Pat: Made it was insanely successful it was stupid to fall.
Sam: Is it on.
Sam: It is terrifying as that clip that you showed me on Twitter Brett of the Grinch Musical.
Ash: Oh wow.
Pat: Remember seeing that through I didn't watch watch anything but yeah.
Sam: All the kids singing about their whatchamacallits and something something.
Pat: Jim Carrey Grinch did 345 million dollars worldwide.
Pat: R60 us.
Pat: Okay since you just answer my question.
Ash: Shut up at.
Pat: How to say sorry I keep thinking how I'm sorry I apologize.
Bret: That you can't cut off a voicemail.
Ash: I think she means the claymation or the stop-motion one right.
Ash: Yeah before.
Ash: I think I've seen this movie and I totally forgot about it but I remember though I am seeing the other one you're talking about.
Ash: But yeah I totally remember the.
Pat: Harvey fierstein is the Heat Miser.
Pat: Do you recognize them or raspy voice and he's like a new Yorkie.
Bret: That would be quite a version.
Ash: So good.
Pat: Not Heat Meister it's Heat Miser.
Sam: It's so good isn't it Mystic.
Ash: Oh whatever.
Pat: Heat Meister.
Ash: Am I watching The Right video.
Bret: The Heat Meister.
Sam: Youtobe stop motion in blue or red.
Pat: The Heat Meister melting the snow.
Bret: God why do we have to bring Pauly Shore at a Christmas.
Pat: That is not much was Rob Lowe Rob Lowe Rob.
Bret: Oh yeah making copies.
Pat: Making copies.
Ash: Rob Schneider.
Pat: Rob Schneider.
Bret: Guppies.
Ash: Wow what a good deep cut that one was though the movie The Christmas movie not the rush Schneider.
Bret: Now we whisper in the podcast.
Sam: Before we wrap up it we had some sort of weird glitch and that my my other family member my aunt called in and she was supposedly left a message about her favorite Christmas.
Bret: She called the wrong number.
Ash: Oh no.
Ash: Well what.
Sam: So we don't have her voicemail is super sad but she told me hers over the phone which was called Christmas donkey or something yeah it's and it's rated fast so it's that old stop motion.
Sam: Lipid noodle story and I cannot believe it is still her faith it's all about this like baby donkey who's born and.
Ash: Dominick the donkey is that it.
Sam: Possibly possibly that sounds about right but the baby donkey is born and the mom like protection from the cold they have nowhere to go and she flipping dies.
Ash: Is this a Disney movie.
Sam: No it's so she dies protecting the baby donkey and then he like grows up to like be Joseph and Mary's donkey that they like Carrie said like he carries them for the birth.
Pat: Is the name Nestor Nestor.
Sam: Possibly that sounds the same.
Pat: Nestor the long-eared Christmas donkey.
Pat: An outcast donkey and Roman are Judah it was over long ears find some Destiny on the Way to Bethlehem.
Bret: Oh my God.
Sam: I think that's it and even heard this movie about watching as a child and just loving the crap out of this movie but like sobbing uncontrollably during the whole thing.
Ash: Apparently there's also an Italian one dominick-the-italian-christmas-donkey leunig.
Bret: From what I can tell that might just be a song.
Ash: So it's a song written by Richard Allen okay.
Bret: Dominic.
Pat: Richard Allen the voice of the rooster in the Disney animated Robin Hood.
Ash: Well some deep Cuts bear did not did not know about those.
Pat: Long haired donkey.
Sam: Thank you so much to everybody who called in and Mary quarantine Christmas.
Bret: I was really funny to hear from everyone.
Ash: Happy Holidays happy Hanukkah.
Ash: All the other ones.
Sam: I don't know.
Pat: Hanukkah Kwanzaa 18th late we're like few weeks back with Wally couple weeks back.
Ash: Yeah sorry we missed.
Ash: Murder mystery party love that write it down.
Bret: That's just the purge.
Sam: Winter solstice.
Pat: Blood orgy blood orgy.
Ash: That's what black Christmas should have been named.
Bret: Man well.
Pat: Find the color red Christmas cuz all the blood.
Bret: That would have been about communism.
Ash: Well that would be good too.
Pat: Comrade everyone gets same gift and share.
Sam: We all want to end by sharing our favorite Christmas movie memories.
Ash: Sure that's a good idea someone else go first though.
Ash: Red Riding Hood Red Rider.
Pat: I mean I feel like I've already talked about them on either this or our last episode that we've recorded the tits come out but like Christmas Story with always been a big one for me just on loved it in the background I had a red riding Red Ryder Red Riding I had a Red Ryder BB gun I didn't exactly think I was set up action figures outside.
Pat: Love that love Muppet Christmas is just a great one like my family my extended family my uncles and then my uncle just make myself and my cousins like laugh and pee our pants laughing but doing like the Swedish Chef singing different Christmas songs and that was just like I said I had just there was nothing funnier funnier than like your uncle's or buzz like or like a different song.
Pat: Are there any others that are really like.
Pat: Hardcore hitting.
Pat: New Life home alone but yeah the climb into the ones that you know nothing to nothing nothing too deep or too obscure I like Santa Claus is weird now cuz you know Tim Allen's sucks but.
Bret: What's funny is Tim Allen has always sucked at and the it was just like him doing it on Twitter is what really made everyone be like okay hold on now.
Pat: Chris Evans is going to be Buzz Lightyear in the upcoming movie light year.
Sam: That's exciting.
Ash: What about you.
Sam: I guess I kind of want to.
Sam: General it's more my favorite night of the year growing up was Christmas Eve night or family tradition was my mom would make lasagna for dinner Christmas Eve lasagna I don't know why it was great and the first year that she implemented the tradition one present tonight or like yes we are so excited.
Sam: Tradition Christmas movie was it was probably the Santa Clause which was potting popular at that time.
Ash: Yeah.
Ash: Your mom is the best by the way.
Sam: Watch Love Actually with Ash it was our yearly tradition.
Ash: We can't do it this year did virtually do it I think like it's on Netflix right like you can do the Netflix watch along thing or whatever.
Ash: I love you now that you mention that I'd say one of my favorite things is would we watch.
Ash: Well in my opinion cheesy Christmas movies make Christmas cookies every year and like and guys what I'm saying make Christmas cookies like Sam's like not like okay let's make a batch she's like okay I brought my mixer so that I can be making batches while you make batches and I have this whole plan and we're making like seven different cookies and we're going to ice them all in one night and it's like it's a big.
Bret: That sounds like a pretty mellow afternoon for Sam.
Sam: Yeah my family is Hardcore about holidays it literally when I live close to my mom it would be like a full weekend of cookie making like making the dough and then teams people rolling out teams of people baking and at ease of people decorating so it's fun.
Ash: Yeah I remember the first time we did it I was like oh this is not I was not prepared okay.
Sam: They showed up at your house at like 11 a. M. And if we didn't I think we spent the night or still making cookies at like midnight.
Ash: And you had like gift boxes that year that you were like putting them in fancy gift boxes it was a whole thing but I stayed the other one I mean besides every year of course Love Actually an elf those are like my two absolute favorites but as far as like Memories white Christmas is actually one that I used to watch with my family every year and that we actually haven't watched it in a very long time I'd say that it's like yeah it's pretty underrated you don't like people don't normally think about that one when they think about it but it has Danny Kaye in it and my mom and I are huge Danny Kaye fans and so every Christmas we would we would watch that one always nice I'm sure it's problematic.
Bret: Everyone knows that my favorite Christmas movie is die hard and that's fine.
Ash: That's fine you're like bye gif.
Sam: It's very it's very Brett at its core.
Pat: I want a Muppets die hard so bad.
Bret: Nothing says Christmas like nakatomi Plaza.
Bret: Did everyone go can we do it.
Ash: I think that's yeah we all did it.
Pat: God bless us everyone.
Bret: And then you die Merry Christmas.
Sam: Jesus only dies and Christmas future when freaking Scrooge is still Scrooge.
Ash: Pedestal Hayden on The Muppet Christmas Carol.
Bret: I think they hate it.
Ash: I bet.
Bret: Merry Christmas everybody and.
Bret: Probably I think we have one more episode that comes out this year and that's the end of the year make Merry Christmas Happy New Years.
Pat: Any this god-awful Hellyer.
Bret: Whenever they say about Festivus I have it just enjoy it have a good one.