Mad Max (1979) with Gene Kim
After years of telling criminals to "eat lead," officer Max Rockatansky decides to try eating some himself. That's right, it's everyone's favorite lead poisoning victim, Mad Max. This week with special guest Gene Kim, creator of the award winning One Last Monster
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson and Pat Edwards
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Brett Spencer. Oh yes that's right there cusses block that kick-starting pat-pat is real man racing at us like he's in a top hat and a monocle and then like the f****** Monopoly man you're just like taking ass did you break did you break into the Hondo's principal digit theater whatever is 90 8326 come on audio trying to make it happen with my voice we do have a guest I am super excited guys that Jean is joining us everybody to use welcome the gene to hey there are you guys G and I met at gencon because both our films were in the jenkinson Festival this year which was really fun they did it online which was still superfighters great connecting with everybody Richie tells about your phone because it's it's great as well Battle of Deerfield was willing did such a great job moderating the panel so I'm glad I'm part of this yeah my film is a you know it started off as a 6-minute idea ended up is a 20-minute animated short I know it always like doubles these nice things are under control but you know I wanted to it's an action-adventure fantasy based on ancient Korean history Soto remixed and re-imagined in East Asian history in general and you throwing sci-fi and fantasy elements and a drunk rabbit was also prime minister of an entire planet and you get I'm so here for this get something different so right now it's turning the film festival circuit mcash mentioned we had our film poster actually displayed in Times Square which was really crazy audio so one last one to see it or no yeah I'm based out of New York right now so went in I'm not really a selfie sotoks or person behind those myself that night audio it's also you left out your film is done in like the 80s style anime or just 80 style animation I believe we talked about that you and me at 1 you know Robotech was probably the first anime that I watched as a kid and it blew my mind and that came out original Japanese anime that's based on came out in like 83 or 84 so I think subconsciously has a big thing but I was also trying to sum up summon the spirit of things like Gundam Wing Cowboy Bebop all the classic 90s titles I'm animation switched over I think in Japan to all-digital in like 2005 and you know the stories are great but the look there's something about having like Celluloid drawings and paper that's it's really Associated my childhood so I was gunning for that look more than naturally I mean not the same thing but I've been watching The Simpsons for the first time and wow this like rough handran like you can see the shadow of the celluloid like on top of the background you know it's just such a different it is and now you got to spend a lot of time digitally to bring the dirt and the imperfections ironically audio at least you don't have to sit there in front of leg shut down shooter and like flip all your pages right yeah I will watch it oh my gosh boy looks funny 4 years ago I feel like a visit Japan every two years or so and like the last time I was there I visited Studio trigger which is one of the nothing more popular Studios now they were all using paper and light boxes and there was not really a single computer set up and it blew my mind because we're here in like 2017 I'm thinking Japan is some of the greatest animation around they're probably using high-tech stuff there's doll using paper Studio trigger has bad luck depending on who yeah you in the animation industry that is the most highest Tech like best best best result I'm friends with some of the lake old classic Disney animators and they still say they're like like yeah like you could do it digitally but you just don't get that weight you don't feel it there's something about paper pleasantly surprised if that was the case when you went to Japan cuz there is something so special about didn't you feel it when your walking and you can feel the hand of the artist yeah it is there's no substitute there's no app for that right so yeah audio anyway we'll make it the true that the name of your phone bill where can people go the name of the Phyllis one last monster yeah go to one last or look up one last monster or Facebook all the information is there Isley actually got it'll be part of a DVD compilation that's being released on DVD and Blu-ray in November I want to check it out early I think eventually it'll go I'll put it online so there's a lot to me right now well surprisingly we're not watching an animated film even though the the pool was stacked with animated I would argue that hurt the animation could split the vote audio I thought Bruckner a Studio Ghibli film that Mad Max one but I also excited because I've a Mad Max fan yeah and I've been trying to get these guys to watch the original for a really long time you did mean the original Ray with with if we miss disarray heart info the original 1979 Magnum I think leaders 79 release to like Walmart DVD is DHS was 82nd with melligan in America is the road warrior or something is that Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Mad Max Fury Road and then the new one that hasn't been shot yet Mad Max the Wasteland there's a sequel to the reboot yes yeah it's in the works of course we have director George Miller who does all Mad Max things that's like is mange sham and the surprisingly I had to mention these because I was shocked to discover that he was the producer on the film Happy Feet and the director of the film Pig audio surprising but he made the jump from Mad Max 2 babe unexpected unexpected the tracks in my memory of at least how I haven't seen these old ones but you know Barry Road and babe share a lot of practical light camera stuff I feel like he he really uses the camera as an active sing in his in his films and right now I remember that specifically about babe or like the following the pig walking around you don't really get those over shoulder shot Peg fruit shower dramatic Dolly counter zoom on the pig audio or they would have a guest before the budget $7 an Australian see that challenge if you give like filmmakers like Hondo and be like what can you film yeah but the top filmmakers will just call in all their favors like I didn't spend any money audio 15 emilion well the budget no way laughing less than a million dirty lowest budget film we've ever had on the show I guess I'm going to say $36,000 I'm still in the 15-20 million range $350,000 yeah I was just talked about more than what Pat said surprise. Tommy Wiseau spend 6 million dollars making the room did he get his money crazy audio worldwide gross was though with the with the Raptors has it feels like play kit made by ATR 8100 audio but it made I mean if you want to 22 million yeah I like the Isle 6th Avenue Brett got it right off the bat hundred million worldwide extremely popular Infinity Global Market for Australian movies and it also set the world record for the most profitable independent film of all time and allowed grossed by The Blair Witch Project and 1999 both films are extremely low budget and if you think about it both films didn't have the money or locations or sets and so they just use the outside and use what they had where we clearly it's good strategy if you're an independent filmmaker the cat the cast we have of course Mel Gibson and this is his first feature film he actually was not known in the US at all before this this was like his groundbreaking role she did some TV work but besides that he hadn't really done much but this I think is a fun fact that I found cuz we talked about how much the actors were paid last time guess what and guess how much Mel Gibson was paid for this film out of the $357 yeah I was going like 10 grand you are so good today Ted Grant with a lotto ticket leave SS just that was that was from my deep down in my spirit just like what is what is Mel Gibson acting right now in hindsight vet bat bigoted a****** what it was I take 10,000 1979 dollars that's got to be like what 30 grand nowadays that's true I don't know the conversion rate is to there's normally Jean we would go over the rest of the cast I do have one other person to kind of go over the thing is this the rest of the cast never really did much else Australian actors that you've never heard of before probably but Hugh was also in Fury Road and even this movie to I'm not sure if he's playing the same character or not but who is the inferior oh yeah he's liked he's the main bad guy in both of them right audio is it never seen this I've actually never seen this original but I know stuff about it is his name like fungus leather-clad and everything oh yeah there's a lot of leather and weather in this movie germinating seeds we could only afford weather for one actor and everyone else sorry Mother by the way. $10,000 in 1979 is equivalent of $36,293 today dirty clothes Sam Lao is at the Australian exchange rate there cuz I want to know if 36,000 Australian is equal to 10000 again you so much for that his name is Hugh keays-byrne his name in this movie is toecutter so whoever audio main bad guy yeah he plays someone different in Fury Road so I do have more trivia for you obviously since this is Mel Gibson's first film his accent was so sick that it had to be dubbed over for the US release so that's not his voice but in the film I'm not sure which version will be on the streaming version though because apparently they finally really sit with voices but it's not just him everyone except for one person is dubbed in this film so I'm sorry my fat ass when they used to die Arnold Schwarzenegger voice for releases in Austria because they eat it sound Tough Enough roster that is hilarious the extras most of the extras were paid in beer just like the most Australian famous ever heard wow I love that there's a biker gang in this movie and they're a real biker gang never required to drive to set in their costumes with like fake weapons and whatnot and so they had what they called a get out of free jail card which was just a letter from the production company explaining to police if they pulled them over but this is for a movie audio several in the context of the last one we did the crow that feels kind of like that's not loud anymore yeah there's a lot of s*** mess movie that is definitely not allowed and wasn't allowed then either so basically the whole thing was guerrilla filmmaking and they would choose roads and like film on roads without filming permits and they wouldn't use walkie talkies because the walkie-talkie frequency as could be picked up on Police radios so they just shot everything like run-and-gun gorilla to the point that they would even like sweet the roads down afterwards so no one knew that they had like done this big stunt cuz there's big car crashes and stunts and they did all of them illegally yeah that's awesome though no that's bad do not do this this is Australian law audio another 5 trivia thing is Hugh keays-byrne who I mentioned earlier apparently changes his accent from scene to scene to sound more insane so it's not you if you think your crazy while watching this film feel like was he like Italian a second ago man am I going to have like the listening to British people problem with this or just like that what's he saying probably I mean I don't know which version you're going to guess but you will probably need subtitles if it's not the version I don't know that you'll be able to understand what each watch it on a different streaming platform and see what we get everything about this movie is chaos that just happens to come together totally like they couldn't afford they couldn't afford anything and so they couldn't afford Breakaway prop doors so the actors the actors are actually breaking through solid wood door I don't know if anybody got hurt I didn't find any information about that I'll wait no I did one actress broke her knee ouch but like wildly irresponsible I get this Vibe like Australians don't report minor injuries no I don't ya definitely another interesting thing I came across was that George Miller has said that it wasn't his intention at the script be set in a post-apocalyptic world but like I said they didn't have the money for sets enso to up the production value they just use the Outback and use that as production value and set it in a post-apocalyptic world one thing you'll notice with this business the most liked recent out of the film's as far as like the timeline of when the apocalypse happens so this is like right after so they're still kind of like some forms of like structure and civilization that are still in place in this film but it's really just because they didn't have the budget to go. post-apocalyptic Interstate it ends up working today what is that it says it's not a fly to feature yeah yeah exactly and then to put this film in perspective cuz I kind of I don't remember a lot about this film I was talking to Ralph on Twitter and Ralph was saying everybody thinks they like this film but they really like the second one road warrior and so I'm kind of concerned to put this into perspective George Miller estimates that there's only actually 50 frames of explicit violence in the film the rest is implied prepare yourself is a highly or at least it imply to me I put this on the level of Like Clockwork Orange e kind of vibe wait there's a lot of violence in that that's why it's like a surprising fact that there's only 50 Francisco him violence yeah he was wondering where you were going with that I don't know if they did that for Ratings or or what but what's your connection to this movie why was this one of the yeah why do they cut finalists it was in the list I just I haven't seen it since college but I remember impression was so strong of it after like the sense that I was taken somewhere else I think it helped that I saw it in NYU Library which is like really one of the most boring places in this part of the Galaxy tan and beige walls is it actually probably works to hide in the where the heck is this movie Taken so I thought if you were going for Uno retro feel of something that was really evocative definitely yeah I feel like this was like Maybe one of the subs that really kicked off the whole like apocalyptic films you know it's very like after the CC just you know ever since tons of them this specific like in the desert with pieces the cars that look like they're just like slack together with different pieces like that aesthetic is definitely Mad Max and in Japan there was a series called Fist of the North Star I think that ripped off a lot of the same elements haven't seen it in a while. Have you guys seen that Fist of the North Star audio heard that name before similar reminds me of like ripping off a Titans like tank girl you know you look at things through edits itsfunneh good love it are we saying that I is there is two different Hispanics and one of them we've talked at length of that I don't like the traps of infinite trash future is this infinite trash future or is this desert Wasteland and the cars are just scrapped together desert Wasteland is actually good vibe you know what Burning Man looks like what's this movie The Great Wave I wouldn't say it's like trash everywhere but it's like things well and the thing is is I'm say that but this is the first film and I think it progressively gets more like that and this one might be the least of all of them so it might be more like normal by the time he gets the Thunderdome it's like full-scale like cars are like put together with different pieces of cars like cars of always been super important to the Mad Max films and so like this idea of these cars that have been like customized with just whatever s*** they could find you know that feels very like burning man to me like you see this in Burning Man so that's more of the aesthetic than just Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles like there's just garbage that movie was awesome so just audio true and I mean you know there's what is coming out in June I mean totally different but also Wasteland right audio yeah yeah that's that's the vibe I like is the Dune like it's suck but they suck because it's in hospital because Freeman you know the natives of arrakis know it is actually a very livable and hospitable playing just need to not have respect for it and know how to treat it so you just start narrating to yourself about how how much more yeah you know that everybody else all the time now it's it's good to hear talk about doing sorry that was I was also at doing joke like 900f the book is just the main character audio I don't want to catch the IRL the forefathers that came before me in sci-fi but audio audio tardigrade I fully agree for the reason of the joke I made Stephen King effect audio the universe is way more fun think about and remember that it was to experience in the moment audio it's a great idea for sure the execution yeah I love the universe at the World building is awesome I just I don't want to read the book top down real time strategy video game Command and Conquer Style anime between Starcraft I think Medford MA that man I would like I'm really jonesing for some old school RTS audio cancel the show it's all cute outfit plan the five of us are going to go predictions about the do you think you're going to steal enjoy I think so when you said that a lot of people confuse a second one with the first one it actually made me think that I see the right one so it could be or I could be I could be a grab bag going to find out anyway I'm sure it'll be curious I'm curious if you saw the sweater yeah and I'm sure it'll be have the rest of you haven't seen it right so that he wouldn't want to start with there predictions what you think what you think you'll like about this town Mel Gibson's piece of crap and I challenge to not see the piece of crap while watching this film yeah it's really going to sway heavily on the aesthetic because I know I like the Mad Max action it's not even like a departure because it's the same directory like I feel like we're going to get a different version of the movie that I recently liked grittier in lower budget but it's not a problem strictly if it's going to be a static at the size of and would you like is the Fury Road is that what you're saying Android Fury Road I'd say they're very different phone okay I don't know is that be true for you okay all right I acknowledge that Fury Road is a good movie personally was so stressful intense that I did not really enjoy the watching and I fully acknowledge that it was like brilliantly done so I'm very concerned that I will acknowledge the fact this is a good movie but I will not enjoy my experience watching it it is that is my prediction I think I will really appreciate how creative they're going to because I am suspecting that I'm going to notice a lot of really cool creative filmmaking like hey they did that fancy thing low-budget and I'm really impressed so I'm looking forward to kind of watching it with that lends knowing they had to really like work with what they got audio yeah I don't think you're going to like this film either but I am so excited to read someone else you felt the same way about Fury Road that I did because like I even loved Mad Max and I love all the old Mad Max movies did not like Fury Road the whole thing was just one car chase and there was no like abs and flows there was no moments where we could like Asher breath and like have a character building scene and then on top of that like if you go back to you watch the original Mad Max his motivations and Fury Road completely contradict the character in the original Mad Max movies and so it's just I don't know to me it feels like a completely different movie even though it is by the same filmmaker get me wrong I didn't not like I didn't like it just it's not a saint movie is all I'm saying is Snowpiercer I also hate snow. Okay I hated Snowpiercer for reasons but we could do a separate when Pat's grimacing over there he's like I hate you guys so many reasons to hate like candid about how just the premise of that movie is so f****** dumb I was going to say I don't know what point I was exactly trying to make except that I think that Snowpiercer the movie Road are the same movie except I like Sully Road at 8 yeah I remember thinking like where is this story and I mean not everything has to be sermon or thesis about life and truth but I was expecting a little more the thing is is like there's a s'more in the original Mad Max I really there's character development with him in like he's such an interesting hero because he's like the reluctant hero that doesn't really want to be like helping people helping people and so it's it's just I feel like they lost that in the new one I will say the character with the best story in the new one aside character the guitar guy audio the stowaway right is is like internal character plot line was really great but like everyone else audio guitar guy weenie bat movie Guitar Hero audio I'm struggling here I think I'm going to I'm going to enjoy fine I think I would be amused I think I think it's going to be some stuff's not going to hold out for me they were really from the budget in the area it was filmed I think some of that I'm sure that we time like to Sam's credit point where it's like did that there's going to be other times was like dying wish you had a few more bucks to throw it back what's a game super optimistic on the acting yeah yeah and the fact that that's all it's all dogs 2 I think I'm going to at the end of days amused by it and entertained but I am interested to see this is so I know I haven't seen either of them like sat down and watch them all the way through I seen like Snippets I know what I was thinking of and I was thinking of this movie was the second one at first two so I have like no frame of reference for this I'm thinking the last Australian movie we watched was a total train Crocodile Dundee something cool by the p**** and we were like oh my God this is not okay I wonder if it's at I wonder if we're going to get any more of I don't know. I mean this film is not a comedy so you won't be comedic perspective there are some rough scenes that I remembered about today when I was doing the research and I was like oh yeah there is that Happy Valley CSO seatbelts in Mad Max yeah I think I have not seen this movie since I was a kid my dad loves Mad Max and Mel Gibson in general and so he had all of the films been really excited you finally watch this on the podcast because I've been wanting to Forever terrified that the one I actually really like is the second one and I don't remember specifics it's been so long so we'll see I remember liking them but it could have just been Road Warrior and Thunderdome was like just it just goes off the rails and Thunderdome you're like Tina Turner what is her but she's in the movie Creo que ya I'm excited that we will watch this one and that we can move on and watch the second one eventually I think to understand Mad Max character which I think is another fault of the new film if they didn't really like explain any of it you really have to understand his backstory to understand who his character is and they kind of did it in the new movie with this like him like remembering someone screaming help me or whatever but like they didn't really like explain it to the viewer so you just didn't know he was if you had no contacts yeah the new one was definitely more of a Mad Max is the setting and not a person yeah so my enjoy him as a character I'm excited to see that part of it but I do remember the origin story seeing it unfold is a little rough at times so I think this is going to be a tough wash for that and Devine and the low-budget reason I'm not convinced that we will all enjoy it but it'll be interesting alright filmmaking perspective going off road audio so let's pause the recording here and I were going to go watch Mad Max and will let you know how it was when we get back audio yo we've got a sponsor this week that's right we're being sponsored by the hunted Encore and action comedy Roc musical mockumentary web series about New York City vampire slayer's winners of more than 70 towards 50 festivals worldwide in the USA and number 27 worldwide in the 2018 web series World Cup the cast and creative team features the lungs of Broadway shows such as Hamilton the great Comet of 1812 dear Evan Hansen and Hades Town television shows such as Empire Ray Donovan and the affair film such a Star Wars the Force awakens and hook and radio programs like This American Life The New York Times says there will be fangs fistfights and fight me jokes all set to guitar driven musical numbers that will sound just like heaven there two seasons available now on the fantasy Network the total runtime is around 90 minutes so it's a great addition to your Halloween viewing list find all the viewing Links at the hundred I'll be in the description for the show let's re-watch fans they lets you can receive 200ff any charging loose mediate soundtracks or albums charging news media. by using the checkout be sure to drop them a line on Twitter at NY or by using the hashtag #here come the vampires and let them know let's re-watch than you audio sing one other line from that song there isn't it just because audio I know it is it's another accountant it's like they might as well not be different songs sounds like you guys are ready to go I'm looking for everything you do I like busting my 80s hair metal voice is so fun Guitar Hero maybe another audio rock on Chicago hello Tokyo what do you think of the Moon be honest or was it the other one audio I wouldn't remember from college was the desert Wasteland in this was not starters no no Fury Road audio sorry there's something talk about better that I saw it was going to be I definitely had like much lower expectations I think cuz I watch the trailer and I don't know what the deal is with like trailers from back in the day but the quality of the footage in trailers Back in the Day always makes you think oh no this is going to be really low quality and then you watch the movie near like this is much higher quality than the footage in the trailer what I have I have a long derided your practice of watching the trailers before we do the well I was hosting I had to remember I had to refresh my memory audio yeah you never know what you're going to get in a trailer I want to talk about at the gate cuz it's been it's stuck with me and I think movie villains are two things that make a movie villain memorable and that is if there is something endearing about them like if they're like Lego Lego Loki like Tom Hiddleston is adorable and we all love him and Loki is I mean he has Universal Redemption right even before that he was f****** terrifying until cutter was f****** terrifying you like up there for me I was a skirt orange because blank level of like psychotic these characters are is Like Clockwork Orange level just arranged a lot of the cinematography and like particularly the club scene very goodricke very Clockwork Orange the footage like you said like I was I was expecting a lot more amateur quality visual storytelling but lights are really great pepper Market the surprisingly like modern amount of camera movement that was in the film Chase scenes but even like the dialogue seems they always had that like you know shifting shifting camera or that that long tracking shot in the parking garage I don't think the camera was moving way more often than it wasn't move but yeah it didn't feel like a Cheesy action movie where they're just like moving units all blurry I mean it was purposeful yeah always help sell the shot there was even like a shot where I was just like with the film was like almost no budget considering but I couldn't believe they got it but it was like a shot where the camera was down and wheel level car that's like runaway and I was just like how did you even I mean the cameraman must've been leaning out a window or something I love them sitting here while you for like film professionals were talking about like cinematography and I'm just waiting to talk about the police chief's next car Cooperstown collection I was going to say this is such a 2020 movie like all of the people or plants please are terrible and brutal there's like vigilante gangs with their own guns going out wreaking havoc like leather daddy chief of police like there was something going on there scene where he shirtless but he has a scarf chain necklace underneath it but no shirt audio chasing Mel Gibson down the stairs undress just like goodness I like how he's like giving Mel Gibson's character of mixed signals he's like yeah sure you can quit shake some time off first so you'll be back you can't let it go you're addicted but you know if you come back I need to decide you want to quit that's okay like cop ex-boyfriend sort of virus don't have to take some time off U of U do you need me actually you know it's funny cuz we were talking about Fury Road what's my feeling of there's no real substance but I like the theme that's kind of like an undercurrent of like there is a very thin blurred line between sanity and Insanity it's like it's the bronze badge I think you don't know get some character says at one point that makes it really interesting that you know especially the movie to go from lateralx in hero anti-hero and it's funny cuz I was watching for the first time recently Pink Floyd's The Wall the movie version and I just feel like it came out around a similar time and the insanity craziness cuz there's some like stupid stuff in the wall too I think it works nicely yeah yeah this is definitely a yeah yeah I was really Curious Village Italy interested about the setting of this and I kind of do want to go watch the roadway again to see if she interested tectonic shift of where Society is at between the gym this definitely wasn't everything's fine Society right like it definitely had elements of there but it's like lessened it it feels like cities of the places they were in like a lot bigger than the population Riley the population was small the setting is it makes sense like something that happened a lot of stuff was Rundown I like their paws of Justice look like they were purpose something else the mother complex their Police Headquarters so I am sure it is very interesting this isn't post-apocalyptic it's like what year was Kellogg fan pointed out at am especially during the beachfront scene in the guy in the car shop I mean maybe mid apocalypse but I also kind of just look like Lake Northern California play girls like this looks like California yeah and but like from from the environments to like the rundown state of the buildings that were still like inhabited and running businesses out of them like there's a hole Shaklee on the coastal side of Northern California. I didn't say Coastal California that to be specific I said Central California when you're like driving oh yeah that when they're on the highway in the middle to but I got I got those vibes at like everywhere in the moo yeah where it was just like mrs. run down but like I've yeah yeah that's her to threw me off when I was expecting I guess the road warrior now that I know and it's like oh this is instead is kind of a more like a Rebel Without a Cause West Side Story before becoming something else speaks to the budget limitation I think I asked you where talking about that earlier yeah totally I'm curiously because I was expecting more post-apocalyptic then this as well though I did remember but he was a cop and that he was still working as a cop nothing important part of his backstory that I think is really interesting yeah I know is that he was on the side of the law and that's kind of why I like I think he always ends up doing the right thing but yeah so I'm like curiously they made it post-apocalyptic just because of money like what would if they done if they had the money you know and didn't make it post-apocalyptic how different would the story be it does feel like a story that like doesn't necessarily need to be in the Apocalypse feel like Mad Max to be honest this movie like if you had put it on for me without telling me and I didn't see the title I would never have guessed that it was that's why I was like this is so different from all the others yeah all the others for sure progressively more post-apocalyptic as they go on funderdome it's just insane yeah but still you're already doing like crazy stuff what we think of but like Wasteland post-apocalyptic stuff but that's already kind of in that vein of like FunDome Thunderdome and then I am kind of really interested to go watch it to see like do they address that at all but the pretty serious shift as far as like worse does it have an opener an exposition worth like I'm in the bombs dropped or something and then say okay okay feel like and I could be totally wrong cuz I have not seen the other ones in a really long time I feel like it's always kept pretty vague as for what happened I could totally be wrong but I don't remember like a distinct event like if there's anything maybe it's like text in the beginning cuz I feel like it just kind of lays there for that pretty quick yeah I think I was looking on the internet while I was watching like I guess it's some point in the future there's like a World War over images of oil resources and that triggers go to the Wipeout but I guess yeah like that was talking about this movie is like maybe in the middle of that if it's really the second one definitely I remember the text scroll yeah I feel like that's how they explain it in the second one is there just like here's some text exposition it was super cool that Lisa Simpson and Gunther from friends was in this movie audio I know who you're talking about with Gunther who's Lisa oh my God that felt so Lethal Weapon audio yeah that totally this movie was like the inspiration Lethal Weapon right saxophone music a cop that can't keep a s*** together that is also Mel Gibson I don't want to speak I believe his wife is also killed in the first Lethal Weapon oh yeah music note killed in the movie I think it's like in the past though right in Lethal Weapon he was already terminally crazy which is a term I'm not really a fan of that they use a whole bunch in this movie yeah I said it about I said it about the the very first guy that they were chasing and then they said it later when they have that guy hostage at the police station later on in the movie I can't remember when they kept saying terminally crazy and I got a right audio so was their child's name sprog yeah yes had me going for a double take 2K I like how we got to the end of the movie and that's where we finally found out the kid's name to like no idea oven to that point I'm so I'm sorry but like maybe watch your kid and your dog bet her yeah I like she's just leaving the beach without her dog I would have been very worried grandma with a shotgun so badass she was the best audio what is the weather like yeah hella extra audio this kind of weird the ending was weird for me with a cycle event so she pulled a gun on them and then I did forget none of them actually have guns craziness in numbers she gets out of the barn I tried every way I guess it makes sense but it's just like you're being very like agreeable with her but then they're all going to come Adam I don't know in the motorcycle got to be a better way you could have handled the situation show me a butt when she's like get out of the car and run and she's just running down the road and I'm like maybe run where they can't drive us to the side and hide in the grass or something and then it's also weird too because like technically we leave this film not knowing if his wife died or not because like the doctors were like you know maybe he'll recover maybe yeah and at the next film starts and they clarify the fact that she's dead but like audio psychotic Rampage in like she might not actually be dead yet orchids tattoo audio the brutal art but I love a character develop I think like Fury Road even attempt any sort of character development or are no so there's this one moment where I think he like turns down helping them and he's standing there we just sort of had this moment like in his head where he like here's a woman and a child screaming and I I think we're supposed to like if you've seen the other films you realize that that's like his wife and child and all the other people that he liked hasn't been able to save kind of thing is what I think they're going for but like out of context if you haven't seen this first movie you have no idea what that's about yeah that seems it felt I mean Fury Road it feels like he's more dealing with PTSD and last like his character Arc he's already been developed as a character like I feel like they don't need to rehash that yeah but like that's what that moment was and I'm just saying like if you were a viewer who hadn't seen these other films you wouldn't understand that I could see I feel like in a big way 222 two bags one this movie wasn't really about Max until like more than half of the way through it which is and how they set up Fury Road 2 like Maggie shows up but he's like kind of like the supporting character I think bigger than that is I think they're the same movie I don't think there's any difference between this movie and Fury Road except for the long extended car chase this movie is well you've got the biker gang terrorizing the town with with deranged like it's super intense leader guy that everyone worships the V1 reluctant bad guy who is like forced to do bad but doesn't really want to be as evil as they want him to be audio here was the death of the wife and the kid in Fury Road they had the one of the Hebrides that got killed that they were trying to avenge they even had the guy on the pole pole vaulting on to the gasoline truck to steal they of the gas I think Fury Road is like the just a redo of this remake I mean to me the big difference is all of the character develop what is character you know there's none of that in Fury Road we don't get any moments where his character changes or or develops we don't get those moments like the Montage going on the trip that like connecting and having you know like that's such a great Montage like it's awesome I love that character development and the connection and it makes me care about him as a character and her as a character we don't get any of that Fury Road the only point we get is like for like a second hearing screams and that's it audio yeah saying it's like not it feels like not a Mad Max film to me because like the Mad Max films are about Mad Max always have like a character Arc with him and an internal struggle that he's dealing with and like get that in the new one we get it for like 2 seconds minutes out of context more like a rogue one yes okay that's there trying to do audio about enjoyable enough it is very stressful Sandy right it just cuz it doesn't let up never once it starts just like it's time to stop but I think this movie was which to me is to me at least there wasn't a super clearly defined narrative Arc is just kind of like stuff happens I don't know one thing leads to another give me a little bit and it spits is a little clearest thruline it actually has again not much to do with Max random just runs in the bad guys and that like sets off the climax of it but I thought you had like they had it set up Rand Knight Rider off the road and Knight Rider died by the way they use that like unframed like eyes bugging out twice or you have this through lineup like crazy criminal person the gang is going to come back for Revenge even the chief even Chief FeFe elephant Maps they aren't they don't really know who Max is it made it there and then they end up targeting because of the incident like at the station the very convoluted playing with their causes bike to breakdown but Tilly's why is he driving like the tow truck in the guy who brought it stays behind the thing you said about with Max I see what their didn't but was weird about him in the first half especially is he seem to like bounce back and forth between I thought you was real tough badass without any words in the very beginning and then his lying about all that's my list of people that want me dead so it's not like he like I love this thing gets off on it but he's also quite a bunch of times I want to be a family man if that isn't like the most 20/20 cop thing everywhere it's just like like oh yeah I love my job as long as I can f****** beat people and kill people with impunity like oh no there's repercussions oh God I don't want to do this I think that's why he was like saying he didn't want to be a cop is cuz he didn't like but that was the lifestyle that they that you know he was specifically saying like the only thing he says at one point like the only difference between me and them is the badge and like I don't like that storytelling audio I feel like you had it all there the villain whose very terrifying is very scary and formidable and you have a reason for the villain to come after the hero and you can play that out capitalized had dialog that seemed like they were going to and then it kind of went away or the energy it's like chance did it twice did it two times was like okay here's how their password across and Max is going to win and Save the Day cold open job alaki of this baddest villains killed I'm going to come after him for a bench okay didn't do that one of his best buddies they killed his best buddy in a horrific way okay Mexican to go f****** ghetto so if they hadn't just happened to bump into them on their vacation Maxim never going to s*** motorcycle game yeah there's a pest I mean it's a small moment but I think it it's in the ballpark of what you're getting at I think at the end where it's like that there's a tense chase scene right as the final it's a bad guy and like the max is very active but then this truck comes out of nowhere and solve some problems for a little while today I sent the echo cover which robs me a little a little deus ex machina but I think it speaks to like the strangely like he looks like an active character but there's a lot to like passive about him whether it's that or like activate the Fate he doesn't Johnny would have been way better for toecutter like Channing how awesome was that shot I mean it was pretty cool million-dollar shot I feel like that's the two different worlds of mad box is like there's the world witch Fury Road completely lives in which is but isn't this a cool shot and then there's the world of like what the story definitely isn't the best Mad Max story I think Road Warrior is probably the best one as far as like The Story Goes and then like I said Thunderdome is f****** weird I mean so you're totally right. Like if they're there was just story decisions in this that were odd why did the police but they weren't hiding I like ice cream shops in the beach in the Pender they Keys horrific serial like rapists and murderers the police didn't and honestly when he just decided I'm going to actively try to stop them stop them pretty easily single hit like you ran the whole gang off of bridge and there's just the three main people laugh there's your your 20/20 social look at that stuff questions that people weren't asking at the time Yes actually had in custody bikers attacked a couple and presumably like to molest them and the reason they couldn't like the reason they couldn't prosecute them was because they didn't show up the bad guys didn't show up yeah right yeah bad guys 2 though audio wouldn't show up and nobody in the town that saw all the stuff happened would show up the questions on a star why wouldn't anyone in the why wouldn't even one person in the town say oh yeah I saw that going to happen and it's because these cops are it was Super ineffective into super dangerous they aren't any better than the criminals I feel like that's a no you can't if you can't trust the police are going to actually protect you yeah I get why there's no snitches in in multiple times the movie like nobody the idea of police coming to help you in this movie is not that's not the world they live in anymore I mean the police the only thing they want to do is get revenge on people that have wronged them that's how that he is there like on the radio we have two cop killers on the run and then they're like oh well they killed cops we better go get them audio yeah those are bad accidents also nobody died during the filming of this because cheaper my stunts are in Spain and dangerous Sam Gash under loud yeah with that guy got hit in the head with the body yes I was about to say that yeah I thought I was just thinking about that cuz you're like everything is awesome yeah it's it's interesting and makes me special in comparison you know cuz like this is when I was at Pixar interning with the other saying story is King and I really think that they for me at least like a model that like adherence to like story first spectacle and Technical achievement all the things we're talking about it's like yeah they're obvious plot holes but I guess because the shock factor of these incidents in this movie and in other movies like does that actually cover up you know the sins of story you know it's like at the end of the day it's just entertainment there it really makes me think it cuz when we just ice tactic like it it kind of falls apart totally and I mean that's that's my whole graph with the new one is because it's such a beautiful spectacle everyone's like it's crate though right okay yeah but I think they're just Jared is trying to accomplish something different I think they were trying to accomplish my mood and attention which they did flawlessly like it had everybody on the seat of their on the edge of their seats audio we have a problem with something cuz I think especially because it's the same director it definitely feels like the same director so I think able to take more liberties and just kind of try to be creative which honestly I think is this director strength is he's able to take Lake restrictions creative restrictions and might come up with something really cool and creative ottoman so I think he was just like see where else you could take genre the movie in the world I just want to be you should be the guy that directs bae I thought it was producer directed the big dresser funny I miss babe was next I really wanted to see the blessing with Chief FiFi to end Elizabeth is Scarface tell him to go take a vacation friend up at Max on the ends all dumax So Good lyrics. we should maybe watch babe for the podcast because they lost in the city is actually like everyone animations point-of-view surprisingly good and solid movie and really well-executed story I have a sometime I animated pig in the city was the second or maybe that's the one that yeah that's the one he did to the first one no notes but the second one is notorious for being actually good I don't think I've ever seen it I mean the first one audio Happy Feet 2 I think is also critically yeah I remember they got a lot of people talked about it a lot it's even at the time I don't know if I was like super into what I remember why I didn't like it and it was a real forward with it like like I'm not religious but like I don't like the film that tells young children that's the whole lot of Happy Feet with Spock religion audio I'm okay with that it seems like a weird ambiguous my look like March of the Penguins had just come out and like climate change was new I want to hear more about this f*** religion well apparently he's anti oh I see I see what you did there so maybe it is and maybe it's just Mad Max in spirit but in instead of does the f*** religion is where you find Mad Max Murray Road God hello crossover audio audio I feel like the acting was way better than I thought it was like amazing but like it was pretty decent considering it was such a small budget film yeah yeah Max Mel Gibson obviously the the star power here even though he wasn't at the time like this abandoned the trivia I read that like he didn't even to audition his sister was auditioning and he came with her and apparently only gotten into a bar fight and his face was like all like bruised and everything and they were like what we need people so just come back in 3 weeks when your face is healed and they didn't even recognize him and they asked him to read for the main part he got it so he wasn't even like Frye the smolder and the crazy eyes yeah oh yeah he can go crazy definitely boy for his Lethal Weapon yeah and then it was him if you see L Avicii like you see like the Genesis of audio even more on the other ones to like he get he's his like level of crazy is like Realo in this but in the other ones he's like a little bit more unhinged unpredictable I feel like you could more today that this movie was a direct prequel to Lethal Weapon like they open up fan Martin Riggs is a Crazy Cop can I follow the rules is just willing to shoot whoever he needs to like okay yeah that was that's what's next for this Mel Gibson the guy who toecutter what is Lethal Weapon like with the lens of 20/20 I'm sure I used to really like those movies we did we watch with Jet Li I really like the 4th that was me. audio Nick we watch two of them the first Lethal Weapon and the one with Jet Li audio I believe so it's jelly and Chris Rock audio who did to watch the first one on the podcast and then you made me watch all the lethal weapons after that audio diplomatic immunity oh my God that was the dump anyway I was trying to back up ashes comments about the the acting being so damn good because even if I'd characters or set well I don't say all the five characters or selling it I feel like most of the gang members NYU was awesome and the granny yeah yeah do we like the goose is great I want you to do we like Goose the goose audio yeah juice Goose what he was dying Jean that's what you had said at the least Purolator sold the abusive cop angle in a banana can a human weigh at like not like he wasn't just like flying off the handle and my trying to hurt people he was like you know Sonic in his own like righteous rage you're just like I mean at least I understand why he's doing this very very bad thing he's doing did you guys catch the shot one of the first shots when Max is in that little beach cottage with his wife the baby is playing with a gun yeah yeah I remember that the Mystic great silvergun they were never watching that kid no no miracle that baby I don't think either of them ever held the baby until she took him back from at the very end Stickam away Loc storing them in the trunk baby seat and then it sounds like during the Romantic montage and like half the time the babies with them and half the time they're like leaving the car on the side of the road to go like swim in the river without the baby and I'm like who's watching where is where is the State Fair in the basement sorry, go ahead. best for me like it's 1 everyone has their thing like if you know a lot about something right and you see it movies it stands out more right if it's if it's incorrect if your friends were doctors or something friends with it's like baby stop it's like tiger in movies or shows when there are parents but the kids like never around and the parents get to do all this fun stuff and go out there doing something like shows and you can't do that you have so what do you have like three nannies that are in like shifts like 1st 2nd 3rd Shift so you can just like do whatever the hell you want audio audio it's been like five episodes where's your kid where's your kid out the window audio I'm just curious to know because and I've wondered and there might be something like this you would think in Hollywood would like whoever films are made of these things are such big Investments That they could hire I don't maybe it's a script doctor or somebody to just objectively look at the logic of things and make sure that you know it doesn't have to be a scientific academic research paper level of accuracy but like at least try to plug some of the holes that I would think they would be Center to safeguard like that by guess there's not really right I mean there are script doctors for sure yeah I think I forget all it all depends I think it also like you know like a big push and Hollywood lately is like hey if you're going to have ethnic characters maybe you should have an essay person like read script and give you feedback you know or stuff like that like that Acura sleep what's that way Wes Anderson got like a bunch of heat for his stop motion Isle of the dogs was cuz he had like a bunch of stuff that was actually offensive Japanese people and it's like all it would have taken is just give the script to a Japanese person ask them to read it for you you know or something so yeah it's I don't know that it always happens and probably cuz a bunch of white men run audio where are the worst I came up with anything Maya historical knowledge movie industry Works isn't like I kind of wonder maybe some of our listeners could leave us a comment cuz I'm actually genuinely curious you know stuff like having a script doctor and like continuity people commonplace from big budget to small budget these days that's with the glow of you know I mean went to film school like with how how long were film schools around you know it was on the thing everyone did back in the 70s where there where there but really teaching everyone how to do it or was it just like maybe you've got a couple of people who like really know their s*** on sat and everybody else is kind of like when when did Hollywood become professional at all levels and not just for like Mega studio four times 40 safety is but then also like in the 70s if calling in a professional would have been calling in one of those old white guys that were totally okay with separate but equal to read your script like their options were not great the newer people that do less we're probably more PC and better reviewing the stuff than the old timers what is a good point rat like Hollywood and film is not that old I guess just over a hundred years old at this point audio dudios but like they have $350,000 which is like you know where that money come from who backed this like it feels like you don't currently she earned the money by I working and so like his inspiration for the film came from seeing motorcycle and car accident victims that explains it yeah I don't know if he completely financed it himself but he he apparently raised funds that way by by working at this Hospital I mean damn this is the bitter Millennial at me in 1979 you could work an entry-level job at a hospital and make enough money to make a $300,000 film we get shitbird avocado toast and $4 lattes absolutely whatever else whatever else they had I mean obviously they had a good stunt person to audio play we don't really know nobody did anything after cuz they all died different laws feel the way there's like so many people died during this Australia there's like a Mad Max log 1980 the year okay you have to disclose if someone dies shoving the stack of papers to the side of death certificates good thing that La came out this year so far I just watched Class Action Park which is horrifying tale of this water park in the 80s that was like insane and people would die and they just be like and there were laws saying that like dislike loopholes where they didn't have to report this s*** like maybe Pat Maybe is like Disneyland nobody ever dies in Disneyland they like died in route to the hospital that's mad mad yeah. Nobody died on Smith they died on their way to the hospital hospital no animals were harmed in the production of this movie but people were pre-production well audio in between watching it I was reading random article that in the 70s or 60s in Australia rabbit problem like they had like billions of bunnies that were taking over the country so I thought maybe that's what happens between Mad Max 1 is the bunnies takeover need every Hugo Oregon State I was just going to talk about that I mean and people get getting injured is still like such a crazy big problem like that's one we haven't really solved Milla jovovich's stop woman raped or did she die in one of the new Batman where was the car that crashed into the production tent 2 yeah yeah yeah the car that crashed into and I can't remember that but editing Bay because they just they said it I will like in the path of the sun wow that's or that was just crazy like to see a movie about I mean I don't know how they got the shot the big rig running over the motorcycle like if you think about like how is that safe for the big rig and then like on top of that like so what I guess that was like a dummy but how did they get the motorcycle to move forward on without anyone on it and like what my brain just explodes without anyone on it until you having seen a big rig accident nothing stopping a bigger like there's no danger if it if the vehicle is small enough ashes are getting stressed out like if I had to make the shot what I do how would I do that cargos floaties yay Panthers are so it's like there was another shot of a motorcycle like it was goose who's what you pointed out earlier Patrick or like he bike crashes on his motorcycle and then calls a tow truck light and they just attack him then I don't know where my brain what are you doing you guys but then I mean clearly it was just so they could flip there's a shot there were like a real person flies off of a motorcycle and I was just like how did they get this how did they do this safely somebody jumped off of a motorcycle with a big assumption in that question their ass and it's the word safely I want to do a correction before the internet yells at me weather Milla jovovich's stuntwoman only last rhymes no big deal Deadpool 2 shooting access some people get hurt all the time they don't get enough recognition ridiculous cuz because they're there too to be the person who gets hurt instead and it's just that's a crazy job description Dax Shepard talks about it a lot on his podcast armchair expert because he's a stunt driver and he was a stunt driver for like a long time and he talks about just like the absolute crazyshit he would do and like how in his brain he's like I should probably be like scared of doing this why am I not Ito he's like totally okay with it but he recognizes that like it's kind of a psychotic thing to do I mean I imagine there's some like appeal to Authority like someone says to do this because they thought about it and like it should be okay to do and so often it's not audio like with that axe he talks about how like like he's like I can't believe I get paid to do that s*** because like this is the type of stupid s*** I'd probably do by myself speaking of the studs I was really curious I couldn't help myself you know how to do my Google many of the action scenes were shot at real speeds the shot of gooses speedometer reading 180 km per hour is a real one audio audio how fast is that in American mph audio 120 or something like that audio you know you did say that insecure permits or anything right so 311 audio all those sweet sweet habanero sauce audio it's crazy how it can you imagine like trying to do that in the US and get away with it somewhere like in the midwest or something like get caught but I guess out there population density 212x shut off yeah I did that driving down the five went and almost got caught I think about the stomach yeah that was a human being Gary Webb I'm off like the motorcycle that flew off the motorcycle or bike over 28 meters and jumped off at mid-flight oh my God that really happened during filming their happened when to attack like a stuntman in an original actress cast as Max's wife we're speeding cuz I relate to get to the set and they are cut off and crashed in both suffered broken legs causing actress who's going to be his wife to be replaced by who ended up doing it with a f****** Deathwish that's how they made this for you interesting every crash was shot in one take yeah yeah those are real cop cars that were decommissioned interesting are you guys like how many cars can you buy for $350,000 depends on the car decommissioned cop car almost won I asked you were saying that you shot something like that like a actually sequence like Ireland that they make superchargers for cars and so it was like a marketing video where we got to race two trucks that were supercharged dodges on they rented out an airstrip and so they race them down an airstrip at I put like 5 GoPros on each vehicle and got to film these cars like racing and then I made another video for them with this famous boxer that they supercharged his Camaro I think it was or know it was a charger it was a Dodge Charger and he there like okay so for the end Ito documentary-style like I'm still making them do his charger and I'm filming him talk about it and everything or Challenger sorry and and in the end they're like okay you're going to get in the car he's going to test drive it and I was like okay can I get in the car and we're on like normal surface streets message you just go at 90 and doing donuts in the middle of intersections and I was like I am going to die oh my God cuz you're in the car right just me and him in the car and I'm like filming him like oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that's the closest I've ever got to that speed that is Mad Max right there hopefully yeah if you go to Florida to Daytona Raceway you can you can pay to ride in a race car I think they go like almost two hundred miles an hour if I oh my gosh I'm so excited love you. Have you done it or no I was too little my mom my dad and my aunt did it if I did it now I would be really really sick I get really bad motion sickness right before I got it cause a kid to but kids are dumb and they'll do whatever cuz it's cool I'll pass on a 200 mile per hour audio audio really want to barf in a helmet in front of a stranger thank you fun times but if it's like a bullet train in Japan I'll do that oh yeah have you been on that I have that goes like to hunt how fast is ICO I-205 Movies 400 but it's like completely still anime Gundam power or like technology that uses in it girl magnabrite so I'm like you know the Amtrak really has to catch up to this stuff really great Korean zombie movie is amazing as well that is like my favorite for sure this is this feels like it could be train to Busan sequel very good it's new on Netflix it's called #alive we're just like talking about how like how come the train system in other countries like this is like a valid form of transportation it like it's good and it's nice and it works because the motor industry sucks I like being on a train but to get from here to down to you guys on the train because there was one that goes straight from here to you guys $1,200 like why would you do that or it's only $300 if I want to stay awake for 36 hours independent single chair yeah I hate driving I wish there like High-Speed Rail hyperloop audio hyperloop Elon Musk go home but leave your billions please so we can make the world Shoji this was the film East. motels about it I like the themes what what is really insane and where is and then again you know the character developments just really really interesting you know I mean I guess you not to sound pretentious but after learning how important story is and the animation industry that's like kind of how I see things now so the fact that yeah there's there's a lot of potholes and things and logic you know that doesn't quite hold up as we you know when there is movies that don't even try now audio credit for trying audio net positive thank you guys for that audio typepad what did you say yeah I found it amusing and terrifying honestly I'm still shook by how much toecutter creamy outside in like topless I thought the action did a good job like a eccentric like psychotic unpredictably don't know how he's going to react or what he's going to do Mary Joe Carrasco FL Injustice League so like that I mean like terrifying didn't like it but I like that it didn't like it like that so you kind of want any or villain it's so weird to me this movie is not in the same genre though is the other man holding a different movie I just happen to have a gun in Maxwell's driving the same car he drove at the end they are I was honestly by the way how different it was than the other one again it was yellow like I'm using as far as like yeah I was a movie I was entertained I wasn't bored at any time and I didn't hate it and then he got his pension to the end of that was cool all kind of back on that in like I agree I was going to say that this was like a very watered-down version of Mad Max I know it's where it started so it's not technically a watered-down version seed sprouted and hadn't quite grown fully yet but like it was there and you can kind of see if the influence audio so like specially with like the guy jumping on the stick on to the gas truck you know like had all these cool ideas that were just kind of like getting their ideas thrown down on paper for this phone so it was interesting to see that I had it like I said if I had not known it was Mad Max I wouldn't have known and it wasn't at all like I expected it was way more grounded I expected something like very outlandish like the the newest one so that was pretty surprising I mean there was some weird things but if I didn't know that it's supposed to be a post-apocalyptic world I very easily could have believed that it was modern day just like really rural areas you know without a lot of like so that was just like complete reversal of what I expected the story a little flat to me I'm just not very robust can a very simple unexpected are two bees or more nuanced you know it was just audio what it is I said that too but it's really amazing what able to accomplish for such a low budget and the cinematography still blows me away like beautiful shots Sowell plan I'd like really and to tell the story visually without relying on dialogue which is something that I really miss modern-day films so it is a very common way of Storytelling in the 70s so it's just kind of a vintage aesthetic that I really love in filmmaking so is really great to see yeah kind of a bunch of Echoes of of Sam and Pat here at the Hugh keays-byrne the toecutter just so good he had those like Manson Vibes kind of like just the serious like the zombie eyes the Mel Gibson did a good job in this I guess that's why we know who he is and the thing is is I would have a hard time telling someone else what this movie is about because I am just like saying things you guys said earlier like Pat was saying that it's just a bunch of and then and not really like a coherent actual story like I guess you could say like the Revenge plot at the end was a whole story full film you just like this happen and then this happened out of the hands George Miller I would have dislike this film the direction was so good every shot beautiful all the way through the film not a second wasted there's never a point with camera movement I even did some unrealistic lighting for effect and it totally was awesome like in the hospital scene when he's checking out the dude's corpse and they have the lighting Auto and like this like that's not how that would have worked but you know what it's sold the scene in a way that really made you feel Mel Gibson was feeling at the moment I like a shocking the horror and all through the lighting and the framing and that's what this movie is is it's a George Miller showcase it was really good because of that I don't think I would watch it again restore e reasons but if I was trying to like make a point about like really cool shots that were possible and we're actually done back in the 70s when a lot of the older films I've seen how many people have meet me in Ash Fork with at least one person together who was always talking about walking down or shots come down justly static images that are in a lot of older films and this one was all about movement I loved it though that's why I would ever go back to this is just as like a film study on so I recommended if you haven't seen it and if you have seen it and then you know what happens in the story totally I think if you if you want a better story I would check out Road Warrior is it might have like all the combination of all the things that you like about bad backs with a good story but actually I think is the most flamboyant of the vaal Sam Fury Road is what actually is I think it's funny crazy Parkrose liquor what is the peanut butter and honey butter peanut peanut butter and honey I believed the butter and honey I don't I've never had a peanut butter and honey sandwich I know I'm saying no note that makes more sense logically but Pat what Pat said it looked like a sad sandwich so I skip the peanut butter and honey I don't like that's a weird choice but it looks like a flat side sandwich I believe that is just butter and honey honestly I don't know anything about Australia iFruit didn't exist in Australia and that's why they use honey I'll be like yeah make sense like thank you anyway I definitely agree with the two plot hole problems and the beautiful cinematography yet I really like the the character development I think it's really interesting tickets for me it's like it's not just his character development in this film it's like where it goes and over the course of the three original films like he has more of a story arc but keeps going which I find really interesting and that's the same that's the problem I have with the new one is like they built this great story arc it would be like you know it's like with Tony Stark real IQ have the straight story yard for him you just make another movie and you throw all that away like that's what it feels like to me but I watch the new one but anyway this kind of War also reminded me of like the first Terminator movie cuz the first Terminator movie is very different from the other ones as well like it feels more of like this thriller this Chase Thriller like a different style and tone and this movie wrestling has a different style and tone and the other ones as well but I still enjoyed it I was I was surprised I had serious doubts that I think that part of the doubts the doubts that Ralph put in my head from Twitter and I'm like oh no I'm worried so my expectations were very low but I still enjoyed it I don't know that I'd go back and watch it again but I really want to watch the next one also I just want to say my favorite shot in the hole film cuz you mention zombie eyes like there's like just it's like 3 frames before toecutter hits big rig there's like an intense close-up of his eyes are red and it's just the best shot is like a large Marge kind of a cool it was really cool that's a signature shot like a surgery audio you guys all right well yeah that's that's the Mad Max thanks everyone for listening tell everybody where they can find you get to give another patch yeah I mean I'm promoting my short film won last monster so you can go to one last social media information they're so pretty easy well thanks for bringing this film to our table in joining us thanks for having me this was incredible audio do wrap-ups audience follow us we're at let's re-watch on Twitter where we do fun things like movie poles or you guys can pick the movie like you did this time which we didn't even talk about what this is this one 41 0t was pretty close between this one and Spirited Away and we also do things where I will tweet a still from the movie if we didn't do a movie pool and you guys get to guess what the movie is and I did tweet a still from the movie Matt a storm again got it right away I mean you know he has no problem yes meme I'm trying to look for a new review at least we do we have a new review our friend Allie wiping audio audio it sucks cuz I record we've recorded a bunch of episodes so she must have just released the one where I'm like Ali she texted you like like oh there's like four more podcast that we do it every time youth shouted Ali's name like the past eight or nine episodes we've done it's been roasted if you liked our podcast please give us a 5-star review like our best friend Ali who says knowledgeable and a range of perspectives love how much the art talk is in the series thank you and leave us your review Apple podcast Google podcast audio picture just think of those ones that's fine what's the other one are you can shout it to the void or Spotify if the review isn't iTunes is not really helping us let's be honest that all right can you leave a review on Spotify say something about your old Shenanigans oh well D&D in your lesson show you already know probably ended and we do like $1000000 those crazy guys I know but it's stiff you verbatim that I listen listen to mr. Kickstarter and you like D&D it'll still be available just go to my go to at the kind of words are the Peddlers. Com will be a link to pre-order it but I was going to shout out or awesome Network this is part of the certain Network another pass fun and games with Matt and Jeff scruffy nerf-herder screen snark the open dream circle of friendship Rob Thomas no not that one cast and our new one join the network variously judging book covers discussions about books I really like their show whenever I hear the Rob Thomas thing I'm like audio yeah well this is Rob Thomas Matchbox 20 and the Rob Thomas really so he's like what do you mean not that one I don't know what you're talkin that's what everyone thinks is for Matchbox 20 the singer and then there is another gentleman who he may be like with a crater and showing her Veronica Mars iZombie wait so what which one is on the van Cat shows like the show person talking about his stuff audio podcast title is not clear I am sorry I have to have audio back when my when I made my router password the password is password I just could not tell people what they're our Wi-Fi password was here just made a joke about that the other day I was like I have to put in the password issues like the password is password and omigod dog still remember that f****** password I remember vividly having this conversation with you what's the password the password is the password is password can't tell people the current in use social age v v v v v v v v v all right well can you edit that we mailed it again manic energy necessary stuff out and then we went off the rail so she's exactly what was she asked to do Matt we will never strip the gag is sweet never do this correctly the outro we always back it up we're Jammin gag as in with a spoon next time join us well when we watch really confusing movie giant monster movies big ass spider oh no oh okay did you add the, and in the wrong place no that's it's a big ass spiders you said big, audio big ass spider in flexion is important a big ass spider no it's not a big a spider is a big ass spider as a- just like everyone just starts crazy if you are in your world just everything started everybody it's the spider for your ass are you going to play us out eat some flies certain