The Crow with Rick Heinz
Batman, Hawkeye, Falcon, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, and... The Crow. The members of Bird Force 5 team up to fight evil with all the power of a small flock of birds. This week, we're joined by Rick Heinz, Pat's co-creator on The Red Opera D&D campaign, on Kickstarter now!
Starring Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson and Pat Edwards
Back "The Red Opera" on Kickstarter
I'm not going to make any jokes because Pat I can shut it off. hello and welcome to another episode of find out if there's still any good I'm Brett oh heck yeah no jokes no nothing at the comedy is over the entertainment is done forever because y'all are so mean to me last episode I'm not going to lie I took all of my restraint to not call after my name I know I thought you would like it too I almost screwed up said a mouthful of beer right as Ash set it I didn't time this right you might say yeah and I really feel like I should be doing a special voice now based off this audio author of the seventh Age series and the Opera and I'm not a fan of this movie we're about to watch to the point where I used to dress up like it everyday in high school don't worry a few of us shopped at Hot Topic 2 or maybe just one I don't know multiple of us are those balls came out after this movie The Wave of I got my first set of combat boots from the Army surplus stores and my trench coats weren't available easily as well a little bit later I think with the rise of Manson yes and Manic Panic hair dye alright yeah Punky colors or whatever yeah Manic Panic never gets out it doesn't it doesn't matter I think my I think the house that I lived in when I was a teenager still has the shower stains yeah Breakaway take chemicals it took like a whole bottle of soft scrub to get it like call me like 5 Shades lighter in my childhood bathtub I decided to dye my hair at my boyfriends house one time in high smart I decided to diet pink and his mom was not happy about the tub color Ash audio the only time I've ever done that was it's like that Halloween no no no this is this is this is for me it was black but otherwise it was you know some ridiculously high pink purple color breaking it shines completely it's the main it's the main basically freaking hair dye at a damn 90s bass and will never come out of anything and then your pillowcases your showers own most any t-shirt that also isn't black he is going to be picking up those colors and that's breast with black too cuz it then it just looks dirty versus like if it's pink or blue it's like well it's my hair dye but you know the worst thing about wearing all blacks when you start it off and here I am a sophomore in high school and I'm thinking I'm going to start doing this and I'm wearing all black sand I look okay at the store yeah you're black start to fade different tones and then next thing you know you kind of got like one that's dark gray and your shirts got holes in it where you can stick your thumbs through a you haven't blackstock's mismatching it doesn't look good anymore eventually you have to re-up that it's amazing problems the work though in high school you put in like being the person you are one of the the former gossip like you just said we going all this work with all your hair dye suppressing my emotions cuz real men in the locker room are allowed to have emotions and audio who was the gossip ocean it was yes you know we say what movie We're watching audio speaking of all the Gaza we're watching The Crow which we did a movie poll so you guys got to pick and it won I mean biggest margin of victory audio I am so excited cuz literally the minute July ends I am in like full-blown Halloween mood absolutely you are just like the feeling my heart right now and it really pisses me off that it's like a hundred degrees out right now my pumpkin spice and my brisk air Halloween and Thanksgiving I I have graduated from you know absolutely being the college golf at all black Halloween am I damn pumpkin spice lattes the moment September 1st rolls around I ordered on my damn I am totally okay with this I love something. Everything goes I don't care what it is if it's pumpkin spice literally they make everything I'm almost worth like the coffee part is I'm almost kind of nut do that anymore but I do like the flavor like these are so sweet yes at least it's my local grocery store they literally have a whole pumpkin spice display sometimes words like two dozen different products that are pumpkin spice problematic fave Trader Joe's has fat adjust a pumpkin spice like mix you can put out any food or anything yes I definitely have audio I don't know it's no chicken chicken chicken and waffles I mean I would try that I would try that pumpkin spice chicken and waffles I will try my trailer before we dive in the movie real quick I wasn't you blew through your intro I want to touch you things Ro talk about at the end but you are an author or writer can you have your novel series of a beige the first book is out and available I read it it's great if you like post-apocalyptic magic and demons in push it like that a lot of fun does everyone wear black actually it is sarcastic urban fantasy about the end of the world which is pretty timely at the moment what happens if what happens if Harry Dresden fails or Voldemort gets out and Magic returns to today's world audio but the other thing that you've been spending a lot of time on you mentioned our listeners are somewhat familiar with cuz I've mentioned it a time or two is the red Opera is it last days and if you're listening do this episode audio they'll be a link in the notes from someone who isn't involved in this project guys you got to check it out I don't know if I told you recently that that I finally like looked up the music that's like inspired that you play Wild playing the campaign and it still badass it's amazing it's a heavy metal with like Orchestra what is it the Budapest Orchestra Budapest scoring symphonic orchestra in the band damn or they got together and so with every chapter we have that little QR code that you scan so the all contacts are taking the metal surprisingly taking metal music I'm putting it into symphony 4 how we found out through this process works really well it really does I think you'd like it Sammie should check it out I remember having some discussions back in the day about life what's what's the musical not musically what's the most technical kind of modern music in a sec if you if you take the Distortion out of it like metal is actually are you close to light classical music anyway there's a lot of awesome Court change in the stuffing lot of modern metal music some I'm really excited is actually an accompanying music set for this cuz it's going to be so if you're a gamer or you play 5e or you like role-playing or you just really like freaking metal and story an opera together go check it out cuz it is wickedly cool audio yes the chi The Crow that doesn't work is it going to be an interesting episode because we must have not seen this movie audio I've only seen like bits and pieces when my dad was watching it when I was younger yeah I'm in the bits and pieces Camp as well I'm so excited do you guys remember when Devil's Night stuff actually happen Eddie marsan okay we'll get into watching a movie and when it comes up in the movie I will tell you about it with the halfway point I remember lots of talk about devil's night and then it never happening because our town was lame audio right before Halloween in Detroit they had celebrated devil's night and they would go run a burn down a bunch of buildings cause like actually after the crow came out that actually did start happening Woodburn downs and buildings right after that I mean there's a reason this thing made it a cult classics aside from the fact that Brandon leaves out tragedy audio that's like the only thing I know about this movie why I've never I've never even seen like Clips like I don't know I think I pulled up the trailer like peek at it before hand and I was like wow I don't know anything I have not seen any of this trailer by the special effects when he grows like long black feathers out of his skin in his face audio yeah and I'll be read the description of some of them and I'll be curious to know if we can tell where they were used because Brandon Lee was shot and killed during the filming of this the star of the film but they singing that he wasn't that he didn't finish building yet that they managed to deposit him into and a couple of sound really Technical and this is I mean so early and I didn't write down the aisle do it do the Google thing I do know about this movie because like in film school this would like the story you know what the story of why guns are super dangerous on set and like it was just you know like this like urban legend almost of like you know the scale that all the film students new about this crazy movie where the dude actually got shot I was trying to figure out an interesting way to how this all happen cuz it's kind of like there's there's trivia this movie most of it is this was a mess of a movie you don't say currently everyone on Sat except for possibly Brandon Lee was doing coke the entire time audio well it came out 94 but I don't know how long it was shelves before it got picked up compositing definition the crew was not on there a game audio trying to like play Crowell sound or like operate a film camera while on I can't imagine trying to swap out film reels while you're high people kept saying this movie was cursed Brandon Lee actually cut himself on breakaway glass which apparently never happens add somebody was like bad luck told him that they figured he was going to die in an accident on set because it was like bad luck and urban urban legends like actually happen bulshit to me because it's not that uncommon to cut yourself on Breakaway still pretty Sharp there's huge list of ridiculous stuff that happened on the set though wear it when they were filming it was so cold that the camera real had to be at the ice torches where did they film Mountain North Carolina audio first day of filming a at one of the carpet set Carpenters had severe burns on the upper half of his body cuz he hit live power lines a grip truck caught on fire the stunt man Batman broke several ribs at when they fell through roof one of the sculptors like freaked out and crashed their car through the the prop shop and destroyed it audio someone actually drove a screwdriver through their hand hurricane destroyed several of the sets neighboring yeah yeah and the neighboring Production Studio at that was ruined that rumor that they were taking bets I'm like what the next accident was going to be and then they're set caught on fire and burned down a bunch of their sets what is everything around this film was I think it's likely that so I looked at was curious with the director was that was you know piloting this Titanic did you give notes on him I don't see your thunder but I have like two Crow has a very striking look to the movie that's like this does look like at least one other thing and it turns out Alex proyas directed the other thing I thought it look like which was dark city I see that as I go this movie I like text Eddie I actually really like it think is underrated but he'd also directed 2016 gods of Egypt which is also has all like white people cast as the gods of Egypt yep that was just four years ago oh dear well and then supposed to be out last year and didn't happen Westie at the crow remake we almost had a Jason Momoa as the crow so it is rigged if you guys aren't familiar with tragedy of the crow movies is this movie is worth the watch and then we get into the crow sequels which are infamously notoriously terrible audio they've been trying to reboot this for forever what point Brandon Bradley Cooper was going to be the crowing in the program make they had yeah they had a bunch of different actors at different points in James o'barr who's the creator no it's it's a standalone if there was some extra stuff they came out afterwards by they have been trying to remake this or recapture the magic of this first film and it's been it's been worth the watch and like watching a train wreck every movie that came after like the second one has Iggy Pop in it and it's actually in okay-ish movie Just nowhere near what the first movie was and there was like a lot of Lost Love the fires that happened on set that that help make this movie what it was literally crafts with you no injuries and no tragedy other movies that that follow like the last one show laughably bad like satanic like Panic that they try to throw into it storylines just make no sense who won and it was as recent as 05 the one with Edward Furlong what the f*** are arenas in this audio we did you say leather Supply David Boreanaz angel from Buffy series yes audio sounds like a mess so I'm old oh please I don't Prime perfectly okay with their not being a crow this is this is okay you don't have to remake every movie out there but they did whatever I'm also not going to complain it better be awesome because if they give us another two thousand five What's the title of that movie wasn't like the crow like dark Tidings or something like that I forgot the name of it oh dear prayer that was flying through the air doing the Jesus cross chasing down the bad guy and it's like what the hell is this you are clearly on some of the wires ever but I mean condenses in the third one they got good people in the writings never never work images of really funny is this movie if you played we watch The Crow it was such a culture impact in the 96 + 97 how well I was playing vampire the Masquerade games and I was out there doing the larps in box and stuff like that and we had about every six player that came up to playing the game had the last name of like Eric Draven was playing a race or one of the player risen which are basically creature types and game lines that were almost directly derived from plot in the cannon center so universally beloved spider verse Pacific Rock yes well it does sound like that's the reason why that 2019 curly we fell apart Jason Momoa I really wanted to do this but it's a mess yeah it really sounds like just lost in La Mancha craziness except that they actually ended up making the film they managed to make the film yeah well and that's the thing is they didn't like I said before it Brandon Lee died and the studio was just like I can it shelving it was another Studio that bought all of the footage and then figured out how to write in the missing pirates in Fijian a couple of shots that still needed Brandon Lee that's I guess there's some narration in here that is there because of the second Studios purchase of almost kin film it wasn't that easy this released in 94 Brandon Lee died in March of audio it wasn't that long but there was that there was a push from the Lee family to try to get the movie out there I believe I think they have like a foundation and a whole setup for coming Brandon audio I didn't know that Bruce Lee son at previously you know in Eden some fighting movies audio what was it obar at what was not sure if he was the right guy for this I don't want the crow to be a karate movie I really like the makeup and I guess Brandon Lee was super dedicated to it like they put the face makeup on them and I didn't like the way that the the fake roughing up of the face paint look so one of us one of us trivia notes was that he they changed his set up so that they would put his makeup on at the end of the day and he'd go home and sleep in the makeup and come back in with like messed up face makeup from having slept in it how did they keep continuity I also had a mask of his face they would like place over in like for the the places that would I had been affected during previous shots who is the Heath Ledger Joker makeup kind of inspired by this makeup cuz there's definitely some like similarities that's interesting I can I can see how I could see it but going from like to start that theory I heard it here first I was joking up I am not even his fan when did Sting the wrestler audio or the Undertaker The Undertaker so Sting the wrestler debuted in November of 1985 exactly like that yeah yeah but I mean Joker's been around login audio well yeah but that I'm not sure you know like they definitely The Stylistics makeup in the Nolensville is very stylistic I mean I could be wrong I feel like it looks different than the comics yeah for sure I think everything is different in in the the post Nolan World in oh whatever whatever he was inspired by it doesn't matter because he's the one that inspired everybody now audio my other Alex Prius Act was his fault that Brandon Lee died okay I was going to ask Lake because I know I heard but I heard in film school but I'm curious if that's what's true well okay so there's like the literal of who's at fault which is the prop master actual gun that they are using shot where Brandon Lee was originally didn't have a gun being fired at him and they changed it like immediately before the shot request has been all over the place but I just want to do a correction in real time so no one asked me Twitter is wrestling in the 80s but it was 1996 when he first debuted the look these may be most famous for which is an Indus even says Crow inspired so stinky all right back to the the gun cuz like I feel like I've heard two different versions of me too that someone put a real bullet in the chamber and then the other version I've heard is that it's something went wrong that there was a blank but something went wrong with the blank what so there was there were two shots that were filmed with this gun one where they held too close to the camera to use a blank like apparently you can see the or whatever if I kinda guy so they used in an empty shell with a real bullet in it gun was cocked and the weapons master I guess I had left the set so the prop master was the one handling the weapon convey fired the gun with the with the empty shallow in it and it knocked the bullet loose and so they pulled the fake shell out but the bullet was still in the barrel of the gun then they put in their blank cartridge backpack gunpowder and a bullet but with the bullet still in the barrel of the gun and that's when they audio this is why you need a weapons Master at all times yeah I feel like if it was one roll like the directory this is one roll or like even using the gun at all times is it going to Sunset the weapons Master there cuz it's not there audio what the scenario Brett just gave is super illegal you you should they should not I've been using the weapon no one should touch the weapon besides the weapons master and the actor that's you know acting with the weapon also pretty standard procedure safety practice is you never actually points any weapon at another actor like there are always supposed to be pointing off to the side and you just use camera tricks and angles make it looks like they're funny Adam Saleh there were two mistakes made here I like number 1033 audio does not forget about the cocaine Portland that's a lot of the rumors about the aftermath of this is cuz I actually wasn't able to find a source on it but apparently a lot of those industry standard safety rules pop up because of this also part of me just like you know I've helped out on not just not just yours for The Listener not ashes movies but other people's projects and like nobody ever doing anything by the rules everything's always liked it illegal and bad we were shooting somewhere and they wanted to put like I wanted to bypass the fuse in the circuit breaker because the lights were overheating it and it's just like people are just going to do whatever and it's it's insane Hollywood stomach I mean I literally just like I just at the end of zombie that got into the Gen Con film festival and so I was attending a bunch of panels and a rose was to Rose's the writer producer of zombie debt and she was on this one panel like they were talking about guns on sale and like two of the filmmakers were just blatantly talking like advising you to do stupid s*** there like I'll just find an Alleyway in just shoot like you don't have to tell the cops that your and I was like this is how people are shot and killed because you have your active running around with a gun and you didn't tell the police and like I was like in the comments like no don't do that and Roses like that super not safe like don't do that super illegal ghost cities it is illegal to discharge a firearm which also includes bow and arrows what are considered a firearm have a real weapon on set even just weapons if I feel like this to me directors MI honestly screw that are willing to just do whatever the director says that are willing to put actors in danger I am the one I always come back to is that whole Twilight Zone movie thing with with John Landis and him being a scumbag got all of the principal actors killed for one of the shorts because he flew a helicopter at them that's right we wait what oh yeah John Landis should not be allowed to make movies add the Landis I'd like malfunction right or something but it was lying a helicopter above low above water is dangerous and a helicopter just dipped and crashed in the water a.m. propeller blades just dropped everyone to have I can't remember the name of the actors but it was an old kids I like it was super. you know it's just like oh yeah that was an accident like move on with the feeling like this I don't get how you can do that flagrant with yeah people's lives I'll look into that like right after this year that that that that is going to be an internet search terrifying they are trying to kill you the moment you take off service in the armed forces and they're like you never do them like in the city of the note short like Uncle ever go out of your way to go in a helicopter if the if the one thing stop spinning you die like you know at least on a plane it's got two engines maybe for engines if you want to get out of single-engine plane but it's also like you can you pick up like a draft right with the helicopter and it'll just like it just blows you over which is why I like it's the most dangerous thing to do in Hawaii more people die in helicopter accidents than anything else in Hawaii because I like going down into these valleys and like is Augusta wind comes through and it'll knock the helicopter into the side of a mountain or something audio audio I have been skydiving bungee jumping I've been through a lot of other things I have yet to ride in a helicopter so I haven't ridden a helicopter either I've written in a three person plane which was terrifying and super fun though I've flown my own McQueen glider once so I've done that and I even did the audio jumpsuits that you wear and you pretend to like fly like I got to do one of those in Colorado like out of a plane no you just climb up high under this really high like Kelly and then you just like fly down through the valley and you're never really that high above the ground so he can call one of my friends she fell when she was going through it and she had a that was it that was like the worst of it you're not until later on it was only falling off a cliff 194 spective what else you got for us I mean almost all of the other things I found or just this movie was a disaster and a curse but he dies and that's like kind of part of the plot to like it does feel curse I want to hear from Rick a little bit about like so obviously this movie listener is meant most of you probably already know can you probably participated in the poll we almost just went with the crow cuz Rick when we first were talking about this an email when I first talked to you about it just in text before it even did a group email you're like do you want to do is obviously this movie has a special place in Europe tell me about that so when I had watch the movie I rented it from a VHS store that what does local video shop and I washed it and I instantly fell in love with it I called my friend over him and I watched it called my girlfriend and and his girlfriend over then has watched it we watch it again the weekend after yeah but that was all the same day and it was the music that really got me about the soundtrack and then High School as the crow when I would go for Halloween it started one year for Halloween and I dressed up like the crow like Halloween right after and then audio Valentine's Day at our high school people were supposed to wear a mask and I didn't have anything so I just put on micro makeup and you know went as the crow again on Valentine's Day I gave up Black Roses to girls that I had crushes on like and it sort of started from there where every year on Halloween or IG on October 30th audio I watch The Crow with several people and we would just watch this every October 30th I actually met that I fell out of watching The Crow maybe almost like 7/8 years ago on Halloween has been awhile since I've watched this I used to be able to quote it by the lines I used to like I got super I have an original James o'barr signed by him so this was like a major part of my fandom and I've really gotten into a lot of music Acro because the band you might like The Thrill Kill Kult The Cure Nine Inch Nails you know led the bands that are featured in The Crow the soundtrack was like a gateway into larger Industrial and other types of music Suburban kid Chicagoland area this movie was like absolutely something I can latch onto it got to the point where I remember that even in high school Columbine massacre happened high schools went on a backlash against anybody who was a Marilyn Manson fan or anybody who like the crow because they thought that you know we were going to the next people to be involved in audio so when you think about movies and whether or not they hold up over what time 20-year. movies plot line I'm so does that still hold up after all this time so much has changed in the past 7 years even I'm curious to take re-watch with some other experts like yourselves. I am curious to see your reaction 13-14 year-old pasty kid that really hated the massive ball of nuclear fire in the sky this movie was identity I feel like I knew a lot of goth kids in high school Who Loved this movie and it's weird that I also an X goth kid did not see this movie I don't know how I missed it because I definitely hung out with people who loved it I know how I missed it it was because they're there were scarier VHS covers at the rental store for our younger listeners I feel like we should just throwing hate Mysteries fbhs is like this big block E flat big rectangle audio try to explain Tik Tok to you if you would understand that it doesn't matter anymore audio I already don't understand it's okay audio no but that that's great right as far as like that is kind of like candidate for the show in the concept of the show is you haven't seen in awhile you know when if you're wondering how it's going to hold up it's funny you say that in the last 7 years we've we've seen that Amazon again how much how far we've come just in the last decade RR before that we just recorded was a show that exactly Turner movie that turn 10 exactly Scott Pilgrim versus the world and even that there were some things that we were I'm the only one here who has seen it before it's been a very long time and I definitely have not seen it as much as you've seen it I think it's going to be good overall ocity Roketa cuz you would love it kind of a audio we go into this wanting to like like we go into this is not a we're going to tear movies down we're going to go over way that we approach this we want to like this movie we want to have a good time enjoying it problematic we're going to call it the f*** out the other movie in the polls were the Devil's Advocate which I know does not hold up that one one just so that we could see how much does not hold up because I like I don't think I want to watch repo the Genetic Opera is another one that's just crazy and you either like heated or and there'd I haven't found people better than the ground that world okay audio Dole Whip and Reeves another podcast on our Network well Maddie from goals and dreams commented that he watched it for one of his other podcast and he said it was a wild watch so I'm assuming he's in the cans of not gray no not that sounds like it's a great if you wild is a compliment considering the movie it sounds like it's maybe got the the cult following that like Heathers has cuz that's kind of is a crowd of people who really love Heather's and really really hate others and our show is on the on the dislikes audio I mean hopefully it's not but like like Heathers it was one of those situations where most most of us hadn't seen it so we didn't have any like Nostalgia connected to it like I think a lot of people who love Heather's have like a deep Nostalgia connected to that movie this could be a dangerous one because like I don't have deep nostalgic connected to this movie I know nothing it will be a very honest review although the thing I'm looking forward to is I feel like a lot of the movies especially on our show that have true truly not hell. have been what comedies are like the first of bright like make racist jokes and chit like yeah yeah and so I feel like while I mean I have a nostalgic for this particular film the general at genre and style of of this movie I've seen others like it I've seen others from the same director that I enjoyed and I feel like I'm looking forward to this I think it's going to be dope I didn't know about the awesome soundtrack and that alone could make the whole movie I'm very excited about the soundtrack for sure audio I'm super excited to watch it again cuz I love all things that feel spooky and fall like endless movie is in my imagination exactly that so audio Ernie Hudson Ernie Hudson movie two people forget everybody focuses on Brandon Lee but got you okay we talked earlier about how this is the same director that did Dark City and I really like Dark City so I'm I mean everything that I said earlier but I am but it will be a net positive experiences Pat likes to say like I am excited and I think I like it because I do like all the dark and spooky and I really like the style this director has though I actually forgot about that he directed Dark City because you know remember I went I saw Dark City I love it I don't think as a kid I ever really paid attention to who was really even had famous actor I don't even think I ever knew that connection but I did love both in the end the only directors name anybody knew was like Spielberg Lucas or something and that was cuz they talked about them all the time on Animaniacs audio or Tim Burton cuz he put his name on it Tim Burton was definitely you know somebody who's watched a ton of the Animaniacs they still throw when the voice actors got together for like San Diego Comic-Con add it up Hannah we can still sing America song if I call the different countries of the world off the top of their head that right there is still audio I retweeted a video last week of the the America song all the country song with only the countries that we can still visit from the US audio expectation I think it is going to overall holdup I think there might be there's going to be some pretty Marley violence away not like to to explain anything like that if I remember it's been a very I've definitely seen this 1 time all the way through and then like one or two at a time like partially okay so my memories very very fuzzy but I know there's a reason it's like a big call calling they didn't trying to make sequels or reboot it and enjoyable experience and we can talk about like the budget or anything but like something a lot of times a budget will give you a hint as to what kind of choreography and effects you can expect so for like early 90s this had a 15 million dollar budget which is like pretty low pretty low but it's above like bottom of the barrel looks like we made eventually 50 audio so how much of that box office was people that were like that too died we have to go see this movie right Oregon or I could just been a lot of fans really just kept going to see it again and again and again of him dying in the film no and doesn't exist yeah it was apparently destroyed as part of lawsuit and Discovery they was like we'll use this settle that claim and then no one will ever see it audio for the bus Plum India all right we're going to pause the recording and going to watch The Crow and we will be back with our thoughts audio then audio audio that is very good cuz he came back and he was all dressed in black guys get it audio you are a writer I do word good as we were watching it but text me said Ash you were so right about this movie what was I right about I don't remember Nolan's Joker is 100 0nspired by this and in several seems like a direct rip-off so much yes tribute tribute shot for shot homage shirt audio audio this is the thing I was Beyonce when she started a business-like is it at a dairy where I was making French cheeses that were tributes other things like a do sculptures out of French cheese that were tribute the pop culture and the Bee homage Aldo blue cheese and then you have to sprinkle the blue cheese in your cheese with the faces of famous people audio labia so what the elephant in the room and that this movie stole a lot from Brand Game of Thrones I mean just come my way I thought you were going to say it still alive from we're Back the dinosaur movie where the crows eat the bad guy at the end totally watch that movie that moved away it's good I don't know I love her subtle bits that I wonder if not everyone knows their best for it like ashes where she says the thing stole something that is obviously I guarantee to someone that doesn't know that you know whenever you say that that's a thing like I guarantee you there's someone that doesn't know that it is like nobody's angry tweeted me yet so angry audio play Juju not invite the internet to angry tweet that a recipe for disaster then I will come for you but seriously though that scene at the end I guess it wasn't at the end but it felt like it was what at what could have been there not gangster gangsters I don't know what that what exactly they're Gray represent landlords I think his landlord was the most of any movie you saying oh my God killing tenants who were trying to build tenant groups I was talking about that scene at the end when the crow Eric The Raven walks in and at just a framing of that shot and its hole like you remember that the Joker introduction scene went through in the gangster we need a pencil disappear like shot-for-shot exactly the same until they all started shooting out he's like mannerisms yeah I will say I'll come out the gate Rick and I'll say I enjoyed this movie I got a lot of fun they're they're really much to make fun of because I thought it was pretty good ot3 like way better than I thought and like I feel like it's a movie that The Joker just cuz we were talking about it but like basically the entire opening like rooftop chase scene from The Matrix with Trinity like Felipe's rooftop chasing audio so many influential images in this movie I've seen everywhere else I'm just shocked that I've never seen this the juxtaposition of him most of the time being very like creepy and dark and angry and upset but then there's like brief moments of him being goofy which actually aren't silly they're actually make it more scary again very Joker ask right which is very serious creepy very ultraviolet situation and he has weird cookie facial expression in the room I'm glad you brought that up because there's like a literal save the cat or pet the cat moment like in the beginning when he first comes back cuz it's interesting because we don't get to see him alive at all which is an interesting choice flashback yeah yeah like we have no frame of reference of who he really was like character was before and he even says like I don't know who I am I don't know what I am like he feels kind of like half monster half human in this weird way but like in the very beginning when he first comes back it goes back to the apartment he finds his cat and he like pets the cat and like feeds the cat and everything to like make us be like okay so he is a good guy even though he is creepy the one thing that I remembered right when I saw that cat come back out and I remember thinking this one as a kid what the hell is a capon doing for the past year maybe yeah is is the crow one of the new words that we learn from our buddy case is the Crone Inca do forget what that is I would like a monster from within or monster that reflects part of our society or something like that so the thing I was reading about the guy who wrote the comic what's his first name is obar James o'barr James o'barr this comic was he wrote it in the aftermath of his wife's death she died in the car crash in the kind of wrote this is like yeah get over it basically but that the crow is supposedly from like Native American mythology and it has a lot of the same like afterlife that's very cool by the choices like the mime Cloud maker that was the mask that he was wearing when he was around with Shelly in the flashbacks and he was an actor and he was on stage musician a bunch of times but he had it there and he would often General play with it in in caught in a comic book mask that he has was actually had a little bit more significance it was like part of the gift she had one as well and they work they work out a banshee another thing I realized I'm watching this do any of you guys know then name of the head villain okay it's really funny that because I was looked I was looking at IMDb there's a lot of very recognizable faces in this and other things and yeah I saw the name is listed as like I don't think they say that one time in the movie right they never reference his name in the in the movie and I realize that I know his name but his name is top dollar he's he's he's never mentioned in there instead you have this like creepy and sexual relationship with his sister which is just creepy his name is is Davis top dollar audio Michael wincott he's also advantis world oh yeah he's in Westworld 2 audio is the Hopkins talks to in the basement I didn't I would have never known that that's right I was thinking about us thinking Waterworld he's also in a movie we've done on the show Cosmo Robinhood all right guy of Gisborne he like for the sheriff's like main Lackey amazing bone structure I want to know is that his real hair pretty sure he had like extensions in cuz you could kind of see like part of the hair sometimes you could see stopped here and then it kept going I think they put extensions in his hair I'm Googling is that Michael wincott real hair in the crow speaking of special effects though the amount of combating that is in this movie is nuts there it's and it's yeah yeah I was worried when you were saying like I was Studio bought it and then they use special effects like I could not tell you when it was a special effects Brandon Lee and when it was like I felt like it all work really well together so the thought that this is 1994 I did not have their main actor shot where he's deciding to paint his face where he smashes the mirror can you see his reflection in all of the broken pieces of the mirror audio wow what they're doing where they compete in actual footage right it's not like they made CG they didn't have that shot that was I don't think I know if it was CG I don't know how they did it but they did not have footage for that audio so another thing that I realized every watching this again and I even when I had last seen the film I the time has not gone by long enough for me to truly have an appreciation for my watched it to be able to see it again they're all taking shots and they're shooting bullets and as I've gotten older and I've had plenty of shots I realized how incredibly stupid is that that has just got to be like an awful experience he puts the cigar out on his tongue when when T-bird does it which that may be like range again but also when you think about it and I re-watch the entire movie I think the scene that I really got me the most out of all the deaths in the revenge Eric inflicts upon everybody who caused you pain it was T-Birds death that I the most satisfying weather when he's actually like quoting you know abashed the devil stood and stuff like that needs like it goes off in Ruth Harbor and explodes and there's that text the what is it that the grill oil that makes that makes the bird butt that was the most cathartic punishment although I did laugh win I did laugh again that the gruesome joke of Tintin getting stabbed with all of his organs in alphabetical order when do when the cops made me that joke but yeah cuz it's only recognizable faces T-bird Hughes I feel like he's been a scumbag in a ton of things you're his first acting credit was the actor's name is David Patrick Kelly and his very first actor key is that he's the guy from The Warriors got the bottles on his fingers Warriors come out to play is very first second credit I think you guys can do to re-watch if Warriors is weird I have I don't really talk to me about the cast beforehand or Nikon in hackers audio it's because all of the actors were like people you seen and stuff but not people who have like minion stuff if there's a difference you know like and freaking Tony Todd Candyman himself is his number one what did the the like weird sister chick like has she done anything else cuz she pretty creepy audio do you like her I got it why you looking it up Michael wincott he ad-libbed most of his line all those monologues in those evil yeah he had lived most of that but the thing says the scripture says Michael mumbles evilly audio Batman she was in crank high voltage I don't remember I didn't touch of that movie I've seen it I don't I don't think I like you I don't remember much of it other than it was crazy exactly you know it feels like extra tragedy about this movie is that such a good job oh my God he's incredible I just I feel like would I treated the pole like a couple people commented audio somebody was like you know isn't it so sad to think like what will we have today if he didn't die and it's like it was really interesting like Haven Heath Ledger they feel very similar in like God you guys are both so good and taken so early Justin credible yeah really sad and it was because the movie started and I was like is interesting but they're not really giving him a lot of lions but like every every time they gave him the opportunity speak and interact with people it was like this is like especially for like the kind of movie and like budget movie the physics like this is next level like next level acting in a movie you can call for it but you're doing it but but one of the other things the way the movie opens normally lot of movies open with your Heroes and they're doing their thing and you get to learn about the character's backstory and stuff to this point you really don't actually see Eric really in full mode until he actually is killing Tintin which is about half hour and in 30 minutes into the the movie and that's the first time he's really actually f*** you as a character and so that's a long time for a main characters lead in it's more World setting audio so which like spending time like investing in likes the girl what's that's where this goes is that the protagonist of this tale is arguably not necessarily Eric Draven it is actually yeah right beat because she also in the sequel she's like the main character interesting yeah totally and that's something I feel like that's uninteresting comicbookmovie because I can't remember exactly which ones but there's been a couple of comic book movies I've seen character more like 20 minutes it and then the main character shows up and it's like oh interesting what an interesting way to break from the stereotypical hero's journey you know like the hero's journey would have been like the first person we see is the main character you know of your talk with somebody that's going to give you some Supernatural things experiences painted hell before he crawls back out and that's his journey back home with all of the Cycles with with Eric Drake but they don't they just cut right to all right like these b****** go right to that point of he's going there and I also you know like Outrigger on the rewatch I loved that she went after Gideon's pawn shop and was like no each one of these things is a life year it wasn't just getting people that were directly responsible ended up going after all of the evil landlords the entire corrupt Society that was that was around I think the movie setting obviously is far darker than the 90s I remember but you know audio Brett I'm really surprised I'm just going to jump to it that we've gone this far and you have not one of your classes Graves the the everything is trash oh yeah 80s early 90s aesthetic where everything looks like in the background and everything is dirty and it's like that original Ninja Turtles and Demolition Man and and I noticed that cops like apartment Play Just Like thrush on the couch like why why is there like there was like a trombone and like a basketball just on his couch and I was like why he didn't have any oh yeah and there's also no internet so you got a job well I did notice the ton of trash in this movie I actually felt a little different from the standard everything is trash world I was like this is a world filled with trash but I think it's believable trash like Peppa Pig movies club with trash they actually got they had the security guard had the atomic nuclear waste and they're just like waste and trash on them there's As a detail I noticed that stuff around I feel like it was more industrial though right like it wasn't just trash it was like Industrial broken down lyrics like motivation for the trash I guess yeah I know you're out in the desert and there's piles of trash everywhere like how did they even get there like what what are you doing but this is just like no this is like there's the trash was usually located or or adjacent to or inside of hamsters like there an alley and there's just a dumpster and I'm trash everywhere audio Ivan Ivan downtown there's trash on the grill I would like to write a movie it just points out all these grapes that we all have about stereotype just got to find b a hundred evil Overlord list that's out there on the internet and then just make a movie down from the line of hundred evil overlords what about music I wish we could have I mean we did get to see him play the electric guitar a little bit but like I was I was kind of and we did she I mean we did share his band on the album or like I was like I wish we could have heard like seeing him on stage with the band like playing song Maybe in a flashback or something especially cuz I noticed that T-bird Taps on his wristbands photo what he's walking Darla's mom is is at like or not when he's walking into the nightclub or top dollars at dreamers band had played there right what's really interesting about the music choices it in the movie and how they used it as part of the soundtrack all the songs we're awesome all of awesome songs none of them were background music it was always the music that the villains were choosing to listen to like it was it was their choice for filling its music was it was it was always setting based except for the Nine Inch Nails in the key or which were kind of always around yeah just hanging out they're always around most most of the other music choices where motivated by the scene in life Thor in the club itself for where I first heard a Stone Temple Pilots oh yeah that was the first move is Amber Heard A Stone Temple Pilots and I mean I knew of the Cure Four Hands and I really listen to Nine Inch Nails I think I started listening to the much more after this movie Stone Temple Pilots and my life with The Thrill Kill Kult Tour bands that I grown to love afterwards after I heard them and bought the soundtrack for this one mileiq and I know that like you noticed but I was a kid right I was a kid playing Turtles and then I saw this movie and I was like I really like this this explains movie that I like yeah I don't know I just kind of went from there the closest mini-golf I ever got was having Rafael be my favorite to the movie I was all about. no guys they spell it out for you in the theme song Raphael is cool they just they say he's cool like a hyena audio kidpass just are ready to take their word for it yep audio is tough guy attitude have a question for people who maybe remember the 90s better than I do was terrible lip liner just like a thing cuz everyone's lip liner in this movie is crazy I had no idea how to put on my lip liner I mean even though I was doing Rocky Horror Picture Show's and things like that every time I wore recliner and or even lipstick I was always messing that up. So I did notice that when we first meet filings character she's getting out of the shower but she has a full face of makeup on her hair is still damp from the shower yes that's waterproof makeup baby ridiculous could have been on before and she just didn't wash your face look they were doing as we talked about earlier on get this movie featured the set workers were doing a lot of cocaine the two main villains were doing mountains of Scarface level cocaine left his sash is excessive the fake one or my actual stuff love it that wasn't planned after the fact there's like yeah we meant to do that disgrace I love the idea of like the director being like cool cool cool Michael Stokes you know your lines and everything for the same he's like yeah totally got him and then he just does whatever he wants and directors like okay or there's literally like a hundred thirty-seven hours of footage on The Cutting Room floor monologuing for hours on end audio do you think I want to know like in the lore of The Crow is the crow the bird cronut Eric as the crow is the crow no it's mortal and its mortality is tied to the human Crow I don't know because at the Kronos The Crow needs to do a better job of getting the travelaway not really they're in there go get them human version going to hang back here cuz I'm listening is keeping us both alive in the comic books the the crow itself is is weakness of of these diffusers multiple comics and there's multiple movies as well it's always the same weakness the eyes feel the power there is there is some of this right it's a collection of random occult Legends you know some of them come back to Arrow the crow used to American said that's and others times it's just sort of used Urban folklore that has brought things together in the game that came out right around this time or shortly afterwards they actually have the they have the race you play person who's dead can you can come back to life body of somebody else you have the ability to kill yourself The Crow and the the actual animal companions get when you come back out is a part of your own soul I just like the dark or more like vengeful half and so what you don't know what you would you are unaware of even the other part of you is also unaware so in this sent the crow isn't aware it can be shot killed stole because it's basic that's that's guiding that part of your soul back is once your task is done and your Pathos and angst has is resolved go into the light rest what happens at the end of the Moon yeah I left the shots like how they portrayed that he could see through the Crow's eyes like with all the close-ups of The Crow and I'm like heavily the croat than his eye and then the heavily like stylized provision the powers that wrote that he has apparently find some really nice boots because like that wasn't like it was a crow who found the boots that was the crow who let him home apparently though other powers that aren't really reference and everybody know so he can heal and he just kind of keeps keeps going the other subtle Powers is one DVD to vanish Into Thin Air that he does yeah it's gone and I always wondered like even when I was a kid watching this post what happens there and then obviously the other one he does work he reverses the heroin audio other powers that I wonder if he didn't get defeated or if is Quest never came to an end what kind of superhero he would have developed into totally clearly in The Punisher anti-heroes that are going to go out inflict Vengeance rather than or just as it were and but his other powers that he has I would have been curious to see you how far they would have gone if you best super sick guitar shredding at the power in and of itself is a bar to clear or is it well or is he a warlock he has the familiar multi-class audio the bardlock I hate to bring it up because it is a sore spot in our history but this movie was like the correct version of the revenge like guy going after the bad guy version Boondock Saints messed up horribly this I was like yes this is what I want you know like she has great motivation all of the people you know in even even with the pawn store guy the pawn store you know I was a little on the fence but then he was like each of these or someone's life that you ruined and I was like okay alright I'm okay after top-dollar reveals that hey I got a awesome wall filled with a bunch of swords for some reason audio Katana yes but yeah so he doesn't you let them go audio destroys his plays blow up the building with him in it I think he was intended know that back door was open yeah okay so that stunts was that they used a lot of Miniatures in this movie and I couldn't tell from how quick that shot was on screen that explosion went around the actor who was there sha tin Mini or what did they do I kind of want to go back and Rewind and check out again cuz I what was watching nothing just explain the background audio will the early on in the very beginning with the buildings that are on fire that's all like a compositing as well so like they did some really positiveness movie I wonder if it's just a composite that wouldn't look like it but the other ones definitely if you don't know half these technical filmmaking terms okay but I I totally understand every word that you had said 100 I'm fine I'm just tired audio this show is three people with back on the professional filmmaking audio you made a short film now yeah well processor go in the oven it's going to be gorgeous the number of miniature sets that they zoomed through basically every wide shot of the city was actually just a miniature it was it was really cool I like audio aerial aerial shots and all that stuff between audio yeah they were all Miniatures which is I don't know being in the at the stop Mo space that we're in trying to build sets and stuff it's like looking at the whole city like that if it's cool and I never liked the only way you can get the amount of shots that they got in the scale of the shots they got on the budget they had I like the dark city to write I like the creepy creepy what is it creepy whimsical Bible the city of those and I like you know if you just went a little more fantastical f****** Jack Skellington appear in one of those rooftops and start singing in your lab I got no time very like it was it was almost like a grounded is a grounded burton-esque picture of the Fantastic more like Batman Tim Burton yeah yeah but the first Batman Hennessy shots that transition from like huge miniature wide shots into live action like there's a few at the graveyard where at their panties down it's like this is not the real thing and then as a pan in I love the way they cut it made it look like they were assuming into a a person but it was like it was the miniatures technical end of this is more clever than it looks totally yes it makes total sense snowing now it's like oats the same director as dark city cuz like it just gives total dark study Vibes and it also kind of gave I mean it's not quite pretty lighting wise as Blade Runner but it gave me kind of Blade Runner Vibes with some of the shots and composition and a little bit of the lighting you know I mean Blade Runner is like really playing and painting with light but but this they were elements of it there for sure the movie also maybe really want a Chicago-style hot dog. no no no Chicago get out of here audio eco4life like Chicago I know I can so jelly style hot dog audio yeah he takes on he hasn't put the ketchup and then he wants the mustard on the bun first and you loads about the onions but it's Chicago-style hot dog is mustard relish sport peppers with pickle peppers crunchy spicy banana peppers but not too spicy is like a serrano or jalapeno pepperoncini pepperoncini the diced tomatoes onions Dyson mustard diced tomatoes diced onions sphere I was going to say. if you ever order a Vegetarian Chicago Googled it this looks incredible Bagelicious they're like local local local spots that people are like this is fine for an easy accessible Portillo's is phenomenal the huge chain now but they still in your mouth it takes I believe trying real hard get it out of here that's an inappropriate pinata yah Portillo's is amazing is it a bite who are watching outside of Mickey's when she and also I loved just catching up on how many times Sarah got yelled at for skating in the street because every time there's always some background car that's screaming at her to get out of the street or like honking their horns that cheese she's there I was just something I picked up on this one too I thought you looked very familiar that actress and then she's not. or 5 IMDb credits and she's she did nothing after this until 09 audio she's filming something right now called revenge of the devil bat audio it's listed as film I mean yeah I know that sounds like the name of a movie I would say at the end of the show she's like way ahead of her time with her like half shaved head hairstyle Sam pretty much has a haircut right now undercut was a little lower my goes higher up good summer haircut too bad it's always raining in their town what is one of the things I like about this movie and also dark city and I haven't seen any of it distractors other if you can see use on the trend I kind of want to check them out the in a world where Saturday time exist that we don't need to see it that's true to be fair to dark city literally they live gelato Portland now that you guys have seen this one you can go watch The Crow City of lost angels and see Iggy Pop in all of his weirdness and you can follow the story of Sarah as another tragedy happens in her life and another audio audio gets gets brought back in and more revenge's ishrat and then there's the other sequels that come audio this director did I Robot audio yeah I just looked it up audio the Will Smith join and also the knowing Nick Cage like knows the future but only a few seconds ahead of time audio I have that power like it's like dodged a bullet like you know someone is trying to snipe them from a far away and he like I've actually not seen the whole movie of seem like yeah it just sounds like you'd have to go out of your way to write a plot where it made it look like not just paying attention audio play with it yeah man no it's happening couldn't drive with the light turns green yeah I mean come on do you file for us audio I have watched every very very painful the second one I was definitely like and then I watch the third one late years later and I went back and re-watch the second one another like man the second one is so much cooler if you did not tell us there was a Canadian TV show of this Pro yeah bro I watch that 22222 episodes is Canadian so it's audio mark dacascos you reckon that you'll recognize them if you Google Mark dacascos you'll recognize cats talking about instead of just giving him a blank stare like we're all doing right now why you in the amazing Street Fighter movie Jean-Claude Van Damme always in John Wick 3 yeah he's like the guy who's like super 73 music of John Wick fanboys now you got me thinking about Street Fighter that movie so dumb good I like that one of the worst Barber I like that one I like the Super Mario Brothers 2 talk about Coke apparently jcvd was very very writing very high for that movie audio audio is such a weird we should do that movie cuz if there's a there's a lot of crazy lure and stuff and it's like the final performance of Raul Julia interesting that guy would just look like he was having so much fun in that movie I know we're not doing a show on that movie yet but Street Fighter so should we do 5 John Claude Van Damme Scooby-Doo final thoughts for real yes about the movie Dark do we start with the person who stood at the most the parts or people have never in the middle cuz I've seen it before what will Rick do you want to go first or last we'll leave the people who haven't seen we haven't seen it there thoughts for last cuz my thoughts are I still found that I didn't I guess this this time around or there was parts of the movie that I was like when he's complete mind blank rewind in my own head Casino opening scene where Sarah is there Derek is dead and the cop looks at our goes out it's okay and I'm like the houses birdied the two people who take care of your dad and I actually fell for her this is all bad because I know what's coming but rewatching a movie again and again and again you're always looking for new things to look out for to catch so I find myself appreciating especially since it's been such a long time since I've seen it things that I loved like I'm getting revenge on each of the people clever unique ways and having fun while doing so and I definitely got recalled up in the story of the killing of T-bird cuz I finally felt that was definitely hearing all of the stuff about the filming though I even I didn't know some of the things that you guys had mentioned at the start definitely had me looking in wondering that how do they actually put all this together so I thought it was really good is very impressive they got this out of audio nightmare yeah it was the medium who has seen it before audio I liked it was fun enjoyable good I like how fast it was like a lot of times in the super movie in the beginning they would have they would burn 15-20 minutes of him being all whiny and emo totally actually doing something about it but he's like these guys I'm back I'm back for reasons other reasons I do it and then it's so I like that it's I like make the character more endearing to audio yeah super fun it was surprisingly good and like surprisingly not a lot of stuff that was like cringey dated like the few things but not anything nearly as bad as we come across in the past which is like you know early 90s goth Stone to like plot and style both could have been like yeah and then the music was great it had just like excellently crafted mood like the whole film was kind of just like all circling backed this like cool dark booty story and everything that they shot and like every angle and every set piece and it really showed and it was I also really like this movie have call out against all the Goths I knew growing up most of them anyway everybody I knew and this is the effect they were inspired to be God's by this movie it was so anti-smoking how many cigarettes and cigars out of people's mouths music smoking's bad and everyone's like smoking is terrible that was the only message of this movie audio but isn't it funny when the dead got the dead guy tells you smoking will kill you is not a fun audio no I I was super into this not at the beginning was slow but like the plot took a minute to show up and then it was just like so awesome for the rest of the time all of it was necessary and interesting backstory and you know all the way up through his interpretive dance of death memory but there's some unexpectedly like powerful scenes in this one that I caught me totally off-guard was the the breakfast scene oh yeah with Darla's mom where is like one of the saddest scenes I've ever seen shot in this movie and it's going to be gone and it has no bearing on the rest of it but it's like and I wasn't expecting to see anything like that in this movie so just on that alone where they can pull they pulled a lot of debts out of I mean yeah characters they didn't even need the flash out they totally not working and then they didn't waste time on the Wednesday didn't need to I feel like I could keep talking about this for a while because it was I love death memories first album audio I'm glad you brought up the breakfast thing though because like this movie is like I think like what you're saying it's like to a level of goodness that I wasn't expecting movie like this and I don't know why I guess just because I thought it was so stylized Gothic that it was going to didn't think it was going to have this much debt and even like sophistication in the actual filmmaking style and imagery and and all that and and it totally does but that breakfast scene is so great too because I don't know if you've noticed but both characters are in separate shots until the very end when the girl says I like them over easy when she stops her and then for the first time in the scene are both in the same frame storytelling elements through shot selection in this film is really good nn way better than I expected I think so I really enjoyed it and I thought I thought it was really great and then on top of that like Brandon Lee is just like you can't stop watching him he's so interested on-screen and like facial expressions and just his mannerisms in the way he moves and everything like it's just a shame that we don't have that many movies with him in it because like he's incredible and I just he's so badass like you're just you just want to see him murder these definitely so I enjoyed it it was very fun bums that like there's more but play he's not in them you know what I mean cuz I feel like he's the thing that makes it so great I get the feeling at I mean you've seen them all Rick I get to arguing about that where they go wrong is they took all of the things surface-level cool from these movies and continued on with them and left the heart they keep they keep all of these style or try to even app the style up of let's go little bit more Neon no. Let's let's take the world and make the world even stranger around them so they take all of the style aspects they keep the idea of hey we're going to use you know cool music and things like that take a pic of that way but the actual story of having add that the officer officer albrecht's Sarah and Eric their dynamic in this movie isn't as powerful or is real any of the other sure the villains can be just as terrible in just as worthy of being killed but without Tweed the actors that brought them to life the other movies just did really get the same and then and then some of them it just is what it is like the plots just don't work or they you don't really know what's happening in space it's sometimes out of left what is always funny at the least it's always worth a lot well I'm glad we got this one even if there weren't any actual crows in the movie weather radar well that's cuz he was The Raven yeah Eric The Raven and he quotes The Raven to the shopkeeper interplanet joke brick what do you want the audience to know what you remind them you think this audience should know or do maybe right now they haven't already done it which they told her she is call me it's impossible but they should check out that Kickstarter that's currently going on right now because it combines awesome music and metal and warlock like that cam a stupid amount of work into it so yes and put them go check it out listen to the music to awesome artwork words that it's our first major headline project so congratulations and that's at the red will be a link in the show notes audio Kickback reasons come on audio thank you guys for for having me on actually watched this like movie that I love so much and it was awesome hearing all of the film a legend theories that you brought honestly ask the last thing you mentioned breakfast scene I would have never known about that audio that was really cool so thank you guys so much for having me come with you guys and watch this movie that I freaking love that was one of the most like universally positive like reviews we had in a long time thank you for doing that it's like the boobies it's more fun for us when they're enjoyable to watch that I don't believe in you know we called things out and so much I'm like 99 audio 10 years ago has some something like racist or homophobic or misogynistic in it and it's like important to talk about that stuff but also audio because we love these love movies we love storytelling and we want them to be better it is rare that we find one that doesn't have like I said though this is a bit of a 2020 movie of a bunch of landlords trying to get out bully their tenants yeah yeah literally just for the 2022 me back really quick but I just happened to stumble upon IMDb August 11th of 2020 Brandon Lee's costume from the crow sold at auction for $25,000 like a couple of days ago 10000 more than the entire films budget audio a million sorry the actress that played the skater girl is a like selling or auctioning off all of her movie memorabilia audio she was a skater girl see you later okay audio if you will like this podcast you can follow us on Twitter where we do fun stuff alike movie pools where you can pick the movie or if we don't do that then I do fun things where I screenshot the movie and put it on Twitter so you guys can guess what movie We're watching make sure you follow us to see more of that we're at let's re-watch on Twitter yeah so please give us a five star review on Google podcast Apple podcast or Spotify and tell your friends we need more listeners and thank you to all the newest nurse I know we have a few welcome I knew buddies and then Pat say something about cpov and like reignite Andover certain is the podcast Network we are apart of go to work Discord and just come talk to us you got channels for all the shows is a bajillion optimal with amazing people like screen snark like robcast like circle of friendship real movie critic first ascending idolben dreams be like Disney stuff Man of Steel if you like Superman Star Wars audio go to the certainty of check out the shows cuz they're all hosted by literally truly delightful sweet talent that human beings I guarantee you there's a show the old like there it's a very eclectic and uni how to get a show I sent you the let your right and you get to skip the line tho open the Velvet Rope for you and let you write in Network make sure you join us next time when we watch fantastic spooky Halloween movie pardon me but your teeth are in my neck