Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives

Lets Rewatch

Are the movies we loved in our youth still any good? Find out with industry pros! Listen straight through, or pause the show and watch along with us if audience participation floats your boat. We won’t be able to hear you yelling about our wrong opinions, but we will read your reviews on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your tweets! @LetsRewatch

The Muppet Christmas Carol

When eccentric millionaire Michael Cocaine strikes a deal with an other-worldly patron, he stalks his wage slave Frog Cratchit to watch his son die and family starve, ultimately making penance by buying him a single Turkey and raising the minimum wa…

When eccentric millionaire Michael Cocaine strikes a deal with an other-worldly patron, he stalks his wage slave Frog Cratchit to watch his son die and family starve, ultimately making penance by buying him a single Turkey and raising the minimum wage. That's right, a yearly reminder that your welfare is reliant on the whims of the rich, it's The Muppet Christmas Carol, with special guest Rose Meza!

Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and Pat Edwards

When eccentric millionaire Michael Cocaine strikes a deal with an other-worldly patron, he stalks his wage slave Frog Cratchit to watch his son die and family starve, ultimately making penance by buying him a single Turkey and raising the minimum wage.

Below is a rough automated transcript of the episode. We are working on making this better:

Pat: That's a loan here right now. I got a cold beer I'm hanging out here waiting for my favorite waiting to record a podcast.
Bret: Watch the show we watch movies that we loved in our youth and find out if there's still any good I'm.
Pat: And I'm Pat.
Pat: You didn't say another episode of let's re-watch just said local military watch.
Ash: Oh.
Pat: No it's great it's perfect.
Pat: No I like keeping the notes in the show.
Bret: Whatever can we start it over Pat does it have to be exactly the same if I just make a sound board of me saying it correctly so I can press a button and then we don't even need me on the show anymore you just freaking like.
Ash: Cat why are you poking the bear the Brett Baker.
Bret: Press the enter button pass PA interjecting with the horrible fact.
Ash: Listen is his gag is.
Pat: Listener this is funny because that immediately doing this because we we had a little bit of some technical difficulties or starting a little bit later so the fact that out the gate I'm giving brush it is very funny if you know the whole contact.
Rose: And I'm Rose.
Bret: Well let's let's cut straight to the.
Pat: I love you.
Bret: Hey thank God.
Ash: Are we are joined by The Fabulous a rose Mesa Vine and Pat's partner-in-crime for Jordan call welcome bro.
Rose: Thank you thanks for having me I'm really excited.
Ash: Yeah we're excited to roses an amazing producer both in the field world and in the tutorial world.
Rose: Yeah thank you I don't know if I'm supposed to like get some background or you know I work in LinkedIn learning.
Ash: Tell us tell the people.
Rose: I work with LinkedIn learning and I am a producer of educational content there and then I also my side gig now has been producing you know short films not many but getting into that so yeah I'm also a film major so I don't know if that help.
Rose: Add some whatever to my qualifications for but.
Rose: I'm here I'm here to.
Rose: Exactly.
Bret: The only qualification that matters film then we can all be like Film School.
Ash: Bring that knowledge.
Pat: Ba from Liberal Arts over here.
Rose: Hey I went to Cal State Fullerton there's no shame in that game.
Bret: Call very entertaining.
Ash: Rose produced and wrote zombie dead and she produced joining call so check those films out because they're good which feels weird coming from my mouth because I was involved.
Pat: Besides producing roses like Spider-Man trying to hold the ship together was being torn apart or the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man pulling the train back cuz I mean after the strip was turned in I'm pretty much was worthless I had nothing to offer and was very much and I don't think it would happen so thank you so much.
Rose: Thank you. Makes me feel really nice thanks.
Ash: We are excited to finally have you on in for a Christmas episode so happy happy holidays everyone as our dear friend Matt storm constantly reminds me there's other holidays besides Christmas to happy holiday.
Ash: Low.
Pat: Betus.
Bret: We have to be inclusive.
Sam: Oh no.
Ash: Out the gate.
Pat: Really interesting time for Brett to cancel himself like this but all of a sudden is going to rip his mask like most outspoken champion.
Pat: Progressive like values.
Ash: It was me I was an a****** the whole time.
Pat: I've seen Bratz just go toe-to-toe if people so many times in like dropping receipts and facts of like you know in support of progressive I was all of a sudden he's got a sleeper agent the whole time.
Rose: It's 20 20 anything can happen.
Sam: No no please not that cuz I'm having a child with him and that's not going to go well.
Ash: Is implanted a double agent inside of you.
Pat: Sounds like I don't feel like being a single mom.
Bret: Acronym for secret Santa is SS.
Rose: Bus pass on this fantasy.
Pat: F****** guy.
Sam: She said Abboud okay so let me at least defend him a little bit because my hormones went crazy this week if Brett has been my hormonal punching bag for like a whole week so I'm sorry.
Bret: I don't know if you seen my current Twitter display name is the best.
Ash: No I haven't.
Ash: I will have to check it out.
Bret: It's put the S&M in Christmas but it's at + m.
Rose: Sneakin.
Bret: Listen.
Ash: On that note you brought to us a plethora of wonderful holiday movie choices and despite Brett attempting to derail the Twitter poll.
Sam: Yeah he did.
Pat: Did you try to do write in candidates.
Ash: She did it yes yes she did.
Bret: Brief. Of time I don't actually don't know how it ended up but Batman was winning the second pole by a wide margin.
Bret: Get out get out.
Ash: When I looked at it it said 50/50 but it gave a checkmark for Muppet Christmas Carol same but that one one and I was like yes vindication.
Rose: It's rigged it's Riggs throw it out to another paw.
Ash: But yeah the Muppet Christmas Carol won by a landslide I actually was kind of surprised.
Rose: I was really surprised to.
Pat: I knew it would I know I know what I voted for meet me in st. Louis just because I've never seen it or heard of it before as like that's all I do nothing about it.
Rose: Meet Me in St Louis is like my family's like we every Christmas Eve we watch it together and it is going to totally botched the year it's ya what year is it.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Rose: 44 I was going to say 46 oh my gosh that's crazy so it's from like 1944 Judy Garland there's a little girl in it her name is Tootie and she is like the darkest darkest like six year old in any movie ever she like kills all of her dolls and like fairies them it's hilarious and it's a Christmas movie kind of and yeah so I would definitely recommend checking it out if you got a chance.
Pat: I think that they're watching this movie and Lovecraft country at one point.
Ash: Oh interesting.
Ash: I looked up a list of like best Christmas movies Rose and this was at the top that Not A Christmas Carol that the Saint Louis one I was like oh wow.
Rose: Sleeper Christmas movie of all the years yeah I would totally recommend checking it out.
Ash: So y'all don't know what you're missing.
Bret: Inside were watching a movie I really had to stop myself from opening then doing the whole opening bit in the Michael Caine voice I'd like.
Pat: Michael Caine.
Ash: Oh man that would have been great that would have been awesome.
Bret: Hello now now.
Ash: So this movie came out in 1992 and it was.
Sam: Really it's that old.
Ash: Yeah this is like the first of the Muppets do a different like genre movies yeah so this was came first and then Treasure Island I think it was like 96 or something.
Pat: F****** masterpieces both of them just.
Ash: Of course.
Sam: Yeah I love this movie so much I know we're not supposed to talk yet but I'm so excited.
Ash: It was originally planned to be a TV special but they did do a theater release which is kind of interesting so.
Ash: 80 guesses on the budget for this phone.
Ash: I know that's true.
Pat: I mean once it locked in the Swedish a few news anymore theater cuz you don't get a star like that and then not go big released.
Ash: It's in his contract.
Rose: I mean to hit his car I mean he has his salary must have been at least a mil right.
Pat: Budget I'm going to 1992 Muppets bhagat Michael Caine.
Sam: 20 mil that's it.
Bret: They had the puppets all right.
Ash: 97 Rose do you got to guess go ahead.
Rose: $1 Bob I cash I'm going to guess might like the first thing that came to mind was 15 but I honestly have no idea like night early 90s kind of budgets.
Bret: I feel yet by was going to go lower too and it didn't feel right.
Sam: God.
Pat: Yeah but you skewed mine I was going to say like 11 and then bright 120 I like how I got you.
Sam: I'm I'm way off this is me and my modern animation producer brain I was going to be like 50 million but I may sound ridiculous.
Bret: Go With It Go with It.
Sam: I'm going to be so wrong.
Ash: I would have thought the same thing Sam and surprisingly Pat is too bad you didn't go at 11 because it's 12 million dollars was the budget so Roselawn that congratulations Road.
Rose: Sweep sweep it in.
Rose: How do I get.
Ash: Here's your presence nothing nothing.
Pat: We know it's not a joke that's so surprising cuz the cast is so huge with so many notable faces and they all had to get paid like what they all work for like pennies.
Ash: And it's Disney to.
Bret: Get out of here get out.
Pat: You got I mean you got to get Kermit I get paid Miss Piggy is going to get paid like you got Statler and Waldorf like us so many cast members.
Rose: I will say.
Bret: But yes also they are real people playing like your puppets but.
Pat: Gonzo playing himself like this version of himself like that Cameo had to cost a lot of money like.
Bret: Listen Disney didn't become the most.
Rose: Hilarious.
Ash: He's credited as Charles Dickens by the way on IMDb it was God's do Charles.
Pat: Brett your bad influence.
Ash: Yeah I mean like even though they had the the puppets like already like you said Brett like all of this is shot on a soundstage with like very expensive-looking sex unless they just already had them I don't know but like.
Bret: I want to say for sure this was like we've got puppets and we have this old-timey looking set what can we do.
Rose: No just make it look Christmasy call it a day.
Pat: Yeah just got to be Victorian England sets just f****** lying around.
Pat: Felix Studios.
Ash: Maybe yeah cuz that would cut out the budget.
Sam: So as she had mentioned you like oh it's Disney but it's Disney and 1992 so Disney I mean they were doing much better but like they were ready to go under before The Little Mermaid released in 89 so this is just four years later and I believe around the time of Aladdin Beauty and the Beast dish I can't remember.
Pat: That's a Beauty and the Beast.
Pat: 91 was Beauty and the Beast.
Sam: So they were just coming out of a dark time.
Pat: Aladdin was 92.
Bret: A couple big wins.
Ash: They did an amazing job considering.
Pat: Yeah cuz he's getting nominated for now.
Ash: Yeah.
Sam: Best picture and it lost to Silence of the Lambs.
Pat: That's not sorry listener that's an unpleasant noise.
Rose: I should have had I should have had those fava beans for dinner.
Ash: You know that movie has such rewatchability though.
Sam: Yeah yeah.
Sam: Both are really good movies so.
Bret: I definitely quote Silence of the Lambs more.
Pat: The 90s were there so many good movies are fun enjoyable movies that they come out in the nineties it was a good timing for fun movies we talked about like a lot of action stuff I feel like the 90s Oscars this is the best picture there's a lot of lame duck choices and that run if you go look.
Pat: Shakespeare in Love holyshit.
Rose: Don't come after my Shakespeare in Love.
Ash: Okay I want to get to.
Rose: I like that movie.
Sam: What is it really best picture worthy.
Pat: Over whatever it be a member being it's like egregious.
Rose: Who did it.
Ash: I don't remember what.
Pat: I'm going to I'm Dory as a model.
Bret: Think about all the pictures is it the best one.
Ash: Probably not.
Ash: In the summer instead.
Sam: My boss from Dreamworks talked about how we do the Oscars too soon so you should do the Oscars like the for the year 2020 no for a 2020 movies you should do them at the end of 2021 so you have a little more foresight and like perspective.
Pat: Yes this another phrase I've heard this Theory from Jack O'Brien host daily Zeitgeist informally the cracked podcast his these like he wants it to be like for years so has like time he was like like that should be awarded for years after the fact is it you if you look back at the list of the last like 30 years of the Best Picture winners you'll be stunned how many of faded you're like you've never heard of her like what and then there's other movies from that year that are still very much like.
Pat: Thought about and talked about.
Bret: Not still watching a f****** crash.
Ash: Well I mean it's all political.
Ash: Is it really I've never seen it.
Rose: That's a Christmas movie Titanic isn't it I mean I feel like it takes place at like Christmastime parts of it to.
Ash: I've never seen it cuz like there was so much Buzz about it when it first came out and then now people are like it's terrible don't watch it.
Bret: Just want to put Rose down as another data point in the if all it has to do is take place at Christmas for the be a Christmas movie.
Ash: Oh no no.
Sam: No we can't know this is this is this is not a conversation going to be.
Pat: Listen I'm sorry I'm derailing us listen to this.
Bret: This is It's the Christmas episode okay.
Sam: Telus.
Pat: In 99 American Beauty won best picture it beat Cider House Rules Green Mile The Insider in The Sixth Sense.
Sam: That was a year.
Ash: What do you have against American beauty though.
Bret: You can be my last letter.
Sam: The Green Mile yeah.
Rose: Cat doesn't like the plastic bag.
Pat: I don't think I do not think of it I think if we watch it for the show American Beauty will not hold up.
Ash: Really I think American Beauty would hold up.
Pat: I think it will be f****** trash.
Rose: Have you seen have you seen the SNL from last week where she was like I watched American Beauty and it doesn't hold up or whatever and she's like that plastic bag who lets the plastic fly around its going to kill a bird that looks really good.
Sam: But like the movies they went up against that year were crazy crazy good.
Pat: Shakespeare love beat Life is Beautiful by Roberto benigni Saving Private Ryan.
Sam: Oh my God are you kidding me.
Pat: Thin Red Line.
Rose: Okay alright alright.
Sam: Beat Saving Private Ryan yes see hindsight.
Ash: Yeah but like you know they're bought bright like like they're not one on Merritt they're purchased you do know that right.
Pat: The full monty was nominated for Best Picture.
Pat: British movie about guys doing a nude calendar was it was no listen listen.
Ash: That's amazing and it's a travesty it didn't win because I will tell you that movie is amazing and holds up.
Rose: Cinematic genius.
Ash: Of course.
Pat: Listen it was 97 and it was up it was 105 listen to the listen to the company that the full money was put in Titanic which one as good as it gets Good Will Hunting l a confidential.
Ash: LA Confidential.
Sam: LA Confidential is actually pretty good but I don't know if I'd put it in like best picture good.
Sam: Is good but.
Pat: Braveheart one.
Bret: It felt like I'm like I could have been.
Sam: I didn't either.
Pat: Braveheart beat Apollo 13.
Bret: All right this is.
Ash: Alright alright this is not the Oscar watch.
Pat: Sorry sorry I'm sorry this is just.
Rose: So so before we it's okay.
Sam: I'm fully into this conversation Pat we should do a side podcast on this I'm down.
Pat: Okay will do a bonus app.
Bret: This is absolutely this is I'm in for this this is a limited run will do all of the oldest will go back through the Oscars and.
Pat: Audit the Oscars of every like the major Awards.
Bret: The Oscars model yes.
Sam: The Oscar audit yes.
Rose: That would be awesome.
Pat: Done it's happening chipit.
Sam: Okay this is brilliant.
Rose: That's hilarious yeah that's a good idea.
Ash: Add a new podcast commitment was born so any guesses on what it got opening weekend.
Pat: Opening weekend I'm going to stay with my budget guest 2727.
Bret: When did it release the actually release at Christmas.
Ash: 1992 I did release around Christmas yes I say.
Bret: Made like 35.
Sam: If it if it released on like Thanksgiving weekend or something like I could see the numbers being really high.
Sam: It was just like.
Bret: Maybe even 45.
Sam: I think you're going high.
Pat: Bread is bullish.
Ash: You did.
Rose: I think that I saw this in the theaters like when it came out which is crazy yeah I mean I'm actually glad we chose this movie or this movie was chosen because it's one of the few I actually like have not seen.
Ash: Oh my gosh.
Rose: Honestly couldn't tell you the last time I thought liked from maybe when I was a kid.
Ash: I watch this one every year every single year.
Rose: What's so funny.
Ash: December 11th by the way.
Sam: Late I'm going to stick with my like I don't think it made very much I think it made like five mil opening weekend.
Pat: Damn Sam Asbury.
Sam: I'm just going to be off on this time yes.
Rose: I have no idea I'm going to go with 15 again I just going to stick with that number.
Ash: It's a good number for you well Sam's got it 5 million.
Sam: I never do these things right.
Ash: Now according to IMDb though it says that this movie did modestly well at the box office I don't know if like less than half your budget is modestly well but it said it suffered due to competition from Home Alone 2.
Sam: Mistakes.
Pat: Any relation.
Ash: Yeah yeah mistakes were made of our director is Brian Hansen who of course is Jim Henson's son and this was Henson sorry and this was the first Muppet movie that he ever directed after his dad's death as well as his first feature film which is kind of crazy.
Sam: Wow way to come out of the gate doing awesome there.
Ash: Strong totally yeah of course we have other cast the wonderful Michael Caine.
Ash: Michael Caine.
Pat: Michael Caine.
Bret: Michael Caine.
Rose: Michael Caine.
Pat: Michael Caine.
Sam: I can't do it either.
Ash: Okay I can't do it and we have Frank Oz who always does Miss Piggy we have okay I'm probably need this name wrong and Sam can correct me but Dave gazelle.
Sam: I don't know that name.
Ash: Goals goals goals who does Gonzo and then Steve Whitmore.
Rose: I thought it was Charles Dickens.
Ash: Hell yeah you know Charles tickets and then Steve Whitmore who does Kermit Rizzo Bean bunny Beaker but this was his first time ever playing Kermit and because after you know Jim's death it was passed on to him and the night before recording Kermit song for the movie he had a dream where he met Jim Henson in a hotel lobby and told him how I'm sure he was in the dream Henson reassured whitmere the feeling would pass after waking up with mirror was confident and able to do the.
Rose: That's sweet.
Sam: That is so sweet. F***** up the sweet.
Pat: Creepy takubeats the f*** out of my dreams ghost.
Sam: Pat you're going to you're going to love them treat my hat the other night.
Ash: This whole movie is about ghost mean in your dreams.
Rose: And dreams right.
Ash: So yeah so this was his first first movie as Kermit the Frog but it's also the first Muppet Movie where Kermit the Frog isn't the lead character.
Ash: Just kind of interesting.
Pat: Is Bob Cratchit.
Ash: And so I'm going to drop my favorite piece of trivia that I always like anytime people who say they love this movie I'm like but have you seen the original version because there's two versions of this film you might not know that Rose but there is a song an entire song that is cut from the film the song.
Bret: Did you see the news.
Pat: The love is gone the love is gone.
Rose: Was it was it racist was it racist okay.
Ash: No no it's a beautiful song the other song When the Love is Gone which is sung by Bell was dropped from the theatrical release over objections from Brian Henson.
Sam: Izzy it's he's.
Ash: Yeah yeah.
Pat: Using over he objected to dropping it but they made he didn't want to drop.
Pat: Yeah it's beautiful and emotional and sad.
Ash: No I meant his name Henson I felt like I was saying it wrong again.
Rose: So it wasn't released theatrically with this song.
Pat: Hey.
Bret: Jeffrey.
Rose: Jeffrey.
Ash: So the reason why it was dropped was at the request of Disney chairman Jeffrey katzenberg boo Jeffrey katzenberg wrong decision.
Sam: A Jeffrey.
Pat: Why don't you go pee like I'm going to fall asleep everything 2 billion dollars for streaming service is going to die in 6 months.
Ash: But he considered the song too sad for young children because it's basically the song where Belle and the main character Scrooge break up and she's thinking about how they're no longer in love really and because of that there's like a jarring edit like you know that you're not watching the original version because all the sudden Gonzo Scrooge and Rizzo are crying for absolutely no reason and we just like cut to them crying and you're like why are they sad but the scene was restored in the VHS LaserDisc and 1st DVD releases but it isn't used in the television airings the blu-ray releases or Netflix or Disney plus however it is available in the extras option on Disney plus if you're watching a Disney plus go check it out after the film it's a beautiful in my opinion it's like it's my favorite song from the phone.
Ash: Yeah it's just the scene.
Pat: It's you can just watch this scene you can't is not an option to watch the movie with a scene inserted.
Ash: Yeah so I still have my original VHS version of this film because it has the song in it and I have a VHS player just to play this movie because I love this movie so much and I refuse to watch the edited version.
Pat: Well you know what Ash I'm going to watch it I'm going to watch the movie and then watch the song again I mean I'm with you it's better but because I don't mind doing a little extra homework for the good of the viewing experience.
Ash: Plugging in a VHS player in 2020 isn't a little extra homework but I don't know what it is.
Pat: I'm referring to your your ghost dog.
Bret: How it came out us with the ghost dog like f****** watch 20 extra minutes of the sea movie.
Ash: Right oh right.
Ash: So I am I believe to answer your question Rose I believe the theatrical release didn't have it I'm not sure I think my DV my VHS version is recorded from TV so somehow I got.
Rose: I'll have to watch the edited scene but I feel like I've seen that scene so at some point you know my family we always had like the addresses of stuff so I cuz I remember going to see it in the theater and I've seen it since so I think I've seen it but.
Pat: I'm sorry just the first of what would end up being a long line of super-solid instinct industry instinctual moves from Mystic katzenberg.
Ash: Hahaha alright.
Pat: Almost 2 billion dollars for a streaming service that died in 6 months why are we working on that screaming about this.
Rose: What service was that.
Sam: He also he also left.
Ash: Yeah.
Sam: He left DreamWorks.
Rose: That's the one that just fail.
Sam: To make heelys treeworks to make Quebec.
Sam: He had a animation company and he sold it cuz he got bored with it.
Rose: Sounds like 20/20 was not his here either.
Pat: The one caveat disclaimer I'll be like I get it worth like the thought of people are out and about and I was looking at their phone so it's like in you launch it in the one-year nobody's out and about.
Ash: It's true yeah.
Bret: Also like can you like the pitch room for Quimby like f****** oh man you know movies are too long and like TV 30 minutes the f*** is that about how do I watch shorter movies I don't have you been on the internet.
Bret: All short movies but.
Rose: Have to say it.
Pat: Michael Caine.
Bret: Michael Caine.
Ash: Yeah anyway before production began Sir Michael Caine told came he told Brian Henson that that he's going to play it he basically he plays his part in this movie as if he was working with the Royal Shakespeare company and he said I will never wink I will never do anything Muppet e I'm going to play Scrooge as if it is an utterly dramatic role and there are no puppets around me and Henson said bang on.
Sam: Yeah I mean.
Ash: The straight man.
Pat: That's when the Muppets our best is when the the actors like the live-action actors are like.
Pat: Treating them as real people cuz in the humor the humor that the Muppets deliver land it land so much better if Blake the actor is to like in on the joke it's just.
Sam: Also like.
Sam: Turn my memory up this movie it plays so beautifully well because he's so devoid of joy and happiness and he's surrounded by all of these happy joyous characters and that duality of the two of them just like makes the movie you know like it really sells at least to me as a kid like his unhappiness like how could you be so grumpy surrounded by all of these like super fun characters so I think it was a really wise choice of both for the story.
Ash: Yeah Brett how could you be so unhappy.
Pat: Surrounded by us us living Muppets.
Bret: Yahoo Market.
Ash: Brother Michael Caine.
Sam: Sir Brett Michael Caine.
Ash: Yeah I mean it's like but comedy.
Bret: Michael Caine has everything.
Pat: Here yet if you want to how to say you just say it like you're saying the phrase my cocaine.
Bret: Yeah.
Ash: Michael Caine.
Rose: Where are you got it.
Ash: It works.
Sam: Yeah.
Ash: I love it perfect let's see what else do I have here also Michael.
Ash: Cocaine found out.
Pat: Well you can't pause.
Sam: You can't say you can't save Michael cocaine.
Pat: When you can't Posite yeah and we can't have that pauses got to.
Ash: Shut up I posted.
Ash: He found out that it was Brian Henson's first.
Sam: Wheel Works coupons.
Rose: Somebody needs to make a meme of of Michael Caine with just cocaine all over his face Michael cocaine.
Sam: Broke bread.
Ash: Anyway he was deeply impressed.
Bret: Children's character.
Ash: Do it I'm looking to move on to the next trivia.
Sam: No no tell us.
Ash: It would he realize that it was Brian Henson's directory old are you he was deeply impressed that's all.
Sam: Should be it's this really great for my memory.
Ash: But this this trivia I think it's really cool and I think you're going to get a kick out of its am the Ghost of Christmas Past effects were created by making a special puppet that was operated in a tank of water and then green-screened into the movie to make it look like it was floating Isn't that cool.
Sam: So cool.
Ash: And I remember thinking it like looks really good.
Rose: Yeah it was super creepy I feel like I will say this about like if they made this movie today it would all be like CG and it would just look like crap and I feel like there's just something to be said about like actually using Muppets.
Rose: Cat dying somewhere.
Ash: Yes the Mandalorian thing fat.
Rose: What is the kitty.
Ash: So what's his name you cowards use the puppet.
Pat: Yeah Verner hertzog yeah he yelled at the producers talked about it.
Rose: I just so much better Kitty agrees Kitty degrees.
Pat: It would like to see the baby.
Ash: Bad cat hot cat.
Ash: Koko Head.
Sam: Podcast back yeah I'm all for practical effects and I I love Henson's practical effects and they do such a good job I mean you just can't be the animation of like an actual puppet you know that's being puppeteered by a person like there's.
Sam: Even though you can edit things in CG is like make changes and and really make it fit within a scene there's just something so life-like about seeing a practical fact that I just love.
Ash: Yeah I think it's the that CG even when they try to make it look grungy CJ always has the sort of polished look that you know a real puppet has imperfections and you know I think that's totally it.
Sam: Yeah we talked about that an animation school with the animation to so when you animate something you have something called keyframes and in-betweens so your keyframes are your big points of movement and then you have your in-betweens all the little movements micro movements in between and when you have CG those can sometimes be like made by the computer and they get very floaty because they're so evenly spaced and they're so like meticulous but when you do it in person or intimated by hand like is just it's imperfect and you feel that in the movement and it feels more alive and less robotic so I'm very excited for the the puppeteering.
Ash: Puppetry High cherub.
Sam: I don't know I'm pregnant and I just I can't get rid of the animals they just are like glued to me.
Ash: Like a Disney princess now that just flock to you.
Sam: Yeah it's true.
Ash: Another interesting thing that I kind of can't imagine the movie this way but originally the three ghosts that visit Scrooge we're going to be played by Miss Piggy scooter and Gonzo.
Ash: Which I'm glad that they didn't do that.
Pat: Godot is going to be the death one.
Ash: Yes yeah.
Rose: Yahoo is going to be deaf.
Ash: But then he's the narrator so I think that's why they swapped about.
Rose: I feel like.
Pat: I don't think that would have had quite since scooter would like the kind of nerdy yeah I don't know that's bad that's up that's a bad choice.
Bret: Rage Quit.
Ash: That's right go ahead with your thought.
Rose: Over it.
Rose: Hey you missed so much Pat I don't know how y'all catch up.
Rose: I was going to say that I feel like the ghost being like you know not like campy Muppets make Michael Caine's performance like that much better because it's it does have that seriousness through it and it's not just like you know Miss Piggy and.
Rose: Danzo I feel like I'd be so weird.
Ash: Are the are the first ones.
Ash: The grumpy old man puppet.
Rose: They're his old Partners right.
Bret: Yeah Marley Marley.
Ash: I think it's they're both.
Rose: I totally forgot about that.
Pat: Yeah so that's a fun little thing they did wear could like in the original Dickens it's one person named Jacob Marley but they changed it to Jacob and Marley like he had two partners so it's wall-to-wall is it Walter and Statler Statler and Waldorf.
Ash: Yeah Walter and yeah.
Bret: I just thinking about the.
Ash: Would have been strange.
Bret: How weird it would have been to have the Muppets recognizable Muppets be the ghosts in like man it's even though it's a think it's one too many like the levels of disbelief right like I'm willing to believe that the Muppets like exist as people and that's like the Muppet universe and then now it's like I'm willing to believe that the Muppets are actually back in time for this one fine but like I can't have this Muppet that I know be also the Ghost of Christmas Past or whatever.
Ash: Yeah I love that.
Ash: Oshkosh.
Pat: I hear you it's one thing worth like yeah you got chromatid Bob Cratchit and you got these Muppets playing characters and it's perfect you got Fozzy being fozziwig instead of fezziwig f****** perfect right it's just these otherworldly entities are it's like yeah I know it would it would it wouldn't have the gravitas right yeah it was f****** scooter.
Ash: F****** scooter who actually does not appear in the film.
Bret: Left them in the cupboard.
Pat: I'm fine with that.
Ash: Well he doesn't appear in the film cuz the guy who did his voice died so.
Sam: Ash Jesus.
Rose: #dark.
Sam: What does set us up for failure.
Pat: Okay thank you.
Bret: Now who's the brat.
Ash: Burying the lede.
Ash: Etsy yeah so I mean they they Incorporated Gonzo and Rizzo into the narrative because they wanted to have the narration and pros of the original novel which I think is really cool so you get some of that language which I think helped set the the the seed to me it's never been like like Brett you said like I'll buy that they went back in time like it's never been to me like oh they go back in time it's just been like.
Ash: In my mind it's like a play like the Muppets are putting on this play.
Rose: I was just going to say that yeah it's like you're watching a play that they're putting on.
Pat: Cuz they're f****** perfect.
Ash: Yeah so this in Treasure Island like those are my two favorite Muppet movies because it's it's just it feels like a fun play yeah thank you for they are perfect.
Ash: But yeah I think.
Ash: I think that's add you guys want to move on to what are your memories of the film and whatnot predictions and all that.
Pat: I I think I'm going to be off like a near-perfect legitimately I think Lily only if they took out that song.
Ash: That's true.
Rose: Yeah yeah yeah.
Pat: There's going to be very enjoyable and fun and I mean this Nostalgia factors crank it to 11 here but you know very admittedly for a lot of us but I think it's going to be just a really fun cheery holiday Vibe and just enjoyable honestly breaking my brain to think of as anything that will be boring or not hold up and I'm coming up empty.
Pat: I'm going to go where in a limb and say it's going to be.
Pat: Super awesome very good time.
Ash: Super awesome fun time.
Bret: I'll jump in with the negative thought all versions of this story or boring.
Sam: Get out.
Ash: Scrooge.
Rose: Even Scrooged.
Bret: Every version of the story at board the tears out at a child Brett this is probably the best one though.
Pat: What I totally buy that.
Bret: But.
Ash: Hahaha I don't see child as being a fan of Muppet movies though Mr over there watching The Substitute as a child.
Pat: Something I envisioned child Brett like a black hoodie with the hood up and he's in the corner he's doing something it's actually very artistic and creative and he's actually very talented he looks over and just like.
Pat: Sellouts and gets backed up.
Bret: Lafayette.
Bret: Child.
Sam: Three and a half months I'm going to give birth to a miniature version of him so.
Pat: Can I have a beard.
Bret: This is this is nothing child watch this movie plenty of time.
Sam: Out.
Bret: And stuff happens and then Marley Marley and then I don't know and then like that shows up and that's kind of scary and then there's a turkey like you know like that's that's my memory.
Pat: It's a goose but it is a Christmas goose god dammit.
Bret: There's there's a part I had fun with and then something in the middle and a part that scared me that's.
Pat: Are you telling me you didn't laugh your head off at the Swedish Chef singing.
Pat: Deck the Halls but in his in his gibberish.
Ash: I love a.
Sam: What about the the rats.
Ash: I love the Sam what's his name the bird yeah Sam Eagle is his teacher.
Rose: Oh yeah oh man.
Ash: Okay.
Ash: Sam will murder you if you don't.
Bret: Most of the Muppets content I've watched has been as an adult and I actually really like as an adult so I'm I'm hoping I like it more than I did when I was a kid I have a feeling I will because yeah cuz I had bad taste movies with verified this so I'm hoping I will like it but my memories of it are that I was bored.
Sam: Oh my God I don't even know how to look at you anymore.
Sam: Sure. He's wrong obviously I'm very excited for this movie I am very surprised by your fact about the sad breakup love song Because I had the VHS and then when I was in college or high-school I bought the DVD from like one of those discount you know like $3 bins at Target or whatever and I'm pretty sure every version I've ever watched had that song in it.
Ash: So for once you saw the non edited version of a movie.
Sam: Yeah yeah so I can't cuz they think they always were crying after they like said goodbye right she's like wearing that white dress is that yeah yeah.
Ash: Yes yeah I mean you see it like there's a scene.
Ash: And then the song and they just cut the song out so the scene is I think it's still there.
Sam: Play I remember it being a song like it lasted for a while.
Ash: Okay then you probably saw it yeah yeah.
Sam: If I if I didn't get rid of the DVD when I moved.
Ash: I did too.
Sam: We can confirm but we'll have to see anyway I am so excited to watch this movie again I weirdly thought we'd already done it but we have what we did it was the Treasure Island so I I watch this movie every year usually when I'm like decorating the tree or like baking cookies or something so I haven't like paid attention to it for a long time so I'm really excited to just like sit down and give it my full attention because I think it's one of the best Muppet movies in my opinion is a classic really good story amazing actors like that Duality that we talked about it like the seriousness of the live-action actors and the craziness of the puppets really good fun songs like really great Renditions also I will I will mention if you like this movie at you lutely have to check out the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas album.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Sam: Because it is fantastic.
Sam: I'm guessing that came way before this but I wouldn't be surprised if that's kind of where the idea of doing a Muppets Christmas movie came from.
Ash: Baby.
Sam: Anyway I think I'm going to love it still and Baja ambrette can bugger off.
Pat: Humbug.
Ash: 1979 was the John Denver one it's a video to I think no maybe television special.
Sam: Yeah I think they did better music video.
Sam: Elsa television special.
Ash: Yeah cuz I don't think yeah it's like a whole thing cuz I remember seeing it.
Rose: Yes.
Ash: I think maybe I don't know anyway Rose you brought this movie the table you've already talked a little bit about your memories what do you think do you think it'll hold up.
Rose: Yeah it's.
Rose: Oh my gosh I'm I'm actually really really curious to watch this because I remember like I think I remember seeing it in the theaters and I've seen it a few times like on TV or with family members and as you guys are like saying these things all these parts of the movie they're coming back to me I'm like oh yeah I remember that okay I remember that so I'm excited to watch it I will say that the Christmas carol story it in breast offense is not my favorite Christmas Story either.
Ash: Encourage him.
Rose: I doesn't mean that I mean I love Scrooged and like.
Rose: I think I'll really enjoyed seeing this movie again I will say that one scene that always sticks with me when I think of this movie which as a kid I thought was like hilarious 107 was that.
Ash: Yes the island.
Rose: There's this like scene where the rats are like complaining about it being cold and comes in and says something they sing some song about the Jamaican set.
Sam: Island.
Pat: Yes yes.
Ash: Island in the Sun.
Pat: Yes.
Sam: Yeah me too I died.
Rose: It was the funniest thing so I'm excited to see that scene because that's the black one thing I remember making me laugh so we'll see how it holds up but I'm excited and I'll probably be playing at tonight with my one-and-a-half-year-old like running around so I'll see you she like pays attention at all to the movie so that'll be fun.
Ash: I was going to ask if you're watching it with your girls fat or are they asleep.
Ash: Imagine getting out of bed be like what are you doing watching this without us.
Ash: Well I I literally watched this movie every year for Christmas this is like this is This Love Actually and elfs are like the three required watch watches for me I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend.
Ash: Is not the hugest fan of this one either.
Sam: Embrace.
Rose: I love it so I'll be starting names how weird.
Ash: Yeah yeah I always force him to watch the Muppet movies and I don't think he's ever super thrilled.
Sam: Well he's wrong it's okay.
Pat: Sneezer screw.
Rose: Oh brunch.
Ash: Oh hey you should change your your Twitter handle.
Bret: Absolutely not.
Ash: That's just what he would say.
Ash: But I absolutely love this movie I this woman and Treasure Island I know word for word like by heart so I it's hard for me too I think has much perspective because like that said the the love and Nostalgia for this movie is on high for me but I am super curious to look at that Christmas Past ghost now knowing how it's made and and look at it even more because I remember thinking like how did they do this affect cuz it's so surreal looking.
Rose: Yeah it is creepy.
Bret: The wet ass puppet.
Rose: Oh my gosh.
Ash: Yeah so I'm excited I think I wow.
Ash: Well.
Rose: I was a good one.
Ash: Oh I think I think that does it for us we're going to watch this movie now but yours is normally the one that does this and I feel awkward doing it.
Bret: Yeah I really like that's pause the show.
Pat: Which of these f****** phenomenal songs are we going to come back to.
Ash: Text Cube Google.
Ash: Oh thank you.
Sam: Was amazing alright Miss Broadway over there cheese.
Rose: Bravo bravo.
Pat: Open the pod we found.
Pat: The Pottery Factory.
Ash: Oh I like that the photographer.
Ash: Hell yes I forced price to listen to me saying to every single song as well as me speaking the dialogue to which he said halfway through the movie wow you really do know everywhere. I was like yep.
Pat: Oh yeah.
Rose: AKA please please keep it in your mind please stop.
Ash: Please stop yeah.
Ash: It's good.
Pat: I called my cell I got I got busted singing they coming along audibly cuz I was watching with headphones on and sitting on the couch extricating she's watching something on the TV and she's like not just me like your singing like yeah like.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Rose: My first note cuz I took notes let's see you know how prepared I am my first know is music is dropping like just music is Batman.
Ash: Oh yeah we'll Pat texted us at the beginning and he was like what did she say Pat.
Pat: 30 seconds in and just ask or has me giddy.
Rose: Yes the score was so good.
Ash: So good and credible.
Ash: Sorry my bad.
Sam: Wish we didn't talk about before and I feel like that was an oversight but what a treat to remove no not not an oversight on you just like in general like how was that not in my memory of like yeah the song.
Sam: So good.
Ash: They're so good let me see who the composer was.
Rose: I did look it up and yeah he died really young.
Pat: Paul Williams or something he did like all the the major Muppet stuff.
Ash: He died you said.
Rose: He did Little Shop of Horrors so I am very into that.
Ash: Wow.
Bret: What's your favorite song from this film.
Ash: I've already told you the love is gone.
Pat: Technical that wasn't.
Bret: I get why they cut it though.
Rose: You get why they cut it.
Pat: What f*** you Brett.
Ash: What what what.
Ash: That moment where where Michael Caine is like crying with her on the bridge.
Rose: So good.
Bret: Nobody needs to see Michael cocaine cry.
Rose: I meant to send you guys.
Ash: You know what go away.
Bret: Kids would have been in tears.
Pat: He's so good and it's it's something I wouldn't even thought of ask if you're into the trivia it's him playing it straight like hardcore like full-on committing straight I would have been really thought about it but now you said I was watching for that and it makes the movie so much better if he'd been tongue-in-cheek and winky it would have been like it is it would not be what it is.
Ash: Especially cuz like one of my favorite Parts is like how the Muppets are like breaking the fourth wall like I love that point where like Gonzo like nudges Sam he's like no it's not America like it's London and cuz he's like it's the American way though it's the British way.
Ash: Oh my God Rose just texted me.
Ash: Pure cocaine light Spokane and it's Michael Jame.
Rose: I was looking up before I start watching the movie looking up Michael Caine cocaine memes because I was like there's god of.
Ash: It must exist.
Rose: And there's a ton so yeah yeah.
Bret: We were laughing about it is for the entire time.
Rose: It's not.
Pat: It's not and it's short.
Ash: Like I don't understand why the love is gone is too sad for children but Tiny Tim dying isn't.
Pat: Yeah.
Bret: If you don't see Tiny Tim died but you see.
Rose: But he's crying.
Bret: Michael Caine crying and he had such a :-(.
Rose: He's crying in that the like seeing that they cut back to like them when she walks away.
Ash: Yeah he's still crying.
Rose: I swear though I'm we must have had the VHS or something because I only remember it with the song in there cuz I remember that at one point she like sings about the loving God and then the young Scrooge like walks away and like can't even stay I remember being like Oh no like can't even stay for her to finish her song like I'm girl you're dodging a bullet.
Bret: Question about that scene do we all well maybe not ask but if we all watch it on Disney Plus.
Pat: Yes I did.
Ash: I actually did watch it on Disney plus because well plugging a VHS player and it is hard nowadays cuz.
Bret: Did you notice that that deleted scene was in like 4K and the rest of the movie was basically the VHS.
Bret: What was up with the.
Pat: Yes I think I feel yes I feel like.
Bret: Play I like this it looks so much better the thing that they cut.
Rose: The quality was different yeah.
Ash: Really cuz it looks really good for me but maybe I mean I always watch the literal VHS so like to me this was a huge upgrade and quality and visual.
Ash: I did yeah I did.
Bret: Did you check out that extra though that dejected watch this it was like totally different like way less grainy.
Bret: Was like wondering why they did that why they didn't rip the the whole thing of high-quality.
Ash: I know what's weird is like you put the deleted scene there why don't you just put the original version.
Ash: Then came back.
Pat: Just have a version I mean to be fair it wasn't hard for I told you that I didn't real time when the scene came up I hit pause went back went to the extras watch that scene and then went back and it was pretty.
Rose: I wanted to see like if it worked without it first you know.
Pat: Is it hella awkward.
Ash: I mean I don't find it like.
Bret: It still works without it as just like it's missing the impact.
Ash: Yeah it works.
Rose: It works but it's like so quick at yeah I feel like.
Rose: And then it shows.
Pat: All she says is you used to write he says like I love you she's like you used to and then it cuts to cry.
Rose: Yeah her then will you see your kind of walking away so you think she just says you used to and walks away but I feel like you miss like this extra like I mean I will say that I like that.
Ash: An emotional beat.
Rose: Yeah but I also feel like this whole movie I love movies and I think this movie actually look really holds up because they treat kids like with this respect that they're going to understand things or you know it's not like.
Rose: I don't know it's not like the slap sticky stuff is actually a funny to me as an adult too and so I'm like if they can joke about like being dead and being like in the grave or whatever but then when she's like singing this happy song I'm like they could trust I feel like they should trust that kids wouldn't like find it too sad they probably know like I just think it makes it so much better with with it.
Pat: It's so weird it really is though.
Rose: Oh my God.
Ash: So creepy.
Pat: It was for the kids to take it out but they have like the creepiest f****** Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come ever in any iteration of this of the story and.
Ash: Glides like that's the colliding and like the really long arms.
Sam: The long fingers.
Pat: Yes the unlike disproportional arms and fingers are what's really Blake disconcerting.
Rose: Give me the OG dementor.
Ash: Yes yeah.
Sam: What he puts his hand on his shoulder yeah also the OG Hagrid like.
Rose: Oh yeah.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Sam: And and the rat is wearing a Gryffindor scarf so there's an awful lot of Harry Potter in this.
Ash: Live in I mean.
Sam: Totally.
Ash: So good.
Pat: I mean Mexicans are the MVPs lyrics are delightful.
Ash: Wow.
Rose: I have Rizzo is the MVP of this movie like I love love love I'm in my notes but I love the scene where the cat is chasing him and he's like I'm from New Jersey like it makes no so much I was laughing so hard.
Rose: I was like that's so Random.
Ash: I love when they come through the trees he's like brizzo this is Gwendolyn or whatever and he's like we've met there so many great gags or like the Jelly Bean dad gets me everytime.
Sam: Yes at the gate.
Rose: For the.
Pat: The gate going to.
Ash: Oh they were in my pocket and he's just like.
Ash: Or like.
Ash: Oh totally.
Rose: What I like again I love like that like it's like this clean humor that literally it's funny it will be funny 10 years from now because it's not like based on like Tata just like funny I even when he's like using him to wipe the window clean and he's like I'm so glad I can be a far so good and that's going to be funny in like 5 years you know there's nothing like not funny about that.
Ash: It's kind of like like and maybe I'm just thinking this cuz I'm watching Simpsons now but it's like Simpsons humor is kind of like that sometimes where it's like it's not necessarily I mean sometimes it's making a point but like it's just funny and it's not necessarily making a point about something and I think that's what makes it Timeless you know.
Rose: Yeah for sure.
Ash: But one thing I noticed about Rizzo aganzo that I've never noticed before cuz this time I was like okay I've seen this movie like a hundred times I'm going to like purposely look for things that I haven't noticed and I didn't notice that you can see them in the background Looking Through the Windows often like you know and like they're like peeking in and what not and I never noticed that before that was such a fun detail to see.
Bret: Yeah they're always just like watching from the back.
Bret: Their Dynamic is so good in this and that's that one scene where it looks like Gonzo died.
Ash: He's knocked off the buggy oh yeah which one actually.
Bret: Daddy just likes sit straight up and starts talking to God that got me so good.
Pat: How is right yeah gets right into it.
Rose: I do have a note about guns that I said why does Gonzo love chicken so much what weird chicken fetish does he have.
Pat: That's it.
Ash: He definitely has a weird chicken fetish yep.
Pat: This is always been a thing of his yes.
Pat: Why does Gonzo.
Pat: Chicken.
Bret: Don't Google it.
Rose: I mean yeah I know it's like a like a Gonzo thing or like when he's like upset because he landed on the goose and like I was like if you always get to do the fun things and I'm like dizzy and Dickie's to like is it just burns is an avian I don't know.
Ash: I think it's all birds isn't it but specifically chickens mostly.
Pat: Arigato.
Bret: Is not part of the joke Nobody Knows by Gonzo is.
Ash: Yeah he's an alien.
Pat: Yeah well then in one of the movies or the.
Pat: First service in episode 204 The Muppet Show the original run when they held auditions for dancing chickens Dave gold add live the line don't call us we'll call you nice legs though after this the writers decided Gonzo should have an attraction the chicken so it's just like whatever it was like yeah sure that's a thing.
Pat: There's no reason for it.
Ash: Aerobics doesn't really have a real Olivia one thing also like character specific that I never really noticed before but like Fozzie in the the fozziwig Christmas party there's Rubber Chickens clown shoes and clown hats in the background and hanging from the ceiling and that's the same which is so great.
Pat: What is a lion I've never I never caught it before this one is when they come in case they call it itsfozzy wigs rubber chicken factory.
Rose: Also the.
Ash: Oh right right that makes a lot of sense.
Rose: Partners the brothers that Marley's they make some joke about like leave comedy to the Bears.
Rose: When they think Scrooge is making.
Ash: So good oh gosh it's only be a comedian menu could be that successful right.
Bret: There's some fun I only caught in the one saying that there is a stop some stop Moana mation in this.
Bret: Yeah see the ice skating scene right at the beginning.
Ash: No rights yeah the Penguins.
Bret: Yeah there's some of that and then it was oh yeah oh yeah they had this real crazy did you notice the scene when Kermit and then the Tiny Tim character they were just walking on a rotating log and they were like panning out from the background but the log was like static.
Rose: That's so funny.
Ash: Oh that's funny now I didn't know.
Sam: That's how they did a puppet walk cycle which is really interesting and really fun like.
Bret: Really clever ways to sell the same.
Ash: Some of the shots in this are f****** phenomenal like the shot where there in Scrooge's like nephew's house and then the Ghost of Christmas present like take some by the the shoulder and they turn around and they walk through the wall in the wall disappears and then it becomes the front of Bob and Tiny Tim's house is like that shot is so amazing like send the green screen in this for how old this movie is it's so impressive.
Rose: I was very impressed by the like the special effects.
Bret: Yeah it's at a film quality.
Rose: Something that came out that long ago right.
Rose: And you know not using computers to just like you know half acid I guess.
Pat: Did anyone else have any other versions of Christmas Carol that watched a lot because I have three and this one.
Pat: The Mickey one I feel like I see a Saban and then does another one and I don't know which one it is it was kind of live-action but it was kind of creepy cuz it ends with.
Pat: The chain that's Ford's by Scrooge's sins being put on him and it's just like this insanely large like a lynx or like as big as your fist and it's just like it's really creepy as like they're driving it on him like here's your chain that you've learned in life.
Ash: That is creepy.
Rose: Trisomy version.
Pat: Danny wakes up in his bed and his kind of scarring and I'm trying to figure out what you guys up to do this story has been made into a movie many times.
Ash: I mean that's what Brett was saying.
Pat: So many times.
Rose: I've seen Scrooged.
Bret: Laughing Scrooged.
Rose: I haven't seen that in a long time but that's the other one I think of.
Ash: I honestly don't know if I see any other version of the story oh I have seen screwed yeah yeah that's true but I don't know that I've seen other ones.
Sam: I haven't seen that one yet.
Sam: Yeah what's Bill Murray.
Rose: Yeah it's a good it's a classic it's pretty dark though too.
Ash: It is dark yeah.
Rose: That might be the one you're thinking of Pat cuz I think I remember it being like pretty dark but there's like so many like play versions of it and.
Pat: I'm upset 2010 and I'm already at 50 adaptations Counting.
Ash: Oh my God.
Rose: Oh my gosh.
Sam: Oh my gosh.
Ash: I did go to a Dickens Christmas Fair wooden year when I was a kid and it was so awesome it was like basically walking around in this movie buying a puppet.
Pat: I'm not so certain what we said about like I think they did build Special sets cuz of like the cartoonish exaggerated like angles and proportions of the buildings and stuff which was very puppadee in.
Ash: No it doesn't.
Bret: I would be curious to know where they shot this because the arrangement of the buildings and the placement of some of the stuff looks like the Whoville set at Universal but like before yeah it totally does it's that that's not round Center Square it with there's a building in the middle.
Ash: No it doesn't.
Bret: But it's like but that movie came out way after this looks like they might have this and then converted it later into the.
Ash: No it was filmed at shepperton studios in I believe that's in the UK in England.
Bret: Very similar layout then.
Pat: I love that set design we do it so well where it's like it looks like like they do on the street you just been the street and secure your cutting it's a hard cut off on the set of the city keeps going back there but it works so well I just love that.
Sam: Yes.
Ash: I was impressed at the Flying Like The Flying shot and you see like tons of houses and at first I was thinking like I'm thinking like okay and Sam maybe you can confirm what I'm thinking like okay there Miniatures I like it must be Miniatures with like a painted backdrop but I was watching ones in the background and you would see like their lights move behind other houses and I was like how many minutes or so they build for this.
Sam: It's probably large I mean their Miniatures but if only Miniatures in that they're not the size of humans so like the sets for stop motion are easily like.
Sam: 20-30 feet.
Ash: Clap your hands.
Bret: One of those houses open tracking shot is like put your put your hands together like it Mana circle like the top of the building probably only that big and if you want 50 of those like maybe that's as big as this room but in a warehouse that's not no space at all you know.
Ash: Like two shots that's crazy.
Sam: Yeah yeah I mean on Robot Chicken are standard set was for by 6 and if we did like an exterior Street shot we put four of them together so that would be like 12 by 8.
Ash: Yeah that's crazy.
Bret: Except sometimes.
Sam: Robot Chicken is very low budget and very like small space 04 feature it would be a lot bigger.
Pat: I love Miniatures I love them.
Sam: You're so fun I love the people who build them they're so talented.
Ash: But you do Pat you mention like the the interesting angles of like the buildings and whatnot like another thing that I never noticed before but I noticed this time around watching the film is this film is full of Dutch angles which only just like amplify that with the buildings and whatnot but like especially the first half of the film there's so many Dutch angles.
Pat: Can you explore I know what it. Dangle is can you explain first Alyssa I definitely do.
Ash: Sure you do Pat so so you don't traditionally when you set up a shot you want to level your tripod and so that way the horizon line is level and everything looks like it would if you were standing normally but it Dutch angle is.
Bret: Supposed to film school right now go.
Sam: A 10-4 that for the non knowing people horizon line is.
Bret: All the terms.
Ash: Wow do we really but a Dutch angle is anytime you tilt the camera purposely and so that way the horizon line isn't straight it's tilted and it kind of basically just makes you feel like something's off something's wrong so a seed in this movie where they did it a lot was where the Ebenezer comes home and the doorknob transforms into one of the Marley's faces and that whole scene is pretty much Dutch ankle after Dutch angle after Dutch angle.
Ash: Yes I love that shot.
Ash: Through like the banisters.
Rose: Yeah. I was going to say that. Like whole scene where like he's sitting in his living room and then the bell rings I remember that like you see that cut to the Belt cut to him closer and closer and I I was watching I was like this is really good like it's a good way to like build that tension and then there's some another like really low angle from like the stairwell and you're like seeing him like yeah yeah there was something I was definitely impressed yes yeah you can tell that he he took his time.
Ash: Yeah.
Sam: Yeah totally and and he referenced like horror movies for sure to kind of build the tension like there's a lot of at least cinematography wise like shots that are taken from Fort horror films and it's really good cuz there's like nothing scary happening on screen but it feels spooky.
Bret: Saving back that up with I don't know if that means that the angles and some of the weird stuff going on play some of the buildings were completely not straight up and down either like I don't know if you saw some of the.
Ash: Yeah that's what Pat was saying.
Pat: Singing like yeah they are coming out.
Rose: Disneyland effect.
Bret: That was like completely sideways in one of the shots that was like leaning over the street as a WhatsApp.
Ash: That's why I can't believe they made this movie for 12 million dollars because like they had to have built so many sets so many and there's like tons of extras sometimes.
Ash: I don't know how they did it.
Rose: There a lot of Muppets though maybe they just pay Muppets lesson people.
Ash: Yeah.
Pat: I feel like I don't lose that many human extras I feel like they just mixed they did a really good job but I'll stay up at the sets are smaller than we think they are.
Ash: No no man there's usually like 4-5 extras in every scene just walking around in the background just to like add like atmosphere.
Pat: Same one sister costume.
Ash: Well that's true Maybe.
Pat: How about the sets are that big.
Ash: Sure but still building that many set pieces I feel like that's probably expensive.
Ash: Oh okay yeah please do please please explain any budgeting about films.
Pat: Ask let me explain to you about what yeah let me who's never been on a movie set once in my life explain to you the professional filmmaker and director what goes into building says.
Rose: Film splaining.
Ash: You virtually been on a movie set.
Rose: Sam's Flaming I love it.
Ash: Phillips plating that's the new podcast name tmtm.
Sam: No we do not need to promote the.
Ash: Oh you know it was Brett.
Pat: Who did that by the way during the break who who who made it happen yeah.
Ash: Brett already snagged Oscar audit.
Pat: HOSA I like this is a thing to get me into Twitter.
Sam: No sadly you can keep wishing but did not going to happen.
Ash: I'll keep tagging you in stuff Sam and someday.
Sam: And I'll keep going on in.
Pat: Oscar audits coming in 2021.
Ash: Glad to have you back for that one roof.
Pat: One for hole new show.
Rose: Yes please do I'll fill all films playing away.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Rose: I will say that I was pretty surprised at how old Michael Caine I was like oh it's the young Michael Caine and then I was like oh no he's he's considerably aged here and then I looked up how old he was.
Sam: He's kind of like Maggie Smith.
Ash: How old is he oh oh right yeah.
Sam: Now.
Rose: Right. Cuz he's like 87 now so but I feel like he looks better in some of his movies more recently like they must have aged him a little bit for this movie.
Sam: Its uses teeth.
Rose: Mcdougald.
Sam: It's his teeth.
Ash: Plastic surgery got to get that Botox.
Bret: That's just as just guys every guy looks better as they get older.
Rose: So not fair.
Sam: That is so not true.
Sam: Oh my God.
Pat: Us-50.
Ash: I mean that's so not true.
Pat: News 59 in this movie.
Ash: Route 59.
Bret: That's super untrue Michael Caine's f****** hot when he was young.
Sam: He looks like a bond.
Ash: Wow wow.
Pat: Is 87 now right 87 now 87 - 28.
Pat: Fuse 59 what temperature that yeah would like his like the balding in Asian up a little.
Rose: Yeah you're like how is she.
Ash: Yeah it's like baggy Smith & Hook where like she looks older than she does in other movies Pinhook.
Sam: She just stopped aging.
Ash: I'm sure that was like makeup or something and hug but.
Pat: Her face.
Ash: Waiter was a her.
Rose: Ghost of Christmas Past like really creep me out I mean it was really cool how they did that but I was thoroughly like I could not look at her I would like like it's just like there's just like Coraline like yes I think as little girl.
Pat: I like girls.
Sam: She's like The Dark Crystal puppet basically.
Rose: Yes yeah.
Ash: Play the big the big Dementors.
Sam: Nonno passed.
Pat: No Christmas Past the floaty girl.
Sam: The first one.
Ash: Hello sorry yeah yeah.
Rose: No no the young girl the floaties white girl like that was the one they put in the water.
Ash: Right right right yeah sorry.
Rose: To make it look like give that a fact which I.
Bret: Casting for a floaty white girl.
Pat: Flipping her face was a little uncanny valley.
Rose: Yeah it creeped me out.
Ash: I love it I love how likes of real and it's just such a weird effect so odd.
Sam: The affect the underwater effect I loved it it's always the design of her face that kind of scares me it's like a little alien like you know.
Ash: Yeah I could see that.
Bret: You know what it felt like was Poltergeist.
Rose: Yes cuz she's at like glow around her.
Bret: Remember at the end when the big spider legs thing.
Pat: I can't ever hear the f****** word Poltergeist without thinking poultry guys.
Pat: My dumb brain there certain words I can't hear right ever.
Pat: Yeah.
Ash: Welcome to living with Bryce pool who changes the words of songs Beck's my summer girl my son's a girl is now the lyrics that will forever be branded in my head.
Rose: Thank you thank you for that one.
Ash: Sri Lanka.
Pat: Things were I want to hear a little bit more for brown to put bread on a spot a little bit and say like threat what didn't you like about this movie.
Bret: Are we going into are you going into wrap ups.
Pat: I know I don't know I don't want you cuz I want to keep talking about it but it's like I know a lot of times it's only things were the worst movie is no more talk about but we had enjoyed watching it so much.
Ash: Before we do though I just want to say there was another part of this movie that made me think of Rose particularly and that was the scene where they must have had a big-ass smoke machine because on zombie that Rose was our smoke machine person and she was so into it like rose with love the smoke machine it must be huge.
Bret: And at the Marlies or the owner of the.
Pat: When the third ghost shows up.
Rose: Oh yeah I would have been all over that.
Ash: Yeah it's like a wall.
Ash: You were so excited.
Rose: I was I was overdoing it to be honest and zombie. I'm surprised nobody shot me down cuz I'm psychologist just a little bit more smoke in the air like we can't see each other like lets you know and then the link machine would like Putin.
Ash: Yeah I'd like fart a little bit.
Rose: Play something like Bruce get the machine out of like I'm sorry I'm just heading to the you know this scene I just just had that extra you know.
Ash: Atmosphere.
Ash: It's so funny cuz on camera I feel like it didn't even look like that much like you know anyway okay now screws it up.
Bret: Are you doing.
Sam: No ask you had something else to say it was a smoke okay okay.
Pat: No I just wanted another no I didn't want to wrap it up I just wanted Brett I just wanted.
Ash: I just wanted to put Brett on the spot.
Pat: Alec Pratt come on I know you're sitting on something I know he's sitting on some.
Bret: I'm not I mean you asked me what part I didn't like I mean probably still do metal because.
Bret: Yeah at the beginning is a Superfund and then the middle is like and that's the middle starts at 2 goes the creeper floating white girl and ends at.
Ash: What a band named creepy floaties white girl.
Pat: Floating creepy white girl.
Bret: Right when the Ghost of Christmas present.
Ash: You don't like the Ghost of Christmas present.
Pat: Wait did you guys cfcg play at Red Rocks last year.
Bret: But like not like I didn't like it that's probably just like the like I guess I don't disagree with kid Pratt as much as I thought I would on this one which is the the songs at the beginning in the end or more fun than the ones the stuff that happens in the middle.
Ash: Yeah.
Rose: I think you were just really missing the love song think that's what was missing for you.
Pat: Even the hacker song.
Ash: It's really good.
Bret: That's a really good song like the chord progression and like the it's very good actual good song.
Ash: And her performance can you imagine that actress being like this is it this is my big one I'm going to have this big musical number and then I'm going to hit it big and then they f****** cut her scene can you imagine that.
Rose: That is sad.
Ash: Poor thing.
Rose: Ruined her Christmas.
Sam: It's like on friends when when Joe is in that episode and they cut his seed and it's just him in a body bag.
Bret: The thing is is it she did a good job but Michael Caine did such a better job that they cut the same because they're like Michael Kane's face standing behind her on that bridge thing like it hurt to watch as I can.
Ash: Seaford me the part where Kermit's like coming back from the cemetery and he's like I picked a plot where Tiny Tim can see.
Ash: It's a spot on the hill where you can see the that I'm like oh my God that's even hurts for me way more.
Sam: Weirdly the scene that hurt me the most was the Christmas present when he goes to see his nephew and they're they're playing the game and The Unwanted yeah yeah and see.
Ash: It's not a cat a cockroach or whatever.
Sam: Yeah like I don't know why I like Isaac and you know you like he's a jerk whatever but like as an adult you like know he hates Christmas because it's a traumatic experience because he's always been alone and never been loved and then this is like his experience as an adult seeing his only family member calling him an unwanted creature on Christmas I was like oh this hurts like.
Ash: Is that your worst fear Sam.
Pat: Do that.
Sam: No stop by worst fear but it's so sad.
Rose: You looked familiar.
Pat: The actor is you recognize recognize them and other stuff he's been in lots of things he's in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels he's Winston Churchill Winston he's like what it's like to lead like weed dealer there's a gate you know that they're never locking.
Pat: If you look him up.
Rose: I told my cat Winston to chill all the time by the way.
Rose: Sharon Stone.
Pat: Like that like from the movie the actress like she had her shot I feel but I wonder if this movie did it dirty cuz she only has 6 acting credit.
Rose: With Michael Caine.
Ash: Dude I'm telling you man I feel like I've looked it up before cuz I've had this spot before where I'm like that poor actress like she was like this is it I'm in a Disney movie and I've got the song all to myself and then they cut it like that must have sucked so much.
Ash: Yeah right.
Rose: I wonder if she was more of like a theater actress so maybe she was in more like theater stuff but still that would stink yeah I'd be pissed.
Ash: But we hates them more on this on this.
Bret: Here's my follow up on on the scenes that we thought worth it then of the things that we thought were the most emotional over here cuz I agree that that other thing was really like a lot as well I think maybe I just have trouble empathizing with the Muppet I feel like at the human facing are the ones that got me the motherf---er scenes think of me.
Ash: I mean that makes sense I guess.
Bret: Give a s*** about Tiny Tim.
Ash: F*** your tiny frog.
Pat: Hand it's just a hand-to-hand under there he got no heart or spleen or guts just a fan.
Rose: I felt like.
Bret: I just I like fun Muppets I want my muppets to be fun all-time Muppet Treasure Island.
Pat: Fun fun pets.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Rose: I felt like Tiny Tiny Tim and correct me if I'm wrong but like I feel like that frog plays like an adult frog in like other Muppet things and so part of me was like not a child this is an adult frog that's playing Tiny Tim don't know why I was like Tiny Tim she is not Kermit's son.
Pat: Yeah that was such a problem in the 90s.
Bret: Brian Hansen why don't you cast an appropriate age for the role.
Rose: I mean come on.
Pat: I was so annoying in the 90s I'd always have adult puppets try to play Teenage puppets and so it's just.
Rose: Yeah you know just so aged can't fool me.
Pat: That puppet is 30 there's no way there in high school.
Ash: Okay sorry I just looked it up Rose and you are correct she went on she starred as Christine in Phantom of the Opera.
Sam: That tracks.
Rose: I thought you were saying that I was correct about and I got.
Ash: The Muppet caste you are correct.
Rose: Like I don't care about the actress I just want to be right that that frog with sunshine.
Rose: Oh that's I mean that's pretty big being Christina's you know up there so that's good.
Ash: Yeah so good for her.
Pat: I'm trying to think I can't still decide what my favorite song is it's really every I think I thought three or four times this one this one's my favorite no way this one.
Ash: They're all so good.
Ash: So good I think I like.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Ash: Ebenezer Scrooge.
Pat: I like the opening line about Scrooge is so glad it does such a good job of setting the tone and ascending.
Ash: I love the no cheeses for us meeces.
Rose: We also discuss the singing and talking food throughout I love like.
Ash: Oh my gosh yeah.
Rose: I just love the one that's like something stolen.
Pat: Yes I mean I ate as a kid.
Ash: Yes.
Pat: But the Swedish Chef for me is a child would like the epitome of Comedy there was nothing funnier than the Swedish Chef.
Ash: Did you know.
Rose: My mother told me never to eat singing food.
Rose: I do remember that line.
Ash: Roast you remember when Nick Brazzi dressed up as a Swedish Chef for Halloween lynda. Com one year.
Rose: Oh man I.
Sam: Oh that was good.
Ash: It was very good I'll just send you a picture.
Rose: I don't remember that yes please do that's amazing did he just talked like her too dirty all day.
Ash: Why don't you know if I still have a picture.
Rose: Oh my God so good.
Ash: Do you like constructed this thing where he had like yarn as like at the mustache in front of his face and it like you couldn't even see his face like he looks like a muppet is pretty crazy.
Pat: Very perfect.
Rose: That's awesome I love that I was there when you're when he dress up like Seymour and I was very upset because I was like that is my favorite thing of all time I would have dressed up like Audrey or something like you should have told me how dare you not know.
Ash: Oh yeah I didn't know that so you like Little Shop of Horrors.
Rose: So I saw that movie at an inappropriately young age and would call it the plant movie and I watched it I was a really like weird kid I was into some weird movies like.
Rose: If you guys need any other movies to re-watch I really like that that one.
Sam: That's been on our list for a while.
Rose: It's a good one.
Ash: It has yeah we should have you back for it I was in the play in high school.
Rose: Oh my gosh I would be an honor what's that's amazing.
Rose: Oh my gosh.
Ash: Yeah I was one of the doo wop girls the 3DO off girls and.
Ash: I don't know if you've ever seen the stage play but the ending is different.
Ash: Oh yeah I bet you would be.
Rose: Yes so I had seen the movie like my whole life I love the movie love the music like it's been one of my favorites like top 10 as it's like top 5 and my mom is like something for me and high school was like I got you were going to go see the play at this local like theater and I was so excited we're watching the play and then that scene comes on and then like Audrey like feed me back to the planet like I was like to know what's going on at my mom was like oh no I forgot like the ending is different and I was like so upset and offended I was like then I found out they act like I know so much trivia about that one but yeah.
Rose: Yeah right you're like I'm still here so.
Ash: Yeah yeah it's crazy everyone dies cuz I I liked the movie as well and then I was in the stage play in high school and I was like what this is weird Okay but I'd like a Doo Wop girl my character is like unaffected but I'm still like this is a weird ending.
Rose: Yeah.
Ash: I feel like the audience was always like at the end like.
Rose: Yeah like.
Rose: I don't know how to feel now what happened.
Pat: Something about the song.
Pat: I didn't really do any singing.
Ash: Still trying to answer this question for himself.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Pat: I think I think it's the one that that very not the love we found at the very very very end but the one where he's like shopping and going around I don't know cuz it's just so warm and fuzzy and tingly and it's just like everything's going to be alright.
Pat: Buying presents and we all love presents.
Rose: I like the Christmas one I think that one fun they're all it's a cute movie I think it's held up well nothing offended me.
Ash: Yeah which is surprising from a movie from the 90s.
Sam: Yeah that has not had any bearing.
Rose: Oh oh oh oh.
Pat: It was a kid and I shouldn't say that cuz I'm sure there's some kids movies out of that are problematic as f***.
Ash: Listen listen shall I point out The Goonies to you again.
Ash: Some offensive stuff in that film.
Pat: I guess yeah it wasn't even finished leaving my mouth started to walk it back.
Ash: Pat we've been doing this podcast for so long.
Pat: Kind of funny though if there's somebody super like problematic but puppets.
Rose: You can't be upset about.
Pat: Yes.
Ash: Awesome fuzzies or something super racist holyshit.
Rose: Cancel foxy.
Rose: That would be a headline on I'd be intrigued by.
Ash: Are you so done with this film that you're texting over there.
Bret: Prepping my thing.
Ash: Hahaha.
Pat: You doing text a few checking the levels he's making sure everything's coming through okay I got you don't worry about it I got you homie.
Sam: He's looking up his End movie.
Ash: Cuz he was supposed to be over already.
Pat: No go with me.
Pat: Call my man spot okay I had him covered.
Bret: Listen I want us to should we should we what should we continue the thing that only I have done.
Bret: Make me go first and then you go and then you and then you roll back to the other thing get out of here.
Ash: Cat specifically said that he wanted you to go first but then he still wanted to talk about the cell.
Pat: No no I didn't I wasn't going first as far as I found out I just brat I know I want to know if you're sitting on any negative thoughts and I want.
Bret: I just want to hear Brett spots so we can get them out in the open and then we can bury them deep underground where no one can hear them again.
Sam: Granted make a joke when he sent the rabbit out to buy the turkey he was like like he invented doordash.
Ash: Hahaha.
Rose: Superbad.
Pat: There's no way that that little rabbit boy can carry that big f****** turkey the thing weighs 30 lb more than them.
Rose: I was like I was like they're still like a little bit of like Scrooge and screwed race like I'm going to make him fight at the beginning of this day and carry it around for it.
Ash: TRX.
Pat: The next day on the 26th that gives to homeless.
Ash: Shivering.
Pat: Old stop.
Rose: How heartbreaking is a scene where he's like freezing in the trash on Christmas Eve no or something I can't remember but I got really concerned.
Pat: In my headcanon screwed adopt.
Pat: You can't tell me otherwise.
Sam: I like it I like it.
Rose: Merry go all right.
Ash: I was also thinking like if your boss was Ebenezer Scrooge and then he shows up at your house the next day and completely 180s on his entire personality don't you think you'd be like what the f*** is going on what is wrong with him right now he's finally snapped he's finally lost it.
Ash: That's true.
Ash: I know but wouldn't you be suspicious.
Pat: Yeah but I guess if you go from like a really terrible two incredibly Pleasant you might just roll with it I can see you rolling with it if it was the other way the other way you feel like something's wrong something's wrong but if you are from an absolute monster to like I'm paying your mortgage for your keys paying their mortgage as she said he's paying off the mortgage you would totally just roll with it as you would totally just roll with it.
Ash: When to be suspicious.
Rose: Don't ask questions.
Bret: I mean okay there's a thing that's like I don't know like late what's what's going on today Jeff bezo says giving out money to the crowd like oh and he and he hit his head last night no know if that's not related.
Rose: Don't be suspicious don't fit.
Pat: I mean yeah you can still be suspicious while you take the money and put it in your pocket so you decide I as you still take the money and put it in your pocket.
Rose: I was trying to come up with puns for Like A Christmas Carol but like a Christmas acid trip or something cuz I also was like is this the beginning of like Scrooge's like psychotic break he seems like things happening everyone around him is just denying his psychosis so that they can reap the benefits.
Ash: Exactly.
Bret: Let me tell you about ghosts.
Bret: Now.
Rose: Oh my God.
Pat: Has anyone done a Chris A Christmas Carol parody yet where it's a Karen who's visited by three spirits and they teach you how to not be so Karen.
Sam: Pat this is amazing.
Pat: What would the Spirits Liquor.
Ash: Oh no no no no no no I don't I don't want cancel.
Rose: She goes to Starbucks and just doesn't harass people.
Bret: This is your American classic by.
Rose: I love I love this I love it.
Sam: This is so good.
Pat: She's the Ghost of Christmas Past is a floating glass of chardonnay.
Rose: She's trying to catch it the whole time.
Ash: Oh s***.
Rose: This is genius.
Sam: This is genius.
Rose: Oh my God I'm so in.
Ash: Actually yeah maybe you guys should write this Rose fat sit on it.
Pat: We do it in two weeks.
Sam: Yeah I just go low budget it can be done.
Ash: Extremely low budget.
Pat: Okay well yeah.
Ash: Oh okay in 2 weeks.
Rose: It's got to be a musical too and we have to like not tell the people at Starbucks we're recording it and she just kidding yeah we got this we totally.
Ash: Listen every start now will have it done for Christmas next year.
Sam: It won't be relevant Christmas next year it's got to be this year.
Ash: I think Karen will be relevant.
Sam: Aaron's are having their moment they're going to be the joke will be tired and just sad by next year cuz they won't have gone away.
Pat: Tell you what I'm going to do.
Bret: Next year it'll be an actual term like it'll be it'll be a f****** Webster's word of the year.
Pat: I'm going to legitimately think on it okay by the time this episode comes out.
Ash: Add this is dangerous for you.
Pat: Caleb and put the bed or it will be in motion or the bed.
Ash: We have so many projects already.
Pat: I know but I'm saying like I'm saying I'm not committing I'm saying I'm committing to think about it and by the time you do a listener hearing this if we hurt if you've seen nothing on Twitter about it before it's Dad it's not going to think of a way to make it work in a efficient way but.
Rose: If you'd like to find our project.
Pat: What time is comes out we might be screaming like you won't believe what the f*** we did.
Sam: Justify a blond wig.
Sam: Just shoot it in your guest room.
Pat: Voice over.
Ash: Can we can share of be Karen Jarrett.
Sam: She's not a great actress.
Rose: She's got the blind down.
Sam: She said she's one of Ludwig before alright final thoughts.
Bret: #a Christmas Karen that's your #bud.
Ash: There you go.
Sam: Did you take the hashtag.
Sam: Great.
Ash: Mario okay well Sam what did you think about the moon.
Sam: I still love it. It's the star of this movie is the songs for sure and watching it now like as an adult like I really appreciate Michael Caine and his performance it's.
Ash: I think it's Michael cocaine actually age.
Sam: Don't make Jojo make me laugh it's so good and like really heartfelt performance and I'm surprised I knew it was great and I knew the movie was great but I think I just underestimated how great.
Sam: Yeah like I said before that scene would like he is The Unwanted creature like really broke my heart and then the other scene was like at the end when he gets the red scarf as his like that's the first Christmas gift he's ever gotten as an old man and maybe it's just my pregnancy hormones but I was just like oh my God.
Pat: It's not saying you're right I was like.
Pat: Yes I was.
Sam: Yeah and he like yeah it's like.
Pat: Stuff in my eye it's Duster.
Ash: Sure yeah.
Sam: It's so so sweet and like so well done and like the modern perspective to is just kind of a plastid of like a scarf is what you get somebody when you don't really know what to get them.
Sam: It's not like a terribly personal gift by like he's so appreciative of it.
Ash: Never had anything.
Sam: Yeah yeah so I loved it it's so great and it's just looks like beautiful balance of like hilarious Muppet Antics but like sweet heartfelt message and it's a perfect Christmas movie say it put the stamp on it perfect Christmas movie.
Ash: Hear that bread.
Ash: Call Rosewood Jeep.
Rose: Two thumbs up fine holiday fun I think it was a it was a great one I'm so glad that I like re-watched it it's been such a long time and it holds up so well I actually was very impressed by that and I laughed a lot so I definitely add it to my list again of movies to watch at Christmas time especially now that I've got a little one so yeah.
Rose: I'm just waiting to demolish it at the end.
Ash: Oh sorry Discord totally cut out for me brother he wins do you have more to say.
Sam: No he didn't give his final thought.
Pat: It really not officially not official.
Ash: Okay fretwell.
Bret: How was that not official enough for you guys.
Sam: Why don't I just bought it.
Ash: I thought it was.
Pat: Ashley just trying to like I mean you don't have to.
Ash: I tried to brush it under the rug.
Bret: There's no there's no ragging this Earl maybe you're just pushing dust around.
Ash: Hi Brett what else you have to say.
Ash: Hahaha.
Ash: Richard child's name.
Bret: This movie know this movie was okay I would show it to our future child because it's fun and has important type child type messages such as be nice to people which is a very important lesson like I didn't not like it I think it was just I see but young Brett didn't like and I did like a little better as an adult.
Ash: Well that's a plus.
Ash: Donut positive.
Bret: Whatever the songs are fine but like the story is not my favorite story it's actually one of my liked least favorite stories that just won't go away but like the Muppets make it better like I would have been like the other ones the other movies of this or I don't like them at all so at least I like Muppets it's a specific the story that's the problem with it nothing about the production or the acting or the music I just don't like the story.
Pat: I still kind of want to see that the zemeckis wanted to what is the deal with creepy uncanny valley mocap that just looks awkward and looks like a PlayStation cutscene no talking about the one that just came out like a year or two ago.
Bret: Now I don't know what do you want my looking up right now.
Sam: What I kind of thought I thought that one was going to be good so but I haven't seen it.
Pat: I know just looks fabulous Stills again it still looks like you're going to plug up PlayStation 2 cutscene like is that one Polar Express Bell wall.
Ash: Oh yeah.
Pat: The Maxi love that he loves that weird-ass mocap.
Ash: Oh God it does look like a PlayStation cutscene wow.
Bret: As soon as the technology is just good enough to maybe kind of do it he does it.
Pat: Reminder super quick it's just yeah.
Pat: Damn near Perfection just a delightful short to you know it's like you're in and out as ice until it's a pace well-disposed.
Pat: The best iteration of the story so fun nostalgic very pet got me feeling very festive there's one thing that could have happened that would maybe ratchet up at Perfection quality in your eyes what if when they fell or something what if those pants split.
Pat: All right but.
Sam: That would have broke me probably.
Ash: Oh no I'm just jelly beads Fallout.
Sam: Yes that would have been great.
Sam: Missed opportunity.
Ash: I mean everything else happens to him like he catches on fire gets pledged in water.
Rose: A freezes.
Ash: Oh man well I of course also loved it and saying all the songs and set all the lyrics and drove my boyfriend crazy who sat on the couch and probably looks like Brett on his phone not super into it but I enjoyed it.
Bret: I watch the whole movie.
Sam: Brett was not on his phone he watched it.
Ash: Good for you then you were more engaged than price.
Sam: Looks very good.
Ash: But yeah I'm even more impressed knowing how that one ghost was made with the underwater stuff and just like I specifically like I was like okay I'm going to pay attention to the green screen this time and I'm going to find the mistakes cuz it's 1992 but no man that green screen was Flawless it's really impressive I have seen like not to like.
Ash: Play I'm on it but like the Bill and Ted the new Bill and Ted movie new movie.
Ash: 20/20 bad green screen in that movie there is some really bad green screen.
Bret: Not supposed to be good.
Ash: Well yes and this is true.
Ash: This is true which is why it gets a pass.
Bret: I have I have learned and forgotten the word for the other type of green screen so many times but I think the one they used in this one was like the black matte one right.
Pat: What's Greenbrier.
Sam: No black.
Pat: The ritescreen in the name.
Bret: Black like a black screen or like.
Ash: Oh right.
Bret: Play Super like over light everyone and then like cut it down so that they can cuz I think that's what they used to comp everyone in and that's why it looks so good cuz I even an old movies that look pretty good.
Sam: It's it's also Disney they could have used the Mary Poppins yellow screen that was like insanely good.
Bret: Show the app was the street light scene or what.
Bret: Yeah there's that the same as a single wavelength of light.
Sam: Yeah yeah it could only be done and they did it in camera.
Ash: What's wow.
Sam: From Mary Poppins.
Ash: Oh that's impressive.
Sam: Like this crazy cool camera engineer so I wonder if they could have used that to.
Ash: Maybe I do know that use the black screen you're talking about with black velvet they did that with Labyrinth so and that was Henson so you know it's definitely possible they did that again.
Bret: Affect my favorite old comping technique because it always looks like almost good enough.
Bret: It's like sometimes you get that horrible.
Bret: Blue outline on people or whatever.
Ash: Spell meow.
Bret: Anyway.
Rose: Thanks for having me.
Ash: Thanks for joining us roseland bringing this perfect Christmas movies.
Pat: How do you think can be put in a Pantheon like next to Princess Bride what do got Princess Bride Muppet Christmas Carol.
Ash: Star Wars.
Sam: I do okay hold on there is a difference.
Sam: Is the difference between a perfect movie ad.
Bret: I don't know if all three of those movies can go on the same child.
Sam: Yeah I did.
Ash: That's true Christmas movies are alike.
Ash: In their own category because like what's the deal with there being just a lot of bad Christmas.
Pat: I would love to see a muppet die-hard speaking of.
Ash: No didn't they try that with that like a muppet like cop movie and it did not do well.
Ash: Okay that would be fun.
Pat: I think I never saw but I think they probably tried to lean into like it's Muppets cursing is the bit but I want them to do a pg-rated Buffett. I like kids kid friendly.
Sam: Isn't that a Muppet Christmas caper a little bit. Christmas caper.
Pat: Great Muppet caper.
Sam: Yes scuse me sorry by Greenbush.
Bret: Every movie is Christmas now.
Bret: Thanks again for coming on do you want to tell everybody where they can find you one more time.
Ash: Nope she doesn't.
Rose: Show me I know I feel so like Clement all these podcast you were like so where can we find you I'm like LinkedIn I don't really have a lot of like social media and it's not to like promote anything but me so it's private.
Ash: But you can see.
Rose: You don't want to follow me anyways but you can see zombies.
Ash: Jordan call and Jordan call.
Rose: Joining call on Android.
Ash: Jody call Android.
Pat: Watch it twice.
Ash: Watch it twice listen.
Rose: Watch it twice so nice you watched it twice on YouTube on laugh stash.
Ash: I actually sauce.
Ash: Somebody on Twitter today said that they were watching it like there for thurso time and I was like that all.
Rose: Oh that's awesome I love it and and we're going to.
Ash: Laugh stash TV.
Rose: I think the D&D games happening after no before this so I don't know.
Rose: When things come out.
Ash: Yeah yeah the cast of Joy cast some of the cast and the crew of joining color we're going to play D&D for real and Pat's going to lead us through of red Opera campaign but by the time you're hearing this it will have already happened.
Bret: Find the link in the description.
Ash: Totally yeah so it'll it'll still live on the internet.
Bret: That was at the end of engaging the audience there.
Bret: That's usually talks for a minute.
Pat: No do it reverse it back go ass you engaged the audience.
Ash: Mary Bell me and the audience.
Pat: Used to tell her before.
Ash: Yeah you guys break.
Bret: Straight to Sam saying to tell people what they can give us for Christmas.
Bret: Like pulling teeth.
Sam: Yeah please gift us a 5-star review on Google podcast Apple podcasts or Spotify.
Ash: I thought you wanted me to go and then you skip three.
Sam: He's just being grumpy he's over at he's done podcast.
Pat: We're too full of Christmas cheer.
Sam: Before.
Bret: I don't hate to ruin.
Ash: Fred hates this movie so much just let it be over for a fake gun to his head.
Rose: Do it to him.
Sam: Before I move on though.
Ash: Siri you're so young.
Rose: You have so much to live for.
Rose: What about the baby.
Bret: Oh my God so help me God I will end the show now.
Sam: I was trying to look up the name but the.
Ash: Headspace.
Sam: Cute guys I hate Twitter so much.
Ash: Okay.
Rose: I feel you Sam I don't have a Twitter so.
Bret: I like trying to get Ash to go and I tried to get Sam to go and nobody so I can go in.
Sam: Okay alright I have it.
Bret: Move your lips around.
Ash: Flap your gums.
Bret: Bruh Bruh.
Sam: A special shout-out to Brian McKnight on Twitter who found a very glaring flaw in my hosting of the pagemaster.
Ash: Oh yes yes.
Sam: Yes in which I blamed poor Don Bluth for that movie and it was undeserving how that escaped.
Bret: It's because they advertise the movie as from the people who brought you.
Bret: American Tail.
Sam: American Tail damn I sell for the advertising like 30 years later.
Pat: I wonder I wonder how Tyndall can you hear a test from movie where they can get away with that like if you were if you were an intern that works for an executive producer feel like.
Bret: From the intern that brought you know I don't know about that one.
Sam: I don't know but thanks for interacting with us and then calling us a donut that was super interesting to hear and be really like to have that chat with you.
Ash: Yeah I think you also were saying leave us the Christmas present of a 5-star review which would be awesome.
Sam: Yes I did say that.
Ash: Even though we get shipped wrong leave us.
Sam: It's part of the joy.
Rose: You're only human don't be a scrooge.
Ash: Yeah Sophia Brett.
Bret: Excuse me.
Rose: Don't be a brat humbug.
Pat: No that's fine I know you know what I'm going to defend Brett he's not he's just speaking his mind he's not been excessively negative the other but I'll just say this honestly like reviews are in this age of your critics reviews are so valuable just for find me finding I literally had someone a friend hey what's like what's the way I can buy it that puts the most money in your pocket.
Pat: Most help us go buy it on Amazon and leave a 5-star review is like a verified buyer cuz those are so helpful so it's like the same with the shows same as his podcast and shows if you did anything you could do on a regular basis leave a good review for the people not just ask anything you do cuz it's super helpful.
Rose: I'm inspired Pat I'm going to do that I'm going to do that for Christmas this year cuz I've never do that and I like and enjoy so many things that I just don't.
Rose: I also bought your book so now I can leave a 5-star review on that too.
Pat: Let me cry again.
Bret: And as always if you do leave us a 5-star review that will send you $5.
Pat: Doll hairs.
Ash: Dokkan tiers.
Bret: Alright any other additions.
Ash: You can also follow us on Twitter we're at let's re-watch where we do fun stuff like a movie pole which we did this time we took Roses movie suggestions and Brett inserted his own movie suggestion and you guys picked and you still pick to this one good job.
Pat: Breast density surfing was still the most competent to that's for the temperature increase.
Ash: Hahaha.
Bret: Wow.
Pat: How should I do the network thing yeah we're part of the certainty of.
Ash: Yes this is the point in the outro.
Bret: Same thing every episode 140 episodes.
Sam: I love how you're interrupting him.
Pat: Turn pov. Com I am trying to shout out our brother and sister shows and you taking their time away.
Ash: I'm so sorry Rose it's like this every time though.
Ash: Oh yes.
Pat: Our friend actually I just want to come because of this episode is your holiday Christmas I want to show up once you're certain point of view all hosted by MJ and John they basically are watching holiday movies 123Movies out there right now I'm looking at it now – and Lily's book of dares jingle jangle good things about holiday twitch.
Ash: Oh boy.
Pat: But to talk about this movie so yeah you want to hear people just like fun deep dives into you know holiday movies go check out certain point of view on the certain POV Network.
Ash: Okay Brett finish it edit.
Ash: Gilda podcast.
Bret: All right and I join us next time when we watch what has to be the most problematic be named film that I've ever read and I read a lot of real problematically anime movies on this.
Pat: Worth it why we can stop this you don't have to.
Sam: What did a p****.
Sam: Do this is got to be poor no you're not allowed to say.
Bret: The lord of the g-strings the female shape of the string if action fantasy Adventures ladies on the front with swords.
Bret: Is it important.
Ash: Yeah that's Oporto 1000tter.
Sam: What logical.
Bret: Okay well where did I get this one from.
Ash: Yep told you.
Pat: Find a new one.
Pat: You broke the rules.
Ash: We can't end the Christmas episode on the floor now.
Bret: Bring up the profit.
Pat: Okay yeah.
Ash: Oh my God.
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