Space Jam with Hans Martin Jr and Steven Angulo
Can the world's best basketball player stop an evil monster from enslaving the best sports team? It's children's horror author R.L. Stine's sequel to The Horror at Camp Jelly Jam, Space Jam!
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Sam Willson, and Pat Edwards. Guest starring Hans Martin Jr and Steven Angulo , hosts of The Real Movie Critic vs. The Cineguy
Back Pat’s D&D Adventure "The Red Opera" on Kickstarter!
autumn leaves or some s*** I'm Pat oh yeah baby right out of the house audio audio ain't no no bet that you look your look happy today I didn't do the bit so you would smile and be a joyful person on Comcast today I'm happy today it's the Calm before the storm oh it is Aquarius 1 2 3 4 5 days before the red Opera Kickstarter goes live and then 30 days of Madness scream into the void about that thing with us this evening I just thought I was one person with two heads I didn't realize they were set or in that in two separate rooms two we have we have a host of the real movie critic versus the synagogue podcast one of our sibling podcast from the certain Network please welcome Hans and Steven Steven you know I was coming, not this early that's my status early you know it's in a guy will not have literally in tears audio another movie podcast but where the movie podcast on the network but we're up to date but we'll talk about that later audio what you're showing how did your show where is it is unique it is a different it is a different kind of so pretty much I think the best way to describe it is we're like the pardon the interruption but with movies that's what we do and what we do we talked about the latest news that's happening in the film industry with the latest castings or what not what's being in production and we also talked about the latest trailers that come out and Hillside little farm play a little bit of games here and there with that I did we talked about the latest movies that are coming out and it depends who you ask but the movie theaters are finally opening it up and now we're actually back to the movie theaters to actually wash the latest films instead of do Corona classic we're pretty much done with that but yes yes so you would do and I just recently as a plus recording this it was on your show not too long ago you weren't so you basically do kind of like a mini marathon right like three movies episode God yeah I know I will I will listen to several that besides like dang a lot of movies guys yeah we have we got no lies and goats like 5 at least I hope you're kinder to your other guests with the previews of a I'm still scarred they made me watch the preview the trailer for this Italian Roberto benigni version of Pinocchio no no it's not the new one the stop no one is it no no no it's like terrifying makeup it's like you know those really creepy animatronic things in the first Blade Runner okay we're like Fay The Hangout where they no no it's like if that was a whole movie is that the horror movie Pinocchio supposed to be family supposed to be like a family adventure it's it's very creepy if you don't check it out you guys know that Guillermo del Toro is doing a stop motion Pinocchio audio Portland but yeah I know that's crazy yeah something like that but there's a Robert zemeckis version coming out as well for the Disney version of its oh man that's all. Pedo kills is Guillermo del Toro past the the career phase where he agrees to do every project and then only does one of them I mean I know he bought a house in Portland pretty committed to it but what do I know I'm not on the project we've been talking about stop since this podcast yes go home he is home forever we like to maintain the image Studio we've marked off the microphones 1062 part which I feel like really early 6p actually was determined and not be the effective listen to should be more than that but did you see out 9 audio Allegra viasat-2 like 16 ft 2 feet behind me in line at Target like he audio well yeah Sandy's Sammy's anyway we're witches Space Jam Space Jam bra to us with this is probably the most epic yeah I got close gas is it when clear winner but yeah so we had Hans and Steven brought us the mask 3 Ninjas speed and Space Jam and for awhile speed in The Masks were like neck-and-neck Space Jam just came out of nowhere I know case was trying to get people to do three ninjas 3 Ninjas actually came in second yeah yeah meet you at wall only 5 0uys that's it I want to watch 3 Ninjas but I do not want to watch 3 Ninjas you're going to watch that I don't need to I don't need to know where the weak spots are watching had before this but I had never even heard of the three ninja movies what you just said Ashley I'm going to stand by the thing I said on Twitter when I originally retweeted the pole that was you can choose their ninjas or choose to not be my friend anymore but you can't choose both audio audio Matt storm took his stance you are no longer friends there are there are 84 people I don't have to worry about remembering 84 birthdays now 84 holiday cards I don't have to send out anymore it's great it's is actually less work for me at4 review Vape for the record for Speed that I was okay don't expect a holiday card from you. why didn't you I'm sorry I did the same it's actually it's funny it's fun to do this vets because actually I was totally cool with all four of these movies I've seen all of them that I like yeah it for the first time in a long time it was it was a good Pole Space Jam was the only movie on that pole that I've seen I was very excited religious or the mass yes and I've been dying all of like rain the mask because like this 90s thing that I missed it for the podcast it's literally been on a pole like three or four times because everybody seems to love this movie and like quote all the time and I'm like why doesn't it win then you know people that did is a day or so cold there was a time audio Aqua Sac where I wanted to. I mean I didn't say they weren't Psychopaths I am the editor I will stop you audio audio but yes we are watching a Space Jam this was released in 1996 so it's kind of like close to that sweet spot of good movies in the 90s but a couple years off was it 1993 that when I pick the gold audio on the Mount Rushmore Road good the director here is Joe my gosh Aziz audio who also has like one of the creepiest IMDb profile pictures I've ever seen so he know do I love him we wait for you at right now I know it's creepy right he looks like he would murder you you lookin Authority or some sort of white hair terrified photo this is only his second feature film which is kind of wild to me that this was your second feature film cuz this is a big deal this film I feel like still he was like he's did a lot of like big-name music videos and then he went on to do more like commercials with people like Michael Jackson and Britney Spears so I guess that's where he got his street cred so he was more like a commercial in TV guy before this film well I mean I feel like this is my desire Hollywood children's content producer I'm on coke Siri but like looking at commercials and being like who made the most successful kids commercials who real thing that's flashy capture the kids attention and make them want to buy as many toys as possible let's make them make a move maybe but they were like mostly Pepsi commercials I don't know it didn't seem like it was kids content like if you look at his IMDb to me it's wild to choose him as the Director of this film like I said just wild but anyway also just another fun stacked as far as like audio 17 producers on this phone I feel like it's at a a that explains a lot kind of a thing in sky that we seen it again and again and again there's a reason it's one of the most tried-and-true adages of all time more Cooks in the kitchen the better than meal say that everyday are any of those producers NBA players right I know you're hosting officially I do have one or two small tidbit on this movie I'm going to let you finish when you're done I do have some yeah just to name a few of the producer credits cuz again this is just like wild to me there is co-producer executive producer segment producer animation producer associate producer and Studio producer category an animation standpoint because it's totally animation like the producer is more of the person like manages the budget so but that wasn't nearly seventeen multiple people have the same like title there's multiple animation and co-producer what's that anime this is a live-action movie that was just actually Bugs Bunny playing himself definitely so the budget for this film I would love for you guys to Hazard a guess do you know what percentage of it is animated I don't tell you this this is the inverse of Roger rabbit so instead of animated characters in the real world the back right like they're in the ants real life people in anime so even the background had to be animated and everything 90 seconds gaska guess 70 million USA 125 million don't like in my memory it's a movie that was high-profile and low-budget except Michael Jordan Warner Brothers Studio audio yeah that they routinely produce content for for like no dollars alright Hotshot what's your guess can I say it's probably like the closer. Feel like 67 dog doesn't leave his trailer or less than 23 million-dollar audio my water bill that is whatever the number is Michael Jordan got half of the money probably but that's the yeah it was it was right in between your guys's gases at 80 million dollars would I think might be the highest budget film we've ever done on the podcast audio that might have beat it but like play me the highest budget 90s film yes I think highest budget and this is a lot of money for a 90s film a lot of and it was still a flop to it was a flop I love that movie opening weekend was 27 million audio her opening weekend gross worldwide it made 230 million dollars yeah you got out of your all the ancillary stuff all the Prada merch emerge for sure yeah it was never about making the movie profitable but it was I mean it made its money back like 2 plus. I wouldn't call that not successful I want to know what Michael gets on the back end I was about to SQL that flopped I have an action that would be Michael Natale whatever you got paid I don't know you still have some don't know I don't know I still have like the cast of Michael Jordan I don't know what Michael Jordan got paid but I'm assuming if you look at that man he has one of the shortest IMDb credit list I've ever seen he must be living on royalties from Justice Space Jam and Jordans audio 100 million are the largest like initial rookie contract sponsorship of anybody is crazy what I'm saying is the dude doesn't do anything anymore cuz he doesn't have to leave now so I don't know how much it is audio I mean if I don't hear watch The Last Dance I have I have billionaire wow yeah audio I think he just the shoes alone is he's good he's his according to the gooch Google is net worth is 1.6 bill NBA Jam I love that gave such a good game I don't like a basketball game but I like NBA Jam so damn much you want to dunk from full-court why the f*** a little circle with line often is if you shot from that inhibit seven points did Marv Albert as a voice is on fire besides Michael Jordan we also have Wayne Knight you'll recognize from Jurassic Park or 30 G Theresa Randle she's died from which movie Dirty Dancing Seinfeld hello from the Sun I mean but you know if you watch 90 minutes to Seinfeld every night smlv I guess I guess I'm one of the only people who haven't seen Seinfeld so what were you doing I was being a goth kid kids don't watch Seinfeld Seinfeld holds up pretty well except a couple episodes were really f****** dozen Jerry Seinfeld stand up at the beginning of every episode forgot is that is that Jerry Seinfeld's like biggest stick of all time is that he's not funny maybe maybe that's the joke I don't know any time I ever tried to watch an episode I just like couldn't get past that I was always like this is so bad cuz that's what I think was like a meta-joke like he only made it to be the worst possible movie ever audio audio so good so good it was just I just got that beautiful find wow go back in time and experience there's also Therese of Randall from Bad Boys in spawn where's Bill Murray who is like I completely forgot was in the house or not. that's one of the best quotes in the movie also Danny DeVito as a voice in the movie how crazy is that Larry Bird is also in this as well as a bunch of other real famous basketball players that I know nothing about Charles Barkley you got as a child Bradley Larry Johnson NBA player ever Muggsy Bogues there you go see you got it yes basketball facts I know those babe you're a weirdo basketball either so you're not alone this is like a weird movie for childhood me to like because I hated sports but I was like Looney Tunes do you know Billy West of course isn't it as Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes voice actors one or two that and that were recast because they couldn't actually get the contract worked out anyway do you want to do one of your thing audio oh I think I was going to talk about budget Gordon's conversations crazy fun fact about it I don't know what's interesting about it is in the movie The Promise part of it is he's like taking it but his break from basketball cuz you took a break and actual break this is taking place around that time and it was shooting when he was coming back you shooting it is directions when he's coming back female Warner Brothers they built him full court working on my phone they built it but the reason he had to ask anyone to practice and get ready for the season but also dozens of the top players in the league to come onto scrimmage with him it was he use that is like scouting I've been away for a year-and-a-half and he was just using it to like like see how they were playing see who was good see how it like any bass Adidas audio doing like scouting is competition when he come back he is clinically it's like a disorder person in the history of humanity if you like dive on him it's like a psychological compulsion is the most competitive human being on the planet or false you have to be right like to be the best your field I guess yeah I like there's a lot of I mean literally like every other person on the planet that you could say that thing two or you know don't worry about it like there's always someone better there's not someone better pictures of Michael Jordan better he's the best there ever was highly recommend the Last Dance even if you're not like a big basketball fan it's giraffe fascinating human study audio isn't he also like a hella mean audio that's another trait you have to be if you want I mean I don't want to say that but like audio actually I don't want to say that I don't want to say you have to be it's just a trait that is common with people like that like Steve Jobs assholes Elon Musk Asshole you know it's like you have to be an a****** to be a billionaire no no I ain't going to say to be like that level of success but then I stopped myself like I don't want to say that the billionaire shoe does fit the movies original Roma website still up today exactly 899 relay yes and if you want a blast from the 90s past I highly suggest you go check it out because like oh my God if you want an if you didn't live in the 90s or do you want to know what it's gloriously was about OSHA dresses space chema geocities audio audio audio finest yes it is I'm looking at it right now audio I'm disappointed in the lack of spinning spray I know will you know it was nice joke there is one go to the gym gear Jam page yes I see it there too all all its meeting is like annoying audio player in the corner you can't find and then it's like f****** my face all over again one pixel by 1 pixel iframe that you sleep out audio plastic guys the 1996 the movie is actually based off of a popular Nike ad where Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan faced off against Marvin the Martian and other alien buddies which it was interesting I didn't remember this app but your connection is a yeah that's why they hired the commercial director Maybe I wonder if she did that commercial Maybe that would make sense when flying towards moron Mountain the monolith from 2001 A Space Odyssey can be seen in the very right edge of the frame floating in space which I thought was kind of fun audio no references are for the parents that have to sit through these crap definitely all right that's true but we don't know yeah there are people on Twitter that would disagree and we are going to find out Battle of life at least one very vocal Twitter header of the face who voted for it he wanted us to watch it the one vote that tip the scale audio I think it was more than one wasn't it yeah we had like over a hundred at least. yeah the movie pokes fun at Disney throughout but ironically it actually aired on ABC's of Wonderful World of Disney sorry I just knocked my stupid lights are going out in the same universe has Roger rabbit film what's interesting write like we talked about with Rodger rabbit how like nobody could make a movie like that again and nobody has but this is like a weird inverse of that where receive idea except it's human goes into animation World which I think is probably easier Samuel arguably it's more drawing but probably easier to fit I don't know it's hard either way for different race right but I mean like you know Rodger rabbit they have when they're filming like they have to nail the eye line versus and like all the prop interactions and they have to recreate like the lighting and whatever versus biscuits like okay they can match the reference footage not have a quite worried as much maybe I just think it'd be harder for the app audio yeah I did audio audio yeah I wonder how stiff Michael Jordan's going to let go yeah I don't know that's a good question Sears leasing his IMDb page is very small he clearly didn't do a lot of acting after this do you know there's something to be said for that like he knows what is strong game is basketball and not audio baseball or football or act weighted baseball audio quit basketball what it was appropriate play for the White Sox and they're in their minor league team coaches have said actually if you'd been given a couple years you would have been pretty good but a little time is he spent what are people usually terrible start of the publicity stunt but he actually started with like the ridiculous batting average until pitchers hard to figure out freak of nature his body has the technology save my last two facts are about Bill Murray Bill Murray's appearance is a reference to another series of commercials in the 90s which which starred Bill Murray and in the commercials Bill Murray tries and fails become an NBA player this whole movie is like references to commercials upon references to commercials yes just trying to sell kids s*** then I guess what was Bill Murray selling I don't know what the commercial is about is there a time when they were like I want to sit in traffic with a car wash cinematic commercials were like something people were trying to make yeah because after the Apple 9 or so what does all kinds of stuff like that cuz there was this another basketball player who ever heard of his name was Anthony Hardaway Penny Hardaway was his name any hair like this little penny is there a little puppet version of him and it was like a whole series of commercials in this is someone who like how's the only person you know who he is today and he was in NBA get well this is before streaming and before like even like DVR and stuff so the commercials were still he pretty much had to watch him when you watch stuff so audio Big Money commercials that were like there are investing a lot into to make that look through these in the royalties ongoing literally series of commercials yeah I know Dad will be like fit together and form like a story over like 6 audio oh man audio audio we might be has Ivy like I forgot until I was reading some of the trivia that like at the time I mean Michael Jordan was the commercial guy does McDonalds like Gatorade like there's a point where one of the characters like references all the things that he commercials for and so it was definitely a big commercial time and maybe that makes sense why this commercial director Michael Jordan's a billionaire and the smallest part of that is the NBA yeah I can probably recite that moment a sharp top of my head and then also bring it back to who framed Roger rabbit Bill Murray accepted the role in this movie after expressing regret at missing out on a chance to Star who framed Rodger rabbit okay yeah I know I mean apparently he was offered a role there Bill Murray as Bob Hoskins interesting movie audio gruffness of Bob Hoskins is a good foil animation Elmer's kind of a living cartoon anyway so I don't when I don't I mean I know like older sad Bill Murray like can sell the earnestness but I don't feel like 90s Bill Murray could have sold the earnestness like you know it'd be a fun Twist on a Rodger rabbit where human character was the big goofball and all the animated characters were super serious pretty good write it down as Pat pitches the worst movie of all time do you both have a personal history of love with this movie well navigates Hans does it is a childhood friend of mine that's for sure timer season Bay picture of myself with a plush toys of Space Jam wait as Sylvester and Daffy and then when I first saw like I think I took out of the library I was a kid yeah it was a lot of fun with this guy growing up that's the only reason I watched it for the bachelor party the reason I love the movie is for both freezes because of the Looney Tunes that's that's like a cartoon series that I always screw up that was like the last half last hour of cartoons for me to watch before I go to bed on Nickelodeon if it was the Looney Tunes and so I always always love the Looney Tunes I bet you if we do it let's read watching on Looney Tunes are probably is Baby dating right now audio original cartoons the Old World War 2 cartoons I do love basketball as well 90 the basketballs in the 90s was my time where I really started getting into basketball it is one of my favorite sports ever I played varsity basketball and everything and you know it's something you know that me and my family will enjoy watching basketball together unfortunate you know me from Boston that was a time where the Celtics really suck so we had to pick like other teams to ko4 and most people we go for the Chicago Bulls win everything audio audio and so yeah Michael Jordan was the guy you know for four for basketball the Bulls was busy Scottie Pippen which I'm surprised he's not even part of this movie was one of the you know the best Sidekicks of all time in basketball pretty much yeah you know what you put these all together for me I when I was a kid I love this movie audio audio no I have to say one of the best songs ever and forties from R.Kelly audio audio I don't think anyone's going to deny that are Kelly can write a Bop though yeah for many different ways. everyone on this call yes he sucks as a human being and should be in jail for the rest of his life we all dancer faces off Ignition remix of America art from the artist sometime audio audio message Kanye that I'm full till just I will not I will love the Kanye I can't afford one person that says slavery is a choice I'm sorry no I mean like, and that's only one of the wild things he said stand Kanye the person but I love Kanye the music catchy why can't I know Ashley Jamaican president go out there and vote I said don't make him president that's what I said at it is this okay is this pump up the jam audio I'm pretty sure it is Lake Jackson pump up the jam Pump It might be like for a minute that's the only song I can think of that would go with this I mean the big ones from this are and then I Believe I Can Fly is the jam is 100 0n it is the song that the is your chance do your dance it's in the movie also didn't this is the one that goes audio audio what is Hans actually back or is he just audio audio y'all ready for this Mortal Kombat realize that are Kelly did the I Believe I Can Fly song audio he's done every slow jam you've ever liked and you didn't know I do not I wouldn't say I like that song you don't like I Believe I Can Fly I don't know even like a child over blade in the 90s like everyone was like check out this song and I was like I'm so over it like the fuckin Titanic song yes yeah it's basically on level ringtone yeah that's the old why did I think it was Lenny Kravitz I don't know Fly Away with his big head I'm going to fly away whatever happened to Lenny Kravitz does cancer exist in any stop probably chilling doing performances there's a look it up on giphy but oh my dear sweet Samantha it was not a gas father know best Arisa wearing tight jeans to wear underwear people oh no delete search history oh my God anyway we should probably talk about audio audio what do you what do you what do you remember do you remember liking this film do you think you're going to like it again what are your predictions for it like hopefully enough to today's expectation the classic is Looney Tunes I do I think I still enjoy because hey I so enjoy back in Action so I'm going to Space Jam audio Bugs Bunny dies a painful death I was being sarcastic Bugs Bunny dies Gore violence you name is classic Looney Tunes at his best is an UltraViolet cartoon it is this true we should make a cut of Looney Tunes wear it like unlike the Brie cut where you cut out violence Brett you should add in blood I love this idea and I will be so good audio why can't you just have Itchy and Scratchy audio but not if it have an action yes they dropped on someone and then people have reaction Essentials like blood kit I can set it just added it anyway how are you what are your prediction absolutely I think a holdup I I I love this movie I'm going to love this again you know yeah Michael Jordan's acting might be a little weird well that's for sure but he's not really an actor anyways while we want to see Miss play basketball sometime so but I love the Looney Tunes I'm going to enjoy the soundtrack you know I'm going to watch till after the credits because just listen to that soundtrack any for sure and yeah I'm only afraid once we get back to talk about it y'all going to tear the party I'm going to be depressed but Pat how about you I think it's going to be fun nostalgic and I think it's I don't really I don't think it's anything like problematic about it I think it's too much of a big-budget too much too many to Studio control to do is all about marketing basically this is basically just a vehicle to deliver other merchandise Children and Families what is Fun the music's great but I think it's going to actually show that much because they probably knew it I'll be like main person Others movie pay attention to how few lines he actually has like in ratio to his screen time I really wish we knew how much money was paid for this so we could like measure it out and dollars per word let's make bets loser I remember about this movie but there's that there's a a group of villainous monstars I don't know why their villainous or why they're in the movie and I feel like that's going to be Immigrant Song build a great theme song to pretty sure I'm going to be just as equally confused on this watch through as to exactly what's going on audio one thing I do remember is find out and there's a phuckindope thing honestly what's the most I can dope thing in space jam when we get back I honestly I'm worried guys I'm worried is not going to hold up audio I think if it does hold up it'll be in like an awesome lady bad sort of way I'm just I don't know I have no logic for this I liked it as a kid but I only watched it like once you know like my parents rented it on VHS Amy watched it it wasn't like something I went back to I know I have very little memories of it I'm not sure I just I'm worried for it I will definitely come in and say there will definitely be problematic stuff I I think everything about Lola is problematic probably audio is interested cuz problematic stuff is the one thing I was not predicting for this one yeah I know it's audio but as far as like the animation goes when I was prepping for the hosting stuff I re-watch the trailer and I fairly optimistic about the animation pulling up in like the visuals holding up so I think that'll hold up well I'm just not sure you know I'm not sure if there's other problematic things that happened in the film that I don't remember I don't remember a lot but I do remember the scene introducing Lola rabbit is probably going to trigger sale I feel like going to be problematic and but I am excited about the visuals and I'm excited about Bill Murray and I'm excited about the the soundtrack excited for all that I can't I can't find any information about how much he made for this movie Michael Jordan I found how much you made for the last dance but phone number was like 33 million or something we'll just say it was around around it down probably two words a mini fridge where he says all right well we're going to pause the show and going watch Space Jam and will last you when you get back audio I was singing was there too the Mortal Kombat theme was not in the movie yes, that's what it was when I first came back I heard the Mortal Kombat theme pass I heard it it was in the middle of all y'all ready for this seconds or minutes after the pump up the jam they have it figured that one is I get that that that comments but didn't know you're wrong it was the Bring It On song everyone else knows what I'm talking about I know what you're talkin about actually I got your back I heard it with my own ears while watching a movie yeah well welcome back to the second half of the episode audio did they want a little kids to want to f*** the girl rabbit OK Google. Tell ya what did I not tell you that everything about that is problematic navigate trust me when I say this to SQL make it right I thought the sequel is like new I just bagged an action was kind of like the Standalone sequel in a way the new LeBron James anyone that comes on next year is that a sequel or is it a we're doing this again but we're replacing Michael Jordan I'm guessing it away but it is cuz they're like unofficial sequel to Space Jam the sequel will apartment get better because actually going to have some WNBA players in the sequel and stuff like that stead of just Lola Bunny but since you brought it up with nobody I remember you know me being in middle school when movie about a lot of girls really love the character of Lola Bunny I remember and I think it's because maybe it was like a representation thing at that time babies coming brletic exactly play Star Wars right but like audio audio audio is Tweety a guy or girl is a girl it's a girl or boy I've been thinking about you audio where did that come from but I feel like the worst part about the Lola rabbit thing is like like she's like don't call me doll as she likes lips her shirt Nike strapback on are you f****** kidding me discussing don't forget C-Town oh yeah so you said anything that I should be offended by but has secretly turned on but I love your objectification I love being treated like an object cuz I'm just a woman and I'm here to please a man I told you to be triggering baby so mad I'm sorry I know I haven't informed that in the reboot of Looney Tunes Show Kristen wife was Lola Bunny it's entirely like is not is not is not sexual life anymore just like a regular audio and equals that sounds like a challenge to furry internet oh no don't bring the furries into this like Warner Brothers just like I dare you not to sexualize this new rabbit anything backup audio I mean I'm sure there are really cool you can't f****** whatever you want to f*** as long as you're not hurting anyone don't say they're not going to sexualize the new rabbit it's going to happen Conn's what show is this what did you bring me into audio audio well let's just get the other sevvai bad thing out of the way which is the fat shaming which is not uncommon for a 90s belt pretty minor really in the cell there we go we mentioned it talking to the guy that loves fat or butt I also love that the work audio it's not shaving him yeah a very honest look at like depression he doesn't think it's a great decision that he doesn't instantly become like ripped again lesbians would you like to beat Thanos like as is I love it that's all I dood it were but I think are offended by him getting fat butts weird thing to go there was a whole thing battles that I feel like that's a very surface-level and not it takes if you actually think about it for a little bit longer it's a weird space that the world is in Visa vie like things that used to be okay that aren't okay anymore that's the one of them where it's just like we don't make fat jokes yeah just the presence of fat person in the movie now in a comedy contacts and everyone does before before it has a chance to prove himself Worthy audio honestly I think it all comes down to Lake the message of the scene and like Thor's message was like he was overcoming depression and like still kicked ass even though he didn't look as like physically ripped as he used to be I think that was the heart of it where is like friends with like fat Monica the joke is that she's fat and that's not okay so there's a difference the guy is fat he was being a little funny and self-deprecating he's like I'm sure but I'm slow and then f****** I'm going to say something that might be controversial about this movie audio what one I was wrong Michael Jordan talked more than I remember a lot audio no he wasn't bad at all best actor in the world but like consider this to like not only is he one Anon actor nothing to react to like he's doing all of this in green screen with someone probably feeding him lines and telling him like where to look for eyeliner talking about Michael Jordan Ash says you're not the best actor and also unknown actor he's the best not an actor yeah yeah but like I thought he did a pretty good job considering all that have you seen the broad in Trainwreck he was terrible on that so I think Jordan is better than LeBron at least audio LeBron was terrible talk about that when Abby and all that Ono even feel like the other players were pretty good to the other basketball players you know Charles Barkley the show Manny you'll get great things out of him for sure I think the worst one was probably did the tall guy on Bradley he was probably the worst one I wonder who they how they pick people and diffuse friends with them or how those were the five is settled Charles Barkley at what I don't understand is how they got Shawn Bradley who's not even an All-Star I think it's just because of his height I think he was the tallest basketball player I didn't get the shortest basketball player ever with Muggsy Bogues audio Larry Johnson Charles Barkley petulant word like the all-star I was I grew up in Chicago area suburbs in Chicago during the times of course is a huge both fan but like my second team Jose was the Charlotte Hornets with Larry Johnson and Muggsy Bogues in Alonzo Mourning I don't know why but some reason I really like them yeah that's another one there's a whole series of commercials Larry Johnson and he was being Larry Johnson and he was playing his own grandma for some reason what is the first Madea are a lot of jokes in this that we're not about things that were funny advertising jokes like there's so many callbacks ads the movie just like I said it's just like one long remember that commercial remember the Wheaties commercial I like the erectile dysfunction joke in the kids movie Speech Recognition service; recognition request failed: Bad Gateway any other areas pretty good can I tell you something that is going to blow all of your f****** mind the monstars will the aliens before they become monsters go to a real game and they sit next to a woman what's the wife from Everybody Loves Raymond when did Everybody Loves Raymond come out I totally recognize there was like Brett I did but I confused with Leah Remini also 1996 also Homer Simpson was at the game Tuesday next to on the Raven wife Yeah Yeah Yeahs husband of the expanse axillary I'm surprised I'm a minor NBA players wear to like Vlade Divac angels in there too and stuff so it's interesting AC Green audio I kind of got the vibe that Michael Jordan was in a movie and then all of his friends are like a man like can we be in audio this was just like weirdly an animated biography of Michael Jordan any day when he retired it's almost like somebody in a studio meeting was like why did Michael Jordan like go back to basketball and they're like well make a whole movie I would oh my God how come they didn't how could how could they not start this movie with a telecard inspired by a true story audio okay there is a yes can I go home now audio fan Theory this was a series of commercials that they just stitch together in Durham almost every segment could be like plucked out and it's it's own like story is the golfing seen a commercial for that camera except it's a commercial for Bill Murray's golf apparel company is that what the umbrella I think it's just him being quirky Maybe on being Bill Murray Bill Murray had the best line saying that Larry Bird is clear audio Larry Bird is not white he is clear but it works for a little while. that's what he say it's just funny to me the way you say do I had a I want a dinner at a table 3 feet from Larry Bird in Disney World at a restaurant and didn't realize it was him until after the fact audio well I mean he was like Circa a waiter or 9 so he was an older a little bit older even retired for like a decade Plus at that point to I heard a random person say I was totally him like 3 feet away like an hour and a half just lie still awake the big guy sounds like the Monster Mash I like the one time I was at the magic castle with Bryce actress was sitting next to us and we're like I don't really know who she is but I Can Tell She's famous and then we found out it was Karen Gillian audio I actually met the pill white guy Shawn Bradley once I'm at Texas airport he was going through the metal detector how to bend all the way down just a metal detector news at all how tall is he lemons about 750 oh my gosh that must make life so difficult 324 * 622 free kind of in between there I think Michael Jordan's like three inches taller than me he's like small could you take a pet in what I don't know could you beat up Michael Jordan or 1996 Ford Taurus I love the confidence at which you say these things like it's like you have like a folder in your brain of like people like audio I don't have a vision board have a knockout board well that's good we got to be careful with this because it sounds like I'm a very benevolent Dental person and it feels like I'm like audio record I have no intention of assaulting anyone we need to put a pin in this thing cuz has we can't just give yourself though Zone descriptors audio I'm a kind and benevolent man let's hope for Jordan's sake it's true 56 C is what we were talking about earlier you survive only by myON benevolence like I mean I'm going to like right out of the gate I guess and say like this was pretty good and I don't understand all the hate on Twitter about it yes yes like I said they don't like life audio it was just like a really long Looney Tunes episode without the racism how long was this movie was it just like a flat Shores or 19 or whatever 90 minutes movie basic cost $2000000 for men cheaper than the Super Bowl I guess 9 hour 28 yeah if I may I think the basketball game was probably the worst officiated basketball game ever audio backcourt violation will the big thing that they did wrong was put the bomb on The Who Dynamite which is illegal but if you see for that isn't go as for okay we got fun I was just saying because I'm a basketball coach myself so I know the rules when Marvin the Martian told him you'd be one more player it's not your forfeit that is not true we could play five that was the biggest egregious mistakes in movie made and it was not the player shooting guns at other players hold on here they were not playing NBA basketball this is Looney ball guy audio if they had just like set align establishing. then I'd be okay with that for sure in the beginning of the film saying here's the rule rules of audio open basketball to appreciate the genius and making Marvin because he is a Looney Toon and an alien audio neutral there we go so how long did this movie take like like in the movie time how many days was Michael Jordan absent from the world and no one gave us a lullaby no it was it was less than 24 hours the game the next night and they show up in time for his baseball game okay cuz I was a little like concerned at the end when spaceship shows up like the crowd is like oh my God a spaceship and then like Wayne Knight gets out of it and everyone has Wayne and and then Michael Jordan gets out and then his kids and in his wife's an audience like they went to the game without him knowing what key was missing I totally I totally Buy in America where it's still more popular in a bigger deal that he goes back to the NBA the net aliens exist we've already proved that yo but how about that Corona response in this movie though right like Space Jam gets in America is it the fact that the NBA was so quick to completely shut down the season for the health of their players but if you want to know the real time Michael Jordan shooting Space Jam it was 19 months which is a very long time I'm sure. audio FX retirement around 19 months with filming taking up 10 of them 8 months damn dude really funky long for something that you shot mostly on green screen what took so long that's why he wasn't so bad they just kept reshooting until eventually he got better at acting I think it was a brutal disgusting mess of a movie 18 of those 19 months because I don't know if you could tell the a couple of the voices the voice actors of the Ya-Ya the monstars had a whole bunch of tin cans takes that were like filmed at a different Studio and she's like so much of this was reshot in post when they couldn't actually afford to fly that voice actor out again to record at the nice Studio I wonder I wonder what the original kind of this was where they're just like wait I'm sorry but he shot on a 360-degree green screen room with motorized trackers Lane and acting alongside green suited NBA players and improv actors from the Groundlings why is that huge chunk of this movie was animated and the filming took a month longer than the animation right that's what I'm saying like what what were they f****** up so bad I mean it was alright Bill Murray Roofing 2 hours straight do you want to know something but the aliens a little aliens there is a name for them oh yeah they're called nerdlucks and they have names there's Town Blanco bang Butkus and not never said Facebook is the orange one I mean I mean if I were to this combination of letters nerdluck pound copy and then put it over here in the sky and it tastes and then search are you going to regret looking up your character founded the orange one we can pound us a scary keyword my friend audio audio WinCo Broncos betal download here we go what did you look up Lenny Kravitz pants rip earlier cuz your search history is going to kids it was a problematic that they were like Michael Jordan solve slavery mildly I also I don't know and that's an uncomfortable topic so I'm going to go ahead and just did I miss watching it audio yeah but why would it be nevermind but I do see a flaw in Jillian DeVito if he always loses what's the thrill for the like where's the Mystique in your customers beat I always thought that too is I what's the point if you win Jordan by speed up and everything I mean there are people in the world people when they play sport video games in there like make a custom character and they put everything to a hundred at the at the Six Flags Marine World I used to have elephant tug of war elephant could win easily anytime you wanted it wanted to win but they made the elephant lose every game tug of war with the elephant you know what it was I Spanish Hyatt downtown Michael Carmichael 7 days a week my friend audio elephant always one I'm getting that season pass experience anyway though because of how much money he must have raked in from the audio is Danny DeVito the main monster alien boss Danny DeVito world Jordan that's how we got us billion and I was off stream they like please save us from slavery Michael and he was like now you need to pay me some Millions audio audio take a starter that game and it's like their lives are at risk and I like how my God it's so scary if you guys was just trying to have fun my God Chevy Chase almost played the Wayne Knight character which audio that's what Warner Brothers said to how to say that Jordan was a terrible coach as well Bill Murray when he was like a better Coach to Jordan and then when Jordan said the place was still a ball give it to me and I will tell a baby in real life and we talked about this because I have a theory on this on the show that we talked about this before in relation to actors wear if you're too good you aren't a good teacher you can't be that good of a teacher at it because you don't you're just good how do you explain to someone mediocre actors that are really good director like I'm saying obviously there's examples of both Michael Jordan who are you are the best you are are you the Broncos you're arguably the most people would say you are the best person to do this thing of anyone who's ever done this thing how do you teach that you don't have to worry about I mean Hugh did worry about details cuz that's part of what made in the best but can you imagine audio Hanzo saying that he's not a good coach Jesus to he's too good to be a good coach cuz he wouldn't know how to explain where someone who's like I had to really work really hard and pay real close attention to the details can impart the the the skills in the tools in the fundamentals you make a valid point I'm just imagining his master class like Michael how did you get into the NBA let me let me tell you about a story when I was a kid I was like maybe like 9 years old and my dad came outside and he was like Michael what are you doing and I was just like nothing just hit and f****** the net like three point shot three point shot 3-point shot you know if you just keep hitting threes your whole life you'll get in the NBA like final thoughts you still love it okay is that even a question yes I I love that movie man it's I love the Looney Tunes I wish they come back with you earlier with the sequel I mean I have it is funny I was just telling Stephen I got the DVD but when I pulled it out the rapper was still out at so I had to take a crap yeah because I watch it I used to watch movies now live stream I just have a collection DVDs so it's right there Scarface so spaceship yeah it is yeah and so yeah I know I did enjoy its show me itsfunneh yeah Lola Bunny could be Troublesome I guess I'm not going there Tune Squad Jersey with Taz on it I'm trying to look for it Adam eBay or whatever Yahweh Bethel make a new ones with the new movie my cousin has one yeah they do once they're different the jerseys are very different weather for sure this movie is very dated like the graphics and the humor okay that's liked or 90s it's it was common back then yesina right now as an adult audio it's still a very fun movie you don't have to play basketball to enjoy this it's freaking Looney Tunes everybody loves the Looney Tunes yeah still a lot of fun I enjoyed it I did chuckle a bit I'm stuck inside Steven if I could ask you did you watch when you first watch this film did you start an English or in Spanish that's debatable because versus movie in two different ways turn the library on DVD Telemundo so it's oh my god in Spanish that's all I got overall it's a lot of fun if you is very nostalgic for sure and the soundtrack is beautiful on my gosh I'm listen to it right now CII was before but not anymore all right staff ugly similar review butt I also felt the same way which was it's not like a bad movie but it's really it's just not my leg it's very Sports heavy and like I was always more of like a Disney girl I like Looney Tunes but they were not like my favorite it kind of hit me similarly it was a lot of sports stuff and like super Antics but like I wish there were more cuz it wasn't like quite dramatic enough Antics to like boli like fully excited to keep watching I think my favorite part was when they spit shine oh yes I love that part but that was like the most over-the-top cartoony part I felt maybe it's cuz right only seemed like the most animated characters I like that I actually thought the animation was really really good yeah yeah I wasn't like the hugest fan of like the super realistic shading on Daffy but the animation self I actually pleasantly surprised with it looks really good I'm actually a lot of CG in it I was I was surprised there's more than I thought there would be two do you sit well for like the spaceships and that sort of thing I also really like the music what I missed personally I think would have made this movie so much better as if they had had like a montage training scene all with him with him coaching up the luniz that was meant for so many psychic yeah so there's even a point where I was like wait did they train a montage of Looney Tunes parroting famous moments and other monsters what kind of how I feel like it could have been a lot better I think it was definitely directed at people that love sports so maybe a little bit more balanced for the the people like me or not very competitive and like not very Sports definitely not a bad movie by any means that Montage man I really want it now I want I want that I want that yes so bad now every famous sports movie of the past like 30 years and like it had to like and pick something out and have a little reference characters show up like in full like baseball Michael Jordan's Lake Nona rocksport you have one of them in like the rocky gray sweatsuit with a black jogging or like I will say you mentioned the cell shading and like I kind of thought it was an interesting choice or like I guess it my headcanon I was thinking like cuz when they were when they show them on the TV for the kids they weren't or not dissociating but like the shade the realest reality and I was like oh that's kind of interesting it's like showing like like this is Batman real life but on TV they look different which I thought was kind of like a funny saying audio audio by the way you brought it up and I forgot it that has wild implications that little throwaway gag of the kids I got where they go yeah I mean every time one of my turns on a Looney Tunes they have to go reacted live right hilarious application of that scene was like like live TV programming you know or it's like a set time was like reality TV yeah well cuz I mean even if the framed Rodger rabbit like the animated characters act like actors on camera that's how they deal with that logic but how Pat what a really funny like we're looking at that with those implications that might have been better to be to lose the game and go go to the other planet well Brett so what did you do I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things about this movie and I don't know if they're always talking and or ranting about some of the missed opportunities I feel like I mentioned it before but haven't brought up in a while but I can't even think of a good cutoff date for this phenomenon but there's old animation funny that's like Looney Tunes wear you know the memory of what happens in Looney Tunes bugs bunny wise-cracking rabbit you know but really Bugs Bunny wasn't not much of a wise-cracking rabbit you said what's up doc Janie is stinker then he usually did actual physical gags and a lot of modern stuff is more like about what was said or maybe very least favorite thing that happens in a lot of Animation there was a ton of in this movie if you go back is the closet and look at the background jokes which is in Alexa I mean what we were looking for that the monolith at the beginning oh I missed it yeah but like you know that stuff is in like every shot of everything that's a legacy animated project now where it's like like 900f the joke you can't actually see because they are just a frame on the screen that books by but it's also like in chanted or what's the new audio disenchanted Enchanted yeah Mary difference there's just a lot of background bags I think Futurama was the one that really started that thing Futurama Futurama actually really good up front and they also had back on gags Bellagio's seem to hide stuff in background gags mouth audio does the small potatoes have happy expensive but I feel like foreground funniest kids better this one had a bit of that going on and I think honestly I said jokingly earlier I think I might have been a budget thing where I really do think Michael and the The Cameo team most of that email and I think the animation this was maybe a little low budget cuz let me look really good but like there weren't a lot ton of imbued gags yeah me like Michael Jordan is top build and in my opinion the next person should be Billy West but if you look on the IMDb credit list he is all the way down at the bottom so money went other places audio I said I do think it was pretty funny the jokes that kids wouldn't get are most of the funny jikook there's I don't know it's a toss-up cuz like joking about the problematic elements and but just small gags or set pieces that wouldn't happen today like the opening scene where the aliens show up and hold a theater full of cartoons hostage at gunpoint oh no don't do that where are the bad guys sure but let's the Kids the movie but when it came out particular thing wasn't like a nightmare scenario that people had experience so it's like it's weird to look back on stuff that's like problem now but wasn't a problem then or even like an imaginary problem then audio so anyway but did you like the movie did I like the movie I actually had a pretty good time Camden bring up we were talking about how long the first half felt before they like really leaned into being in Toontown what it what would they have a name for their tomb world Looney Tune World Warner Brothers land I don't know audio very funny gags iBuyPower but yeah I feel like everything in the second half of the movie was like really fun and a lot of the real world no Looney Tunes are in the shot stuff dragged a little bit so I'm about 50 50 I wouldn't say like solid super good fun times generally enjoyable net positive net positive path it wasn't that positive for me thanks Ash this one it was just as fun as a good movie it's just I think for our all of us you know it's it's strong Cornerstone summer childhood audio like if you want to be super cynical it is basically what would happen it's the best possible outcome when you basically have a marketing firm Beretta movie cuz it's pretty much what it is yeah it's basically instead of like writers and directors in like creative art movie making artist you like let's get the guys from advertising down here and have them make a movie like it's an extended likes Michael Jordan's return to the NBA promo this is the end this is like the best possible version of that like the one audio but a lot of fun I just go get that monsters theme song and throw it in my biohacking tomorrow you thought I was. You thought I was done with that listener I'm not done with that bit I'm still buy a second everyday well I have like a rack mouth like pull-ups and dips and then I put like gallons of water in a backpack and put it on I needed some stuff because play Buster really expensive yesterday I was doing deadlifts with Spence audio overfeeding well I also enjoyed the film I I think I feel like maybe my viewing experience was tainted because like it was more than just one person on Twitter who was like fifth movies maybe I don't remember you know like how bad this is even like the Rotten Tomatoes score for this film is not great guys and I'm kind of shocked because like I thought it was pretty okay like it's not the best movie in the world but Rotten Tomatoes is gloriously harsh on animated films that are not Pixar so interesting but it's got like what 42 to 50 0as is over 50 what is the 43 so good for me what is a softer ranking than pass failed because you fail under 60 OIC okay got it trying to qualify cats cats ranking system audio but I enjoyed it and I thought there was like a lot of I'm not a person who you know get basketball either or is a sports person but by contrast I still sound of water like the sports jokes pretty funny and was able to I think like dumbed it down enough for me to like understand you know what I mean but I like one of my favorite sequences is like the Montage krispyflakes 4 NBA players that are like being tested the scene where they all three of them hit their head on the door frame like I just I thought that was great and such a fun touch but there were so many like Looney Tunes jokes but like I laughed out loud at that were just like classic hilarious like you said physical gags Brett but I thought were pretty good IDI there is more overall I guess I had like I was set up for a much lower expectations to my expectation was really low so it exceeded my expectation and I was like oh this isn't bad I'm enjoying this and I feel like while there were a few problematic things overall compared to a lot of movies we watched this was like relatively not as problematic you know like I feel like I could have been worse it totally could have been worse yeah it could have been a lot worse yeah I enjoyed it those net positive for me I don't know that I'm going to like will watch it again anytime soon but I am excited for the sequel and I will be playing the soundtrack tomorrow for sure Jumanji 2 was felt that feel like the movies that shouldn't I've been good that have a sequel that also shouldn't have been good but both were pretty good thing is now a thing yeah thank you for say that about you mangy I felt like it was really good too and I've talked to people like really good but except for I like the first one to I love all the video game references I have another three been problematic oh okay go ahead that's a great lead-in for that 12 or show audio we don't silence voices here we uplift each other go ahead say good thing ask ask this thing talking about how they were all getting their brain scan and how the problem was that they lost their physical ability to move made me think like write injuries wrong sport and it was that oh no because it was basketball it was like totally like the basket or the Toledo football scenario yeah yeah I was thinking that too and we are watching actually be heartbreaking in contacts audio yay do you have the lyrics in there guys audio shut up ruined everything yeah that's what always happens audio positivity Richard Simmons cameo training with the Richardson video yeah audio audio Hans and Steven like where can people find you fine gentlemen tell us what your show again alright well check out our podcast remove a cover ass in a guy turn as for our socials you can check out my YouTube channel at your command product for Seneca reviews as was my Instagram page as soon as I stood in for more fun reviews yeah you can catch me the real movie critic catch my blog real booty where I put in the up-to-date films that have watched and so check that out you could also find me on social media I am on Facebook just buy me a real movie critic also you could follow me on Instagram or Twitter at real critic 34 all of us and I'm always boys having fun Twitter Instagram are there 33 other real critics out there no it's because person from India took real movie critic I'm more of a shack fan 34 upstairs my bedroom I have a Orlando Magic Shaq Jersey 34 was also my number in high school as well Ash I forgot that's what I do I was looking at Hans this website I'm sorry or if you want to follow up we're at luxury watch on Twitter where we do fun stuff like a movie poll guys apparently you don't want to miss them this one was epic how many votes do you and 114th the first ones were like when was all of us except Sam audio actually bad. Checking I feel like this is the first time all three of us had agendas we are trying to push Florida Space Jam headlight had no chance of beginning then it came and doing that. That's the best Underdog Story Ever I never been watching a pole so much but if we don't we also do things like I tweet a screenshot from the films that you guys can guess which movie We're watching refund it would be to start doing like the title card movies that has the title of the movie can you guess what it is what are you talkin about Ivy very curly yeah if you guys like our podcast please give us 5-star review audio is it Google podcast because they just choose monkey man no they just changed over a year-and-a-half ago I just switch to YouTube music and isn't that where they're moving all the podcast okay nevermind all right well grab that you're listening to us on so I actually do know my mind if you like our pockets appointment to tell people where to find us whatever you're listening to us audio it's fine I don't need to talk can you talk audio okay Sonos. Hill they listen they know how we do this yeah pictures of five star review say something about Discord everyone even though she's not very active either come too or just go to go on Twitter and tweet at Sam and tell her she's an awesome cool person and you're very happy to have her in your life or you can join a Discord that certain can come hang out with us and we've just channels for all of the shows on the network shows like the real movie critic versus the synagogue awesome yeah audio or screen snark or scruffy nerf-herder or another pass or circle of friendship audio audio lots of awesome cool people come hang out with us Garcia views I was going to stay in the future I was going to say like if you leave a 5-star review e take a screenshot and like tweeted at us Maple do I get dramatic reading of it on there or something like that I will be fun and give you a shout out and as always Pat will send you $20 can't believe no one's taken rough on this sofa review audio just remember to my head when this episode will come out if you're listening to it you can go get the red Opera now the DD Cafe Nicole row after listening to this in September the kickstarter is life with all of our many reward they are special and wonderful and great and it would be so cool if you had it all at the end defense or you know someone don't make the last year of my life what about something even after September we're doing we're going from kick-started to an Indiegogo and basically leaving that up until the book ships because that's a thing people are times people missed the kickstarter I can't get the thing they want so opening a store basically we can get it after the fact and if you want to watch Pat and I play the red opera or other stuff or others well up in the air anyway with some form of DnD on my YouTube channel Laff TV at some point in September audio we're having new gas every time okay right now. How High cast Speech Recognition service; recognition request failed: Bad Gateway thanks listeners for to Magonia show have you left me out of this not podcast all right is Randy Michelle tell Sam I am planning on doing another podcast bow is this a bad time later over audio audio decision to the Mike until we're silent and then I can end the show looks so sad we wait long enough it'll be the dead Opera thanks for listening everyone thinks has a fever coming on join us next week when we watch another horror classic werewolves on wheels certain